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Everything posted by Geist

  1. [COLOR=blue] [U][B]The World - Lonely Eternal Melody[/B][/U] [I]As he was walking along in his favorite area, San-lang inhaled the wonderful fragrance of a hidden field of Aromatic Grass. He didn't know how it happened, but his three other senses now worked in the World. He bent down and picked up a clump of the Aromatic Grass and put it in his inventory.[/I] "I can't just leave stuff like this behind. Maybe someday I'll share this secret with someone else." [I]San-lang looked up as an enemy approached him. He blocked the monster's attacks and prepared for a counterattack. Before he could strike back, the monster's claws pierced his stomach. He let out a gasp of surprise and killed the monster with a fireball attack. After he coughed up a bit of blood, he put a hand to his wound and looked at his stained glove. "This...this shouldn't be happening..." He would have healed himself, but he was out of MP so he gated out and returned to town.[/I] [U][B]Carmina Gadelica[/B][/U] [I]On his way to the potion shop, San-lang got a lot of stares from other players.[/I] "Wow, look at that blood! It looks so real! How do you think he did that?" "I'm not sure. He must be some sort of hacker. They always like to show off." [I]they whispered.[/I] "Pl-please, I need a potion!" [I]San-lang spat out more blood as he pleaded with the shop keeper.[/I] "Your trick won't fool me, hacker. No money, no potion. If you want a potion so badly, sell one of your items." [I]San-lang sold an epitaph he had found and bought the largest potion. A few minutes later, his wound had healed and the bleeding stopped. "What's going on here?" He thought.[/I] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=blue] [B]OOC: Sorry, Arika, for not waiting. :([/B] [I]As the organ played solemnly in the background, Nicholas cried over his dead brother. His mother, Bethany, walked over to comfort him.[/I] "It's all right dear, Vale didn't suffer." "But...but he promised me!" [I]Bethany stroked the dark red hair of her lifeless son. Even though she was terribly broken up inside, she tried to put on a strong front for her last remaining child.[/I] "And what promise was that, Nicholas?" "H-he promised me that he wouldn't...wouldn't kill himself. But he lied! He drank poison and now he's dead!" [I]Nicholas answered, inbetween sobs.[/I] [I]Bethany hugged her child and tried to calm him down.[/I] "Shhh. Vale would have wanted us to move on with our lives, dear. That's why father has bought us a grand new house. We'll move in tomorrow. Now, wipe your tears away, my dear." [I]Bethany handed Nicholas her handkerchief and they both sat back down.[/I] [I]Vale opened his eyes and looked around. It was too dark to see, but by feeling around he found out that he was in some sort of box. He pushed and pushed at the walls and ceiling but they wouldn't give way. He lay back down, but before he had a chance to think, the top of the box lifted up by itself and the four boys that he had spyed on earlier peered in at him. Vale jumped up from the box and went for Charlie's throat.[/I] "Stop that this instant, Vale!" [I]He looked over and saw a young woman in a dark cloak. She pulled the hood from her face and he nearly fell in surprise. It was his late sister, Valerie.[/I] "But, you died Valerie. I-I was at your funeral..." [I]She smiled and he noticed that her teeth were pointer than they were before.[/I] "That's true, I did die...I had to in order to become a vampyre..." "A vampyre? You mean you're a vampyre just like Cassandra?" [I]Valerie shook her head and pointed to Charlie and his gang.[/I] "No, not like Cassandra. She is a special case. I was made a vampyre by Charlie, as were you." [I]Vale stepped out of the coffin.[/I] "I can't be a vampyre, I'm still alive!" "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Vale. That wasn't treacle that you drank." [I]Vale sat down on the cold stone floor and thought about what Valerie had said. She wouldn't lie to him, and she had come back to life also. "She's telling the truth..." He thought. "...I'm actually a vampyre now." Valerie put a hand on his shoulder.[/I] "Please don't blame Charlie for your death, Vale. It was I that asked him to do it. I missed you so much." [I]He smiled and held his sister's hand.[/I] "I missed you to, Valerie." [I]Vale got up, and they all left the mausoleum.