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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. [size=1][color=blue]Mitch stood frozen in the hallway of his apartment building...had he seen what he thought he had just seen? Was that a... ghost? It couldn't have been it was three in the morning and he had been up all night partying it was probabaly was just his imagination. Mitch shrugged it off and continued walking down the hallway. Everything quickly went cold and the hair on his neck suddenly stood on end. He felt as though he couldn't move, all of his body felt like it weighed 3 tons. Mitch barely turned his head and was able to catch a small glimse of the ghost once again. This time it was staring diretly at him. It quickly disapperared and he regained the ablity to move."What...What the ****" he said silently aloud as he fumbled to shove the key in his apartment door. He rushed in his room and slammed th door behind him.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=blue]Name: Ken Micheals Age: 29 Appearance: 5'10, White Male, brown hair, Unit: Security Specialty: N/A Bio: Ken's life didn't go quite as he expected to. He dropped out of high school and later joined the military. After his 4 years in the military he picked up small time jobs here and there. He became a security guard at the age of 27 the pay wasn't to good and he had a family to support. After some job searching he found black mesa payed secuirty guards much higher then where he currently worked. He applied for Black Mesa and got the job. He has been working at black mesa for a year and a half.[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=blue]Micheal sat in his room staring at the television. He was doing menial tasks in Animal Crossing once again to raise money. He was 200,000 bells away from paying of his morgage. He quickly became bored and decided he was going to quit and make some breakfast. As he turned off his GameCube his PDA beeped informing him he had just recieved new message. Mike opened up his email and saw his newest email was from Dreamcast. Without looking at the message Mike stood up and began to leave. Mike grabbed his key's and began to leave his apartment. He quickly realised he was still in his pajama's. Mike quickly threw on a t-shirt and some jeans then proceded to leave.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=blue]My characters hair color is black, oh I was wondering when this RPG is going to begin.[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=blue]Name: Micheal Williams Codename: Stop Age: 19 Occupation: Gamestop employee Identity: Only his younger brother knows of his mutant status Legal status: Canadian Citizen Group Affiliation: Mutant Brigade Toronto Section Eyes: green Hair: in cornrolls (black) Strength Level: moderate excercise, he is skinny but well built, he is also a martial artist Mutation Type: psionist Known superhuman power: The ability to stop time for short periods (stops peoples movement, electronic devices,ect.) also has the ability to slightly levitate has not developed this power much yet so he can only levitate about 7 inches above the ground. Special limitations: Can only stop time in an area (Can not stop everyone in the world), depending on the amount of people and the amount electronic devices he has to stop there are limits to how long he can stop them. Others: Love to crack jokes, is very distant at times and somewhat depressed, carries staff with him whenever he's on a mission.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=blue]When im in unhappy mood the song that probabally best describes me is Linkin Park's My December or System of a Down's Roulette. But when I am in a happy mood the song which probabally that best describes me is Eminem's Just Dont Give a **** whenever I am happy i'm in a I dont care what anyone else thinks kind of mood so this song has always kinda been my anthem when im happy.[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=blue]Name: Mitch Dupree Age: 23 Gender: Male Bio: Normal guy, he has always been sort of intrested in the paranormal, he has only really heard about the paranormal on television and on the internet, other then that he has had no exposure. Spends most of his time playing videogames and browsing the internet. Place of Sighting: Hallway of his Apartment complex Appearance: 5'9, wears baggy pants and a t-shirt of some sort, if it is cold he wears his Megatokyo sweatshirt and he always wears fingerless gloves.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=blue]In the rain or in the snow I gotta have the funky flow- Rosta Frog:p Parappa the Rappa was an awesome game i've been meaning to pickup the PS2 sequel but I never do. I played the PSX Parappa and beat it like in 2 hours my favorite level was the one with the rosta frog. I have heard in japan there is a Parappa animated series I dont know if i'd be interested in watching a animated series. I do enjoy playing the games cause I cant help but laugh at there corniness and they give you a quick fix of entertainent. [/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=blue]I have read up on this a few time's, it has intrested me there are just so many things that were mysterious about his death. There is supposedly a song where tupac says "Rest in peace to my n*gga BIG