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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I have been spending endless time researching Grand Theft Auto Vice I even made my own [URL=http://racerx1017.tripod.com/grandtheftautovice]website (clicky here)[/URL] on it. I also have spending more and more time on the Gamefaqs board(I became a level 32 user *claps hands*) which I haven't really been on for a long while.Finally I have been consintrating on my school work, yes school work...I actually have A's now.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [color=blue][Size=1]Grand Theft Auto Vice is coming Octbober 29th and it will e twice as large ar Grand Theft Auto 3. There will be a 9 hour soundtrack towering over Grand Theft Auto 3 hour soundtrack. Motor Cylces and Helicopter are now accesable vehicles and it is not said thr are 100-120 missions in the game. You will be able to explore 50+ interiors and it is confirmed that you will be able to buy clothing from cloths store.Belo is a list of what s confirmed in the game and the story. New Weapons: Chainsaw Machette Colt Python Ruger MAC-10 M-60 Uzi Screwdriver Assault Rifle New Cars: Voodoo Virgo GPX Banshee Inferno Stretch Motorcycle Walt on RedCar Gameplay Improvements: Improved cleaner, smoother hand to hand combat system that includes various kicks and punches. Also you can kneel down to steady you aim. 40 weapons. (Compared to GTA III's 15) These include a knife, machete, six-shooter, uzi and many more. New character animations are included for each weapon, such as a stabbing animation for the machete. Improved targeting system. It will change color depending on threat and tell you if a ped is armed. Improved AI. The police can now shoot out tires. They will also chase after other criminals this time. Peds do more action such as jog, lay on the beach, roller-skate, sit on benches, cross streets and walk in pairs. Peds will also crouch down behind cars when in a gun fight and gangs will walk in groups instead of in single file or on their own in GTA III. GTA: Vice City will be all open from the start! (Meaning you can explore the whole city without limitations.) The city is two and a half times larger than Liberty City! Ability to enter at least 50 buildings! These include and are not limited to: bank, coffee shop, hotels, shopping mall, airport and night clubs. The buildings are multi-leveled and have fully decorated interiors. Buildings are interactive. For example: walking into a store and buying new clothes. Greater geographical diversity, such as downtown areas filled with skyscrapers, neon-lit boulevards, run-down slums, swampland, the ocean and a huge network of streams and rivers. At least 100 missions (possibly 140)! The missions will tend to be longer, more challenging and more sophisticated with high-end production values, unlike GTA III's 'grab-and-go' missions. They could include a car chase, gun fight and an interior interaction all in the same mission. New side missions such as pizza delivery, and the rumored SWAT, limo, and ice cream missions. The main character can talk. About a 2000 page script, with greater character and plot development than ever before. 80 minutes worth of cutscenes, compared to GTA III's 30. A possibility of playing as different characters throughout the game. Vehicle Improvements: 120 vehicles in all! (Compared to GTA III's 50) Real-time shadowing on car's surface. Improved on the number of reflective surfaces on cars. Better lighting and shadowing. Scenery will cast shadows on your vehicle as you drive by. Different types of police cars! Higher resolutions. Better damage models, such as broken windows. You can also damage your car with a weapon, like a bat. You can bail out of moving vehicles. Ability to shoot tires to slow down your foes. This will make the car lose handling. Warning: The police can do this as well. New sportscars and trucks all inspired by the '80s. Many more boats, such as a luxury sailboat, speed boat, fishing boat, Coast Guard boat; and waterways and canals all over Vice City to drive them through! There are now motorcycles*, helicopters, planes (one with pontoons, so it can land on water), etc. When on a motorcycle your clothes ripple in the wind! Ability to shoot forward on a motorcycle. Multiple pedestrians inside a vehicle. (On the vehicle, in the motorcycle's case) Ability to use weapons inside the helicopter, such as a sniper. Sound Improvements: There will be an estimated 9 hours of radio! (Compared to GTA III's three and a half hours.) Close to 90 songs! These are actually real songs this time, from artists such as Judas Priest, A Flock of Seagulls or Michael Jackson. 