[/I] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=blue] First...the quotes... [/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1] [b]Celia:[/b] Such a kewl name. It sounds really kewl, and I like it somewhat better than 'Cecilia'. Not to mention, it's my cousin's name. ^_^[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue] I've heard, "Cecilia" before but never, "Celia". I like Cecilia better. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] They just pop into my head when I think of "What would I name a child of mine..?" [/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue] The same thing happens to me. ^_X [/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wondershot [/i] [B](boy) Seth: I like it because I derived it from the name "Sephiroth" from FF7.[/B] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue] Shall I bursteth thy bubble? On to the names! [U]Boys:[/U] [B]Sebastian:[/B] I don't know why, but I really like this name a lot. (Maybe it's because I rarely hear it.) It was in some song that went, "Sing sweet Sebastian, sing the sweetest song" or something like that. (Beautiful song by the way.) I also like the nickname, "Bastian". [B]Dominick:[/B] I like this one because it's different as well. Its nickname is "Dom" but I always think of Domino. [B]Conrad:[/B] I don't like this one as much as I used to. It sort of reminds me of the word, "comrade". [B]Chance:[/B] This name would probably be made fun of too much. I've only heard of this name from the actor, Chance Michael Corbitt. I thought there were more than that...oh well, onto the female names. [U]Girls:[/U] [B]Cecilia:[/B] This name just seems to roll of my tongue. Also, one of my favorite songs is about a girl named Cecilia. [B]Hope:[/B] Normally I don't like names like this, but I knew a nice girl with this name. [B]Cara:[/B] I don't know why, but I had never seen this name before. I thought the spelling was kind of interesting. [B]Eleni(sp?)[/B] :p I can't even spell one of my favorite names. I've never heard of or met anyone with this name. I just thought it looked interesting. As with the boys, I thought there were more names I had in mind...oh well, I'll just edit later. :D [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue] [I]Milo unsheated his sword, kneeled and held it up to Oni.[/I] "I am sorry for ever doubting you. I owe you this sword, as well as my life." [I]Oni picked up the sword and stared at it. He then returned it to Milo's hands.[/I] "Keep it. I have my own sword already. We are both warriors. I am sure you would have done the same." "No, I wouldn't because I didn't trust you before, but I do now. From this day, you can count on Milo the squire as a friend and help in need." [I]Invisible to everyone but Milo, a rune jumped from his sword and sunk into his forehead. He got up from the floor as Win and the others started to discuss a plan of action.[/I] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Eli Harris [B]Year:[/B] 3 [B]Team:[/B] Digital Starlight [B]Label:[/B] Raver [B]Description:[/B] The skinny, hyperactive Eli has green eyes, and he keeps his midnight blue hair constantly spiked. He likes to wear a dark blue, star E-shirt, a red backpack, (where he keeps his glowsticks, message writers, glowing gloves, and his photon micro lights,) white cargo pants, atomic neon sunglasses, Star-Star MPG energy bracelets, and white sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Although he hasn't always been a raver, Eli is the leader of the Digital Starlight club because of his unique fighting style. It's a mix between dancing and kickboxing. Techno is his main interest, but fighting, which he has been training at for most of his life, comes in a close second. He also loves flashy things; If it's not bright, or attention grabbing, then he's not interested. Eli will make friends with almost anyone except for the goths. They're his worst enemies. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=blue] [I]Kisho stepped into the room and set down his weapons. He looked at the smiling Genin.[/I] "So, the test is over then?" [I]He asked.[/I] "You guessed it too, huh?" [I]Kisho nodded and looked over at Michiko.[/I] "We passed didn't we? When does this 'mission' start?" [B]OOC: Sorry. I'm busy right now.[/B] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=blue] [I]Tales were always told by drunkards of human like creatures that drank blood and only lived at night, but they were always laughed at in disbelief. Until people started disappearing, late family members were seen walking around graveyards, and more respectable men began to say that they had seen the creatures as well. No one knows exactly what kind of terrors are going on, but they do know that whatever it is, it's been occuring more and more frequently. People all over England have started whispering a single word. [B]"Vampyres"[/B][/I] [I]Vale stared out the window of his and Nicholas' bedroom on the second floor. The only reason his father could own a two story house was because of all of the people that were dying recently. Now they might even be able to buy one that's even larger.