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Everything posted by Geist

  1. [COLOR=blue] What is the difference between Group Blueberry and Operation Group #4:Solidarity? [B]Name:[/B] Evan White [B]Codename:[/B] Graffiti [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Occupation:[/B] Part-time Employee at a Tower Records music store. [B]Identity:[/B] Only Evan's close family and his friend John know about his mutant abilities. [B]Legal status:[/B] Citizen of the United States. Arrested for Vandalism and destruction of Public Property. [B]Group Affiliation:[/B] Mutant Brigade. Northern Sector, Ontario Division, Toronto Section, Group Blueberry. [B]Strength Level:[/B] Evan White possesses the normal strength of a man of his age who moderately exercises. [B]Mutation Type:[/B] Blaster [B]Known superhuman power:[/B] By just moving his fingers, Evan can mark almost any surface with a special, colorful substance. After a few seconds to a few minutes, the markings will cause an inanimate object to explode or burn a living creature. [B]Special limitations:[/B] Evan cannot use his powers on any type of liquid. He also can't use his power if his fingers are covered. If he wears gloves, they're always fingerless. [B]Others:[/B] Evan and his friends were always the troublemakers at their school. One of their favorite things to do was vandalism. But one day, a janitor found their hidden stash of markers and spray paint cans and told the principal. The teenagers were suspended from the school. Once Evan got back, he found out that he didn't need spray paint to make graffiti, he could use his fingers. He showed his friend John and then they both left for class. A few minutes later, the wall exploded and the principal questioned all of the students. John and Evan both lied about the incident, but a kid that was watching them, told the principal what really happened. Evan was sent to a Juvenile Detention Center for vandalism and destruction of public property. He was also kicked out of the school for being a mutant. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=blue] [B]OOC:[/B] I usually do everything in blue, but I'll use your color scheme, Kiara. I'm just not sure what my color should be.[/COLOR][B] Bold black[/B][COLOR=blue] perhaps?[/COLOR] [B][I]Domino opened his eyes. They were a bit blurry. He was about to rub them, but stopped when everything came into focus. That would've been a mistake. He looked down at his recently tattooed arms; he was wearing his sickles. He couldn't place what it was, but his weapons were a bit different. They had as many blades as Conrad's did. That what was different about them. Domino opened his hand and found his stone. He smiled and laughed a little. Finally, he was back at the Island in the Sky. He got up, put his weapons back in his stone, and walked over to the large chapel like he had done once before.[/I][/B]
  3. [COLOR=blue] It's not too late to sign up, Makai. I'm just going to ask you to change your character's age a bit. It's half of what it's supposed to be. Thank you for joining. :D [B]EDIT: If you want, you could change your age to 10 years old. Davey is also that age. Once again, thanks.[/B] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue] [I]Icon's Net Navi, the one that was going to replace the one he didn't get along with, finally finished downloading. A face wearing a white fighter's pilot helmet appeared on the screen. It introduced itself with the name that Icon had given him.[/I] "Hi, I'm Warhead. Want me to show off some of abilities?" [I]Icon thought a little bit. A notice flashed at the corner of the screen. It read: 'Don't forget to bring your new Net Navi to the official website for a free chip and to meet other Navi owners!'[/I] "No. we'll net battle later. Right now, we're going explore the net." [I]He decided. A portal activated in front of Warhead and he walked into it. He was now outside of Icon's PET and in the Net. Icon gave him the address to the official site.[/I] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=blue] [U]Person[/U] [B]Name:[/B] Hal Williams [U]Character[/U] [B]Char. Name:[/B] Crono [B]Appearance:[/B] (See attachment.) [B]Bio:[/B] Hal was the English voice actor for Crono in Chrono Break. He was also going to do the voiceacting in Super Smash Bros. Clash. [B]Info:[/B] Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Chrono Break Crono was a normal teenage boy until he met a strange girl at the Millenial fair who was actually the runaway princess. Lucca, a friend of Crono's, was showing off her latest invention at the fair. Everything went fine, until the princess tried it out, and the machine reacted to her pendant. She was sucked into a strange portal, but her pendant was left behind. Crono followed after her, and his journey through time began. He traveled to the prehistoric ages, and even to the end of time itself! His adventure finally came to a close as he defeated the monster, Lavos, with his friends, Lucca, Marle, (the princess), Frog, Ayla, and Robo. Years later, a ghostly form of himself, met with the new hero, Serge. Crono is very good with a sword and lightning magic. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=blue] Can we choose types of magic that might be considered opposites? (i.e. gravity and wind.) Also, can we choose a type of magic that someone else has already chosen? Okay. Thanks, Okhami. [B]Name:[/B] William Hall [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Description:[/B] Long, black hair, brown, cloudy eyes, green jacket, blue jeans, black shirt, black boots, reflective sunglasses, walking stick [B]Bio:[/B] William was born blind, so all of his life he had to depend on the truthfulness of others. Then, one day, he met a very kind girl who introduced herself as Sakura. He was never able to repay her for her kindness, so with the help of the Burning Stone of Truth, he has been searching all over for her. [B]Weapon:[/B] Weight and Chain [B]Magic:[/B] Wind, Gravity [B]Burning Stone:[/B] Truth [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=blue] [B]OOC: Sorry, Oyeah, I've been busy. And Kiara, my character is going to be with Xaphania and Joe since they met up with him first. IC:[/B] [I]The next night, Joe walked into Davey's room. Sebastian was by the side of the bed and the younger vampire was soaked in sweat and shivering badly.[/I] "What's happening to him? Is he okay?" [I]Joe asked. Sebastian held out his hand.[/I] "This is no time for questions. Hand me that knife over there." [I]Joe did as he was asked. Sebastian took the knife, cut his own wrist, and held it over Davey's mouth. Joe turned away and asked.[/I] "What are you doing?" "This is an emergency. I can't get him human blood in time so he's going to have to feed off of mine for now. This won't hold him for long though. He needs to feed if he's going to recover." [B]OOC: I'm sorry that this was so short. I'm just trying to let you guys know that I'm still alive.[/B] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=blue] Interesting RPG. Do we have to fill a spot of one of the old characters, or can we be a totally new character? Tell me if I need to edit my character in anyway. Thanks. [B]Name:[/B] Charlie Newland [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Appearance:[/B] Long, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, lean face, thin, pointed nose, dark gray vest, dark red shirt, dark-grey pants, crystal bluebird necklace, black boots, bar code on right shoulder blade [B]Personality:[/B] I'll have to decide on this later. [B]Bio:[/B] For as long as he can remember, Charlie had no parents. When he was very young, he was taken in and raised by a small orphanage. They did countless searches for the boy's mother and father, but all they found was that he was not born, but made in a research lab that developed androids. The info was leaked slowly to the orphans and they started to treat Charlie differently. He soon found out that it was because he was an android and not a human like them. Charlie ran away from the orphanage a day before the researchers came to pick him up. Since people can't seem to respect him for what he is, he has decided to try and become a pirate. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue] A coincedence, huh? I didn't think they would use that name in an RPG...I guess my question about the wavemasters would have only worked if we were talking about .hack//infection. I forgot about Wiseman. (It bothers me that David Lucas does the English voiceover.) So is it just Elk and Tsukasa's personalies then? Also, what do you think they should have added or removed in the game? I think they should have added some unique areas that don't have anything to do with the story, (like Delta: Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground,) and also, some other characters fighting the areas. They all seem so empty. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=blue]I'll play as Iceman, but I might play as Avalanche instead. Who is he and what are his powers? For now, just put my name under Iceman, thanks. Oh, and do we need to put up stats about the original X-Men? [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Sergei Ivanov [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Bio:[/B]Sergei always had very vivid and disturbing dreams and they all began the same way. He would be standing in a dark mansion by the ocean when, on the second floor, a girl would begin to play a haunting melody on the piano. Then, one of his friends and family members that had passed away would talk to him until the girl played the last note and the mansion fell into the waves. His mother and father were very worried about their son but there were no psychiatrists that could cure him. When he saw Lucia McGrav, his parents thought he must be delusional so they decided to put him in a mental hospital where he could get the help he needs. [B]Place of Sighting:[/B] At the top floor of the old library [B]Appearance:[/B] Sergei usually wears black boots, a dark red shirt, blue jeans, a light gray jacket, and a silver bracelet with four little trinkets. He has bright, blue eyes, white blond hair, pale skin, and 7-8 burned onto his right arm. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=blue] "So if you guys didn't try to find a good monster area, then what did you do?" [I]Bahman asked. Perviz pulled the sign out of his inventory and held it up for his friend to read.[/I] "Aromatic Grass, huh? Did you get any?" [I]Parizade and Perviz both shook their heads.[/I] "Nope. No one wanted us to join their party." [I]Bahman sighed and shook his head.[/I] "That's too bad. I don't know why, but some people on the board seem to really like it. That reminds me, have either of you heard the rumor going around about that girl who died while playing this game?" [I]Parizade and Perviz stopped and looked at their friend.[/I] "No, we haven't. What happened? She didn't die because of the game...did she?" [I]Parizade asked.[/I] [I]Bahman laughed.[/I] "Of course not, Parizade. As real as this place seems, it's just a game. It can't kill people." "If it wasn't the game, then how did she die?" [I]The group continued walking.[/I] "Nobody is really sure. Most of them say it was some sort of heart failure or something. I think there was no girl to begin with. Someone is probably just trying to stir up some trouble or something. So...where do you guys want to go now? I don't want to be a newbie forever." "Why don't we go search for some aromatic grass? We could fight monsters on the way." [I]Perviz suggested.[/I] [I]Before Bahman and Parizade could agree with the plan, a voice behind them vetoed it.[/I] "I hate to burst your bubble, but aromatic grass can't be found in newbie dungeons." [I]All three wavemasters turned around to see the person who was speaking to them. It was Eggy.[/I] "If my plan won't work, then what do you suggest we do?" [I]The small red-haired girl smiled.[/I] "Well, I could go find you some, for a price." [I]Bahman shook his head vigorously.[/I] "We are not paying some little kid to find us a stupid weed. Let's go guys" [I]Bahman turned to leave but Perviz stopped him.[/I] "Hold on a second, Bahman. We could at least listen to what she wants." [I]Bahman stopped at crossed his arms.[/I] "Okay, Eggy. Tell us what you want in return for looking for the grass." [I]Parizade said. Eggy scratched her head.[/I] "I haven't really thought of anything yet, but it won't be anything too big. Okay?" [I]Perviz and Parizade nodded. Bahman was the only one who didn't agree[/I] [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=blue] Favorite food? Hmm...on one hand, I like strawberries because they're...I don't know, just because they're strawberries. Also because they make so many drinks and snacks with strawberry flavoring, (i.e. strawberry pocky.) But on the other hand, I love sushi because of all the sushi restaurants my family would visit when we lived in California and because I can gross out my little sister by eating stuff like octopus. (Isn't it known as Tako?) My least favorite food would probably have to be breakfast burritos, especially from a fast food place. (Do they serve them anywhere else?) Eggs and tortilla bread do not mix in my opinion. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=blue] [I]Domino looked at his watch and then at the picture that had been e-mailed to him by his host. In the photograph was a well dressed, Japanese family of five, with a mother and father, and two sons and a daughter. The oldest son, Domino's host, was about two years older than he was and bespectacled. His hair was long and black, and his eyes were a dark brown. "Where could they be? I'm at the right gate, aren't I?" He thought. He looked around the crowded airport. A pony-tailed girl was waving to him. No, not to him, probably to someone behind him. He walked around a little, looking for his host family.[/I] "Dominic Charlie White?" [I]He turned at the mention of his name. It was the girl who had been waving. She looked very familiar...The girl bowed and then pulled out a picture of him from her purse and pointed at it. He bowed akwardly.[/I] "You're, Dominic Charlie White, aren't you?" [I]She asked, still pointing at the picture.[/I] "Uhh...yeah. Do I know you? How did you get my picture?" [I]She smiled.[/I] "I'm Tamura Miyuki, Masato's younger sister." [I]Domino looked at the picture in his hand. That was why she looked so familiar.[/I] "So where's Masato? He was supposed to meet me, wasn't he?" [I]Myuki nodded.[/I] "Yes. But he had to go with my father to a university. Your trip was going to be canceled but I volunteered to be your host. Do you need some help with your luggage, Dominic? My mother and younger brother are bringing the car around to the front." [I]Domino shook his head.[/I] "No thank you, I can get them. And call me Domino. All of my friends do." [B]OOC: (Don't take my word on any of this.) The Japanese bow instead of shaking hands. I believe they look down on physical contact, (at least between strangers). Also, they say their surnames before their first names.