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Everything posted by Geist

  1. [COLOR=blue] I'm only a first year keyboard player, but I'd like to try and join a band when I get a bit better. If any of you are in a band, were in a band, or tried to join a band before, could you give me some tips on what most bands expect of you? Should I try to write my own songs, or play songs by other artists? Should I give them a demo tape, or should I play for them in person? Also, do they care if you've ever played in a band before? Thanks for the help. :D [/COLOR]
  2. Geist

    Next generation!

    [COLOR=blue] [I]Ethan saw a kid, two girls, and a guy standing and talking to each other. He walked up to the man.[/I] "Are you, Rad? I'm Ethan Miller. I heard you're broadcast, and I'd like to help." [I]Ethan and the man shook hands.[/I] "Yeah, I'm Rad. Thanks for joing us. We'll need all the help we can get." [I]Ethan took his lighter out of his pocket and started playing with it.[/I] "You don't have to thank me, I want to get out of here as bad as you do. Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a better lighter, or a can of gasoline or something, would you?" [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=blue] [I]Krystal put on her dark blue beanie.[/I] "I'm going outside for a little bit. Okay, dad?" [I]She didn't wait for her dad to answer. She went outside, hopped onto her electric scooter, and rode down the street.[/I] "I wonder what all that commotion was about, last night. Oh well, I guess I'll never find out." [I]Soon, she was at the park. She chained up her scooter and walked along a pathway shaded by trees. A girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing a black dress appeared beside her.[/I] "Need some company?" [I]The girl asked.[/I] "Sure. I'll name you Emily." [I]Krystal replied. Emily smiled.[/I] "Thanks. I like that name." [I]Krystal stopped walking. She heard a single voice in her head, and it seemed to be getting closer. Emily disappeared before the owner of the voice turned the corner.[/I] [B]OOC: Just to let everyone know, I was expecting Kesaki_Inedia to come, but if she doesn't, it can be anyone.[/B] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Milo Baer [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Time Period:[/B] 1307 [B]Dragon Soul:[/B] Greviss [B]Element:[/B] Rune [B]Weapon:[/B] Wald sword, shield [B]Bio:[/B] A trustworthy, valiant squire, Milo is looking for a great mission that will earn him his knighthood. So far, he has not found one because the knights of his castle, never bring him with them; they always tell him to stay at the castle. Even though he has not been in an actual battle, he is a great fighter because of all of his training. [/COLOR]
  5. Geist

    Next generation!

    [COLOR=blue] "I hate kitchen duty." [I]Ethan whispered through clenched teeth. He turned on the electric stove and waited until it began to glow red.[/I] "If only this was gas instead of electric. Then I'd actually be able to burn a few things around here." [I]Before he put on the pan on the stove, he pressed his finger against the hot metal and kept it there, trying not to cry out in pain.[/I] "Hey, you masochist! get away from that stove, you're on dishwashing duty from now on!" [I]Ethan looked over his shoulder to see a guard walking over to him.[/I] "But I was supposed to cook the meal. I haven't even started it yet." [I]He replied.[/I] "It doesn't matter now. I gave you new orders. And if you like pain so much, then I'm sure you'll like this!" [I]The guard punched Ethan in the face and stomach. He then dragged him off and threw him in a room where a pile of dirty dishes filled the sink.[/I] "I don't want any slacking off, you hear?" [I]The guard said as he walked out of the room. Ethan pulled a lighter out of his pocket.[/I] "I'm glad he was a smoker. This thing is little, but it should do the job. Now I just need to find some oil or something." [I]He put it back in his pocket along with a few dirty rags. Then, he noticed that there was something going on outside. He climbed onto the counter, and crawled through the window to find out what was going on.[/I] "I might not be able to help, but at least it's better than washing dishes." [/COLOR]
  6. Geist