ha ha ha". The song was released after Tupacs death, and it was the last song where tupac spoke on the Notorious BIG but tupac continued to have songs refering to other members of Badboy. Many believe tupac wanted to make as much money as he could so he could start his own political party and lave the rap game he was quite the extremist his mother was a former black pather and he grew up around members of the black panter party his sales made a huge jump after he died making him alot more money. There are also reports of another passanger being seen in the back of the car the night of the shooting. I also believe on tupacs last album it said more from Tupac to come he's dead he created 3 albums before his death and they've done 7 albums( 3 unreleased material, 2 poetry, and I believe the others were greatest hits) how can anymore be coming from the guy, his last album was also under the name Tupac implying Tupac is back. We'll just have to wait til September to see if the guy is still alive.[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=blue]My favorite food would have to be Ramen, my dad had it when he lived in Korea and when he came back to the US he found out they packaged and sold it here so i've been eating it since I was a baby. I eat it pretty much everyday when I come home from school. I cant get enough of the stuff. My least favorite food would have to be macaroni and cheese I cant stand the stuff.[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=blue]I heard they are going that airing BlueGender this June as well which I am very excited about. As you can probabaly tell by my board name I am a fan of the show. The main charcaters Marlene and Yuji are voiced by the voice actors for Future Trunks and Young Trunks.[/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=blue]I have Hybrid Theory and Linkin Park is an awesome band. When I first heard them I wasn't really into there stuff but when I heard some more of there music I liked them. I am into both Hip Hop and Metal so I like alot of there stuff. My favorite tracks on Hybrid Theory are: 1.) Paper Cut 2.) One Step Closer 4.) Points of Authority 6.) Runway 8.) In the End 9.) Place for my head My favorite song by Linkin Park period would be My December I so relate to that song. [/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=blue]I PMed Schrat like 2 days ago and asked him when it wasgoing to start and he said he decided not to start the RPG up.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=blue]Online I am a complete different person. I put on a mask on at school and pretend to be someone that I am not. I dont feel like having everyone pity me so I just kind of tuck my problems away til I get home. While im online I am a little bit to open with my problems, at times I want to tell myself to shut the **** up. If you were to talk to me online and in person you would see that I am a complete person, while in person sometimes I act somewhat over confident and am usually happy I am really quite self conscience and am always depressing over some little problem while at home.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=blue]Name: Kevin O'brian (Keemoe) Age: 17 Description:6'1, 140 pounds, very skinny,black but very light skin, cornrolls in his hair, usually wears baggy jeans with a t-shirt Brief Bio:Born and raised in california but his parents have always been overprotective so while other kids where out playing he was inside on his computer. He learned how to hack at the age of 12, he first heard about the matrix at age 14.He spends his days programming anti-virus software, spends his nights playing Everquest,Counter Strike, or hacking into governement databases looking for any bit of information he can find about the matrix. Personality: Talkative, kind of geeky talk to him for mor then 10 minutes and he'll shower you with his knowledge of old kung-fu cinema, shy when around females [/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=blue] Well it looks like we are going to have yet another player in the handheld market the Helix by a company called Tapwave. The system is describes as system for those 18-30 years of age.The Helix is based on the Palm platform. The CPU consists of an MX1 ARM9 processor manufactured by Motorola, a graphics chip from ATI, and new audio chips from Yamaha. Helix also features Bluetooth technology support for wireless gaming, dual SD card slots, dual embedded speakers, headphone support, two rechargeable lithium batteries, USB support, rumble support, and a 6.97-square-inch screen with support for 64,000 colors. From a demo shown it appears is said the system will support Playstaion style graphics.[i](specs recieved from [url]http://www.gamespot.com/all/news/news_6026314.html[/url])[/i] It appears the future of handheld gaming will have quite a few players now. This system seems like a souped up PDA from what I have heard so far. But I am inteserted in seeing some more intricate specs on it.[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=blue]I saw it I thought it was good, and it sticks pretty well to the games storyline. I think im going to be a big fan of it. It comes on saterdays at 9:30 on the WB.