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Everything posted by Geist

  1. You could go to [url]www.poetry.com[/url] and search by: Unsworth Richard. And see if you like the poem I posted there. Good luck describing it though.
  2. [COLOR=blue]Child's Toy? What's that? Can you post or PM me some info?[/COLOR]
  3. [I]Koji decides to try Lei's idea[/I] [COLOR=blue]Koji: I always thought this would happen to you MagnetMan. You're weak, that's why I failed all of my tests, and that's why you're being controlled like this![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]MagnetMan: What?! I'll show you![/COLOR] [I]MagnetMan begins to attack the RIN[/I] [COLOR=blue]It's working! It's working![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue]That's what I thought. I keep telling my mom she should watch it, (she's seen some animes before and liked them,) but she says it sounds too violent for her.[/COLOR]
  5. [I]Koji was shocked to see MagnetMan attacking the Np500[/I] [COLOR=blue]Koji: MagnetMan? What are you doing? What are we going to do Lan?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=blue]I've read the first and second book before, they're pretty good. (btw what happened to your samurai RPG?)[/COLOR] Name: Jack Lanstrom Age: 17 Height: 5'11" Weight: 170: Dinosaur: Sauropelta Dinosaur Name: Brakis Background: An american who helped his father give mountain hiking tours. Appearance: Olive skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Simple clothes for that time period.
  7. [COLOR=blue]I was just abot to ask which was better, the new or the remake. Thanks Sabre.[/COLOR]
  8. Geist


    [COLOR=blue]My brother likes every song they make. I haven't listened to the much, besides "How You Remind ME" which plays on the radio every so often.[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rogue Shadows [/i] [B]10) How long does it take a Saiyjin's tail to grow back? I mean, in order to go to SSj x4, they'll need to be able to become a Golden Oozaru, but they can only do that if they have a tail, right? And as far as I know, Goku doesn't have one, at least not in DBZ, so what's up with that? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Okay, I'm going to answer the only one I can. Here goes. In Gt Goku is on the planet Gohan came to with the Elder Kaioshin and another Kaioshin, (not sure which one,) the Elder Kaioshin ask Goku to show him his butt, Goku thinks it's a joke but the Elder says he is going to pull out Goku's tail. The Elder and the other Kaioshin grab some tongs and try to pull out Goku's tail, after a while it still isn't working so Goku tells them that he has a plan and needs to be untied. Goku ties the Elder Kaioshin to a rock, with the tongs and he thinks Goku is trying to escape; Goku asks him to hold onto his tail with the tongs. Then, Goku flies forward and voila! out comes his tail.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=blue]I liked it a lot, especially Tetsuo. The first thing I would do if I got psychic powers would be to make a cape for myself. :laugh: btw I heard it's a good movie to show to people that haven't seen anime before, does anyone know why?[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yori Peacecraft [/i] [B]- possibly Serial Experiments lane....but alot of people have heard of that...[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]I've seen the first tape of it so far and I really liked what I saw. I've already made a topic about it but might make another once I've seen more. Oh yeah, here's a couple more anime titles.[/COLOR] -Key: The Metal Idol -Lensman
  12. [I]Koji logged on to SDIM, his dad had chewed him out about his navi dissappearing, even though it wasn't his fault. He needed to talk to Lan, his only other friend at school besides Tenco.[/I] [COLOR=blue]Koji: Hi Lan. What's going on?[/COLOR]
  13. If Spike was bald he would look kind of weird.
  14. [COLOR=blue]Okay, sorry about that. I was looking at the one in the game.[/COLOR]
  15. I don't know. Maybe they're music CD's?
  16. [COLOR=blue]Anime is Japanese for cartoon, or something like that. I think it might still be anime, but nowhere as good as the stuff in Japan.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue]Hey, DBZman. You do know I'm playing, don't you? You put everyone's names down except for me...[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue]I believe you're right. They would've died in space if he didn't.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=blue]Exiled? I thought they tried to kill them, didn't they? :confused:[/COLOR]
  20. :laugh: That sounds pretty funny. I wonder if it's any good.
  21. [I]Koji sat down at a table and got out his lunch. He had done better on his test than he thought he would.[/I] Koji: [COLOR=blue]"I can't wait to go home and show dad what I've learned and how well I did. I think this day is beginning to look up."[/COLOR]
  22. That's sounds like a pretty cool navi. DBZman isn't on right now but if you keep it reasonable he might let you use it. Oh, here's my bio. [COLOR=blue]Name: Koji Age: 12 Personality: Quiet. Has a hard time trusting everyone except, his navi, close friends, and family members. Bio: very light skin and hair, (he's an albino,) usually wears black or black with another color. He lives alone with his father who is always judging him by how well he used to do. (His father is a retired Navi teacher.) Navi: Magnet Man, (I don't know what kind of personality he has.)[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]Spikey, I think you might be right about Piccolo's cell. Wasn't that the reason Cell could regenerate?[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=blue]I've heard [I]very[/I] little about this anime. Does anyone know what it's about? And if it's any good? I heard the main character only has a few lines throughout the whole series. Is that true?[/COLOR]
  25. I read that post of yours. But was what the kid said from the sub? Didn't he say, "I feel so happy" in the dub?...:therock: I'll have to watch it again...
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