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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. I usually find myself singing in the shower and it is usally is Rock or Rap but sometimes I find myaself singing...pop and I try to catch myself and act like I really didn't sing it after I find myself singing it. But when I do sing in the shower I usually sing like the first verse of like 7 different songs like they make up one big song together.
  2. I heard that the Console DBZ games will all be coming out some time next year or late this year.
  3. From what I have seen and heard the games looks like they will be pretty cool. I heard the PS2,Gamecube,and X-Box games will be excellent but the Gamecube game will not have as much as an expanded world of DBZ the X-Box and PS2 versions but I have also heard they will all have a fighting mode where you can battle characters agains't other characters I have also heard they will all of a story mode.
  4. I guess you wont be able to find it out until around Christmas time this year because cartoon network will start showing the new episodes and probabally when the whole series will be out on tape and DVD.
  5. I know how to freestyle a little bit I haven't done it in a while though. Another funny song by Eminem is My Fault and As the World Turns.
  6. I guess they would bring him to a doctor who has knowledge of the animals body I guess but that is kind of weird though having a doctor's card who speciallizes in removing tails from Sayajins. :D
  7. I suggest you try out Advanced Wars but it really is nothing like Castlevania but it is addicting and in my opinion the second best game out foir the GBA so far Castlevania being the first.
  8. Maybe Bra did not have enough Sayajin blood in her but I doubt that Goten and Trunks did because Gohan was half human and he had a tail so if Goten and Trunks don't have a tail it is probally because they were cut off at birth but then again I don't know if Vegeta would have want Trunks tail to have been removed.
  9. Its a series and and I was talking about pictures from The Guyver series but if Adam is only talking abpout picture from anime movie series I will take them off the list.
  10. I believe they were born without tails because I remember seeing Trunks as a baby and he did not have a tail. But then again that was about 2 - 3 months after his birth so it could have been cut off when he was born.
  11. I would like to see pictures from - Akira - Vampire Hunter D - Apple Seed - The Yu Yu Hashuko movie - Lilly Cat
  12. I really was hoping that Venom was going to be the villan in the Spiderman movie also and if not hinm Carnage. I think Carnage is the coolest villian in the Spidey series he just acts so evil all the time.
  13. Those are both funny but not as funn as Ain't Nuthin But Music by D-12 every time I here it I crack up. Here is my favorite part keep in mind it is turned down a bit. Opps I did it again didn't I my stuffs harder to figure out then what Britteny's boob size is.
  14. You should get it I have had it for 2 years and I still pop it in and play once in a while. You ill not regret getting the game.
  15. Name: Tenco Character: Iceman Bio: I know some about the chip system I have played the game on a few occasion but I don't eally know any chips names I just know the systemof the game and how to battle.
  16. I don't think Vegeta and Trunks ever fused but I am not sure. They did not do that because if you remember [B]*SPOILER*[/B] Vegeta dies while fighting Buu but if he wouldn't have he and Goku would have fused to fight Buu because at one point I believe Goku says that he wanted to do so[B]*END OF SPOILER*[/B]
  17. I will purchassed the game no matter what but I have to tell you when I first saw the pictures I wanted to write Miyamoto an evil letter but now after a few months I am feeling better about the new look and can not wait to try out the new feel of Zelda/Celda. I still would like to have had Nintendo take a survery asking which game the prefured the cartoony look or the Dark and Sinister Manly Zelda fell before the decided though.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku213 [/i] [B]So does Piccolo know about it? And if not, then what was he talking about when he was saying he's got to get them ready? [/B][/QUOTE] [B]*SPOILER*[/B] Goku later is found to still be alive and before he has to go back to other world he informs piccolo about it and piccolo goes on to teach them through the mode that goku shows Piccolo. I also believe that Piccolo may have had some previous knowledge because he was Guardian of earth. Also Piccolo kind of Fused with Nail,and Kami but purmenatally instead of temporary. [B]*SPOILER*[/B]
  19. Sakuya is a female character from Tenchi in Tokyo that tenchi meets in school and they begin to date.
  20. Their is alreay a spider-man movie but it is a very low budget movie that either came out in the 70's or 80's it is pretty cool to watch they have shown it on the Sci-fi channel before and probabally will air it again before the movies release.
  21. You can probabally find movies and episodes on DVD and VHS at Suncoast, FYI, Best Buys,or at some Wal-Mart locations.
  22. I am really shy except with my friends...when I am with my friends I do some crazy stuff like today I ate an orange peel just cause I knew it would get some laughs. I am extremely shy with females except the few i know well enough to know that they know most of the time half the stuff I say is spure of the moment. But when I have a crush on a girl I try not to even look at her cause I think she will say something bad to me that shows she dislikes me I have only asked a girl out once in my life and that was in 4th grade.
  23. If Rare does go third party they probabally will still make games for the GNC just because of their relationship with Nintendo. If they do switch without keeping atleast some games on the GCN that will lose a large fan base having their profits fall largely in sales so I wouldn't worry about it so much.
  24. Everywhere that I go it seems like everybody is a hater of Sakuya, I myself love her but many do not I guess. I was wondering are their any supporters of Sakuya besides myself on this board...?
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