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Everything posted by prestongraff

  1. No pick nomething else, I beat that game 2 years ago I dont remember any of the star spirits names and noone else here remembers so just think of something else
  2. yu-gi-oh gif section would be great because I like to look at those cool moving things.
  3. you have to beat your rival for the 2nd time edited ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Maybe it was the third time. I dont remeber. If I was you I would try searching "pokemon ruby/Saphire guide" on a search engine. these are some search engines that might help you, Google.com Mamma.com Yahoo.com ..there are alot more to.
  4. no you dont because you already played the I.
  5. ive seen the part when kid buu dies and a few episode after that but I still diddnt see all of them yet I think there are about four left for me.
  6. I never have any problems with my Gcn but my friend always does. An error message kept coming on with ww last time I came over. (he said it happens every 45 minutes)
  7. my favorite saga is G Gundam because they dont have to use those buttons and triggers. I think that your Gundam does what you do is better
  8. Villans love to kill, Vellans are Evil and want everything to their selves. Alot of villians also want to be immortal even though they are extremely powerful
  9. I just entered the password and I got into the Pirate ship, I have to make it to the treasure chest by swinging on the ropes untl the gates close. Bt I cant do it. Can someone tell me how to do it.
  10. lol thats really funny. (all of you guys are funny)
  11. Name: bob nickname: Bo age: 17 appereance:5'7 148 lbs chained tattoo on left leg. A little bit tan and wears brown and green clothes Charector skecth: Loves to beat the snot out of enemies wit his electric sword and has saved the world twice.
  12. butterfly: a flying tiger with a brain a small as a spider
  13. my best strategy is to teach Groudon solor beam because he uses drought which makes it sunny whick means you dont have to recharge for solor beam.
  14. okay then forget it I cant think of any good questions so im gone i wont post anything in the zelda quiz anymore because im making it way to diffucult for everyone. (OH and Im not sad or mad I just cant do this quiz stuff):whoops:
  15. List the whole credits of every Zelda game, Is that hard enough?
  16. I know one. what did Tingle sell on mm
  17. why cant we just do an easy question; for example how many zelda games are there for n64 and what where they called?
  18. I thought Mario 128 is a mini game on ssbm where you have to kill 128 tiny marios
  19. I edited it so its not spam anymore and I am very very sorry
  20. oh I forgot I havent played that game in a while
  21. man these questions are way to hard for me cant you guys do an easy question jut for me
  22. no I dont think that you get anythng for doing it again.
  23. oh thanks but I copied my friends data so I dont know if he did that; and it dosent really mater to me that much so you dont have to wory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ im going to change the subject; I like putting the chickens in the ben on oot. Igot an empty bottle for doing it and I kept doing it after I got the bottle [color=indigo]Combined the double post. If you want to add something, please just use the "Edit" button down in the right hand corner of your posts. Thanks. :) - Desbreko[/color]
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