most embarrasing moment. Hmmm....
Well I guess this would qualify for embarassing.Its more like pain though.
I was skateboarding with my friends and I had just learned how to do handstands, almost like rodney mullen does. Well I wan doing them fine untill one fateful handstand I overfliped and feel smack dab on my face. I got up and I started to skateboard again and my freind said,"Dude you better go home your bleeding all over". I felt my head and my face and i had blood pouring all over my hand. I barely remember anything but my friend said I looked really stonned. I didnt feel the pain untill I got home.
Heres the embarasing part...
Going to school the next day with a big band aid on my head and nose. I was made fun of by my science teacher
:flaming: damn guy. But it all turned out good in the end. I only got 3 scares and a concussion.
Dont know if you would consider that embarassing or not...