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Everything posted by Geist
[I]Iron chained his scooter to the fence at the ACDC school. He hated riding in a car with his bodyguards, so he had gone out the window to avoid them. He walked into the classroom and saw his friend, Yukio Tanaka. He walked over and sat down next to him.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "Hey, Yukio! How's it going?"[/COLOR] [I]Yukio looked over at Iron.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Yukio:[/B] "Oh, hey Iron. I've been doing pretty good. So what have you been doing?"[/COLOR] [I]Iron folded his arms.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "Well, I'm starting up my own group of netbattlers, called 'Deep Blue'. I've already bought the building, equipment, and I had the logo designed."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Yukio:[/B] "Sounds cool. But why the name, 'Deep Blue'? What does it mean?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "I don't know exactly what it means, I think it might have been the first computer or something. I just thought it sounded cool."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Yukio:[/B] "Oh, okay. So how many members do you have?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "Not very many at all yet, I'm going to get my Alicense so I can go to Yumland and recruit some foreign netbattlers. You should join too, it doesn't matter what license you have."[/COLOR] [I]Yukio sighed.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Yukio:[/B] "I would but my navi got deleted. I need to get a custom one."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "I'm sorry to hear that...where are you going to get another one?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Yukio:[/B] "I'm not sure. I'll probably try to get someone to post a message at the square for me."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "Hey, I can have Magnetman post a message for you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Yukio:[/B] "You will? Thanks, Iron. But wait, wasn't Magnetman banned from the net?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "No, he wasn't. The officials realized that it wasn't really his fault as much as it was my grandfather's."[/COLOR] [I]The school bell rang and the teacher walked up to her desk.[/I] [B]Teacher:[/B] "Quiet please. If everyone is ready we will now start the 'virus busting' lesson." [I]The teacher looked around at the students and noticed an empty desk.[/I] [B]Teacher:[/B] "Where's Nick? Does anyone know where Nick is?" [I]A boy raised his hand.[/I] [B]Teacher:[/B] "Yes, Hideki?" [B]Hideki:[/B] "Ms. Mari, maybe he disappeared like all of those other people?" [I]The teacher shook her head.[/I] [B]Ms. Mari:[/B] "No, I'm sure he's fine. Lets get on with virus busting. We'll just cover the basics today, everyone jack in." [I]Ms. Mari and the students jacked in their navis.[/I] [B]Teacher's Navi:[/B] "I'm loading up the mettaur data. I'll explain as you start. First, you have to send a chip to your navi. You can send more than one chip if it's the same kind or it has the same chip code. You'll see an example of chip code in the next test." [I]All of the students defeated the virii[/I] [B]Teacher's Navi:[/B] "Very good, class. Now you will probably notice that not all of your chips are weapons. You now have an 'AreaGrab' chip. It has the same code as the WideSword. WideSword is a limited range attack, but if you use AreaGrab first, you will steal a column from the enemy, giving you four columns and allowing you to get closer. After you have killed the first 2 mettaurs, you will notice that there is one more at the very back. Dodge and use your buster to attack this one, until your custom meter fills up and you can choose new chips. If you do not have the chips you want, select as many as possible and choose 'add'. You will get more chips next turn." [I]Soon, class was over and the students started talking to each other.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iron:[/B] "Come by my house later, Yukio and I'll show you the building and the Square that I bought for Deep Blue."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Yukio:[/B] "Okay."[/COLOR]
You should be able to use those chips, DBZman. I was going to have a strong netbattler anyways, (think of Chaud.) Ryo, are you going to use that shotgun as a buster? If so, then I think I'll make it that everyone has a unique buster. But [I]all of them[/I] will be able to do 5 damage at the start; if you want to do more damage than that, you can find or buy an upgrade. (For anyone who hasn't played the game, a buster is your basic weapon. You can use it without a battlechip. I'll explain about battling once we start.) I'm going to start up the game now, look for it in the Adventure Arena. Anyone who wants to join, still can. Just put up your profile. Here's 2 more things you might want to know before you start. 1. Megaman is open, so if anyone wants to change their navi, just make the changes in your post. 2a. Here is a link to a chip page. (It's not perfect, it doesn't show the damage and some of them have the Japanese names.) [URL=http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~mmm/spritesinc/exe2cards.shtml]Chip pictures[/URL] 2b. And here is a text list of the chips. (I'm not sure if this matches exactly with the link above. I didn't make this myself, I copied it from a MMBN2 chip guide from gamefaqs.com) [URL=http://www.geocities.com/bluefactor72/chips1.txt]chip list (text)[/URL]