[/I] "Can you forgive me, Vale, for telling mother on you?" [I]Vale looked over at his brother Nicholas.[/I] "Yes. I forgive you, Nicholas. Now go back to sleep." "Alright. Good night, Vale." [I]Nicholas tucked himself under his covers and Vale continued to stare out at the moonlit land below. Four boys walked into his view and stopped and stared up at him. Although shadows covered their faces, he thought that they looked like the same boys that Valerie spent her time with before she died. They left and Vale grabbed his coat and opened the window silently. He dropped to the grass and followed them to an old shed on a hill. The oldest of the boys turned around and called out to him.[/I] "You can stop hiding behind those rocks! We know you're there!" [I]Vale walked over to the strange group.[/I] "We heard you following us the entire time. You remind me of someone...but who?" [I]The leader studied Vale's face.[/I] "That's because I'm Valerie's younger brother, Vale." "Ah, of course, of course. Valerie is such a nice young lady. You want to know what happened to her don't you?" [I]Vale nodded.[/I] "Then follow us, and we'll tell you." [I]Vale followed the group to inside their shed.[/I] "Now, before there's any explanations, let's have a drink." [I]The leader, Charlie, grabbed a dark bottle and filled five glasses. Vale tried to refuse, but Charlie insisted.[/I] "Drinks first, explanations second. We won't tell your parents." [I]Vale took the glass that was offered to him and drank it all in one sip. It tasted very strange. Charlie noticed his disgust.[/I] "Sorry about that, it's not a very good year. This should get the taste out of your mouth." [I]Charlie handed him a bottle. Vale took a sip and spat it out. The three boys held him down and forced him to drink the rest of it.[/I] "I'm sorry that we have to do this to you, Vale, but it is what your sister wants." [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=blue] Well I stopped eating fruit loops when I almost ate a piece of asphalt. I thought it was a purple fruit loop. A few seconds later I spat it, and a poor bug, out in the sink. A funnier story was when my family ordered corn cakes from IHOP. I ate one and noticed that it was a bit chewy. Then, when I started to eat a second one, I took a closer look and found pieces of corn cooked inside. I guess whoever cooked them had taken the name literally. :D [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue] Alright, I will try to start this RPG today. But before I do, I'll need Walnut and Shape to change their location. Vampyres haven't been around for very long in England. if you two have just recently arrived however, then you don't need to change it. Also, the sign ups are still open. :D [B]EDIT: The RPG has just been started. Go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=28388]here[/URL] to post.[/B] [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=blue] [I]Milo couldn't stand it any longer. He turned around and started to walk back into the ship.[/I] "Milo, where are you going?" [I]Win asked.[/I] "I'm staying as far away from that snake as possible. Someone like him should not be in this group. Besides, what help could we possibly be to him?" "But you don't have a Dragon Soul any longer, so he won't try to attack you." [I]Rui said.[/I] "I can't be sure of that until he proves himself trustworthy. Until then, I will still suspect him of having some other hidden motive." "A true knight would trust others!" [I]Milo froze. Win's words had struck a nerve.[/I] "What you speak is truth. But I am not a knight yet, and I cannot trust without reason to do so. I am not going to be the one responsible for your deaths." [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=blue] I'll send you my sample after I post this. [B]Real Name:[/B] Alexei Green [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Delta Name:[/B] Lalo Gray [B]Delta Age:[/B] 21 [B]Team Name:[/B] Alpha Delta Beta [B]Class:[/B] White Knight [B]Player Rank:[/B] 2 [B]Weapon:[/B] Mace and chain [B]Personality:[/B] Cheerful, likes to sing every now and then, kind and helpful to those who deserve it and even to those who don't. [B]Picture:[/B] [IMG]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/bant.bmp[/IMG] [/COLOR]