    War of the Fay

    [COLOR=blue] [I]The elves didn't answer Floke's question; they were looking around the forest suspiciously. Then, two bandits jumped from the trees and tried to attack the elves. Floke hid in a bush and watched the skirmish from afar. "Now's the perfect chance to continue on my mission. But should I really abandon my fellow warriors in a fight? No, I will help them. I'm not a coward." Floke pulled out his sword, which was just a little bigger than a pin, and flew over to help the elves in battle. He stabbed one of the bandits in the eye.[/I] "Curse that little bug! Squash it, Dren!" [I]The bandit said, holding his wounded eye.[/I] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=blue] I believe that you are on a roll, Sky...Tell me if I need to edit my sign-up in anyway. :D [B]Name:[/B] Milo Webb [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Short, brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, black jacket, black t-shirt, blue jeans, black boots [B]Special Item:[/B] Two black gloves with jewels on the fingertips. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=blue] [I]Sky leaned back in his chair. He was a little frustrated that they were only pickpocketing right now. He had hoped that he could get his family treasure back soon. "I shouldn't be complaining. It could be worse. At least I can keep an eye on the King of Bandits while I'm a part of his crew." He thought. Sky closed his eyes, and waited to see if anyone would choose him to be their partner.[/I] [B]OOC: I'm sorry that this is so short. I just don't want to ruin anyone's future post by choosing them as my partner.[/B] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue] [I]Charlie blushed and saluted.[/I] "I-it's nice to meet you sir. I'm Charlie Newland, and I'd like to be a part of your crew. I've always wanted to be a pirate, sir." [I]The man began to say something, but Charlie didn't notice and continued talking.[/I] "I might look like a normal kid, sir, but I'm not. I'm an android. I don't know all of my capabilities or why I was made, but I will do my best to benefit this ship, sir." [I]Charlie still stood at attention. The man started laughing.[/I] "Boy, you talk a mile a minute, don't you? You can put your hand down now." [I]Charlie blushed and did as he was told. The man shook hands with him.[/I] "I'm Elizabeth Hawkins, although most people call me Linzi. You'll find the captain on the deck." [I]Charlie scratched the back of his head, and ran upstairs.[/I] [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=blue] [I]Krystal awoke with a start. She thought that there had been someone by her bed but she looked around her room and found no one.[/I] "Dad?" [I]She whispered. She heard snoring from the room next to hers. It couldn't have been him.[/I] "I must have been dreaming." [I]Krystal tried to go back to sleep, but before she closed her eyes, voices whispered and echoed inside her head. She reached for her MP3 player.[/I] "Not this again. Who are these people? They're very close." [I]She put on the headphones and chose a song. Then, she turned up the volume to drown out the voices. It was no use, though. The voices kept getting louder.[/I] "Well, since I'm up, I might as well investigate." [I]Krystal got out of bed, got dressed, and silently snuck away to the dark, quiet streets awaiting her outside.[/I] [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=blue] I just read some of this manga, and I was thinking of making an RPG of it. Looks like I won't have to now. :D (Also, I'm going to have to fill out the bio later. I'm in a hurry. [B]Name:[/B] Sky Vardis [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Weapons:[/B] Two leather whips, two long daggers, and throwing knives. [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Bio:[/B] Sky comes from a very wealthy family. When the asteroid hit, however, his mother and father had to sell their valuables to survive; especially once their son was born. Sky is now working on stealing back what had once belonged to the Vardis family. He will join with anyone that can help him accomplish his mission. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=blue] [I]Jan walked along the empty sidewalk. Even though he had taught him how to speak English, he was glad to have the strange voice finally out of his head. He turned around as someone grabbed him by the shoulder. It was a blond-haired kid with ice blue eyes.[/I] "You're, Jan Wilhelm Weiss, right?" [I]Jan stepped back a little from the stranger.[/I] "How do you know my name? I don't know you." [I]He said with a heavy German accent. The stranger held out his hand.[/I] "I'm Bobby Drake, a student at Xavier's School for the Gifted. I came to bring you to the mansion." [I]Jan didn't shake Boby's hand. Instead, he walked away and got ready to open a portal.[/I] "I'm sorry, but you must have mistaken me for someone else. Goodbye." [I]A portal opened by the wall to Jan's side, but before he could jump into it, ice flew from the strange kid's fingertips and froze his feet to the sidewalk.[/I] "I didn't want to do this, but it looks like I'll have to..." [I]Jan tried to pull his feet free but it was no use.[/I] "If you would let me explain, then this would all make sense. You weren't going crazy. The voice inside you're head belonged to a great man known as, Charles Xavier. He's our leader and a mutant just like you and I, but now he's been kidnapped. We don't know who did it, but we do know we can't find him without help. That's why I need to bring you to the Mansion. Will you come with me?" [I]Bobby held out his hand once again, and Jan took it.[/I] [/COLOR]
  13. Geist

    War of the Fay

    [COLOR=blue] [B]OOC: You're welcome, Krillen. Also, my character does wear clothes; he has a brown tunic and cap. IC:[/B] [I]Floke tried to free himself from the arrow, but it was no use. He wasn't strong enough. Basil readied another arrow and aimed it at the fairy.[/I] "I will not tell you again. Talk!" [I]Floke raised his arms in defense.[/I] "I'm on your side, don't shoot! It's only me, Floke Thorngold. I'm...I'm on a special mission for the king. Please let me go..." [I]Basil lowered his bow and thought for a moment. He didn't know of any special mission for the king. Then, Kilika walked over and said.[/I] "Perhaps he's talking about the dwarf and his stone." [I]Basil looked over at Floke who was listening to their conversation. He nodded. Basil removed the arrow from the tree.[/I] "Alright then, little friend. You can come with us." [I]The elves continued on their way, with Floke flying along with them. "For now, I'll have to stay with them until I get a chance to escape." He thought.[/I] [B]OOC: Krillen, if you don't want my character to come with you, then just have him escape. Okay?[/B] [/COLOR]
  14. Geist


