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Everything posted by BlueGender
Gaming Ideas That Should Never Be Translated Into Video Games
BlueGender replied to Charles's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I would love to see a game that alows you to make and manage your on television station. Kind of like The Movies but with television. You start out a local television station in a small town and slowly make you way up to being a cable/satelite station or both. You can take risks by making million dollar budget tv shows or just go with a old fashion sitcom that uses the same sets over and over again. Once you get up to network status you can bid on the Superbowl set costs of commercial air time. You can also bid on movie to show on your network. You have to keep up weekly ratings or your prophetability rating drops and so do the quality of you television shows/actors. You have to face random problems such as actors wanting a million an episode (you can give them what they want, replace them, kill them off, or stop the show), stars death, ect. I dont know maybe im weird but it sounds like a great game to me.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]The battery life being 2-10 hours basically means to me that they have it at 2 hours and are going for 10. I mean who really wants to switch batteries in there PSP 2/3 through a 3 hour movie. If the systems battery life increases to 7 hours i'll pick it up. I was hoping for a whole bunch of original titles for the PSP but I kind of think 3rd parties are waiting to see how sales of the system do before they jump into developing for a system that could possibly be a complete flop (N-gage). [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]If I could vote I would vote for Kerry mostly because like most poeple I dont want to see Bush in office again which could be the reason why Kerry win's. I am pretty much tired of this War or Terrorism did we even finish the war in Afganistan before we invaded Iraq it makes no sense to me. I am neither republican or democratic because I prefer to go with the candidate that I see most eye to eye with not stick with a party this is our government not a sports team. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]When I saw Nintendo's DS E3 presentation it just wowed me I was expecting the DS to be 2nd to my anticipation of the PSP but after E3 DS is all I can think about. The new Super Mario Brothers and Animal Crossing DS are what did it for me. Animal Crossing DS excited me so much because it appeared to have online features and thats the only thing that the Gamecube version needs to be perfect in my opinion. From the looks of it the DS will be heavily muliplayer centered and I have a feeling that its going to revolutionalise multiplayer. The only thing that I didnt like was the size, I was kind of hoping it to be just as portable as the GBA's but hey im not complaining if the screens were any smaller it would take away from gameplay. I have a feeling Nintendo's going to slaughter Sony with there better price point,battery life, and there backward combatability, they already have what over 500 titles available and im guessing Sony is going to launch with about 10-20 at most. Im still picking up both and its going to be a great year for on the go gaming.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][color=blue]Wow Rockstar just keeps outdoing themselves. To tell you the truth I was expecting to be dissapointed with the next title but it sounds like it's going to be the best GTA title yet. I have heard reports the Eminem and 50 Cent have been linked to voice acting and original music. The game look's to have a heavy Hip-hop(thank god since its pretty much all I listen to)/gangsta movie influence which to tell you the truth ounds alot more interesting then doing mob erands or taking of Vice City. It almost makes you want summer to be here and gone just so you can play the game. [/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]If I were a game designer I would want to work for Rock* or Ubisoft just because they get to work on titles great titles. I am also going to school to become a Game Designer and once I turn 21 plan on moving to California as so I can apply for jobs. I know it's extremely hard to end up with anything other then a entry level position but im willing to work my *** off and would be happy working anywhere in the industry. But if I could make a game I would want to work on a open ended style Grand Theft Auto crime game (if not the Grand Theft Auto series), a First Person Shooter series along the lines of Half-Life or Far Cry, or a Stealth/Action title along the lines of Metal Gear Solid or Syphon Filter. [/color][/size]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1] I saw the special as well and though it was really funny that 2 of the people who were most opposed to cheating copied 80%+ of there term papers from the internet. 1.) Have you ever cheated in anyway on a test or paper: Yes on tests all the time if it's a class I despise (Chemistry) I know its wrong but I really dont care if I hate the class. But if I like the class I am willing to study (English, History, Geometry) cause i find the classes fufilling. I have never cheated on a paper, I actually have fun doing papers I dont know maybe im a little bit crazy. The research is the funnest part I enjoy sitting in the library with a good CD for a few hours then sitting down and wriitng a paper. 2.)Do you think that a person would cheat if he or she thought they could get a away with it: Not everyone but most people yes, I think getting caught it what deters most people. 3.)What do you think is more important in the long run: In the long run I think that my integrity is most importanat but as for right now I need to get into a good college and GPA's are important to them and in the workplace.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy][SIZE=1]Man I cant wait for this movie to come out last I heard the release date was August 13, 2004. I also heard it is the last Blade movie Wesley Snipes is doing after Blade they say he's taking on the Black Panther superhero. The whole battle between Blade and [spoiler]Dracula[/spoiler] is the part that intrests me I just hope that its a equal fight unlike the battles between blade and the villain in Blade 2. The girl from Texas Chain Saw Massicre and 7th heaven (sorry I cant remember her name right now) is going to play one of the lead Nightstalkers.