[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=blue] Sorry I misquoted they said they will ship 10,000,000 by the end of the first fiscal year. I myself am looking forward to 3D games on the go, dont get me wrong I will bring my SP right along with my and play 2D games, but I am in interested in seeing what games all the publishers come up with assuming they dont port every successful PSX game. I am also interested in seeing nintendo's reponse, will they stick with carts(N64) or will they go mini disk with there handhelds. I dont think nokia really has a chance agains't Nintendo and Sony unless they get the public interested in there cell phones.[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=blue]Sony reps spoke a bit more about the PSP (Playstation Portable) in a interview with Japan's Mainichi Shimbun it will be released in Fall of 2004, they plan on releasing about 10 million units launch day (wow!) and they plan on it having access to the internet. The amount of unts suggest the price will be a lot lower then what is expected.[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=blue]I use to drink Pepsi til they introduced Vanilla Coke, I tried Vanilla Coke and I liked it so I got some more now im addicted. The weird thing is I cant taste the vanilla anymore now it just tastes liked regular Coca Cola and I never liked regular Coca Cola until now. I cant stand pepsi anymore it's weird it's like Coca Cola found a way to get more people to drink there soda and now there putting less and less vanilla in there soda's until were at the point where we like regular coca cola and dont realise it. I smell a conspiracy...-sips coca cola-[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=blue]Today Megaman: NT Warriors premired on the WB and from what I have seen it is pretty well based on the Gameboy Advanced game series Megaman Battle Network and looks like it's going to be a good show. The basic story is the internet hooks almost everything and everyhing has a jack in port and people use the port to enter machines with there PET and the main charcters PET is Megaman.PET's are used by everybody to obtain email,fight viruses, or just surf the internet, viruses are everywhere because a terrorist group is implanting them everywhere. I am addicted to the game series so I can tell I am going to be a fan of the TV series. The show is airs Saterdays at 9:30 AM on the WB.[/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=blue]According to Entertainment tonight the movie raked in 45.5 Million Wednesday night and on Thurday. It is pretty much assured now that it will beat Hannibal for the highest grossing R rated movie of all time. I myself liked the movie alot but I didn't think it was better then the firt one. [spoiler]It started of kind of slow and I felt they spent way to much time in zion.[/spoiler] The action sequences in the movie wer great especially the car chase scene I think it set a new barrior for car chases in the future. I think they are setting up for a huge suprise ending in the third movie I feel like they are giving clues to the fact that here is something bigger but I guess i'll have to wait to find out.[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=blue]My favorite comedy is Friday I crack up everytime I see it I think Chris Tucker makes the movie with his character smokey my favorite quote from the movie is when they are talking about this girl Creg likjes mother it goes: Smokey: You know what they say the older the berry the sweeter the juice Creg: man it's the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice Smokey:Well she blacker then a mother ****** too.[/size][/color]
  24. [Size=1][color=blue]Sony came out today with the first specs of a new handheld. [i]-UMD or Universal Media Device. This storage media is 60mm, about half the size of the traditional CD and has a capacity of 1.8GB. That's right GB. Expect massively complex, detailed gaming (for your handheld anyway). 2.4 inches. - ATRAC encoding support (Sony's proprietary sound format used in their minidiscs). This could mean it will be a multi-media device. - Graphics specs are also impressive: NURB technology for rendering with full 3D polygons. - The unit's widescreen LCD screen (480x272, that's the coveted 16:9 ratio we all love) will be backlit. - The unit's sound processing will feature full 3D sound, PCM, and will be "fully reconfigurable." - MIPS 32-bit processor. - Also, a secure ROM cartridge for anti-piracy efforts. - Super-one-chip solution for graphics, sound, etc. - Memory stick will be used for game saves. Also, for GPS functionality. - Rechargeable battery. - CPU: 90 nanometers with a clock speed TBD. - USB 2.0 connection for talking to your PC, cellphone, even your PS2. - Embedded RAM. - Supports additional video codecs (other than MPEG 4.) (specs recieved from [url]http://ps2.ign.com/articles/402/402220p1.html[/url])[/i] From the Specs alone it looks to be years ahead of the GBA SP, Nintendo until today has hd no real compotition in this market of gaming, I hope they are prepared for this to turn into a full out war. [/color][/size]
  25. This one song by Creg David "You Don't Miss Your Water" reminds me of anime for some reason, the piano always makes me think of someone crying in the rain. This Song by the Gorillaz "Left Hand Suzuki Method" always makes me thnk of Trigun for some reason.
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