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Blue Heaven

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Everything posted by Blue Heaven

  1. most embarrasing moment. Hmmm.... Well I guess this would qualify for embarassing.Its more like pain though. I was skateboarding with my friends and I had just learned how to do handstands, almost like rodney mullen does. Well I wan doing them fine untill one fateful handstand I overfliped and feel smack dab on my face. I got up and I started to skateboard again and my freind said,"Dude you better go home your bleeding all over". I felt my head and my face and i had blood pouring all over my hand. I barely remember anything but my friend said I looked really stonned. I didnt feel the pain untill I got home. Heres the embarasing part... Going to school the next day with a big band aid on my head and nose. I was made fun of by my science teacher :flaming: damn guy. But it all turned out good in the end. I only got 3 scares and a concussion. Dont know if you would consider that embarassing or not...
  2. Playa Hata by Josh Tobin and almost anything by Tenacious D and also the ******* song. Those are hillariouse.
  3. how is vegeta a cheater if there are no rules. I also don't see how he is a crybaby. He complains and whines about the others being weak but he dosnt go crying to his mommy.
  4. Hmm... Lets See... I would Wish I could do energy attacks and Fly. I would also wish that I would get to stick a gun up to a terrorists head and blow their head off because they don't deserve to live if they are going to kill.:flaming:
  5. Well lets see i'm 14 and i live in pa i guess no one lives there. Well anyway there are many amish here and alot of penslyvanian dutch(inclucding me i just dont sound it but you can tell I am) NO One Live IN PA ;(
  6. I wanna go to sooo bad. I could have jappenese people kick my butt in DDR and check out all the anime and game stuff.
  7. [QUOTE]all of the middle eastern countries would probbly have been knocked off teh map by nukes...[/QUOTE] You want to use h-bombs so its not a nuclear waste land. BUt anyway I don't see whats wrong with Bush. He handeld the situation in a good way and brought nationalism thorought the whole country. America is probrably stronger as a country than it ever has been.
  8. Who got the new DDR Konamix. I just odered it today. I herd it was really awesome.
  9. I have my PSX and yes I still play it but it needs some repairing done. I have a snapped ribbon that i need to put back together can anyone tell me how or where i can fix this.
  10. Spider man is such a great movie. Thats all i'm revealing
  11. Well I think I'll start this old thing up again. Unless it was banned from otaku. Remember I haven't been here in like a year so I don't know if it was banned or not. Well I guess I'll start. WORD:Carrort
  12. I got my new EGM and saw that they released the new Xbox controlers. Their more compact and they play alot better. Who has them. If you do can you tell me how they play.
  13. Blue Heaven


    Do we have any punk rockers here? I am one of them. I like LTG(Less than Jake) FIF(Five Iron Frenzy) Gold Finger Operation Ivy Rancid NoFX H.I.M KORN Adema System of a Down The Rammones Good Charolate. So what do you all like. Punk Wise?
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