  12. [I]Nate walked up to the new Element X and introduced himself.[/I] [B]"Hi. I'm Nate Edwards, one of the original Element X's. What elemental power do you have?"[/B] [COLOR=silver][B]"I'm Van. My elemental power is Iron. I can change my hands into hammers, spikes, etc. Do you want a demonstration?"[/B][/COLOR] [B]"Unless you need a warm up, you might want to save it for later. I have a feeling we'll all need to be at our best for this fight. It's good to see all of you guys again."[/B] [COLOR=burlywood][B]"Yeah, I agree. Hey, you're smiling Nate."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"I know. I've been doing that a lot lately ever since you guys helped me."[/B] [I]Nate's smile diminished.[/I] [B]"I just wish I hadn't caused so much trouble."[/B] [COLOR=blue]"Don't worry about that. It happened along time ago. Right now, we need to plan ahead. How are we going to find this child of Death? Maybe it doesn't exist and this is just some sort of trick. What do you guys think?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"No, I don't think so. If someone wanted to kill us, it would've been easier to do it when we were apart..."[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=blue] [I]Tales were always told by drunkards of human like creatures that drank blood and only lived at night, but they were always laughed at in disbelief. Until people started disappearing, late family members were seen walking around graveyards, and more respectable men began to say that they had seen the creatures as well. No one knows exactly what kind of terrors are going on, but they do know that whatever it is, it's been occuring more and more frequently. People all over England have started whispering a single word. [B]"Vampyres"[/B][/I] ([B]This is a joint RPG between Arika and myself. It takes place in England during the 19th century.[/B] For now, it will be a fictional England until I learn more about the [URL=http://cityofshadows.stegenga.net/main.html]time period.[/URL] No one knows why people are dying and vampyres are suddenly appearing, but some say that it is the work of Edward J. Pearson, a wealthy middle-aged man. But he is very friendly, and loved by all of the people so these accusations have not stood for very long. You can either be a human, or a vampyre. Humans will soon be caught and changed into vampyres, but you can try to run for as long as possible or kill those who are after you. If you are a vampyre from England, then you have been recently killed. If you want your character to have been a vampyre for quite sometime, then you must be from another country. If you have any other questions, PM me or ask them in this thread. I hope you enjoy the RPG.) [B]Look below for what you need in your sign up.[/B] [B]Name:[/B] (Please match your name to your character and location.) [B]Age:[/B] (Only vampyres can be advanced in years.) [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Race:[/B] (Human or vampyre.) [B]Location:[/B] (Only if not from England.) [B]Description:[/B] (Describe your character.) [B]Background:[/B] (Explain about your character's past.) Look below for an example [B]Name:[/B] Vale Allard [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Description:[/B] Besides his sister and mother, Vale is the only one in his family with green eyes and dark red hair. Because of the many funerals he has to attend, he is usually seen wearing a black suit, vest, tie, pants and shoes. [B]Bio:[/B] Because of their father's funeral parlor, the Allard children grew up around death and their outlook on life became as dark as the clothes they always wear. The townspeople said that those children would end up committing suicide or meeting some other horrible end. Then, one day, some strange boys appeared in town. There were four of them, but only one came out during the day. Every one avoided them but Valerie. Her father disapproved of this but she wouldn't listen to him, so he locked her in her room until she would come to her senses. The next morning, he unlocked the door but she was gone and the window was open. The whole family searched everywhere and finally found her body; she had been run over by a carriage. During the funeral, Vale noticed that his older brother, Samuel, was missing. His father told him not to worry, and that it wasn't anything to interrupt the funeral over. When they returned home, they found Samuel at home with his wrists slit, sitting in a chair by a note on the table. The note explained that he had failed to protect his sister and that he didn't deserve to