    [COLOR=blue] Well they wouldn't be friends, but enemies? I think they would still fight each other even if [SPOILER]Legato and knives[/SPOILER] aren't around. So yes, they would still be enemies. (I just thought we needed at least one person to play a villain from one of the animes.) [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=blue] [I]Hal had already touched the Crono statue. He walked up to the others.[/I] "Man this is awesome! Check out my cool sword, guys!" [I]Crono swung his sword through the air.[/I] "By the way...why are we all just standing around here?" [I]He asked.[/I] "Because you need to help destroy the targets!" [I]They all yelled at him. Crono jumped back in surprise.[/I] "You don't have to yell, I'm standing right here. Besides, I'm just a voice actor, not a programmer." [I]Crono destroyed his share of the targets. Then, since the others were taking so long to show up, he decided to destroy some more.[/I] [B]OOC: Alright, I'm here now. Can we move out of the target area soon?[/B] [/COLOR]
  16. Geist

    War of the Fay

    [COLOR=blue] [I]Unbeknownst to King Auberon and the rest of his men, his messenger, Floke Throngold, was flying out of the Sarashan Heights on his own mission to see the queen. Floke knew that if he could sneak in and talk to Queen Titania, he could convince her to leave the evil human that had invaded their land, come home to her husband, and end the war. Not that Floke exactly hated fighting, he'd do anything for his king. He just didn't like to see the royal couple seperated like this.[/I] "It's all his fault! That evil human...if he hadn't come here, this land would still be as cheerful as it once was. All humans seem to be incapable of leaving anything alone!" [I]He had almost left the boundaries of the mountains, when he ran into a few elves. He hid inside a bush, and waited for them to leave.[/I] [B]OOC: I know that the human didn't actually invade their land, that's just how Floke sees it. He doesn't trust humans. Also, if you want to, Krillen, you could use this to make you're opening post. (i.e. Your character can be one of the elves, Floke is hiding from.)[/B] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue] Thanks for the info, Circeus. (I don't know how to make that fancy, E.) I'm not sure how many of those characters we will use for the slots. By the way, do you want to join? And BB, when is this going to start? Or are we going to wait for a few more people first? [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue] Need another player? I'll play if you want me to... [B]Name:[/B] Ethan Miller [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] Long, unkempt, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, dirty round face, small nose, burns on his hands and arms, brown jean jacket, black t-shirt, faded blue jeans, and he wears a chain around his waist. [B]Bio:[/B] Fire. Ethan loved everything about it. The smell, the heat, the color, and the feel of it burning your skin. Ethan has been a pyro ever since he was 7 years old. he burned down lots of houses, but his main goal has always been casinos, since they were responsible for his father's gambling problem. One day, when he had run out of molotov cocktails, the police finally caught him and put him in the camp. Ethan tries not to shield himself off from people, unless they dislike him or they seem suspicious, everyone needs to have a few friends. [B]Hometown:[/B] San Francisco [/COLOR]
  19. Geist


