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Everything posted by Geist

  1. [COLOR=blue]Sorry about that, Newt. Take a look at the attachment for a picture of him. (You can still keep him the way, you had him look if you want.)[/COLOR]
  2. [I]James walked in behind Ftharom[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: What should we do Chrome? I'm searching for ships right now, but so far, no find any.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=blue]OOC: Ummm...I already [B]did[/B] land my ship on the Bebop.[/COLOR]
  4. [I]Meanwhile, on the Bebop...[/I] [COLOR=red]Jet: Secret? What secret is that?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: I'll only tell if you let me in? Will you let me in?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jet: Oh alright, you can come in. But first, tell us the secret.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: Alright...here it is. Seto...Doesn't like Ice cream. I asked him several times.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jet: What? That's the secret?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: Yes, now let me in. That was the deal.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jet: Oh alright.[/COLOR] [I]Jet opened the hangar doors and James drove his ship in.[/I]
  5. [COLOR=blue]I've never seen Samurai anime, I might look into that. By the way, here's the quote I was talking about. "I like my umbrella!" Kenshin Himura, Rurouni Kenshin[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=blue]I haven't seen it, what's it about? All i've heard is that it has an umbrella in it. :confused:[/COLOR]
  7. [B]Trigun: Brother's Betrayal.[/B] (There might be some spoilers in this RPG, so please don't blame me if the show gets ruined for you.) After Vash's battle with Knives, he got rid of the two guns and took in his brother, thinking he could teach him to live in a peaceful world. Vash taught him his way of life as he recovered, and it actually seemed that Knives was ready to put behind his hatred of humans. But Vash was wrong...One day, he awoke from the floor and got up to find that where Knives had been, only a note remained. The note read: [I]Dear Brother, I appreciate the help, but I know my choice is the right one. I've decided to rid this planet of all the "spiders" once and for all. If you wish to help me, you'll know where to find me.[/I] Knives Vash searched for Knives, he had already heard tales of death, destruction, and of the new "Gung-Ho Guns" Knives had formed. He then had Frank Marlin build him a new gun, (although not as good as his old one,) and he set off to find unique people who were willing to help him save Knives a second time. But, if Knives refused a second chance...he might have to kill him... Here's the guideline for your profile. You can be Vash, Knives, one of the new Gung-Ho Guns, or one of Vash's men. You can also make your character a little strange, (like I did for mine.) But please don't give them too much of an advantage, (i.e. tons of animal, insect, etc. attributes, super powers, wings, built in massive destruction guns, or non-built in for that matter.) Also, if you have any questions, don't forget to PM me. Name: (A little tip if you're going to be a Gung-Ho Gun. They usually had titles after their names, look at my profile for an example.) Age: Affiliation: (If you're working for Knives, or Vash. You don't need this if you are Knives or Vash.) Weapons: (You don't have to use real life weapons. Go ahead and make up your own design if you want to. You can have a maximum of 3 sets of weapons.) Appearance: Background: [COLOR=blue]Name: Midnight the Arachnid. Affiliation: One of Knives' new Gung-Ho Guns. Age: 25 Weapons: A metal case that holds ammo, and also has 6 "arms" with nail guns at the ends. He wears the case on his back, underneath his coat. He also has throwing knives hidden in his coat. Appearance: Midnight is a rather unusual man, he is 8 feet tall and has 6 arms, which earned him the title, "the Arachnid". Midnight has light blue eyes, pale skin, and white blond hair. He dresses completely in black, wears a black wide rimmed hat, and has a red hour glass symbol on the front of his shirt. Background: Midnight became an orphan in a small town at the age of 7, no one ever took care of him. So, when he got older, he decided they should help him whether they liked it or not. Knives later found him and promised to give him power, wealth, and people that finally offered him what he wanted. Midnight accepted, and Knives mutated him and made him the first of the new Gung-Ho Guns.[/COLOR] :sleep:
  8. [COLOR=blue]Trynn: It's just a figure of speech...[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Dustin: I know. I'm just giving you a hard time. :D Anyways what did you need me for?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trynn: Master Skywalker said you would show me around the place.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Dustin: Why does it always have to be me? Alright, lets go[/COLOR]
  9. [I]James landed on the Bebop. He then opened a communications channel.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Open up! Open up, I want to get in![/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jet: Who are you? And why should we let you in?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: Because, I'm friendly, I won't bite! Besides, I know a secret about Seto.[/COLOR]
