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Everything posted by Geist

  1. [COLOR=blue] [I]Kisho adjusted his blue jacket while he was waiting in line. Even though he was being hunted by his family, he still wore their clan symbol. He knew it would be easier for them to spot him, but he didn't care. He sort of wanted them to find him...A kid tapped him on the shoulder and he snapped out of his daze. It was his turn to choose his weapons. He picked up two handfuls of Shurikens and put them in his jacket pockets. "She suggested taking some Shurikens...Could this have been a hint that there will be long-range combat? If so, I'd better bring this along." Kisho picked up a Kusari-Fundo and tied it around his waist, under his jacket. He then picked up a pair of Shuko and having no where to put them, he wore them on his hands. He walked away from the pile of weapons and watched as a few Genin complained about the wait. Kisho shook his head in disgust. "Impatience is already an awful trait to have, but it seems that theirs is linked with arrogance which makes it even worse. I wonder how long they will last in this maze test."[/I] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=blue] Hmm...there's not much I would want to change except to go back into my life about 10 years and give myself the desire to play an instrument like the keyboard, harmonica, saxophone, etc. I can't help kicking myself for not starting on the keyboard sooner. I would like to be able to play some tunes right now, not when I'm an old man. :D [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=blue] [SIZE=1][I]It's nothing but a harmless, addictive, little game. At least that's what everyone had thought before the viruses, comas, and deaths began to occur more frequently. I am Wilhelm Mueller, Will to my friends. I am one of the countless people that have been taken hold of by this alternate world. Not that I'm bitter, in fact, I prefer this world over the real one. In here there is no death that can't be resolved with a reset, you don't need to eat so there is no hunger, money is made by fighting and since everyone is a warrior, there is no poverty, and any wars in this world are controlled. If this place ever displeases me, I can easily change it to my liking. You see, unlike most people who live here, I am a hacker. There used to be very few like me, but now, secrets have been shared and almost everyone knows how to create a virus or tweak code. At first this was fun, but now it has gotten out of hand. Admins are deleting everyone in sight and most players are leaving the game. But I have decided to stay. My cousin needs help and I'm not leaving until I find some answers.[/SIZE] Will logged off from the game and removed his headset. Downstairs, his mom was calling him.[/I] "Will, telephone! It's your cousin's friend, Cara! She says it's very important!" [I]She said, in a thick German accent. Will rushed down the stairs and grabbed the phone from his mom. He had heard about Cara from his cousin, John, but he had never talked to her before. What could be so important?[/I] "Hallo?" "Wilhelm? Something...something awful happened. It's..." [I]Cara paused and Will waited for her to finish. Her voice was a little shaky and she sounded like she had just been crying.[/I] "It's Johann. He's at the hospital in a coma." [I]Will had a hard time believing what he had heard.[/I] "H-how did it happen?" [I]He asked.[/I] "I don't know. I was playing with him in the World. I had left him and gone to a shop, but when I came back, he was gone. I logged off and called his house, and his mom told me that she was bringing him to the hospital. I don't know what to..." [I]Will didn't wait for her to finish. He slammed the phone down onto the receiver. First his dad, and now this. He ran back upstairs and logged onto the World. Maybe he could find out what happened, and at the same time, get away from the troubles of the real world...[/I] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue] I'll start it right now. I just need to talk to Arika about her character. [B]EDIT: Alright, I started the game. Go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?postid=431800#post431800]here[/URL] to post. Also, I'll probably allow Arika's character since she's a hacker. I will make her modify it a little bit but she will be chased down by the admins, and will get glitches a lot more since her character is stretched a little bit.