    [COLOR=blue] Would an evil telepath with telekinetic powers be allowed? If not, I'll be... [B]Name:[/B] Midvalley the Hornfreak A.K.A. The Eleventh Gung-Ho Gun. [B]Anime From:[/B] Trigun [B]Weapons:[/B] A saxaphone with hidden machine guns. If he wants to, he can make it send out destructive sonic waves when he plays it. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/tri_010.jpg](I took this screenshot from a website. It's sort of large.)[/URL] [B]I'm looking forward to meeting you, Duo. And kudos, Daisuke, on the RPG idea and character choice.[/B] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=blue] Do you guys need another silicon head? (My nickname for the characters in the RPG.) If you do, then can you explain more about the chips, Sky? Do they give us certain powers? (i.e. the power to project holograms.) I want to touch up my bio a little bit, and I need a little more info to do it. Thanks. [B]Name:[/B] Beck Krystal Lake [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Krystal has Long, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. She seems to always wear her key necklace, dark blue beanie, red shirt, dark blue vest, dark blue backpack, blue jeans, bead bracelet, and white sneakers. She also is usually seen listening to her compact MP3 player, chewing bubblegum, or both. [B]Bio:[/B] Krystal isn't sure who put the chip in her brain, but she's almost positive that her parents allowed it to happen so that she wouldn't be lonely again. You see, because of the chip, she can make as many friends, animals, or objects as she wants. The only problem is, none of them are real, they're just holograms. Then, when she met some real friends, she stopped making holograms; until that one day when something went wrong. Krystal's friend, Nick, was talking to her when the chip made a holographic copy of him that wanted to kill her. It disappeared, and she tried to attack the real thing. He stopped her, however, before she seriously hurt him. Once Krystal realized what had happened, she asked Nick not to tell anyone, and he agreed. Now that the virus is loose, holograms from her deepest nightmares are appearing more and more often. She knows that they can't hurt her, but that doesn't stop her from being afraid. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=blue] Don't worry, vicky, I've never seen Treasure Planet either. Also, I think we might not have to fill an old spot. And BB, if we do have to fill an old spot, how close to the characters do we have to be? Thanks. :D [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue] [I]Evan stared the brick wall in front of him before he pulled out his spray can. Across the wall, in large white letters, he wrote. [B]Let Love Rule[/B] He stood back a little and admired his work. Some call it vandalism, but he calls it art. Because of his mutant powers, he could have easily wrote the message without a spray can, but he wanted the wall to remain standing. Evan slipped the can back into a bag by his side and looked over at a building with an electronic marquee. [B]New Mission. Report Immediately for Brieifing.[/B] flashed by. Evan blinked. The marquee was displaying it's normal message once again.[/I] [B]OOC: Sorry about the short intro. I got the idea for, "Let Love Rule" from some graffiti on a building in New Orleans.[/B] [/COLOR]
  23. Geist

    Element X

    [COLOR=blue] [I]A few hours later, Nate woke up in a bed at the infirmary. He felt an old emotion and sat up and laughed. He actually laughed! He watched as the door opened and Hikage and some of the other Element X's entered the room.[/I] "Nate, are you alright?" [I]Hikage asked him. Nate laughed again.[/I] "Yes. In fact, I'm better than alright. I don't know what happened, but I actually don't feel as depressed as I used to." [I]His smile faded a little.[/I] "The only problem is, along with my depression, my power seems to be going away...at least, that's what it feels like. But I'd give it up any day to feel like this." [I]Nate noticed that Hikage was frowning.[/I] "What's wrong Hikage? What's happened? I remember that you and I were talking by the side of a pond. Or was that just a dream I had?" [/COLOR]
  24. Geist

    Element X

    [COLOR=blue] [I]As everyone was preparing for an attack, Nate remembered what Alex had said. "Before you thank me, take this dagger also. If someone did happen to remove the mask and see your emotions, it would be better for you to die, right?" Nate still had the dagger in his belt. He pulled it out and was about to thrust it in his stomach when he thought he heard Katherine call out to him. "Nate, wait!" Nate stopped. He didn't see her around anywhere. "Nate, I know how we can get or revenge, but first you need to trust me." Her voice seemed to be coming from his mind. "Of course I trust you, Katherine. I always have." He thought. "Good. Now do exactly as I say...take the dagger, and cut your right arm." Nate lifted the black blade to his arm and did as he was told. Before he began to bleed, a black liquid leaped from the blade and went into the open wound. He shivered a little and then stopped. His eyes were completely black. "Thank you, Nate. There is nothing they can do to seperate us now. You know what to do next." Nate smiled and nodded. He then walked into the room where Light was talking with Fire about the Black X's. Light turned around suddenly.[/I] "Nate?" [I]Nate charged at her with the dagger but Light dodged the attack just in time.[/I] "I will put an end to all of your killling!" [I]Nate held out his right arm. The black liquid that was running through his veins shot out and hit Light on her chest.[/I] [B]OOC: Oops...[/B] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue] [I]At the official website, Warhead talked to the Navi that was supposed to be handing out free chips.[/I] "We are all out of chips right now, but I have a better prize for you. Because you our the 800th New Net Navi to visit the site, you get this special VIP data for the tournament." [I]It said as it handed Warhead the data.[/I] "You'd better hurry. The tournament has already begun." [I]Warhead walked out of the Site.[/I] "Did you hear that, Icon?" [I]He asked.[/I] "Yeah, I did. Log out and we'll go over to that tournament." ------- [I]At the tournament entrance, Icon was stopped by a tall red-haired man.[/I] "May I see your ticket, sir?" [I]Icon pulled out his PET.[/I] "I'm here to enter the tournament, not to watch. I won a VIP data at the official NetNavi site." [I]Icon showed the man the data.[/I] "Alright then. If you follow me, I will show you to your seat." [I]The man showed Icon to a special section where seven other kids were sitting. Icon sat down in one of the remaining seats.[/I] "Until it is your turn to battle, sit here and watch the other contestants. We will be sending you your arena number shortly." [I]The man explained.[/I] [/COLOR]
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