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Everything posted by BlueGender
Well the American versions are edited allot also I mean the Japanese versions are completely different from the U.S. version let me give you a example. In the U.S. version of Bardark when he see's goku he says "only an average power level I thought you were special" and in the jaopanese version he says "Only a measly power level of 2 what a weakling" as you cansee they censor things they do not even need to censor that is why from now on I will only puerchass the DVD's so I can hear the original language used though the magical art of subbing.
There were 2 game one for the SNES one for the PSX the PSX game was a racing game while the SNES was a mixture of action and Racing the SNES game rules. I love the Dexter parody man I crack up every time that I see it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B] [size=1] [I hate goths almost as much as I hate homosexuels][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: What do you have wrong with goths man I mean just because the dress different does not mean anything. I actualy hang aroyund with some"Goths" and they are exactly like anyone else and just choose to dress the way that they do. What is up with that.
Koji: I should have known he was up to something. This is exactly why I don't trust most people. Tenco: I never really trusted Suzuki anyway she always seemed like a huzzy in my opinion. She was always so quiet and a know it all in class.
OOC: You are doing okay Lauren if you keep doing what you have been so far then then you ill do fine just dodge attacks and stuff like that and it will be more like the netbattleing.
I dont think the topic should be closed although the discussion is heated nobody really is angry at anyone Back on Topic: Although Eminem's music may make some stupid kids go out and do something bad it also brings out aggression and puts it in the right place. I know when I am mad I go home and listen to a song like Fight Music, Kim,Kill You, or Bad Meets Evil and I believe it has stopped me from doing acts of violent like many other Eminem fans.
I do not blieve in big headed aliens that are green but I do believe that their is something in our universe which is alive besides us humans. I do not believe they are in our solar system but maybe they are lightyears away. I mean how can you believe in this HUGE universe we are the only living things that just seem gulible to me. I believe that these creatures could be exactly like us in that they breath oxygen but wether they are more advanced in technology or not I do not know.
It is very over rated i'll agree with Sephiroth on that I was expecting much more when I saw it again for the first time in like 5 years but it still is one of the top animes I have seen in my opinion. It is in my top 5.
Tenco watched as Lauren began to fight Ms. Killa and was glad he did not have to fight her because he doubted he was good enough to beat a trained battler by himself.
Tenco: Iceman how weak are you letting the RIN control you I have know you were a punk since I fist got you Iceman: Oh really I'll show you *Iceman began shooting several of his strongest attack at the RIN* Tenco: You call that an at5tack..man I should have gotten a better PET Gut,man could beat your weak self Iceman: OH YEAH WELL ...AHHHHHHHHHH *Iceman began to shoot out his strongest attacks only*
I have seen it many times and infact I have the special addition DVD. I watch it on a monthly basis and I love it so much. My favorite part was the one were they are riding through the city just because of how excellent it was. The animation was stunning and the highest amount of detail went into everything up to lights on buildings far in the backround it shows what an be achived in anime. I believe it is a good anime to show to people who have not seen anime before because of how great it is and it is one of the best ever so it show the person the top of the field their first time making them want more.