[/B] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Nathan "Nate" Edwards [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Element:[/B] Shadow [B]Bio:[/B] Nate lived in a very poor village. Every week, a band of criminals would come and demand money and food from the people. But one day, some of the younger villagers attacked the criminals' hideout and were killed. As punishment for the foolish assault, and because the village had soon ran out of value to them, the criminals burned it to the ground and killed all of the inhabitants...Or so they thought. An eight year old Nate, awoke from his bed to find his house on fire. He tried to call for his parents, but he was choking too much from the smoke. When he went outside his burning house, he saw his parents trying to get away, but they were easily pursued and killed. Nate tried to run to them but he tripped and was knocked out. When he woke up, he was covered with corpses; some of them were his best friends. He looked around at all of the destruction and vowed that he would never let the pain he felt out of his heart. [B]Background:[/B] When Nate first came to the Element X school, he was a very pessimistic, and sorrowful boy. But one day, he met his friends, Katherine and Alex, who he thought had died. They convinced him that the old Element X's were the ones who destroyed his village and that they were training him, and the other new Element X's to be murderers and thieves just like themselves. Blinded by his anger, he attacked the Element X school with the help of some new weapons and nearly killed [SPOILER]Mei.[/SPOILER] He snapped out of it, but later he was reminded by Catherine of his mission and he attacked the old Element X's. [SPOILER]Mei.[/SPOILER] tried to stop him, and he tried to get her to join his side. She resisted and Nate left her for dead. Then, Max, after changing into his Hybrid Form, was able to stop Nate, but for a price. Hikage then helped Nate with his inner demons and to realize that the Katherine and Alex he met are not the ones that he once knew. When Nate awoke after all of the chaos, he became much more cheerful and was able to laugh again; this has caused his power to diminish a little since it's linked to his feelings of sorrow. He now has to focus on all of the tragedy of the past to get his power back to normal. [B]Appearance:[/B] With his long black hair, sky blue eyes, and pale skin, Nate stands out from the other Element X's somewhat. Despite his new cheerful nature, Nate always dresses in dark colors. He usually wears a black sleeveless shirt, a black leather vest, black gloves, and black pants and boots. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=blue] I'd say four people is pretty good. What do you guys think? We could start it up and just wait for some others to join. Also, you don't need to know much about the .Hack games, K.K.C.. I've just never seen .Hack//Sign so I couldn't put characters from the TV series into this game. But now that you're here, I can! Could you PM me some info on .Hack//Sign characters? Thanks. Sign ups are still open by the way. [/COLOR]
  7. Geist

    Music Mania

    [COLOR=blue] [B]OOC: I changed my creature to a griffin. Is that okay? IC:[/B] [I]On his way out from Joe's place, Sebastian spotted a colorful flyer.[/I] ARE YOU A MASTER MUSICIAN? THEN SHOW US YOUR SKILLS AT THE WILD SONATA BATTLE TOURNAMENT!!! NEW INSTRUMENTS AND CASH GIVEN OUT TO THE WINNERS!!! [I]It read. Sebastian ripped the flyer from the wall and looked at it.[/I] "This is pretty close by. It starts tommorow but I think I'll sign up right now. Who knows what kind of turn out this thing will have." [I]He stuffed the flyer into his pocket and walked over to the tournament arena. There was already a large line when he got there.[/I] "It looks like I was right. Oh well, at least this will give me some time to practice." [I]Sebastian was about to play his saxophone, when a few large shadows flew over him. He looked up to the sky and saw what looked lke a dragon, a pegasus, and a griffin.[/I] "Hmm...more master musicians. I wonder if they're here for the tournament, too?" [/COLOR]
  8. Geist

    The Castle