[B]Megaman Battle Network: Integration.EXE[/B] [I]6 months after the defeat of Gospel, there have been many disappearances all around the world. It first started in Kotobuki, and then it spreaded to various places in Electopia, Netopia, and Yumland too. Police and detectives are puzzled at what could be the cause of it all; the only connection between the strange occurrences is that the victims have always left their PETs behind them, jacked into an electronic device. Some say it's the return of Gospel, others say it's the WWW, but no one has any evidence to back up either rumor. Whether it is navi or man pulling the strings, one thing is for certain; you could be next...Or will you get them before they get you? (I'll try to get the original backstory also, in case anybody needs it.)[/I] Here's how you need to set up your profile. Name: Your character's name. Humans only. Age: Navi: Choose one from the list below, or make your own. (No super powerful navis. Your navi is as strong as the chips it carries, so it doesn't use it's unique attacks. Later you can get HPmemory.) Description: Describe your character. Bio: Your character's background. (If you need an example profile, look near the bottom of this post for my own. Also, everyone will start off with a Blicense. Even Lan and Chaud.) [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/airexesheet.gif] Airman[/URL] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/bombexesheet.gif]Bombman[/URL] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/coloredexesheet.gif]Coloredman[/URL] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/cutexesheet.gif]Cutman[/URL] - Misai - NPC ([B]N[/B]on [B]P[/B]layer [B]C[/B]haracter) [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/elecexesheet.gif]Elecman[/URL] - Zappy - NPC [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/fireexesheet.gif]Fireman[/URL] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/freezeexesheet.gif]Freezeman[/URL] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/gateexesheet.gif]Gateman[/URL] - Sasuke - Rokuki[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/glideexesheet.gif] Glide[/URL] (If you use this navi, you can either be Yai or your own character.) [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/gutsexe1sheet.gif]Gutsman[/URL] (If you use this navi, you can either be Dex or your own character.)[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/heatexesheet.gif] Heatman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/iceexesheet.gif] Iceman[/URL] - Kly - NPC[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/knightexesheet.gif] Knightman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/magicexesheet.gif] Magicman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/magnetexesheet.gif] Magnetman[/URL] - Icon - Me[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/mmexeoversheet.gif] Megaman[/URL] - Lan - Domon[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/napalmexesheet.gif] Napalmman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/numberexesheet.gif] Numberman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/pharaohexe1sheet.gif] Pharaohman[/URL] Phoenix - Aerow - Dark_apocalyps[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/protoexesheet.gif] Protoman[/URL] - Jet - Zerosaber007[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/quickexesheet.gif] Quickman[/URL] Rampage - Shane - Dragonballzman[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/rollexesheet.gif] Roll[/URL] - Misao - ChibiTrunks Ryo - Geoff - Ryo the Tamer[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/shadowexesheet.gif] Shadowman[/URL] - Kenji - Kenji[URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/sharkexesheet.gif] Sharkman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/skullexesheet.gif] Skullman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/snakeexesheet.gif] Snakeman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/stoneexesheet.gif] Stoneman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/thunderexesheet.gif] Thunderman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/toadexesheet.gif] Toadman[/URL][URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/woodexesheet.gif] Woodman[/URL] (If someone's name is by a navi, that means it belongs to them. Please choose a navi that has not been chosen already.) To use your navi for battling or just searching a computer, you have to jack your PET into an electronic device with a jack-in port. Almost all machines have jack-in ports. And if you want to connect to the net, just jack into something eith a net connection. You can also use your PET to check your e-mail, talk to your navi, and you can use it like a cell phone. I'll explain about battling once we start. [COLOR=blue]My character: [B]Made changes to my character.[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Iron Gauss [B]Age:[/B] 11 [B]Navi:[/B] Magnetman [B]Description:[/B] Purple, spikey hair. Green eyes, (like his mom.) Black jeans. Red backpack. Long-sleeved black shirt, with red rings at the end of the sleeves and a design of a large, red horseshoe magnet on the front. Blue sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Born into a wealthy family, his grandfather was the original owner of Magnetman. Icon's parents were some of the programmers who helped build the navi, Megaman.exe. The WWW murdered them after they refused to give them the code for reverse-engineering Megaman. Icon now lives by himself, in his parent's house. He has a Zlicense and is trying to start up his own group of net battlers.[/COLOR] (If you have any questions about the RPG, send me a private message.)