8000 to 9000 lines of pedestrian dialogue. (GTA III had about 3000 and that was roughly an hour and a half) A GTA: VC soundtrack will be licensed by a major record label. Story: Here is the storyline as it follow's so far, As quoted from the Grand Theft Auto article in GameInformer magazine. Set 20 years before its predecessor, Vice City introduces us to a new hero, Tommy Vercetti, a former street soldier for the Forelli brothers who has recently been released from an extended prison stay. As a reward for his silence, a young Sonny Forelli sends Tommy to Vice City to expand their criminal empire. Of course, Tommy's first big deal goes terrible wrong, and he soon discovers that he has lost all the cash the Forellis had earmarked for their VC operations. Sonny Forelli, not a man to be jerked around by a washed-up ex-con, demands his money back in no uncertain terms. Tommy happens upon a small bit of luck through his relationship with Ken Rosenberg, a shady lawyer with heavy connections in the VC underworld. Rosenberg befriends with Tommy, outfitting him up with a sweet pastel suit and an invitation to a boat party that will be attended by many of the leading lights of the criminal community. What happens after this is anyone's guess, as Rockstar would not comment. Still, we expect that Tommy's road to the riches will not be without its share of double-crosses and violent betrayals. [/SIZE] [/color]
  3. I am stuck on (dont laugh) Power Rangers: The Movie (The Game) for my SNES I could never get past like the 3th level me and my brother slaved over the game for hours and never got past the third level. I still go back to theg ame every once and a while and try but always die. I think the game might have been multi-platform but am almost sure it was a SNES exclusive title.
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]I heard that the new Final Fantasy GC/GBA title will be based on the Final fantasy anime which I heard from GameInformer magazine about 2-3 months ago. I also have heard that there is planning for Mario RPG to be released for the Gameboy Advanced now along with a sequel planned for the GameCube. The 2 Mario titles have not been announced but are rumored on many sites.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [size=1][color=blue]Suicide, I have thought about it a couple of times frequently during a period when I felt I was friendless in middle school. I never tried it seriously before I think it does take a lot of guts to comitte suicide. That or you would have to be clear of all thoughts when doing it. Just the thought of what comes after life scares me outof even attempting it. I also realise I have about 60+ years left on this earth and I dont want to lose all that if the flash of a second.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=blue]I am addicted to videogames I play games about 4 hours a day and I cant live without them life would be so boring if I didn't have videogames to keep my attention I sometimes bring my GBA to school to play at lunch time because I am so addicted to gaming.[/size][/color]
  7. Regret's... I regret crying when I got in that fight in 4th grade I won but the teachers caught us and we were taken to the office and I busted out crying right before I got into the school my friend's never stopped making fun of that moment not a fun day. Other then that I have no regret's because everything I have done has made me a better person in my opinion.
  8. BlueGender

    Resident Evil

    I thought the movie was okay not great but okay the ending was te best part I dont ant to give anything away but it remind's me a lot of one of the scenes in RE3. Actually Alice(DBZchicaghan) Mira Sorvino is playing Jill. Mila Jovavich will still play Alice in the next movie which will be titles Resident Evil: Nemisus from what I heard during Director Comentary on the Resident Evil DVD *spoilers* it sounds as if the guy in the end of the movie taken by umbrella will become the nemisus but will not stalk alice he will stalk Jill as in the RE:3 videogame. *spoilers* There have been several announce ments about the sequel it iwll be released on halloween 2003, Mila Sorvino will be in it. The movie will be based on RE: 3 and Paul Anderson is spending manty hours on the script as not to dissapoint fans as he did in the last movie.
  9. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I dont think that they ever revealed who goku's mother is so, you probabally wont find out who it actually is. You might find some theries about Goku's birth online but will not find anyone who knows apsolutly who his mother is.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I also spend most of my money on junk food ,anime, and video games, I dont see cloths as something really important and the cloths I do buy usually has a clever phrase on the front or a band logo.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. BlueGender


    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I think the show is hillarious and truly hope that they don't cancel it because I love the show. I think that it is so funny that the Professor is Fry's great great great great great great great great great great great(you get the idea) grandson I just think it is funny that his (many times) great grandson is older then he is.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. Okay I am at the part with the plane in the water I cant find where I am suppose to go. Please help I have been stuck at this part for like 2 years.