  10. [I]James sits down at the bar.[/I] [COLOR=red]Bartender: What'll you have?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: Do you have anything that's foamy and it tastes good?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Bartender: Uhh yeah...[/COLOR] [I]The bartender hands James a root beer.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Thank you! :D[/COLOR] [I]James glances around the bar, and whispers to the bartender.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: By the way, do you know anything about Leon?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Bartender: No I don't. Why are you asking?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]James: Are you sure you don't know? I'm a friend of the Lone Wolf, [SIZE=1]and if you don't answer...[/SIZE]HE'LL KILL YOU!!![/COLOR] [I]The bartender backs up against the wall and says that he's telling the truth.[/I]
  11. [I]james watched as a ship flew out of the Bebop.[/I] [COLOR=blue]Hmmm...Lots of ships come and go, maybe I should follow...[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]Nahhh, other things to do first...[/COLOR] [I]James started typing up a message...[/I]
  12. [COLOR=blue]OOC: There's a drop down box under the emoticons that says, "color". Just click on it and choose your color, then a box will pop up for you to type in. Hit enter when you're done.[/COLOR] [I]Trynn steps out of the bushes and is greeted by the sound of a lightsaber.[/I] [COLOR=blue]Trynn: Hey it's only me. The new student.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]OOC: Sorry, I would've said more but I don't know who turned on the lightsaber.[/COLOR]
  13. [I]Trynn and Luke walk together alone, to talk...[/I] [COLOR=red]Master Skywalker: I see..so that is why I sensed much pain coming from you...But I don't see what that has to do with you dying your hair.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trynn: I died it like this because the only difference between Jelta and myself was our hair color. This way it's as if he's still here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Master Skywalker: You must have loved your brother very much...[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trynn: Yes I did, Master Skywalker.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Master Skywalker: I will help you get over the anger about your brother's death, but I can't help you get over the feeling of loss. I'm sorry.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trynn: It's alright, Master Skywalker.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Master Skywalker: I have other things to attend to right now, I'll have Dustin show you around since he's been here before.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Alright. It was an honor meeting you Master Skywalker.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Master Skywalker: Honor? From meeting an old, jedi?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trynn: But...[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Master Skywalker: Don't argue. That was all in the past.[/COLOR] [I]Luke walks away and Trynn goes to find Dustin.[/I]
  14. [COLOR=blue]James: There it is! There it is! I found yoooooou![/COLOR] [I]James slowed his ship down and followed far behind the Bebop.[/I]
  15. [I]James walks out of his room and yawns.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Good morning guys, where we going?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Chrome: We're heading to the...[/COLOR]
  16. [I]Trynn got out of the ship and stretched. He saw a blon haired man approach the ship.[/I] [COLOR=blue]Trynn: That must be Master Skywalker... OOC: Sorry, I'm having a bit of writer's block.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue]OOC: Hey Hybrid, am I supposed to be on the ship with you? Or should I meet up with you guys later?[/COLOR]
  18. [I]Meanwhile...on Earth. James was sitting in his ship, puzzled by the info that the docking computer gave him.[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: That's strange..Bebop should be here. I guess I have to search for it...[/COLOR] [I]James searched for the Bebop's computer. While he was searching, he put on "Honky Tonk Train Blues".[/I] [COLOR=blue]James: Voila! Here it is! Let's see here...according to their computer..they're in space! I'll go to them![/COLOR] [I]James heading out of the atmosphere, towards the Bebop.[/I]
  19. [I]Trynn is about to sit down and enjoy his drink when a voice comes over the speakers.[/I] [COLOR=red]Voice: Everyone please return to your seats. We are now entering the atmosphere.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=blue]Sounds a little bit like a Voltron thing, is it?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=blue]Chrono Trigger is such an awesome game! I like the music, and the humor, and other stuff. There's just so much to like about this game! Oh yeah, I agree with you Nerdsy, another part that was nearly as good was...[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]***SPOILER!!!***[/COLOR] Is when they bring him back. [COLOR=red]***END SPOILER***[/COLOR]
  22. [I]James was flying as fast as he could to the Bebop. He had read up about the ship, and its crew and had found out they were the ones who nearly took out the Red Dragon Clan. He heard online that they're was going to be a party going on, and he didn't want to miss it...[/I]
  23. Hmmm...It seems we have a deadly weapon on our hands...:devil:
  24. [COLOR=red]Tenco: What's so funny?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Koji: Nothing, nothing. Let's get back to class.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue]Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.[/COLOR]
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