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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. [COLOR=blue] [SIZE=1]Yeah that stinks for you Eric, I got basicallty the same thing that you did and my parents shrugged it off and told me to try better next year in spanish. But um hey I have had friends in summer school before and they all said it was easy and they did basically easy work so maybe it wont be so bad. I wish my parents would have mad me go to summer school so I could chill with you and nate all day but I am stuck inside all day with nothing to do but sleep and watch re-runs of DBZ.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. I agree with you Queen Asuka I think that Ryoko is annoying and she is my least favorite character of the show. But she is an important part of the story I guess and add's a lot of the comedy which makes the show so popular.
  3. 61.) You eat thanksgiving's dinner in 5 minutes and ask for more food 62.) You shelled out 150 bucks for a "rare" DBZ game (Like I did *sigh*) 63.) You are still reading this thread....
  4. [SIZE=1]In order to understand Eminem is not really a human you need to realize that everything is controlled by a NATO made up of Bird's with help from Hindues. The conspiracy first started during EverQuest Launch in Baltimore. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including Sixth Grade. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by doing running man. They want to Pointing and laughing Osama Bin Laden and imprison resisters in Heaven using Maryland Public Transpertaion. In order to prepare for this, we all must enetering a spelling bee. Since the media is controlled by BIll Clinton we should get our information from Piggy banks.[/SIZE]
  5. The Punisher believd in solving everything with violence, not really a good role model he was basicaly mad at everything cause his wife and daughter were murdered. I saw the 80's movie it wasn't that good but their was some good action at the end.
  6. [SIZE=1] I fell that this gameis the BEST GAMECUBE GAME OUT SO FAR!!! Many say it is boring but I love it the insanity's are great and make you question is their problems with your TV or your system.I am on chapter 5 and have only been stuck on minor things that have been easy to beat if you only look around a little more. I am going to go back to playing. I love this game so much!!![/SIZE]
  7. BlueGender

    Music Trivia

    I am gonna say it accomplished near platnuim status just because iI think they would say that. Here is a quesion..Which track on the Slim Shady LP as "Kim" a Prequel to.
  8. I am going to get the game today I will tell you guys how it is after I play it. Everywhere I called yesterday said it wouldn't be in til today.
  9. [SIZE=1]I do not feel the murder of someone with a mental disorder is right because many of those who comitte the crime do not understand what they have done or do not understand the replacations of what their actions. I also do not agree with the premace of an eye for an eye Murder is Murder it does not matter who you do it for government or for self it is still wrong. I fell the death prenalty should be outlawed and instead criminal's should be trained at a job or given their education which they may not have gotten earlier in life while they in jail. I feel everyone deserves a second chance and if they comitee another crime of severeness then they shoulld be placed in a cell for the rest of their life.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I know of it...I saw something about it on the History Channel. Their is some really disturbing pictures and film of it. From what I know about it it it as when Japan invaded China. They raped women and killed many people. Some of the tactics the used ere really grusome like hanging people by their tounges and things like that.[/SIZE]
  11. Alice is gonna love this topic...(inside joke) I have seen Alf before and I think it is areally funny I even stumbeled across an alf doll in my basement before. I think that Alf was big in the 80's and lost popularity..he then stumbeled into drinking and drugs and recently has gone sober and is rebuilind his career through 10-10-220 commercials.
  12. I got a 73.5 but wish it as lower...*sighs*
  13. [SIZE=1] I like their songs with rapping and I think that it is cool how they incorpirate it in some of their songs it seems that they are a mix of several types of musics which I really like being a fan of many different music styles.They have a little bit of something everyone can like. I liked the Clint Eastwood single but it is not their best track and I really hate it when people claim to be fans when they have only listened to that one track.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]The Remix is on their CD G-Sides along with another 19-2000 remix,latin somone translation, Clint Estood Remix,and like 4 original tracks.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Does anyone else really like the Gorrilaz I mean like you know the wods to all their songs not just Clint Eastwood. I am a huge fan and have both of their CD's (G-Sides,The Gorrilaz) I think that the idea of having cartoon characters as them in all their videos is great. I think that it could take them places although many people see them as one hit wonders I do not think so, their music seems so...original. If you listen to one track then another it sounds lke your listening to a diffeent group. My favorite character has to be 2-D.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]I also heard of a Max Payne movie and Television Series being developed in PC Gamer.This seems like a good idea because Max Payne felt and played out like an action movie.Also I read on Gamespot of a Half-Life movie being written hich also seems like a good idea because of the success of te game series the movie will probabally make allot just off that.[/SIZE]
  17. Web design...my uncle does it and sometimes he is payed 20,000 for one web-site.
  18. [SIZE=1] I stay up and play Delta Force while watching undressed marathons on MTV (only thing on).[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]I heard they are making a movie to be based on State of Emergency...although I really do not think it ould be that great I mean the game is fun bbecause you basically can cause havick but tghe movie will probablly be boring. Now if a movie as based on Grand Theft Auto it ould be great the storyline of GTA3 is movie like so it ould translate well although only a few missions could be put into the movie.[/SIZE]
  20. I think they need to start up the Fantastic Four movie again which was canceled in 1996 because the audiances which pre screened it did not like it. But now with technology and the great writers of X-Men and SpiderMan I think that they could actually pull off a great movie based on the comic books. They need to cancel Aqua man and start making Fantastic 4. I can not wait for the Next batman Movie which will take place in his first year of superheroing based on the book series. I am hoping they et Tim Burton to do it cause he did great on BatMan and BatMAn Returns.
  21. [SIZE=1] I believe that love can be found at any age and that thier is the perfect person for everyone and when you find that peson no matter that age it is love. But I do not think that suicide is the way out if your partner dies or leaves you I feel that you sould feel pitty for yourself for a couple weeks then get over it . Life goes on you must go on also suicide isn't a good way out for anything although sometimes I feel like doing it I quickly realize that it wouldn't help and I have my whole life ahead of me.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]They are kind of over doing the super heromovies but hey I like them so I am happ. I heard about it a while ago I also heard they are planning an AquaMan movie which seems like a dumb idea to me because AquaMan is the most hated of the SuperFriends.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1] Love...well my last girlfriend was when I was in 4th grade and now I am graduating middle school tommorow so that was about...4 years ago. I really wished I had a girlfriend about 90% of the time and at sometimes life feels unbearable without love. I am not one for well... expressing my feelings to girls so usually I have crushes on girls and they never find out. All my friends have girlfriends basically so sometimes I fell like an extra wheel and left out. I have allot of female friends but wouldn't wanna ruin our maybe lifetime friendships for probabally a 2 month relationship. Hopefully I will have better luck in high school...*sigh*[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]I heard that the next Resident Evil movie is going to be a mix between Re:2 and RE: Nemisus. I have not seen the first movie although I long to see it very much. Does anyone know when it is released to DVD and VHS...?[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]I think Halie's Song is good too it shows that although many do not believe it he does take everything hich people say about him or hat hapends to him to heart. Which I beleive was happening to him all the time.[/SIZE]
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