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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. I will see movie within the first 2 weeks of the release I saw Episode 1 so I really am interested in the movie. You can see it on your birthday man which would make the movie even better.
  2. Skip Batman and X-Men cause they are not really anime and they are not that good of shows but other then that everything looks good hope you have fun man.
  3. I liked the series allot and in fact it is better then Techi Muyo (the OAV). I liked Sakuya although at times she was slightly annoying I liked her. The only thing I don't like about the series is the final battle *if you have seen the series you know what I am talking about* it was over hyped in my mind and over all dissapionting.
  4. Maybe he does have the working of the next Hitler theirfore he will probabally be watched closely by the American and British Government and if he trys anything that even resembles what Hitler has done I am sure one of the two governments will be on him like white on rice. So I think that we shouldn't worry to much about the guy. Did he really say that thing about the holocost during the election...? If he did then he either has a bad nack at speech writing skills or he wants not to be elected.
  5. The reason that I bought a Gamecube is because of the games that can only be bought for a Nintendo system Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, Donkey Kong, Perfect Dark, etc. Also I had a hope that Nintendo and Squaresoft would get back together and make some games that are exculsive to the Gamecube.
  6. It is pretty good just a few grammer problems.
  7. I think that they should add collectable pokemon card so you can battle in either a card battle or in a regular battle. Also in every town their should be a room in the Gym that leads you to the card gym leaded.
  8. Yeah I was laughing when I saw it because I knew i was april fools day and was prepared for little joke all over the web. But when it happened it was the only one which fooled me for a second.
  9. I get that allot like one time I wore a DBZ shirt to school one day and someone came up to me and said "you still watch cartoons" in a really disgusted way and when I say it was not cartoons it was anime she said "oh like one of those pokemon things" then when I replied no it's "Dragonball Z" she said "man you are a geek". I had to stop myself from hitting her I was so mad. But now that more people in my school are into anime I don't get it so much anymore.
  10. BlueGender


    I am a fan of Survival Horror...I like to be scared and fear sleeping and start having the old childhood fear of the boggyman under the bed or the monstor in the closet come back. Then I like Action games like Grand Theft Auto 3 and Metal Gear Solid 2 because of the excitement and action that are brought front.
  11. I think that you should make cherry the color of choice or have a page where you can specify what color you want.
  12. I like the second VHS the best of the two out currently just because it has more action then the firts tape and the main character dussent act lik such a wimp anymore. I believe the next tape will be released on June 7th of this year and I also believe their are only 26 -29 episodes in the series so the series should not take to long for it all to be release on tape.
  13. I will pu who I think should marry tenchi in each series Tenchi Muyo: Mihoshi Tenchi Universe: Kiyoni Tenchi in Tokyo: Sakuya
  14. *starts singing* Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Adam and James happy birthday to you *stops singing* May you both have a Happy Birthday today and for many years to come.
  15. I can not wait to see Spidey in live action I think it was a good idea to cast Tolbey as Peter Parker/Spider Man because he looks allot alike Peter if you look at the Amazing Fantasy issue.
  16. I would be Tenchi because who wouldn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women all day who all love you no matter what you do...seems like heaven to me. :love:
  17. [SIZE=1]Why does everybody hate Sakuya she is my favoirte character,it seems everywhere I go people are bashing her? I always thought it as going to be Kiyoni or Aeka who Marry Tenchi since Mayuka has blue hair then again I guess that hair color can be different then your mother and fathers.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]I really don't know what if Akira Toriyama had anything to do with it all know is the voice actors of Young and Future Trunks are the male and female characters voice. For the question about is it good or a sci-fi it is kind of Sci-Fi and if you don't like Sci-Fi stuff you probally wont like it.But then again I am not that into Sci-Fi and I am into it.[/SIZE]
  19. BlueGender


    [SIZE=1]The PSX/PS1 has been forgotten because of of the next generation consoles and their new games that have been coming out. If you notice all the new PS1 games dissapeared after christmas because allot of kids got a new shiny system wether GBA, PS2, X-Box, or Gamecube most kids got one of them and now the companies fell they have enough in homes so they do not need to make games for the older systems now.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]I also believe that State of Emergency was dissapointing I bought it on one of the days after it was released and only played it a few hour before tiring of it. I only purchassed it because I believed it was going to be like Grand Theft Auto 3 just because of the Rockstar label on the box. Which I believe got other fans of Grand Theft Auto 3 pick up this game also obviously because it was the second best selling game for the month of March. But the game will make a great paper weight.Also about the subject of the SOE movie I have also heard that a script is in developement and from Extended Play (Tech TV videogame show) a pretty reliable source. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Has anyone here ever seen Blue Gender,what is your opinion about it. I think it is very cool and I like the storyline and am very interested in what will be done with it in the upcoming tapes to be released.[/SIZE]
  22. BlueGender

    Jason X

    I want to see it...but didn't he [B]*SPOILER[/B]* get sent to hell in the last movie if they brought him back without explaining it then I would be really mad [B]*SPOILER*[/B] Jason Vs. Freddy is being made now also which I was told continues after the ending of Jason goes to hell.
  23. I listen to rap,alternitive,punk, and R&B My favorite artists are Eminem,Nas,Linkin Park,Daft Punk,and The Gorrilaz.
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