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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. [SIZE=1]I would recomend seeing Akira and Vampire D the same night possibly renting them both.In my opinion Vampire D is much better then Akira in many ways it has much more over all action and a more fun storyline I have just seen bloodlust and it excellent a top notch anime movie and it livs up tothe first one.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1] *Tenco and Mako arrive in the lunch room* Mako and Tenco admidiately realized that their was something wrong. The vending machines wouldn't work for anyone and everyone who ate the cafateria food said it was undercooked or overcooked. They looked around for a minute then ran back to class to get their Navi's. Koji was not in the class so Tenco left a quick note on his desk which said: Yo Koji, Something big is up meet Mako and me in the Cafeteria look for us at the counter. When they came back to the cafateria they went up to the counter and jacked in the nearest slot. Tenco: Their's something fishy going on dude Mako: Yeah first that weird Substitute then Suzuki and his group of friends show up. IceMan: Me and FreezeMan will take care of this in no time it seems like a comin virus. FreezeMan: Yeah this is probabally a virus developed by a student in a matter of minutes. Tenco: Either way I would be careful weird things have been happening today and I would not be suprised if that Substitute had something to do with this. *Screen Switches from real world to the net which seems in ruins their are holes in the floor and sections on fire* FreezeMan: IceMan...I don't think this is a household virus... [/SIZE]
  3. I would be the town drunk or the guy in which no body knows but somehow knows everyone else. I think that either Adam or James would be the town mayor.
  4. OOC: Yeah I know that my real name is Kevin I was just pointing out that Eric said that it was Kevin instead of Tenco which I thought was funny... guess you didn't huh *crawls into corner and cries* Back to the RPG: As Tenco enter his classroom again he saw that everyone still seemed in shock from what happend he sat back down in his seat. He pulled out his Laptop and wondered what was happening with Lan and the other guys who went to check out the substitute as he put in his Akira DVD.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]*They rush in to see that the Kid with Iceman is actually Kevin sitting in a childish Indian style on the floor with a happy smile. [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: who is Kevin lol Tenco: Well...you see...well when I was in the Kindergarten class... I kind of got in a fight with this kid man...he was strong and hurt me alot man. Koji: *stares at Tenco* Mako: *stares at Tenco* Koji and MAko: *fall over anime style laughing*
  6. BlueGender


    Yeah it made it into the movies here but was a huge flop they thought they could sell it just ith 2 cast membrs frrom American Pie but I guess it did not work for them lol.
  7. If I had one wish it would be for everyone to find true love within somone else and to have somone with beauty, looks, personality, and to forever know that this person will never betray them I believe this would lower crime and make life less aganizing for everyone and make it much more easier to live in happiness.
  8. [SIZE=1]I get out on June 14th but I still got 3 projects to present and one in which I just have to write and turn in while the other two I have to present all due in the next two weeks. I also have the final Test in Algebra I and Spanish so *sigh* it fells so long away. The only aay I make it through the day is to think about this one girl I like. [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Tenco awoken in the nurses office several hours later he had tape around his ribs and cotton in his nose. He sat up and could tell he was druggesd up because he could not fell anything and he felt really happy. He stood up unhooked himself from everthing and decided for some strange reason to go back to class he exited the nurses office and walked into the Kindergarden class without realizing it he sat don indian style and began repeating the name of their navis and basic attach chip names like the other students. [/SIZE]
  10. I saw it on the show entertainment tonight it was okay although it was much talking and litttle actual fotage but the scenes they did show of Morpheous and the other people fighting were moderate I guess they jst semmed like scenes in slow motion. Say they showed someone doing an eye dropping move in a mive of slow/fast motion then I would be excited but no I am more excited about other picture being developes currently.
  11. BlueGender


    I saw the movie before...I really didnot like it, it as to predictable as many of you said and as way to lovey dovey in my opinion. The only part in which I liked as when they found out ways to get things for free I thought it was extremely funny.