live. After this incident, Vale's father tried to hide his razors, but it was no use. Not wanting to live without his brother and sister, Vale found a broken piece of glass and was going to cut his wrists just like Samuel had done. His younger brother begged him not to, but Vale was adamant. Failing to talk his older brother out of it, Nicholas called for his mother and she stopped Vale just in time. After a long talk with his mother and father, Vale told Nicholas that he wasn't upset at him and promised that he would never take his own life. When their mother had another baby boy, which Nicholas talked his parents into naming Gawain, it seemed that their family would be restored. But a month later, the baby died in its crib leaving Vale and Nicholas the only children in the family. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=blue] [I]Soetsu's eyes opened slowly and he stepped out of the tank. He brushed his hair from his eyes and looked around the dusty room. "It looks like father hasn't been here for a long time. I wonder how long I've been sleeping and why was I awakened right now?" He walked over to a picture frame laying on a desk. The picture showed a brown-haired scientist in a labcoat with a small child holding a saxophone. Soetsu brought his fist down on the picture hard enough to shatter the glass.[/I] "What kind of monster would do this to his only son!" [I]After Soetsu bandaged his hand, he walked over to a closet and pulled out a dark green military jacket, cap, pants, and a black shirt, gloves, and boots. He put them on, and continued to search the room.[/I] "I can't leave here unarmed. Ah, here they are." [I]In another closet was a gun, and two black cases. He stuffed the gun in his belt, put the smaller case in his jacket pocket, and slung the larger one over his shoulder.[/I] "Now to get out of this sick little lab." [I]Once he got upstairs, he looked out the window to see where all the noise was coming from. There were a group of men shooting at something. Soetsu put his case down and unzipped it.[/I] "I hope I'm not attacking the wrong side." [I]He pulled a gold saxophone out of the case and put it to his lips. His robotic vocal chords changed and he blew on the instrument. There appeared to be no sound coming out at all, but the soldier dropped to the ground, plugging his ears. Soetsu ducked as some of the soldier's buddies came to check on the house. [/I] [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=blue] Although I'm glad that you want to join my RPG, it was started a long, long time ago and died soon after. Since there is still interest in this old RPG, I'll work on the story and post a new sign up in the recruitment page. [B]Until then, please do not post any sign ups in this RPG. Its old and dead.[/B] [/COLOR]
  16. Geist


    [COLOR=blue] Well my screen name is German for "ghost" or "spirit". (Think of "polter[I]geist[/I]".) And for my real names...Are you ready for some more German? (WARNING! Do not expect the following meanings to make any sense! They're not in order!) [B]First Name: Richard[/B] I know that you're thinking this name isn't German, but it is for me because my dad named me after the German version of it. It's spelled the same, but it has a different pronounciation. I believe it means, "powerful ruler". [B]Middle Name: Tristan[/B] This is what my friends know me as. My dad got this name from the story of Tristan and Isolde, (or Trist[I]ram[/I] if you prefer the English spelling.) It comes from the word, [I]tristus[/I] and means "sad" or something like that. ([I]I went to an aquarium where there were a few Germans looking around, and they had a son named Tristan. I couldn't help looking around each time they called his name. :p[/I]) [B]Middle Name: Johann[/B] Now this is probably my favorite name, although I hardly use it. It's German for John. I'm not sure if it has any extra meaning to it. [B]Last Name:[/B] You've endured so many names so far, I don't think I have the heart to give you another one. Besides, I'm not really sure what it means. Well, that's it! (Unless you want me to go into nicknames...) [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue] [I]Kisho ran along the large maze, taking any shortcut he could. This allowed him to move a bit faster, but it also kept him from the Chunin's trail. "Oh well, it doesn't matter right now." He thought. "I already have a pretty good idea of where he was headed, and I need to cut down his head start. I wonder...could this all just be part of the test? Could that Chunin just be acting under Michiko orders? It's possible but I'd better treat this situation like the real thing." Kisho sped up and as he rounded another corner, he heard several voices. He found out that they were Genin, just like him.