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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Dont fret about it, theres nothing you can do til puberty hits I was average height I was about 5'6 til the summer before 8th grade then I had a growth spurt and hit that 5'10 mark. Now im 15, 6'2, and my doctor says im going to grow about 3 more inches before im done and I wish I would stop growing because way to many people stare at me now and are like wow your tall. By highschool your height will most likely not be a problem, you'll have new things to worry about. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. BlueGender


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I really enjoyed Signs it made me jump several times as well. My favorite scene has to be the one at the birthday party, it made my jaw drop. I love all of the movies that are by M. Night Shymalan. Unbreakable was by far my favorite but thats only because it reunited Sam Jackson and Bruce Willis ( Die Hard With a Vengece, Pulp Fiction). The Sixth Sense was great as well, Halle Jolle Osmand was really convincing in his role as the little kid, I really felt sorry for him and his mother and the suprise ending was also a jaw dropper.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Well there hasnt really been anything confirmed about a Super Smash Brothers sequel, but im sure there will be since Nintendo seems to love franchises ( Mario Party series, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, ect.). If the sequel is not on the Gamecube then it will probabally be on the DS or the next Nintendo console. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I just got back from viewing it and I enjoyed it but I enjoyed the first one much more. The fact that [spoiler] the fight scenes were so short disapointed me[/spoiler] but other then that I liked it. By the way Zhang Yimou wrote the film not Quintin Tarention, Quintin Tarentino just brought the movie to america because he enjoyed it, the film is already on DVD my friend John bought a limited edition copy a Otakon for 30 bucks there were only 200 made. By the way Kill Bill volume 2 is the number one movie in the country it made 25.1 million dollars this weekend, beating the punisher by 10 million. Kill Bill vol. 1's DVD sold 2 million copies the day of release, which is about 40 million dollars([url]http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/Movies/04/18/box.office.ap/[/url]). Boy Tarentino must be rolling around in his money.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]The are a few anime series I can watch over and over again and never get tired of. Trigun is one, I also almost cried during the series as well like [spoiler] when wolfwood died[/spoiler] I was sitting there choking back tears, I glanced over and my 2 brothers and they were doing the same, it was a very sad scene. Love Hina is another one because it is so comical I just cant get enough of it the same goes for Tenchi Universe sometimes I just get into the mood to watch them again so I just sit down and have a Love Hina or Tenchi marathon. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  6. Is this going to begin anytime soon? We have an extra character now and I dont think we'll have any new sign ups.
  7. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]If I were to die today or tommorow I dont think I would have any real regrets. I mean I guess I would reget the fact that I have never expierenced real love and will never get to get a job have children and watch them grow older but those are not my fault so I wouldnt spend to much time thinking about that. But yeah when its comes time to die theres nothing I can do but face it with eyes open.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Dave Chappelle only made 43, wow I thought he'd be atleast in the top 20. No ones stand up has ever made me laugh as hard as Dave Chappelles HBO special. I cant believe that Billy Chrystal was higher then him he has never made me more then chuckle. I dont really agree with there lest but I doubt anyone will 100% agree with it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I have always been interested in these sort of thing as well. I would always be the kid who would check out books about aliens and ghost stories from the library. I have always believed in aliens, it seems kind of ignorant to me to believe that in all of space we are the only creatures. I have seen alot of alien videos and I believe most of them are fake but the footage taken by NASA cameras of hundreds of aircrafts floating throughout space kind of convinced me, i mean NASA found a way to write it off as something else like camera malfuctions or whatever but looking at the film the speed they were moving could not have been a malfunction in my opinion they are aircraft. I have watched 3 hour Biographys about alien conpirasies and honestly believe that the government is hiding something from us. -hums xfiles theme- The truth is out there[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]My older brother took sex ed in middle school at the time I was about 6 or 7 and he told me everything he learned. So I knew of sex a a very early age, which is probabally why im so weird. I really didnt react that much. I mean my parents made sure I knew th names of female and male genitals at a early age so I wouldnt go around saying we-we or something. What he told me just made things fall into place, everything made more sense. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Several times, I wanted to kill myself because I thought I was in love for the first time in my life and I thought she loved me back. To my suprise she dumped me because she didnt care about me as much as I did her. I started feeling intense emotional pain during this time and found it hard to cope with living. Especially with her dating my friends and constanly telling me she didnt want me. I became a cutter and would cut myself because it made me feel better for some odd reason. I couldnt sleep or eat and I would explode on people for small reasons. I slowly got better with the help of my true friends sticking by me and coming to the eventual realisation that there a 3 billion other women out there and there has to be one out there who loves me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I was reading an interview with Michael Madsen (Mr Orange in Resivior Dogs) and he mentions the fact that he is going to do the Vega Brothers. For those who dont know Vincent Vega was John Travolta's character in Pulp fiction and Mr. Orange of Resivior Dogs is the brother of Vincent. Tarentino has kind of been kicking around the idea of making the movie for years but just hasnt come up with a solid idea, Madsen says he recently got a call and Tarentino has an idea for the film so there finally going to do it. Im guessing it's going to be a prequel [spoiler] because as we all know Mr. Orange and Vincent both get shot full of holes [/spoiler] but with Tarentino you never know. Tarentino's next film is a movie with Robert Rodrigez (El Mariache trilogy, Spy Kids, From Dusk Til Dawn) they will both direct segments of the film much like they did with Four Rooms. After that he is going to do a World War II film which is rumored to star Adam Sandler so I wouldnt expect to see Vega brothers for atleast 4 - 6 years.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I am really interested in Ghostly figures, I really dont have any theories on them. I dont think all the stories can be false because people have claimed to see ghosts for a really long time. I guess im so interested because I find it hard to find comfort in religion, I mean sometimes I just find it hard to believe after your heart stops there is some kind of entity within you which moves on to another form of existance or something, but I have seen so many pictures and heard so many storys about ghosts its much easier for me to believe.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. BlueGender