    [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Jim Baker [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 9 [B]Appearance:[/B] long brown hair, green eyes, khaki shorts, dark blue t-shirt, white and blue backpack, white sneakers. [B]Personality:[/B] A little timid and unsure of himself, Jim has always been a follower. He doesn't like to make decisions and looks up to Richard the most. [B]The one thing you took from home:[/B] His dad's flashlight/lantern [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Kobayashi Kisho [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Territory:[/B] Sound Village [B]Side:[/B] Good [B]Physical Description:[/B] A tall, lanky boy, with black hair and gray eyes. Kisho wears a dark blue headband, a dark blue tall collar jacket with the Kobayashi clan symbol on the back and the sleeves rolled up, black fingerless gloves, a black t-shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Despite his skinny figure, Kisho is a formidable opponent. All of his life he has trained to master and perfect the Narihibiku technique. It is a special fighting style that causes his body to vibrate at high speeds and add an unseen force to his attacks. However, he can not use this technique for long-range combat, and it gives off a shrill whistle that prevents him from using it when stealth is absolutely necessary. He is currently being hunted by his family because of the Narihibiku scroll and others that he took with him when he ran from his home. They know that if he can develop techniques to counter their own, the Kobayashi clan will soon fall. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=blue] [I]It was a gray, rainy day when Sergei's parent's had decided to take him for a drive. "I've got an idea. Let's get out of the house. That should get your mind off of those awful nightmares. What do you think, my little Sergei?" He had agreed to his mama's idea, and was now half-asleep in the back of his papa's car heading for an unknown location. He lazily lifted his eyelids and looked at the back of his papa's head.[/I] "Papa, where are we going?" [I]He asked. His papa smiled and looked at his son's reflection in the rear view mirror.[/I] "We're going to the library today, Sergei. Your mama thinks a little bit of exploring new books will do you good." [I]Sergei closed his eyes and thought about the old library. He had not been to it for...for...how long had it been since he had gone there? "It's been three whole years. I'm surprised you don't remember, Sergei. You stopped going the same year I had died." Sergei looked around in surprise. he was standing in a dimly lit, musty old mansion and in the background, someone was playing a piano. A hand lightly touched his shoulder and he looked back. Standing behind him, was his late friend Andrei. "A-Andrei? Is it you?" "Yes, it's me. I won't be able to talk to you for very long right now, but I just wanted to let you know that you're going to meet someone very important at the library. You are one of the only ones that can help her." The lights began to dim and so did Andrei. "Wait, Andrei! What will I know what she looks like?" Andrei smiled. "Don't worry, you'll know her when you see her." Andrei vanished, and the entire house fell into the waves.[/I] "Sergei! Sergei, wake up!" [I]Sergei was in a deep sleep and shaking violently. His papa was doing his best to wake him.[/I] "Not again. Why did this have to happen again?" [I]His mama lamented. Their son woke up with a jerk. He was breathing rapidly as if he had been running. His mama clasped his hand.[/I] "My little Sergei...Are you alright now? Do you want us to bring you back home?" [I]He shook his head and pulled himself out of the car. The family walked through the garden and into the library.[/I] [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=blue] [I]Krystal and Kinika waved goodbye to Jacen.[/I] "Hey, Kinika. Why don't we go search for some more people, together? I should have enough room on my electric scooter, and besides, I can sort of sense people like us so it should be easier." "Okay. Sounds like a good idea." [I]Kinika replied. Krystal and Kinika both got onto the scooter and rode off on their search. They soon found a little girl, standing by a scooter. They almost called out to her when they heard someone talking to her. Krystal set down her scooter and hid by Kinika and watched.[/I] "What's going on?" [I]Krystal whispered.[/I] "I don't know. Who is she talking to?" [I]Krystal shrugged her shoulders.[/I] "I have no clue. Do you think we should go and interrupt the conversation?" [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=blue] [B](I know what you're thinking. "Not another .Hack RPG..." Sorry, but I just had an idea for a story, and I wanted to try it out.)[/B] [I]It's nothing but a harmless, addictive, little game. At least that's what everyone had thought before the viruses, comas, and deaths began to occur more frequently. I am Wilhelm Mueller, Will to my friends. I am one of the countless people that have been taken hold of by this alternate world. Not that I'm bitter, in fact, I prefer this world over the real one. In here there is no death that can't be resolved with a reset, you don't need to eat so there is no hunger, money is made by fighting and since everyone is a warrior, there is no poverty, and any wars in this world are controlled. If this place ever displeases me, I can easily change it to my liking. You see, unlike most people who live here, I am a hacker. There used to be very few like me, but now, secrets have been shared and almost everyone knows how to create a virus or tweak code. At first this was fun, but now it has gotten out of hand. Admins are deleting everyone in sight and most players are leaving the game. But I have decided to stay. My cousin needs help and I'm not leaving until I find some answers.