[/I] "I know the Chunin came this way. Where did he go?" [I]He asked.[/I] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue] If you click on this [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=26953]link[/URL] you will see that I have an RPG with the same name as yours. I should have chosen an original name. :( [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=blue] Hey, what a coincedence! Do you mind if I use my sign up from my .Hack RPG? [U][B]In World[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] San-lang [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Description:[/B] Will always liked black hair and brown eyes, so that is what he gave his character, san-lang. He carries a green staff with two blue orbs in between the curves of an upright dragon figure. He wears a green and brown hat, a green shirt, a brown vest, brown fingerless gloves, dark green pants, and brown boots. He also has an illegal third arm that he keeps hidden. [U][B](I'm not going to use the third arm. If you still want me to remove it, tell me.)[/B][/U] [B]Class:[/B] Wavemaster(s are the best. :D) [U][B]Outside[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Wilhelm "William" Mueller [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Description:[/B] Will, with his blond hair and blue eyes, is a stark contrast to his cousin, John. He usually wears a a green t-shirt, blue jeans, green-tinted sunglasses, a necklace with a green gem at the end, and black sneakers. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=blue] [B]OOC: I love the "slow motion feature". :D[/B] [I]While San-lang struggled to get free, Arika demanded that Leos explain himself.[/I] "My 'friends' care very little about my life. Besides, do you know how hard it is to actually kill an admin?" [I]Leos teleported behind Arika and reversed the roles. San-lang freed himself and Sand-Man and they both rejoined the battle.[/I] "Don't move, or I'll delete the girl without hesitation!" [I]Arika reached back and used a hack on Leos. However, there seemed to be no noticeable change.[/I] "What did you do?" [I]Leos asked, nervously.[/I] "I just made it a bit easier to delete you." [I]Arika replied.[/I] "You're bluffing!" "Then stay right there and find out." [I]Arika broke free from Leos' grip, backed away and charged at him, but he dodged the attack.[/I] "You were lucky this time, hackers, but it won't happen again." [I]Leos and the other admins disappeared.[/I] "What did you do to him, Arika? What kind of hack was that?" [I]San-lang asked.[/I] "It was nothing. He was right about me bluffing." [I]Sand Man burst out laughing.[/I] "I'm sorry about what happened to your friend. But what were those admins after us for anyway?" [I]Arika asked San-lang.[/I] "It's alright. Hopefully he just ended up in Net Slum. And Leos was after us because he blames hackers for the corruption of this world. That doesn't explain why my cousin got deleted though. He never hacked in his life." [I]Sand Man stopped laughing. The whole area seemed to get very solemn.[/I] "My name's San-lang, and this is Sand Man. You're a very good fighter. Would you and you're friends like to join us and find out what's going on around here?" [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Milo Baer [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] The blond, blue eyed squire, Milo, has put away his armor in favor of more modern clothes. He now wears a black jacket, a strange black object known as "sunglasses", a black shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. [B]Bio:[/B] A trustworthy, valiant squire, Milo was looking for a great mission that would earn him his knighthood. He has never found one until he met Cross and helped him prevent the destruction of the entire world. His job was not finished, however. When he found out about the trouble on Earth, he blamed himself for causing it. Now he won't rest until he has corrected the problem caused by the Dragon Souls. [B]Weapon:[/B] Milo still has his Wald sword from his timeline, but it's now more of a decoration. His new weapon is an uzi that Cross had given him. [B]Power:[/B] Milo has lost his old powers, but this isn't a problem to him since he didn't rely on him that much anyways. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue] "Angel Feather!" [I]San-lang yelled. Transparent, white feather wings appeared on him and Sand Man. They flew up and helped Arika fight the admins. San-lang took a swing at one of them with his staff, but the admin grabbed onto it with both hands.