    Hip Hop

    [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I despise that song as well im sure any true fan of hip hop recognises that song of being truely horrible. But hey as long as your listening to hip hop its fine hopefully as you listen your tastes will mature...I started out listening to Will Smith (I was like 5 sue me) then as I got older my brother introduced me to Wu Tang, Busta Rymes, Missy Elliot then he introduced me to Canibus a few years later and that changed my opinion on rap in general, Canibus was just spitting some unbelievable stuff and at the time it just stunned me. Im trying to get tickets to a Kanye West Concert next wednesday at a college in my area. Young Gunz are gonna appear but im not fans of them really, im just hoping Kanye performs Through the Wire and Two Words. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  15. THanks alot man I think it looks great
  16. Can someone make me a banner using the pictures I included below. I would like the banner to say The Invasion somewhere.
  17. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Tarentino recently did an interview with Entertainment Weekly where he stated he will film a volume 3 in 15 years. He said he is going to film som scenes in one or 2 years for the sake of flashbacks. Uma Thurman will not star in this one she will be the bad guy of this film and the little girl from the first film who watched[spoiler] her mother (played by Vivica A. Fox) die by the hand of the bride will come looking for revenge.[/spoiler] Why he has to film in 15 years I dont know I think he should film it in 5 years tops and just get a new actress to play the girl.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I usually go because the Storyline interests me, I keep myself up on movie reviews and hype so there are usually one or two movies I want to see a month. I just dont have the time to do so when I please most of the time. I might see 4 or 5 movies a year in the theather and i'll purchass about 50 on DVD because I find it much easier to pick up a DVD and sit at home and watching it then the trouble of getting around to the theater to see a movie I might not even enjoy. The theaters in my area are way overpriced in my opinion its about 6.25 - 9.25 to see a film depending on the theater and with the price of refreshement you could spend anywhere from 15 to 30 dollars on an outing. I'd much rather spend 20 dollars on a DVD which I can watch multiple times but hey thats me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. BlueGender