[/I] [B](Some notes about this RPG. This is an alternate universe that will be more closely related to the .hack video games. So there might be some appearances by Elk, Kite, Blackrose, etc. Also, the admins have changed their powers so that if they delete a character in the game, the player will become comatose in the real world.)[/B] Here is the sign up sheet. Look at mine for an example. [U]Real World[/U] [B]Name:[/B] (First and last.) [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Description:[/B] (Describe your appearance.) [B]Bio:[/B] (Give a little history of your character.) [U]"The World"[/U] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Class:[/B] (Choose one of the normal .hack character classes. I might add some unique ones if I think of any.) [B]Weapon:[/B] (Remember, your weapon depends on your character class.) [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Description:[/B] (Once again, describe your appearance. This time, for your character in, "the World".) [B]My Character:[/B] [U]Real World:[/U] [B]Name:[/B] Wilhelm "William" Mueller [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Description:[/B] Will, with his blond hair and blue eyes, is a stark contrast to his cousin, John. He usually wears a a green t-shirt, blue jeans, green-tinted sunglasses, a necklace with a green gem at the end, and black sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Will loved to play the flute with his father. He would play with him almost every day. Then, as he was coming home from work, there was a terrible car accident and Will never saw his father again. With no hope in the real world, he turned to a VR MMORPG named, "The World" and only stopped playing it when he needed to eat, sleep, or go to school. From a few of the people online, he learned the secret of hacking and has been experimenting with manipulating the code to his favorite game. His mother is very worried about his addiction to a video game so she is planning on remarrying so that he will have a father in his life once again. [U]The World:[/U] [B]Name:[/B] San-lang [B]Class:[/B] Wavemaster [B]Weapon:[/B] Jade Dragon Staff [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Description:[/B] Will always liked black hair and brown eyes, so that is what he gave his character, san-lang. He carries a green staff with two blue orbs in between the curves of an upright dragon figure. He wears a green and brown hat, a green shirt, a brown vest, brown fingerless gloves, dark green pants, and brown boots. He also has an illegal third arm that he keeps hidden. If you have any questions, PM me or just ask them in this thread. [/COLOR]
  13. Geist

    Music Mania

    [COLOR=blue] Is it okay if I'm related to the main villian? I Just thought it might be interesting. [B]Name:[/B] Sebastian Greenfield [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Instrument:[/B] Saxophone [B]Summon Monster:[/B] A Griffin [B]Description:[/B] Short, black hair, blue eyes, black jean jacket, black shirt, black jeans, dark sunglasses, and black boots [B]Bio:[/B] Sebastian's father, James, was an excellent saxophone player. When he played at a club, it was usually packed. Sometimes he would even let Sebastian, who was just practicing the saxophone, get on stage and play with him. But one day, James was found dead from a drug overdose, and his saxophone was missing. Sebastian believes that his Uncle Strike murdered his father. Strike was always jealous of his brother, and Sebastian knew that his dad had never used drugs once in his life. Sebastian practiced and practiced until he had mastered his instrument. Now, he is trying to find out what really happened to his dad. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=blue] [I]Charlie knocked on the open door. Captain Kat looked up at him as he saluted.[/I] "You wanted to see me, Captain Kat?" "Yes, I did. You must be Charlie Newland. Once the rest of the crew gets here, we will start the meeting. What are you staring at?" [I]The captain glared at the boy, angrily.