[/I] "It's no use resisting, hacker." "You'll soon see how wrong that statement is." [I]San-lang replied. A third arm reached out from his shirt and touched the admin's side. The admin broke into a million pieces.[/I] "Be careful of that one! He's been modified!" [I]Arika took a swing at Leos and he dodged it.[/I] "He's not the only that's been modified!" [I]She yelled. Four admins grabbed onto Sand Man. Another stood in front of them and prepared to delete the Blade Master. San-lang tried to fly over and help, but the admins held him down.[/I] "Let go of him! Let go of Sand Man, now!" [I]Arika put one of her blades up to Leos' throat.[/I] "Tell your friends to let go of that Blade Master now." [I]She threatened. Leos just laughed.[/I] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue] [I]San-lang walked along with two other hackers. He was covering his face from the sand storm caused by one of his new friends.[/I] "Do you always have to use this hack?" [I]He asked.[/I] [I]The Blade Master next to him smiled. Or at least San-lang thought he had smiled. It was hard to tell since his mouth was always hidden in the folds of a dusty tan, tattered cape.[/I] "Yes, I do. That's why my name is the Sand Man. Besides, it makes for a pretty good entrance." [I]Sand Man looked off at something in the distance.[/I] "Now will you tell me what you know about my cousin, and the others that are in his condition? I didn't give you that item out of charity you know." [I]Sand Man held up a hand to San-lang's face for silence. San-lang pushed it away.[/I] "Not right now. There is a group up ahead that was Grunty Racing but it looks like that we have interrupted them. Their character models intruige me. I'm going to go talk with them. Besides, they might be able to help us." [I]Sand Man replied.[/I] [I]San-lang followed Sand Man as he turned off the sand storm and headed towards the group ahead. As they came up to the farm, San-lang heard a familiar noise and turned around. He saw Core, unable to move and staring up at something. In half a second, he was gone.[/I] "No, Core!" [I]San-lang, Sand Man and the others looked up into the sky and spotted what Core was staring at. It was an admin.[/I] "Greetings hackers. I am Leos. You have abused this system for far too long. Prepare for deletion." [I]San-lang Refused to stand arund and let what happened to Core, happen to him also. He readied for attack. But then, more admins joined Leos. The hackers were greatly outnumbered.[/I] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=blue] "It is the power of your Dragon Soul. It has always been inside of you, but you have never tried to use it until now. "You lie, wizard. I've heard stories of dragons but I've never seen one, much less one of their souls. I know that this is you're doing. Tell me, what kind of curse did you put on my weapon?" [I]Cross shook his head.[/I] "It was not me, and I am not a wizard. You were the one who did that. You must recognize your power if you are ever able to use it at its full strength." [I]Cross charged at the squire before he had a chance to pick up his sword. Without thinking, Milo spoke an unfamiliar word and a symbol lit up on his shield. Cross swung his Seeker at him but it bounced off as if it had hit a wall.[/I] "Very good." [I]Cross said.[/I] "You used your power again. This time, try to think about what you want to do first before you do it." [I]Milo decided to humor the strange boy. He thought about picking back up his sword, and a word came to his lips.[/I] "[B]Rückkehr[/B]" [I]A symbol, different from the first, lit up on his sword and it floated back to his hand. He looked at the sword and then at Cross.[/I] "Yes, it was you that did that. You are the one with the power of Greviss. Will you help us in saving the world?" [I]Milo smiled and nodded.[/I] "Of course. A squire always helps those in need." [B]OOC: Well, now that my character has realized his power, am I going to be training, Wondershot? Or will I help someone with their mission?[/B] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Soetsu [B]Class:[/B] Cyborg [B]Weapon:[/B] A pack of tranquilizing needles, a Desert Eagle, and a Saxophone that sends out concentrated blasts of sound [B]Instrument:[/B] Saxophone [B]Description:[/B] Long brown hair, green eyes, wears a dark green military type jacket, a dark green cap, a black shirt, black gloves, dark green khaki pants, and black boots [/COLOR]
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