  12. [SIZE=1]OOC:Schratn9 man I am sorry to single you out like this but your posts mostly are 1 sentence long and you are not a large participant in the RPG. Why don't you just leave silently and maybe you will not start fueds with people on the site. OR you could just try to post longer more well written responses and we will not mention this again. Oh and please try and to use better grammer. I am not trying to make you fell bad man I just want to help you out man.[/SIZE]
  13. I saw it and was mad at the ending it just does not seem like a good ending in my opinion it left to much un-answered I hope they make another movie or atleast another telivision series which takes place in 2012.
  14. I heard theat Jar Jar was suppose to be African American and because of his bad grammer was suppose to be racist . But as a black person I did not see it and was not offended by Jar Jar he just seemed to be a comic relief in my opinion. People really need to lighten up.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] I have a couple annoying people in mind. I am a little annoying myself. I talk a lot. I cannot shut the heck up. I just really like to talk. But sometimes I am not. There's this kid at school. He is so stupid. Kid: Can I play? Me: No. Kid: Why? Me: Because you won't shut up. Kid: Why? Me: Shush. Go away. Kid: No. Me: *Runs away* I just think that sometimes people can just be so weird. I can tell people to stop as much as I want, they never do. But I well.. sometimes.. just maybe sometimes, I stop. But I like to talk a lot.[/QUOTE] Yeah I am quite annoying someimes myself also I wanna shut up but cant and I talk loud. But their are a few people who are so annoying that I just wanna punch them. Like this one kid that no one likes he tries to hang around anyone who doesn't make him feel bad. He is alway so goody goody I mean he brought a minnie flash light on a field trip in the day time!!! He also acts kind of well he is a guy and he acts kind of feminine.
  16. [SIZE=1]Tenco awoken agains't the wall with blood dripping from his nose and a sharp pain in his ribs. Koji and Mako were above his body looking down as the other kids in the class were standing dumb founded near their seats. As Tenco stood up he felt as if he would die in a yelp of pain he got out the words "Help!" he then fell back down fainting again. [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1] As T.A. and Lei started a netbattle Tenco turned around and looked at Mako, he was doodling in his mathbook which was in wrekage. Some pages were torn out and or written over in pen. Tenco decided since Mako was not doing his work he was not going to either. Tenco: Hey wanna netbattle Mako: Just as soon as I finish this picture Tenco: *sigh* okay Tenco sat down and remembered how him and Mako both got their Navi's the same day and got as similar of models as they could because they wanted their navi's to have no disadvantages from each other. He then remember how they netbattled each other the first day non stop.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Tenco sat in class and witnessed Koji pass a note to Lan. He then e-mailed Koub through his PET. The e-mail read:[/SIZE] Yo Koji, After School I am gonna be checking around the regular old Net to check for clues in the HTML code to were Susuki might be. Your a wiz a HTML so do you wanna come over and look with me. You might wanna invite Lan over as well man.
  19. My family really does not care since my father introduced me and my brothers to anime and my brothers and I are huge fans even my little brother knows that their are more animes then DBZ he is a fan of Tenchi, Yu Yu Hasako, Magic Knights Ray Earth, Blue Gender, Pilot Candidate, Cowboy Bebop,The Guyver, and the old Megaman anime. My older brother is more of a fan of the anime movies and has a large collection including 8-ball,Akira, Apple Seed, Goust in the Shell,Glogo 13, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D,etc. So my family is pretty open to all forms of animation includind comics and manga.
  20. I have seen one to some eminem music with DBZ it was pretty. tight. One More Time, Aerodynamic, Digital Love, and Harder Better Faster Stronger were all great videos by Daft Punk which put together anime and music.
  21. OOC: Yeah actually Krillen gave me permission at school today.
  22. OOC: sorry noodlez sorry koub it as all my fault man I guess I messed up I will call you he from now on.
  23. Yeah I aggre that goth females a pretty hot...Seems like we are kind of off topic a whole lot lets get back to talking about eminem.
  24. name: Tenco age:13 digimon: if you have one lightsaber color: red race:Human/African American class: Lower CLass Jedi best jedi skill: Jump bio: Was born on earth and quickly reconized as a future Jedi he as sent of to a trasining camp at age 6 and as released at the age of 12.
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