[/I] "N-nothing captain..." "You don't have to lie to me. You humans are all the same. Just because I look like a cat, you always..." "I'm not a human, captain." [I]Captain looked at Charlie strangely.[/I] "Of course you're human. Are you feeling all right? I'll excuse you from the meeting if you wish. Or are you crazy? I don't like crazy people aboard my boat." [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=blue] "I was just hoping that one of you would remember what the place looked like where they performed the operation. I want to shut that place down so that they don't mess up any other kids, like they did to me. Would either of you like to help me?" [I]Krystal put on her headphones and waited for her new friends to make their decision.[/I] [B]OOC: This one's short, I know. I'm just trying to get the story moving.[/B] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=blue] "Nay, my lady. I don't know what kind of enchantment he has cast on you, but you do not know what you are saying." [I]Milo turned back to face Cross.[/I] "It seems even the wind is under your control, wizard. It will take more than that however to stop me from slaying you with this sword." [I]Milo held up his shield to block a sword strike just in time. He looked at his attacker. It was the maiden who had challenged him.[/I] "I will not fight you, my lady! Wizard, you have influence over this maiden; call her off and fight me alone." [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue] Thanks everyone, for the support. You're advice really helped. What do you guys think of stage names? If you had a uninteresting name, would you use a stage name? [/COLOR]
  18. Geist

    War of the Fay

    [COLOR=blue] "I'm not sure if you guys are in a hurry or not, but I am. I have another mission to take care of for the king after this one, so I say we move through the forest. Besides, if there's any danger, we can take care of it, just like those bandits." "He's right. We did defeat them pretty easily." [I]Deadrock said with pride.[/I] "Do you choose the forest as well, Kilika?" [I]Basil asked.[/I] [I]Kilika nodded.[/I] "Alright then, the forest it is." [I]The elves and the fairy moved through the shaded forest. Floke, being the fastest of the three, scouted ahead.[/I] "Do you see anything yet, Floke?" "No, I don't. There's nothing around here so far." [I]Floke turned around to make sure the elves were still following behind him. He then flew into the mouth of a black, furry beast and it swallowed him whole. His muffled screams from inside the beast's belly, could barely be heard.[/I] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=blue] "Your offer is very tempting. I have always wanted to join a quest that would make me worthy of knighthood. But how can I know you are telling the truth? And why would you need me to help you?" "Because, you have what we call a Dragon Soul." [I]The man explained. Milo shook his head.[/I] "Now I know that you are mistaken. I am no dragon, only a squire. I have never seen a dragon myself, let alone one of their souls except for in the tales the other knights tell. Tell me, wizard. How do you know the world is going to end?" "I am no wizard. I come from a time far, far from now..." [I]Milo pointed his sword at the man.[/I] "I can see through your ploy so you don''t have to deny it. I will kill you, evil wizard, free the maidens you have captured, and earn my knighthood!" [I]Milo charged at the man, his sword pointed straight ahead.[/I] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=blue] :D 1985 happens to be my birthdate. [B]Name:[/B] Nathaniel Pearson [B]Nickname:[/B] Nathan [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Appearance:[/B] Very pale skin, fangs, long black hair, brown eyes, wears a long, black trenchcoat, black pants, black shirt, black fingerless gloves, black boots, and a black choker. [B]Personality:[/B] Very closed off until he came to the camp. Even tries to smile now and then. [B]Powers:[/B] Enhanced strength and speed, able to walk in daylight, can't be killed as easily as a normal human. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=blue] [I]Beck pulled out her knife and waited for Jacen's attack.[/I] "That's very clever of you, kid. I didn't think you would find out who I really was until it was too late." [I]Beck lunged at Jacen with her blade.[/I] "No!" [I]A voice cried out. Beck vanished and Jacen looked over at the girl who had yelled. She looked just like the one who had tried to attack him.[/I] "I'm sorry about that. My power is to make holograms, so I won't be lonely. Sometimes they get a little out of control." [I]She said as she walked up to Jacen and Kinika. Jacen backed away from her.