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Blue Heaven

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Everything posted by Blue Heaven

  1. Never Ending Story is in 5th mix. Its not that hard.
  2. My favorite songs would have to be 1998, Crash, Era, Trance Dejarnoe, Dam Daridam KCP mix, AM 3p 303 Bass MIx, Speed Over Beatoven, dub I dub, Breakdown, Paranoia Max Dirtry Mix, Tsugaru, Paranoia Survivor Max, Stoic, Sync, V, Colors, A, Sakura, Flash Dance, Never Ending Story, Rythm and Police, and .59 Phew thats alot to bad its only DDR songs and not all Techno/Trance and Bemani because that list could go on forever. lol
  3. **Drools** DDR Extreme. God I wanna play it. :tasty:
  4. the more coins put in the more turns you get Its not more songs its 3 songs (some machines 2 or 4) and then you just hit start again.
  5. Ahh you have extreme. Your so lucky. All I have here is 50 cent 5th mix machine and a 75 cent 7th mix Oh Btw Sephiroth i'd take you on anyday... (hehe reading previous threads)
  6. they're deffinantly worth it. I had soft pads and they are screwed after about a month. Metal pads last a very very very long time. They have close to arcade, but not quite arcade feel.
  7. i got the metel pads. There pretty sweet but not the same arcade feel. I don't have the ps2 version because i don't have a ps2 :o I'm a heavy stepper =P can A max 300
  8. i've been skating for four years and can do alot. I can do 8 stair hand rails. Kickflip 10 stairs. I can 360 flip nollie flip nollie hardflip sexchange frontside flip 360 off ramps fs and bs boardslides crookeds, smits, feebles, ollie over 5 boards. Uhh.... i think thats it. Well and the basic tricks too.
  9. I was a beta test :P anyway besides that I have Unreal Championship, Moto GP, and Ghost Reacon for live. My Live gamertag is T Man
  10. I got this Yugioh Card (japanese) Exodias left leg. It doesnt have the little holo foil square on the bottom. Is that an error?
  11. Well Xbox online is ALOT BETTER than I thought it would be. I suggest getting it when it comes out. I can't stop playing thats all I know. Oh and my gamer tag is T Man if you wanna play with me.
  12. Im accepted to be a beta tester :) and I got the 50 bucks. WEEEEE!!
  13. mine is Bastr Nemac how would u pronounce that one?
  14. Haha boaters that sounds so funny. I boat in a way. I use waverunners which are boats. Those things are so fun. My uncle has 3 seadoo waverunners which i go out on ALOT!! anyone else here boat??
  15. I don't like ren and stimpy on nick cause alot of stuff was cut out from when it was on mtv. But i do like invader zim and i used to like rocos modern life. That was great. Heh with how nick is going bevis and buthead will prolly be next on their list of shows :lol:
  16. im going to ocen city nj north carolina , maybe scotland not sure yet :) and i know in four years were going to Germany for the world cup. next year were going to disney and the year after that were supposed to go on another cruise to either the bahamas or bremuda unless my dad decsides to take us to the womens world cup.
  17. beaches... I go to ocen city nj alot that beach is pretty nice. The board walk is better thay have ddrmax :P I also go up to lake wom pom pack(sp?) with wave runners alot (going this wedensday as a matter of fact) Thats always fun.
  18. i skate seeing as i just sanapped my flip yesterday and not having enough money for a new one I'm geting a blank deck. I have a kicker and a rail and I go to the skatepark alot!!! I've been skating like 2 years now. I have DC Reasons shoes. Not much left of those things though :lol: I skate alot of stairs. Haven't gotten enough guts to do a handrail yet. Damn those things are scarey. But I can do seven stairs. I'm also going to woodward next year :P
  19. well on the account of I can't get an army I'm gonna drop out and Boba(i hope i spelled that right) you can take over the army.
  20. umm.. you imed me to be on my army already...
  21. whats wrong with the last days of Earth? It's interesting to think what will happen to this planet. I myself would like it if God would take us away to a better place like he says in the bible.
  22. I just had this great Idea for a game/Rpg. People recruit members to join their army and then there are wars between the armies. The las army standing wins the prize of winning:laugh: ! If you want to join my army just pm or im me! Good luck and more info will be posted once we get some armies. Btw only one person can join one army.
  23. What do you think will happen during the last days of earth. I think it will happen like the good 'ol bible says. God will take the belivers and followers up to heaven and let the others to die. Well thats not exactly how it's said but close enough.:cross:
  24. I go out and start riots!!!:devil: No just kidding I usually work on my cool cartoon that I have no name for yet or I go out and wake up the neighbors by skateboarding. I also work on my website.
  25. I hate people who hate skateboarders or Jesus/religion. Satanic people suck!:flaming: :flaming: :angel:
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