[/B] [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=blue] I'd better grab my old spot. [B]Name:[/B] Dominic [B]Nickname:[/B] Domino [B]Power:[/B] Metal [B]Description:[/B] Spiky, blue hair, green eyes, Black jacket, black jeans, and dark blue t-shirt. [B]Weapon:[/B] Double Arm Sickles [B]Bio:[/B] Domino searched the island for his old friends. [B]Stone color:[/B] Platinum [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=blue] Yes, you're right. The suspense is worth it. :D Thanks for clearing up the mystery of the strange floating objects. ([SPOILER]I never noticed the castle before.[/SPOILER]) I renamed Kite to, "Geist" by the way, so it's my name in the game. I was just asking if the armor, "Geist Ring" is actually, "(Player Name) Ring". Also, is it just me, or do male wavemasters seem depressed most of the time? And who are you're favorite players to bring with you to the dungeons? And who do you hate to bring? I always bring Elk and Sanjuro or Elk and Mia. (I just like Elk's character for some reason.) And I hate bringing [SPOILER]Nuke and Rachael[/SPOILER] with me. [B]EDIT:[/B][SPOILER]After seeing the characters from .Hack//sign in the game, I want to go buy the anime now. Also, can you unlock those four scenes as movies?[/SPOILER] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue] Well, let's see here...I write sometimes but I think Musician describes me the best. I'm the only one besides my younger brother, (not counting my cousins and their father,) that is dedicated enough to take the time to learn an instrument. Also, my goal is to learn how to play at four instruments, and I like songs that either have a nice melody or good lyrics. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue] After playing the game? Oops...I watched it before and I had no clue what was going on. Mutation is a really cool game in my opinion but since it's so close to the first game, I think they should have made all of this into one box set. (Like Arc the Lad.) Also, I have two questions for people who have gotten far in the game. [B]1.[/B] In Infection, there was a floating mummy. Now there's some sort of strange whale floating around in some of the areas. Is this in any way similiar to the mummy? [B]2.[/B] Is there an item that is named after your character? My name in the game is Geist, and I've seen some people with a pair of gauntlets named, "Geist Ring" for trade. This isn't a coincidence, is it? (That would be strange if it was.) [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=blue] I took this from my sign up in another x-men RPG so it has some extra stuff in it, is that okay? [B]Name:[/B] Jan (Yan as in Van) Wilhelm (Vilhelm) Weiss (Vice) (Thanks again, BB. :D) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Good/Bad:[/B] Neutral but leaning towards bad [B]Mutant Name:[/B] Doesn't have one yet [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Nationality:[/B] German [B]Mutant Power:[/B] The power to open and move multiple portals to and from another dimension [B]Bio:[/B] During WWII, Wilhelm and his parents did not support Hitler and the Nazi party. In fact, they opposed them. They believed that the Jews were as human as they were, so they hid many of them in their basement. The Nazis became more and more suspicious of the Weiss family so they sent the SS to search their house without notice. Scared for the refugees, Wilhelm rushed down to the basement to try to do anything he could to protect them. Once he got there, a strange portal opened up in front of him. He looked through it and saw a city he had never seen before. His attention was brought back to the room as the SS tried to break down the door he had locked behind him. Hoping that the city was anywhere outside of German territory, he led the Jews through the portal. The SS broke in the door, saw what he was doing and shot at him. Wilhelm held up a hand and a portal opened in front of him, catching all of the bullets. They then tried to throw a grenade, but he just opened another portal and caught it. The SS then took his parents hostage and threatened to kill them if he didn't stop resisting. Wilhelm gave in and they knocked him out and brought both him and his family to a detention center to be executed. As his parents were being taken away, he woke up and opened a portal for them to escape through. They didn't want to leave their son, so they didn't move. The guards executed them on the spot and knocked Wilhelm out again. When he came to this time, he found that he was tied to a post and facing a firing squad. They opened fire and he opened a portal in front of himself and then several in front of them. The bullets came back and killed the soldiers and the boy escaped into a portal. He stayed in the strange dimension for what seemed like a short time, but when he came out, everything had changed and he was in a strange country filled with people who spoke a strange language. He soon found out that he was in America. Then, some people who he couldn't understand tried to take him away. He ran through several portals until he was far away from the strange people. A day later, a