[I]Iitashi opened the letter that had just been handed to him, it had no return address. The letter read:[/I] [SIZE=1]Dear son, it's strange calling you son, I wanted to let you know that I am out early from my "home away from home" and that I'll be coming to see you. We will have a nice family reunion. P.S. make sure your S.Y.F. friends stay out of it.[/SIZE] [I]Iitashi stashed away the letter, he would talk to the commander later[/I]
[I]Iitashi sat on the cold, desert sands; deep in thought. [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Why...? Why do I always have to hurt everyone I come in contact with? I was only born because my mother was attacked, and it was my fault that she's in the hospital now...I've only said a few words to that other sniper but now I've seemed to hurt him too...I guess this is the life of an assassin."[/COLOR][/I] [I]Iitashi looked at the smoking building, and at all of his other teammates.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "When are we leaving, and what are we waiting for?"[/COLOR] He asked to no one in particular.
[COLOR=blue]OOC: Sorry guys that I've been gone so long, I think I might be able to add something to the story soon though.[/COLOR] [I]Fifteen minutes later, the plane arrived. They loaded up the remaining hummer and hopped in. Iitashi walked over to Ryan who was holding his sniper rifle, with a dissapointed look on his face.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "I didn't get to use mine either. But don't worry, we will be able to soon."[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi walked back to his seat and checked his sniper rifle.[/I]
[I]Iitashi was bored out of his mind. He decided to get out his PDA and check if any of his friends were online. He opened up his messenger and saw that none of his buddies were on. Then, when he was about to turn it off, Eriko312 signed on.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Eriko312:[/B] "Hi honey."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi A.I.:[/B] "Mom? I didn't expect to see you on here, are you feeling any better?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Eriko312:[/B] "Yeah, a little better. Not enough to get out of the hospital yet though. Anyways, I just wanted to wish you good luck on your big day, I can't believe you're already on your first mission!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi A.I.:[/B] "Yeah, I'm pretty excited as well. I hope I do well."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Eriko312:[/B] "Don't worry, I know you will. Oops! I've got to go son, the doctor is here."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi A.I:[/B] "Alright mom, bye."[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi logged off after his mom and shut down his PDA. [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Now what am I going to do?"[/COLOR] He thought.[/I]
[I]Iitashi walked in late, he had heard everything through his headset.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "I'll be on the team to find the base. How much resistance are we going to be facing?"[/COLOR] [I]Adam shook his head.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Adam:[/B] "We don't know exactly."[/COLOR]
"You usually don't want to use the word, 'slimey', in a Japanese restaurant." -What I said after my dad was complaining about the chicken teriyaki.
I would be pretty scared too, if I were you Shy. I hope you, and everyone else around the fire comes out okay. (And not well done...Sorry, bad joke.) The only experience I've had with fire was small and sort of funny. On New Year's Eve, a couple of my friends shot a bottle rocket down a sewer grate. Soon after, flames started shooting up!:laugh:...I guess you'd have to have been there...
