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Everything posted by Geist

  1. Yeah, you did do a good job. Now all we have to do is wait for some more peeps to join...
  2. Geist

    Eminem Coming Back?

    I've never heard any of it. What kind of music does he do?
  3. I edited my stuff. Tell me if it all checks out.
  4. [COLOR=blue]I guess I'll join. Name: Kaji Yamada Age: 25 Height: 6'0" Weight: 187 lbs. Appearance: Short, black hair, brown eyes. Clean shaven with a small scar on my left cheek. Ordinary build. Weapons: An old Katana. Background: Kaji has no friends and family, he lived on the streets, begging and stealing when he could. One day, he found a sword laying on the road, he took this as a good omen and decided to join the imperial army. Rune: Dragon Rune Bearer[/COLOR]
  5. Geist

    Fav Scary Movie!

    I'm not sure about the basement thing, It's been a while since I've seen it. For some reason I thought it was called "House" or something like that.
  6. I try not to be too trendy, (at least I think I do, is Phish trendy?) But I've only started to get into techno. My cousin, (Who's from the USA like I am.) is visiting Romania and he says techno is pretty big there.
  7. Thanks Kaioshin for the info. I'll PM you about your sig.
  8. Geist

    Fav Scary Movie!

    I haven't seen very much scary movies, but my favorite would probably be an old one from the 70's about a house built on an ancient Indian burial ground. I can't remember the name of the movie. (btw, aren't favorite topics not allowed? :worried: )
  9. Geist


    Metropolis? Does the anime have any thing to do with the silent movie with the same name?
  10. I'd have to disagree with that theory. I know I've seen it somewhere...
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]I won't tell you my weirdest dream, since it's pretty long. But here's another weird dream that I had. I was in a house in Kentucky sitting on a couch with a girl and her grandfather. Then, a tornado came and none of us got off the couch, and the grandfather had a heart attack. A little while later, the grandfather opened his eyes and stared at me. I got up and tried to run as he came after me, but it was like I was frozen. Weird...[/COLOR]:huh:
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]It hurt a little at first, but most of the time It wasn't that bad. Unless you...[/COLOR][B][COLOR=red](DON'T TRY THIS!)[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]...put your barrel right up to your stomach and pull the trigger. Ouch...:blackeye:[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Does anyone else like this show? I think it's hysterical! :laugh: I've only seen a few episodes though. My favorite so far has been the one with the "Mothman"[/COLOR]
  14. Are you talking about "Cha-la head cha-la"? Here are the english and japanese lyrics for "I love Mr. Piccolo." [SIZE=1]Ja ja ja ja jaan de mou taihen Kowai kao iguana danpu kaa Hayai ashi momo ga suupaa kaa Doo shiyoo--? Te sakenjae Nooto to enpitsu sotchi no ke Doboku no wakka de Hey! Jetto koosutaa Mama yori dekkai koe (Uhyaa-) Konna koto tte ari? Arerere Kizukeba boku mo Suteppu Suteppu Janpu Shupa- Shupi- Shupa- Shu Pikkoro O-yatsu wo wakuwaku matte 'ru kibun Shupa- Shupi- Shupa- Shu Pikkoro Nee Nee Tsuyoi zo Tsuyoi n' da tte ba Pikkoro-San Dai Dai Dai Dai Da~i-Suki Gyo Gyo Gyo Gyo Gyoon de chou-bikkuri Tsumetai zo Kuuraa Dorai aisu Attakai Sutoobu Omuraisu Wakaranaii-? Te Hashitchae Guzuguzu shite 'tara shikareru Chikyuu no medama mo Yeah! Rooraa sukeetingu Nan da ka kami-sama ka na (Dohyaa) Konna hito tte nani? Ararara Kondo wa kokoro Sukippu Sukippu Janpu Shupa- Shupi- Shupa- Shu Pikkoro Buttobi doriimu oshiete kureru Shupa- Shupi- Shupa- Shu Pikkoro Nee Nee Shiritai Shiritai da tte ba Pikkoro-San Dai Dai Dai Dai Da~i-Suki Pikkoro-San Dai Dai Pikkoro-San Dai Dai Pikkoro-San Dai Dai Dai Dai Da~i-Suki I Love You, Mr. Piccolo cha cha cha cha chan but it's still a lot of trouble scary faced iguana, dump car quick-footed flying squirrel, super car go ahead and shout, 'what should I do?' put aside the pencils and notebooks on saturn's rings hey! jet coaster in a voice louder than mom's hyaaaaa! is such a thing possible? aa hey hey hey if you realize it, i guess it's true step, step, jump! shuupa shupi shuupa shpiccolo in the mood to wait excitedly for a snack shuupa shupi shuupa shpiccolo hey, i'm telling you, he's strong! mr. piccolo's the very, very, very, very, very best!* cha cha cha cha chan and big surprise! he's cold ____ ice he's warm ___ omelette rice just speak on whim and run! if you're slow, you'll be scolded even the earth's eye is yay! rollerskating it seems like god ___ hyaaaaa! what kind of person is this? oh! this time, it's heart skip, skip, jump! shuupa shupi shuupa shpiccolo he'll tell me a good dream shuupa shupi shuupa shpiccolo hey, i want to know, tell me already! mr. piccolo is the very, very, very, very, very best!* mr. piccolo is the very, very.. mr. piccolo is the very, very.. mr. piccolo is the very, very, very, very, very best! [/SIZE] The blanks are for when the person couldn't figure out what it meant.
  15. I'm not good at summaries, Aries so I'll jsut tell you that Akira was rated R for violence, swearing, and very breif nudity.
  16. [COLOR=blue]*Shakes Son Goten's hand* I couldn't have said it better myself.[/COLOR]
  17. Why wouldn't they air it here? Is it really that bad? :confused:
  18. That was really good. A lot better than I could ever come up with. :D I liked all of the lines, but here was one I thought was good. [I]"conversing into my own self looking on shelf upon shelf "[/I]
  19. Ahhh...[I]Those[/I] boosters. I'll have to sit and think about the last part of your post...
  20. Geist


    I thought the Beserker books were good, except for the last and "The Beserker Throne" was just so-so. What kind of books do you like Goten?
  21. Is DBZman still at his Grandma's? I thought he was only going to be gone for the weekend, wasn't he?
  22. Sorry, I didn't notice that you said [B]your[/B] topic.
  23. Hey TN, if you're talking about me, I'm sorry.
  24. No offense to any one else, but imagine this smilie was the Scooby-Doo movie. [IMG]http://www.contrabandent.com/cwm/s/contrib/edoom/Flush.gif[/IMG] Get the picture?
  25. Geist

    Mad TV

    What was Clops? :confused: I watch Mad tv occasionally. It's pretty funny sometimes. :laugh: I like the old SNL better than some of the new stuff though.
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