voice inside his head, speaking in his own language, told him that everything would be all right and that it knows what he is and he would be safe if he came to the "School of the Gifted". Thinking he had gone crazy, he tried to ignore the voice but it wouldn't go away. And the strangest thing of all, it taught him the language that most of the people seemed to speak in the city. One day, the voice was finally silenced and Wilhelm didn't give it a second thought. [B]Appearance:[/B] Wilhelm, or Jan to his friends, has bright blue eyes, long, white blond hair and tan skin. He usually wears black pants, black boots, a black sleeveless shirt, and a black choker. He has also recently got a tattoo on his right bicep of a swastika in a red, empty circle with a single red, diagonal line crossing it out. On his left bicep, he has a tattoo that reads, "Bigots only hurt themselves". [B]Personality:[/B] Jan still has a hard time trusting some people, especially humans. he'll be bleak sometimes, but most of the time he's cheerful. He also hates bigots and their narrow opinions of people that are different from themselves. [/COLOR]
  20. Geist

    Element X

    [COLOR=blue] [I]Nate put the dagger in his belt and watched as Alex returned with someone following along behind him.[/I] "Nate! Nate Edwards, you're alive! It's good to see you." [I]The girl hugged Nate tight.[/I] "I'm glad to see you too, Katherine. How did you survive?" [I]Katherine released Nate.[/I] "Well, it was all thanks to Alex. I was beaten up pretty badly and he found me and nursed me back to health. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him." [I]Nate hugged Katherine again and looked over at Alex.[/I] "Thanks Alex...I can't tell you how much this means to me." [I]Alex scratched the back of his head.[/I] "You don't have to. I understand how you feel. Besides...that's what true friends are for, right? Now, why don't we go to the camp and you guys can catch up?" [I]Nate followed Katherine and Alex to their camp in the forest.[/I] "I wasn't sure if I should tell you this or not, Nate. But I thought you deserve to know..." [I]Katherine didn't continue. She just sat their and looked up at the sky.[/I] "If you're not up to it, Katherine, I could tell him for you." [I]Alex suggested. Katherine shook her head.[/I] "No. That's okay, Alex. I can tell him." [I]She then turned to Nate and took his hands in hers.[/I] "Nate, you trust me don't you?" [I]She asked.[/I] "Of course!" [I]katherine smiled at his reply.[/I] "Good. Because what I'm going to tell you might seem a little hard for you to believe....You see...I don't know how to say this, but the people you're training with are responsible for the attack on our village." [I]Nate looked away from her.[/I] "I should have known. But how could they have done it? They're so young and inexperienced." [I]Nate asked.[/I] "I know. They didn't actually cause all of that destruction, your instructors did. And now they're training you and your friends to cause even more chaos, and to possibly kill Alex and I as well." [I]Nate stood up and clenched his fists in rage.[/I] "Those filthy murderers! They don't deserve to breathe for another second! I'm going to make them experience our pain and worse!" [I]Katherine stood up and handed Nate a pair of black, spiky gauntlets.[/I] "Thank you, Nate. I knew you would understand. This should aid you on your mission." [I]Nate put on the gauntlets and the spikes started moving as if they were alive.[/I] "What is this?" "It's part of a special suit of armor that not only provides protection from harm, but attacks its enemies as well. This was the only piece, Katherine and I could find of it. With that and your powers, you will be able to get your revenge easily. We will watch you from afar." [I]Alex turned from the camp and walked back to find the others.[/I] [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=blue] "I've changed my mind, Xaphania." [I]She looked at Sebastian, he was floating away from her slowly and his hand was at his chain and sickle.[/I] "If you are for the dark, then I'm afraid that I cannot join you...They were the ones that changed me into this...And they are the ones that I will get my revenge on." [I]Sebastian hesitated and did not withdraw his weapon.[/I] "Xaphania, if you wish it, I will fight you here and now. But if you choose to leave, then I want you to know that someday, you and I will have to kill each other. What is your decision?" [/COLOR]
  22. Geist

    Element X