[/I] "Don't worry. I'm the real thing. Do either of you remember when you got the chips planted in your head? I can't remember at all." [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue] [I]A blond-haired girl walked up to a boy and a girl. The girl had a bandage on her arm.[/I] "Hi, I'm Beck. Are you okay?" [I]The girl with the bandage nodded.[/I] "Yes, I'm fine thank you. My name's Kinika." "And I'm Jacen. It's nice to meet you." [I]The boy said.[/I] "Tell me, would either of you happen to have a...chip in your head?" **** [I]Back by the fountain, Krystal was still unconcious...[/I] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue] [I]His first battle! Milo could hardly believe that they had really brought him along with them this time. It had been a quick, but bloody skirmish. The knights had already taken care of their wounded and they were now celebrating in their newly captured fort. Milo reached for his goblet, took a long drink, and thanked his companion.[/I] "You have my gratitude, Niklas. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the rest of the men would never have brought me to battle." [I]Niklas patted his young friend on the back.[/I] "Your thanks is unnecessary, Milo. You are a good fighter, and your talent should not be wasted on guarding our castle. Besides, how would you ever become a knight?" [I]Milo smiled and reached for a leg of lamb. He dropped it halfway from his plate.[/I] "Is there something wrong, Milo?" [I]Bertram, a fellow knight, asked. He shook his head.[/I] "No, I'm fine. I just need some fresh air. I'll only be a moment." [I]Milo left the table and picked up his sword and shield on his way out. He had felt something that seemed to be calling to him. It seemed to be like the feeling he had when he was fighting, but different somehow. Outside, he saw a boy, and two maidens. He readied his sword and shield in case of battle.[/I] "Tell me sir, who are you? Are you allies of the owners of the fort that we captured?" [B]OOC: Just to let you know, Wondershot, Milo doesn't know that he possesses any powers.[/B] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=blue] [I]Before the owner of the voice came around the corner, Krystal walked over to the center of the park.[/I] "I was wrong. There's more than one voice here. It sounds like there's at least one more..." [I]She stopped by the fountain.[/I] "Wait a second...There's a third voice, and it's very faint, like its asleep or something." [I]Out of the corner of her eye, Krystal saw a boy floating in the fountain. She pulled him out and put him on the grass.[/I] "He doesn't look too well. What should I do? If only I had brought my jacket with me, then I could at least stop him from shivering." "Give it up. You'll never be able to save him." [I]Krystal looked to her side. Sitting right next to her, was herself.[/I] "Go away! I don't have time to deal with you right now, Beck!" [I]Krystal yelled.[/I] "Why do you want me to leave? I'm just trying to help." [I]Beck pulled a needle out of her backpack.[/I] "Here, I brought something for you. Take a shot of this. It'll make you feel a lot better." "No! I told you before, I'm not going to end up like my mom!" [I]Beck shrugged, put the needle back, and glared at her counterpart.[/I] "You know you can't change me, so you might as well stop trying." [I]Krystal shook her head.[/I] "I'm never going to stop resisting!" [I]Then, Emily appeared. Krystal smiled at her.[/I] "I'm glad you've come, Emily. I can't get rid of Beck, I need you're..." [I]Emily wrapped her fingers around Krystal's neck and slowly started squeezing.[/I] "What...what are you doing Emily?" [I]She managed to say.[/I] "I'm sorry, Krystal, but Beck has convinced me of what a terrible person you really are. Goodbye." [I]Krystal struggled to break free. It was getting hard to breathe. "She...she shouldn't be able to touch me! How is she doing this?" A few seconds later, she blacked out and Beck and Emily disappeared.[/I] [/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Don't suck[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue] :p I think that's the best advice right there. But seriously, thanks everyone. I will try to write my own music, and play with my friends first, and I will especially try to play with people that have different tastes in music than I do. (I'll probably end up playing in a country band because that's about the only type of music I don't like.) I have another question. Would you guys say that it would help a lot more if I could play more than one instrument or if I could sing or something? [/COLOR]
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