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I just picked up the new album by D12, D12 World and I have to say it's far better then there first album Devil's Night. They each come harder then before, even Bizzare is serious on a Track or two. My only complaint is Eminem and Proof arent on as many tracks as I hoped. But Swifty is on alot of tracks and he in my opinion is D12's 3rd best MC with Eminem in 2nd and Proof in 1st. If you liked My Band (personally I hated it) that doesnt mean you'll like the album in typical Eminem fashion he comes out with a popish single (My Name Is, Purple Hills,Got Some Teeth, The Real Slim Shady,Without Me) to sell the album to surburan audiences and the rest of the album is harder. I have been following D12 for the past 3 years and have been waiting for there 2nd album for about that long and I have to say that this album didnt at all dissapoint me. They finally are showing there real sides instead of trying to stick with there psychotic side more shown on the Devil's Night album. Eminem's lyrics are a mix of his Slim Shady LP style with a little of his Eminem Show's style his beat making skills are getting better as well, Proof comes as hard ever, Bizzare never dissapoints to come with something wild, Kon Artist makes some good beats, Kuniva's style is the same as ever,and Swifty steps up a level. I just hope it sells well so it wont take them 3 years to come out with a third. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Commercials have never really gotten to me like that, well once in a while during christmas time when they show those your 15 cents a day could save this child commercials i might get touched some but other then that I think commercials are annoying. Do I really need to see a commercial avertising Viagra every 2 minutes, im 15 why are you showing a Viagra commercial during the middle of the Simpsons is the Simpsons main demographic really men over 40. There are times when I do enjoy a Trailer or advertising of a show but other then that I just wish commercials could be done away with.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I am not really that popular I mean I know a little bit of everybody and im cool with a little bit of everyone but im not a jock. I pretty much hang with a group of friends who also like anime and games. But there are people I say whats up to alot,and I am cool with the skaters cause they were my peoples in middle school. I dont go out partying and getting trashed every weekend like most the popular kids do i'd much rather spend my weekends gaming and sleeping.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
What do you do to cheer yourself up?
BlueGender replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Alot of things cheer me up, sitting down with my guitar and some good TABs of songs I like for some reason make me forget my powers for a little bit. Listening to music also cheers me up I'll just sit down for a few hours and listen to my favorite hip hop or rock songs and just vibe off them for a little and I get to a point where its like I kind of disappear and all there is, is the music. A good movie helps me out too, its liek no matter how many times I see it this film called The Last Dragon always cheers me up, for some reason I love to watch martial arts films when im depressed or sad.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
What tricks do you use to fake being sick?
BlueGender replied to 50 cent's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=blue]My parents are easy going so when I really just want to stay home they'll let me. I barely miss school so I guess they feel like I can take a personal day now and again. But I have gone to school with fevers of 102 before just because I felt like it was to important to miss and when i got home basically passed out in bed. Sometimes I just feel like I cant miss school work because making it up later would just put me behind and would much rather do it sick. My school also has this policy where if you miss 5 or more days you automatically fail.[/size][/color] -
Gaming is there going to be a third super smash bros.?
BlueGender replied to JuliasPeach's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I thought there was a huge boost between SSB and Melee there was a huge replay factor added to Melee. You could unlock everything in SSB in a few hours but in Melee if you truely want every thing you have to go through the trouble of playing other games such as pikmin and it could take months to get everything. I also like the ranking system for multiplayer that added replay for me as well. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Yeah I saw the trailer a while ago and it looked okay, the special effects where spectacular, the past where there are all those tornado's in close proximity had to be the coolest part. It seems like a movie that will be full of things that you can stare at in aw and just have good fun watching. I hope they do something good with the ending I hope its not a sudden ending where within 5 minutes everything is suddenly solved.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]The movie does indeed look good. I also stumbled on it by accident.The story was the thing that first stuck me. I showed my family and we are already planning on seeing it on opening day. I think it has alot of promise, the robots look a bit odd and ever look a bit scary. [spoiler] In the trailer when the robots begin attacking is was just insane [/spoiler] and for some reason brought a grin to my face. I just hope that it is a good movie and doesnt disappoint me like Wild Wild West [/SIZE] did.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]It's an improvement but I dont think its enough to get it selling. I think they need some real 3rd party support before the sales will begin to get at all better. They will need to have one hit game to back it up sort of like how the hype behind Halo slid and Xbox into more homes. I read on GameInformer.com that it is actually more comfortable talking into the older N-Gage then in this version. I just can see myself buying an N-Gage im just more comfortble with my GBA SP an would much rather save my money for the DS and PSP then blow 100-300 bucks on a handheld with an unsure future. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I bought this around the time it came out and have watched it several times since. I like every story except for the last one, the last one I just found boring it wasnt really my cup of tea but throughtout the rest it kept me interested and didnt let me go. My favorite has to be Kid's Story I though the art was spectacular I think the Watchowski brothers are apsolute genious for branching out the Matrix into so many mediums. The Last Flight of the Osirus was another favorite I thought it was a great way to open up the DVD it makes me wish Square would have done a CGI Matrix film instead of that horrible Final Fantasy movie.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]How long have you been using my otaku?[/B] I have been using MyOtaku for about a week, I just discovered it recently so I am just having fun with it now. [B]How frequently do you work with my otaku?[/B] About once a day, sometimes once every few days, sometimes twice aday depending on developements. [B]What all of you do with my otaku?[/B] I use it as my journal which I allow others to read. I have another journal for my more personal thoughts this one is just kind of things that I dont mind if other people know about me. I dont know why I keep it maybe I hope to go back through it in the future and she how I matured over time.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Well 2 of my friends were new members of otakuboards at the time, one's user name was Krillen and the others was Pressure and they both suggested I join. I joined and was looking for an original name no one would have and I had recently purchassed the first few episodes of BlueGender (it wasn't on Adult Swim at the time) and decided it seemed like a cool name. Im really not that big a fan of the series I just liked the name at the time. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Music often comforts me when human beings cant. There have been times when I have felt like I have had no one but my music. Music has the ability to change me from sad to happy, to get me pumped, or to touch me. Music also has the ability to bring me back to what I was doiing when I first heard a certain song. Music is a large part of my life and without it I would be lost, I wouldnt be the person I am now. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I believe I am very similar to Vash the Stampeed from Trigun. Mostly because I cover up my pain with a smile and everyone think severything is fine but when im by myself I am a really deep complex person. I also wish to be normal like everyone else and feel like an outcast at times and feel as though if I blend in everything will be fine because when I am myself I only cause trouble. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
How Correct is Politically Correct?
BlueGender replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Im weird with political correctness im black and I can take some things in fun like some the the racist comments on South Park and Family Guy I find funny because of the context. But some of the things they say on Tough Crowd just offend me to the point where i have to turn the show off maybe because in cartoons you know there not real people but in a debate show theres a chance the people really think this. When black people say the word ****** i dont find it offensive because I grew up around people saying it all the time but when a white person says it, it just fills me with rage. I dont know maybe because I was taught that ****** coming from a white person just seems offensive and dirty. Even though racism is not as potent I have been called a ****** by white people on occasions and i find it to be the most evil word you can call someone it just is the most belittling thing i have ever been called. Although while coming from a person of my race it can be used to mean person in general and is said in exchange of him,her. I know it is quite hypocritical I just feel that white people should avoid the word in general just in respect to the anger it causes but thats my opinion. I am sorry for using the terms white and black so much I just didnt feel like typing out Culcasian and African America to make a destinction over and over again.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[size=1][color=navy]I for one believe in god, thats me but I belive god should be taken out of the pledge. The pledge is something which is taught in kindegarten when children can not even comprehend what they are saying, I did not learn what I was saying until the 8th grade and now I refuse to stand during the pledge not because of the god part but because I refuse to pledge allegience to a country that goes to war without even so much as asking the everyday peoples opinion. I love america I wouldnt live anywhere else...well maybe canada but still I excersise my right to have my opinion and express it as long as it doesnt hurt anyone. I believe since america is everyday becoming more diverse it should be taken out to accomidate everybody.God should be seperated from Church and State, doesnt state include school? As for In god we trust being take on money I really dont care, it doesnt affect it being worth anymore or less so if people get offended i say take it of to make everyone happy. [/size][/color]
Has anyone noticed how much TV is going downhill?
BlueGender replied to Spikora's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]The Simpsons characters are on strike they want more money for the next 3 seasons they want to be payed 8 million a piece for the next seasons ( the simpsons makes 2.5 billion for Fox each year) and Dave Chappelle is holding out for more rights and money for the third season of Chappelles show (Chappelles show is the most watched TV show next to South Park on Comedy Central some weeks its even more watched and it has brought the Daily Shows ratings up) . All my favorite shows are disappearing Home Movies was cancelled...again. Its a sad moment in television, we thought this reality TV phase was only going to last a year but its taking over TV. Why is it people get so much pleasure from watrching people...just like poeple they can meet in real life. Thank goodness Adult Swim is doing some good, they are bringing more anime into there lineup, and got us a new season of Family Guy hopefully Futurama is next. They are putting on a new season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force (the funniest show on Adult Swim in my opinion)[/SIZE] [/COLOR]