[SIZE=1]Tenco woke up at 8:30 to the sound of his PET beeping . This was odd cause Iceman's beeping function was disabled.Tenco was sure that something big was going down in the NET. As he turned on the screen he saw that Iceman was anctious to say something to Tenco but all that came out was "must stop...". Iceman then scattered into a million pieces across the screen those pieces then dispeared slowly. Tenco quickly threw on his cloths,brushed his teeth, and then ran to school. As he arrived he saw that a few other kids were already their which was odd because most of the kids never got to school until 8:50. Tenco was about to go ask the teacher about his problem but then he overheard that Lan,Dex,and Glyde were having the same problem. He approached them and over heard Lan and Dex arguing a bit.[/SIZE] "Yo guys my PET just...well it disintegrated about 2 minutes ago" and from what I have heard yours did too,something is up" said Tenco
Thanks...when is this thing going to start
[SIZE=1]After Iceman defeated the viruses in his computer he decided to go on the internet for some more virus killing. The internet was full of viruses and dangerous for new comers of a PET to go into but Tenco was expierenced so he did it daily. As he jacked in he noticed that his PDA was picking up an abnormally in the internet. As he cruised around the internet he noticed that somehow viruses had been able to penetrate his anti-virus software and were all through his mail. As he began a battle he notice that the virus was very abnormal with a power level of 230.Which was a much more advanced virus then he usually encounterd but he knew with the right stradegy he could take down the virus. As he threw his first attack he noticed the attack only took down half of the power that it was suppose to. The virus was some how protected and he had not gone through training in this kind of situation he knew he should go and get some help but he was to stuborn to do so.[/SIZE]
Name: Arika Akea Age: 21 Organisation: ARKA Weapon (you can have two): Brass Knuckles,Knun Chucks Magic: Fire, Bolt Description: A Black Male, 5'11,Black T-shirt,Black pants, no facial hair, scar over left eye Bio: Arika was abondoned as a child and had to survive in the streets he once meet Cloud and has looked up to him ever since he fells that they have a onnection of some and his wall is covered with articles and pictures of cloud.He joined the group ARKA at the age of 18 to try and become more like Cloud.
My guess is he is nervice maybe he is afraid of what will happen if he goes out with you. Or maybe he does not feel like getting involved with you as more then a friend. I mean I have some female friends who if they asked me out I would say no just because they are seen as my friend and I would not want to mess that up even if I do find them attractive.
[SIZE=1]Tenco sat down at lunch knowing he had just failed his math test if he failed one more he wold be sent to the less advanced class he sighed and pulled out his lunch. His mom had packed him a Peanut butter an jelly sandwhich along with a Wide Sword chip he slid the Widesword chip into his chip pocket located in his PDA and it was uploaded into his chip collection. He logged into his lapop via his USB cabel and did some training with Iceman. He found a few viruses and begn to fight them off. They were small viruses and would take no time to beat.[/SIZE]
Matt Groening talked to aol a few days ago and said he will be writing episodes of the simsons until their is nothing to make fun of any more. So I would not wory their will be new episodes for years to go. Also with the ratings higher then ever why is their a reason for him to stop making new episodes...?
Maybe he likes someone more then you and wants to get up the courage to ask that person. I can not wait til I get to high school so all this childish middle school dating stuff will end. It gets on my nerves all this note passing and he said she said stuff. It is so stupid to watch and then when people break with another person for holding hands with another girl/boy...? I do find some girls attractive in my school and all but most of them act like they are still in 6th grade so I would not ask them to go out with me for that fact alone not to mention I am a coward lol.
What happens if somone is just wearing a shirt with that color on it do they get suspended also if they do then that is just a dumb thing for you principle to have done. Just suspending kids because they wear a color is asking fo trouble. I know that my parents would be mad if I was suspended for wearing a color they probabally would take my school to the board of education for it.
*Drools* *Stares* I would have to say model number five...you will have to do more of these polls man. *Stares at model number 5 again*
ROTFLMAO I cant believe the actually wrote you a letter about a site that you have not updated in two years and it is a poke site lol. It shows you how our government spends their time all day sitting in an office checking if old poke sites are up to standard :)
Why does everybody think that he actually means everything he says. Half of the stuff he says does not mean it in a serious way. Yes his mother did sue him but the case was settled and he still disses his mom and she cant sue him again for it. His wife must know he doesn't mean what he says or she would not be with him anymore. I think that if he was not saying this stuff then someone else would have come along and said it already. I want to know why everybody is picking on Eminem for saying some little jokes about stuff or writing a song about killing somone when their is much stronger stuff is out their which is 10X worse then Eminems work. Rap was much worse then some of the stuff he says now back in 1995 everybody did not bicker about it then becase they did not care but once eminem came along all off a sudden everbsdy wants to point the finger at him for everything instead of pointing it at themselves.
I have never heard of the two are they television shows or something...?
I would suggest you going with windowas because it is easiest to learn how to use in my opinion. I do not like Mac's I am more of a IBM style PC man myself.