    [COLOR=blue] [I]Nate heard the sound of soft footsteps coming from behind him. He stood up and faced the person walking towards him. He couldn't believe his eyes.[/I] "Alex? That's impossible...you're dead..." [I]His blond-haired friend smiled.[/I] "It is possible, Nate. I'm standing in front of you, aren't I? I survived the attack just like you did." [I]Nate had a hard time speaking. This was just so unreal.[/I] "Did...did anyone else survive?" [I]Alex's smile faded.[/I] "No. I'm sorry nate, I was the only one." [I]Alex handed Nate a black mask with a white tear running down the face.[/I] "I know how you're feeling, Nate, so I wanted to give you this. It will hide your emotions from everyone. That way, they'll leave you alone and you can finally be happy." [I]Nate put on the mask. It sealed to his face but he didn't notice.[/I] "Before you thank me, take this dagger also. If someone did happen to remove the mask and see your emotions, it would be better for you to die, right?" [I]Nate nodded and Alex walked away.[/I] "Wait! where are you going, Alex?" [I]Nate cried.[/I] "Don't worry, I won't be gone long. I lied to you, Nate. There was one more person that survived..." [I]Nate looked down at the dagger.[/I] "...I think you'll be happy to see her..." [I]Nate's dead heart almost started beating as he felt what he once knew as joy, at Alex's words.[/I] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]Here I am, Xra. Thanks for waiting. :D [B][I]Real world[/I][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Icon Tamura [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Appearance:[/B] Purple, spikey hair, green eyes, black jeans, white and black backpack, Long-sleeved white shirt, with black rings at the end of the sleeves and across the front, large black boots. [B]Bio:[/B] For an average navi, Icon's was pretty good. But one day, they had an argument, and his navi left him. A few days later, he saw the commercial and decided to order a new net-navi. [B]Personality:[/B] Icon is very self-reliant and a bit stubborn. He doesn't like to admit that he's wrong. As he makes friends over the Net and off-line, he's getting a little less proud. [B]Battle chips:[/B] Grenade, Detonator, Restore Health +120, Missile, Missile Swarm [B][I]The net:[/I][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Warhead [B]Appearance:[/B] White armor with black stripes, fighter pilot helmet with green visor and oxygen mask, constantly activated jetpack. [B]Style(optional):[/B] N/A [B]Signature attack:[/B] Payload [/COLOR]
  24. Geist


    [COLOR=blue] Interesting idea...Mind if I have wings as well? [B][I]Real Life[/I][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Conrad Williams [B]Age(18 to 45):[/B] 19 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Short, black hair, blue eyes, black shades, dark blue t-shirt, black jeans, black boots [B]Occupation:[/B] College Student [B]Bio:[/B] Conrad plays the Sax for a small Jazz band that he and some of his friends put together. His friends stopped practicing as much as they used to and he found out it was because of some VR game they had bought. He was curious to how addictive this game could be so he bought it himself. [B][I]C-D world[/I][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Sonata [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Spikey, dark blue hair, reflective sunglasses, large blue gloves, large blue boots, metal guard over mouth, blue breastplate, blue wings [B]Weapon:[/B] Scythe [/COLOR]
  25. Geist

    Modern Dreams

    [COLOR=blue] [I]A tall, muscular man with silver hair and sunglasses walked up to Domino and shook his hand.[/I] "You must be the one that came here to replace me. I'm Conrad, the Metal Guardian." "Uh...I guess I am. My name is Dominic, but my friends call me 'Domino'. You look...tough..." [I]The tall man laughed.[/I] "Thanks, kid...I mean, 'Domino'. I didn't always look like this, though. I used to be a normal kid just like you before I became the new guardian; this is what he looked like." "Really?"[I] Domino asked.[/I] "Yeah. A few years after taking his place, I changed into what I am today." [I]Domino was impressed. Would he look like this too someday? He then noticed that Conrad was frowning.[/I] "Okay, that's enough of the formalities. It's time to fight." [I]Double-bladed sickles appeared on Conrad's large arms. He stepped into an offensive stance. Domino held up his hand.[/I] "Wait!" "What is it now?" "If you want me to become the guardian so much, why don't you just give me the position?" [I]Conrad smiled.[/I] "I'm sorry kid, but I can't just give it to anyone. I have to find out if you're worthy of replacing me. Now...let's fight!" [I]Conrad charged at the boy. Domino called forth his sickles and raised them in a defensive position. At the last second, he changed his mind and jumped out of the way. Conrad landed with a thud at the spot where Domino had just stood.[/I] "You're smarter than I thought, kid. You can't match my strength so you're going to try and outrun me, huh? There's only one flaw in your strategy...sooner or later I'm going to hit you!" [I]Domino dodged again. He tried to turn around to face his opponent but he couldn't move his feet. He looked down at them, they were held down by a layer of metal.[/I] "You've lost, kid..." [I]Domino tried to pull free from the metal, but it was no use.[/I] "But...but that's not fair!" [I]He protested.[/I] "Yes it is, it's perfectly fair. There's no rules that say we can't use our powers to help us win. You just didn't think of it first, kid." [/COLOR]
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