    Hip Hop

    [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Ima huge fan of D12 and I know all the members names :p and even have some of there solo project. My favorite member is Proof he started the group but doesnt get much credit. Where im from Loyd Banks is the most popular member of G-Unit I think he's the best lyracist im sorry but 50 got murdered by Ja, now I hate Ja-Rule but he came much harder then 50 did when they were beefing if it wasnt for Proof, Eminem, Loyd Bank, Obie Trice, and Swifty Mcvay 50 would have lost the beef lyrically. 50 just has more street credit so yeah Ja would have lost anyway. Has anyone else heard about The Game who was recently signed to G-Unit, he was shot 7 times once in the heart, but its like becoming a requirement you get shot to join G-Unit :laugh: .[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Ok from oldest to newest Nintendo Entertainment System: I dont remeber how I got this I was to young to remember. But I spent most of my time playing Mega Man 3, Cabal (shooter), and Super Mario 1-3. Gameboy/Gameboy Color: I dont remember how I got this either but I use to play it all the time, most played game was probabally Pokemon, yes I went through pokemon fever like almost everyone else. I remember when I first got the game I was stunned with how great it was. Super Nintendo: I got this for christmas, I spent most of my time playing Super Marios World and Mario Kart. Most memoral expereince getting to the last level of NBA Jam with my older brother to have my little brother turn it off with 2 minutes left in the match. Sega Genesis: This was more of my brothers system I wasnt really into sonic games until I got older. My favorite game was Terminator 2: Arcade Game I had alot of fun playing it with my older and little brother even though I could neer get past the 3rd level without cheating. N64: More of my party system I had the most fun with this while I was with friends. I spent over 96 hours playing the Perfect Dark Multiplayer with my brothers and my best friend at the time. I was also really into wrestling at the time so my favorite game for the system was WWF No Mercy. Most memoral experience is being scared out of my wits playing Resident Evil 2. Playstation: During this time I became a hardcore game. I have about 70 PSone games. My father bought the sytem for himself and I ended up playing it the most. Most memoral experiences are playing Metal Gear Solid through the first time and just falling into the story and playng my first RPG Final Fantasy VII and being stunned with the FMV's. Gamecube: I got this for christmas the year it came out. I love my gamecube I dont care who calls it kiddy or whatever it has alot of excellent games. My most memoral experience is playing Eternal Darkness and experiencing the sanity meter. PS2: I have to say this is in my opinion the best system in the current generation of gaming (please dont flame me) its just i dont know its probabally because has so much third part support and a great library. Most memorable experience is popping in GTA3 for the first time, it's the first time I felt as though I was part of a game I will forever be a Rock* fan because of this game. Gameboy Advance: I remember I couldnt wait to get this when I first heard about it. So I imported it about 3 weeks before it came out. Most memorable experience is playing it in homeroom 3 weeks before its release and having everyone ask me if I was a beta tester for nintendo :laugh: , to this day people ask me questions about nintendo's secret projects and stuff. X-Box: I was originally hesitant about purchassing this system, I was afraid the system wouldnt last more then a year. But after hearing so much hype behind Halo I decided to get one it was one of the best decisions I ever made. X-Box Live is great it's worth owning just for the multiplayer experience in my opinion. Most memorable experience is playing Halo Co-operative with my little brother and storming down on that beach full of the covenant my jaw just dropped.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=navy]When is this going to begin?[/COLOR]
  22. BlueGender

    Hip Hop

    [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Great Tracks: 1. Renegade - Jay Z ft. Eminem (the original Renegade with ROyce da 5'9 was nice too) 2. When Bad Meets Evil - Eminem ft. Royce da 5'9 3. Two Words - Kanye West ft. Mos Def and Freeway 4. Ostrage Trot - Proof 5. On Fire - Loyd Banks[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. BlueGender

    Hip Hop

    [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Ice Cube just signed to Aftermath, I dont believe he was signed as a solo artist to anything. Ruff Ryders left Def Jam I think a year ago and went to Interscope but there only big artists are Jadakiss and Eve who is now with Aftermath as well. DMX was given his own island under Def Jam called Bloodline where he put out a soundtrack and a CD. But he's having troubles with them now and is talking about leaving to go to Interscope even though he's not making any more albums apparently. Last I heard Wu Tang is signed to Loud Records but Method Man is signed as a solo artist to Def Jam.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. BlueGender

    Hip Hop

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Star Tracks is under Arista which just dispanded so the recently signed to Interscope. Sorry I forgot Defjam had sub-sections i'll replace Def Jam with Bloodline home of DMX and I believe COMP.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. BlueGender

    Hip Hop

    [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Who are your favorite rapper: 1.) Proof of D12 2.) Eminem 3.) Canibus 4.) Tupac 5.) Loyd Banks DJ: Green Lantern Producers: 1.) Eminem (Renegade - Jay Z ,Virgin Mary - Nas) 2.) Timberland (Dirt off your Shoulder -Jay Z) 3.) Dr. Dre (Let me blow ya mind - Eve ft. Gwen Stafani) 4.) The Neptunes ( Light Your A** On Fire - Busta Rymes) 5.) Kon Artist of D12 (Stunt 101, P.I.M.P) Labels: 1.) Aftermath (50 Cent, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Busta Rymes, Ice Cube, Eve, Stat Quo) 2.) Shady Records (D12, 50 Cent, Obie Trice, Stat Quo) 3.) Rocafella Records (Jay Z, Freeway, Kanyewest, Young Guns, ect.) 4.) Bloodline 5.) Star Track's[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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