I've also seen a lot of rumors about this, but I've talked with the guy who made the website, (not in real life of course,) and he says it is probably a manga sequel and not an anime. Of course I could be screwing up a lot of what he actually told me, I've got some sources I can check if you want me to.
[COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Alright...I think I've got a clear shot..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rae:[/B] "Don't kill him! Just keep me covered!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Why?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rae:[/B] "Because this is Niomi's brother, she wants him alive."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Alright. Whatever you say..."[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi fired a few more shots above his target.[/I]
[I]Iitashi walked along the hallway, hoping he could find someone to tell him more about the mission.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "I wonder where everyone is? They all must be busy..."[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi stopped, he had heard a gunshot coming from outside.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "A gunshot...but why only one? Did the person hit their target on the first shot, are they out of ammo or was it just a warning shot?"[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi pulled out his H&K.[/I] [COLOR=blue]"I guess I'll have to find out..."[/COLOR]
[I]Iitashi hurried over to HQ, he was late. His mother had been shot a few times, so he went to the hospital to see if she was okay. 'Nothing she couldn't handle', she had said. After a short ride, Iitashi parked his motorcycle and ran to the door and slid his clearance card, put his left thumb on the pad, and spoke his name for the voice recognition system.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Iitashi Tamura."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Computer:[/B] "Access granted."[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi ran inside to the commander's office and knocked on the door.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Commander:[/B] "Come in."[/COLOR] Iitashi opened the door, bowed and sat down. [COLOR=red][B]Commander:[/B] "Ah, Iitashi. I heard what happened to Eriko, you have my condolences."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Thank you commander." [/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Commander:[/B] "Your debriefing files are in your room. After you read them, try to get to know your fellow team mates if you can."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Iitashi:[/B] "Yes sir, goodbye sir."[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi bowed and walked out of the door, and to his room to look through his files.[/I]
That's because it's on the back of the DVDs. I've heard Spike's before also, but I'm not sure which one it could be; I'll check it later. I would've guessed it was this one. [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/Eye05_2.jpg]My Guess[/URL]
[I]After english class, Iitashi walked up to his friend who had helped him reduce his accent.[/I] [COLOR=red]Jack: Hey Iitashi, how's everything going?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Iitashi: I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. And Jack...?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jack: Yeah?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Iitashi What's the story on that Liam guy? He just drove away and school isn't even out yet; can he do that?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jack: I'm not sure. Most kids that don't know him try to avoid him, they've heard stories...[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Iitashi: What kind of stories?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jack: I don't know exactly, something about what happened to him a year ago...[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi wasn't paying attention to his friend, he was staring at a student who was walking along the second story pathway.[/I] [COLOR=red]Jack: Hey Iitashi, what's wrong?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Iitashi: Hold on, I'll be right back.[/COLOR] [I]Iitashi ran inside the school building.[/I] [COLOR=red]Jack: Man, Liam isn't the only one that's acting strange today...[/COLOR]
[B]Name:[/B] Iitashi Tamura [B]Side Arm:[/B] 9mm HK USP 40, right side hip holster, hollow point bullets [B]Trained in (best at/specifically, two choices):[/B] Espionage, Assassination [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Preferred Vehicle(all SYF agents have been given a special licence, no matter the age):[/B] Kawasaki KLR650, black [B]Bio:[/B] His father divorced his mother when Iitashi was only 2 years old. His mother later became an assassin and moved to the U.S.A. on her son's 12th birthday where she told him about her real job, and that she was going to give him a little bit of training and then send him to the Special Youth Force. Iitashi accepted, and a year later he became one of the S.Y.F.'s newest assassins. [COLOR=blue]If there's anything wrong with my profile, tell me so I can update it. Thanks.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]I'll be starting it next wednesday. Also, I might not have the Metals as playable characters. That way, things won't be revealed too soon.[/COLOR]