  13. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]Fasion...I really dont care about what I wear, I basically go to Wal-Mart, Target, Value City, ECT. when I need cloths and pic up stuff. Every once in a while I will pick up a cheap Nike, Fubu, or Old Navy shirt but thats it. I dont care about fasion neither do my friends as long as the shirt fits and looks fine we will basically wear it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Yeah, Mist a lot of preps would sing along to Clint Eastwood in my school which I thought was funny because the knew none of Russels lyrics and would only sing 2D's over and over again. They know none of their other song's though which really gets on my nerves. I was listening to Latin Simone on a field trip once and a prep asked me who it was and when I told him it was The Gorrilaz he told me it wasn't because it sounded nothing like the track Clint Eastwood, he denid it being them til I took out the CD and showed it to him. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. BlueGender


    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I like hoobastank, they are one pof the few bands that I like. I dont have their CD yet but plan on buying it soon.I liked what I heard when my friend let me barrow it. I just got my allowence so maybe i'll het it this weekend. I like both of their singles which I have heard so far [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]lol Eric, I think I would have to change my mind from my last post also if I could be an anime character I would be Yuji of BlueGender just because he gets to be with Marlene all the time and if I was with Marlene all the time I would be um...very happy!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I would wish for the girl I like to like me back. Sorry I am selfish I dont think when the time came I could wish for something like world peace or cue to all disease.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]Sometimes I yell at the screen like in Grand Theft Auto 3 I was always yelling at the cops and some of the gangs. I also am a frequent yeller at other racers in racing games. I use to be so loud as a kid my parents had to tell me to quiet down but am much better now and yell only once or twice a week at a game.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I really do not like Micheal's new stuff but like his old stuff from the time of the Jackson Five til the album before his newest album. I think his new stuff is basicly crap on a stick but his old stuff I like. My favorite song has to be Billy Jean and Smooth Criminal (I like the Alien Ant Farm remake to but not as much as the original).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I am staying home, sleeping, eatting, watching TV, and getting online. Which is in my view the best way to spen summer vacation. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]She is Five and like's Eminem...I betshe doesn't know some of the...ruder lyric's in the uncensored vesion. I really hope her parents do not ge her the CD for her birthday or for Christmas, cause his lyric's are not what a 5 year old should be exposed to. I have seen as Told by Ginger and I thouht it was an okay show but it should be on another network maybe Fox Family after Brace Face (another show kinda like As Told By Ginger) but I do not think little kids shold have this as their favorite show at a young age maybe an 11 year old but not a 7 years old.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]Man Eric I just realized something, you are 2 years older then me today man I hate having a later birthday I also realised you will be able to drive next year man. Well I alwayz got height though man. Good idea about paying attention in summer school I got a friend who goofed off in summer school all last year and he is goin to 8th grade next year instead of to the 9th grade like us.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I watch it when ever it comes on. I wonder why they never keep it on constistanly on air though they show it like every 6 months. Whenever Fox needs to fill a spot.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I am the only member of the Sakuya Fan club I love her she is just so cute and love's Tenchi so much. I do not understand why people dis-like her. She actually was my favorite female character til I saw the last episode then it was back to Kiyone.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I myslef grew up a fan of GUTs,Doug,Rugrats,Are You afraid of the Dark, Shelby Woo, The Secret World of Alex Mack, Clarisa Explain's it all, All That,Kenan and Kel,Hey Arnold,ect. And every once in a while I will turn it on to watch some Rocket Power and THe Fairly Odd Parents. I recently turned it on and watched this show called Pellswich now the title sounds innocent enough but I soon found out that Pellswhich can not move his legs and has to use a wheel chair!?Kids shouldn't have to worry about issue's in the news they should like playing and after watching Nick they should wanna play some more not be depressed. They also sould definately not learn the facts of life from a cartoon. Oh and I noticed you guyz mentioning 4th grader's with girlfriends on Hey Arnold but I remember a show called doug were a kid was infatuated with a Patty Mayonaise so this is nothing new to the station. If you want to see old classic's like the one's I listed at the top watch Nick 2 and the other Nick channels they show repeats of Pete and Pete and a lot of classic shows.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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