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Everything posted by prestongraff

  1. The Pigs killed me. I couldnt even hurt them anymore because they went crazy. (I never hit a pig again)
  2. I am 13 now and I was 5 when I started watching Dragonball and I loved it. WEn Dragonballz came out I watched it, bought posters mangas and started watching Gundum, Zoids, Tenchi, etc. and I am still watching and reading as many anime as I could find
  3. the pigs are scarier than the chickens because the pigs changed colors when I kept hitting one
  4. i like gta3 better because I beat it and gta vc is 2 hard because im stuck on a stupid mission
  5. oh yeah and the zelda game was the 2nd worst ever
  6. ginny... seddle down ....wait you use to work on the digimon stuff on this website
  7. on egm #150 that game got on the top 20 worst games list
  8. ^huh? How do you know all of that:confused:
  9. that gun were you cant zoom in, has a flashlight, and all of the people on your side use it is my favorite weapon. What is it called?
  10. I think Chi-Chi is more offensive than Bra so they probably have Bulla for another reason
  11. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................. I think you use the Orcaraina (that was a guess)
  12. pleeeeeease say they are putting dbgt on toonami. I tired of watching it in japenese
  13. my friend has that card in a japenese 303 pack
  14. Yo dont hre things last because I never heard of that anyway that is really funy
  15. Toan, Link, Cload, Zidane, Auron,both Rikus and MARIO!!;) :p
  16. "I am the Prince of ALL saiyans once again"-Vegeta before he fights android 19 "I just dont get it buu, firt your laughing at me and now your yelling at me at the top of your lungs"!-Vegeta inside buus body.
  17. I have the game it rocks but it only goes up to th cell games saga You have to beat the world tournament in advanced to get saiyaman i have him it was hard to get [SIZE=1][i]Edit by J-17: Next time, please try to use the edit button instead of double posting. ^_^ Thank you[/i][/SIZE]
  18. Hercule is so stupid but hes so funny. On dragonballz Budakai he asked Tien what the shape of his glasses were LOL
  19. my best card is gaia the feirce knight
  20. the dragonballz ccg rating 7/10 You first start out with 4 charecters to chose from. 2 villans or 2 heros. The 2 heros are Goku and Gohan and the 2 villans you start out with are Freeza and Garlic junior. Once you beat the game with a charector you unlock a new one. The minimum amount of cards you can have in your deck is 50 cards and the maximum is 75 cards
  21. I cant beat world 7-2 on super mario advance no matter how hard I try!!! And I cant beat bowser on luigis mansion!!
  22. they are all good guys why are they all fighting? Has Vegeta turned evil?
  23. maybe the movie will have a female super saiyan. I have no clue who it would be though.
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