[I]Later at a BCM (Bounty Collection Machine)...[/I] [COLOR=red]Spike: Well, I guess we won't be seeing Seto for a while...[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: Yep. I guess that's the last bounty for the day.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Spike: Not exactly James...[/COLOR] [I]Spike pulls out a pair of hancuffs and puts them on James's wrists.[/I] [COLOR=red]Spike: We still have to deal with you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: Huh?[/COLOR] [I]Spike brings James onto the Bebop and flies him to a tall glass building.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Spike? This isn't my home? Is it?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Spike: I don't know...why don't you tell me?[/COLOR] [I]After reaching the 50th floor, James and Spike walk into an office with a man sitting with his back to them.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Dad?[/COLOR] [I]The man turns around and gets up from his chair.[/I] [COLOR=red]Michael Linier: James? Oh James your back![/COLOR] [I]Spike unhandcuffs James and his father runs and hugs him.[/I] [COLOR=red]Michael Linier: Oh James, I'm so glad you're back! Thank you so much Mr. Spiegel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Spike: I'm just doing my job.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Michael Linier: But I still want to thank you. That's why I'm raising the price. Jonathan![/COLOR] [I]A Short blond man in a black suit enters the room.[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Jonathan: Yes sir?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Michael Linier: Give Mr. Spiegel his [B]20 million woolongs.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Jonathan: Yes sir. Come with me Mr. Spiegel.[/COLOR] [I]James waved to Spike as he left the room.[/I] [B]The End[/B] [COLOR=blue]If anyone didn't want this RPG to end right now, then just keep posting. James just won't be in the game anymore.[/COLOR]
Sign Up MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return
Geist replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
[COLOR=blue]I've never played MMBN before, but I've played in an RPG of it before. So I'm still sort of new to this world.[/COLOR] [B]Name:[/B] Trynn [B]Navi:[/B] MagnetMan (He was my navi in another MegaMan Battle Network RPG, can I use him?) [B]Weapon:[/B] I'm not sure what weapon my navi usually has, so I'm going to say that I have a buster also. [B]Chips:[/B] (Okay, I found a [URL=http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~mmm/spritesinc/index.html]list of the chips[/URL], but could you explain more about the letters?) [B]Group:[/B] None. [B]License:[/B] Z (What is this for?) -
[COLOR=blue]I don't know. I'll start up the RPG very soon.[/COLOR]
[I]James fell out of a vent, into the room where Spike and Anima were being held.[/I] [COLOR=red]Spike: James! Grab the vial![/COLOR] [I]James grabbed the vial.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Got it![/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Spike: Throw it to me, quick![/COLOR] [I]James threw the vial and Spike caught it and started opening it. Seto began to walk forward but James pointed his glue gun at Seto's head.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Hold it right there.[/COLOR] [I]James fired and Seto dodged the glue ball.[/I] [COLOR=red]Seto: Do you really think you can stop me with that silly toy?[/COLOR] [I]Seto punched James to the ground and headed towards Spike...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chiharu Li [/i] [B]I[COLOR=darkblue]does any one want to do a gundam wing rp? I'd like to be Relena Peacecraft! [/COLOR] :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]I would like to join also, but first you might want to come up with a plot for it, and a time when it takes place. Does it take place at the beginning, the middle, or the end of the series? Or is it an alternate universe where it's completely different from the Gundam Wing story? Also will people be allowed to make up their own mobile suit pilots? I'm sorry if I've confused you, but I'd really like to get this RPG going. Oh and one more thing, can I be Trowa Barton?[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]But like I was saying, and the male characters are very attractice themselves, especially that blue haired guy...but I can't remember his name...I'm thinking Zero for some reason, but I know that can't be it...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]That's [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/legato112.jpg]Legato Bluesummers[/URL]. He's probably my favorite character. I just watched Trigun a second time with my dad, and he's been coming up with all sorts of theories for the show. I think the Gung-Ho Guns didn't get enough screen time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Eagle is right, we need at least 3 more siblings, (btw they are the bad guys,) and 1 more Kalpadare. But we do not need any Officers.[/COLOR]