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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. That new mario and luigi RPG sounds interesting I wonder if it will be like Kingdom Hearts or an advanced version of Mario RPG.
  2. A: Deep Eye Squadren Q: What year does FF: Spirits Within take place
  3. [size=1][color=blue]Congrats on getting your script picked up, you should have otakuboards put in the credits. I am defenately looking forward to checking out the film. What is the storyline?[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=blue]My School had a animeclub but the teacher recently left the school so we no longer meet on afterschool on tuesdays. It was almost shut down once when the vice principle walked in during a pretty grusome seen in Hell Sing. After that we could no longer watch anime with weapons other then swords.[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=blue]According to IGN this film was origionally posted on a Chinise server by a German male calling himself Deap Throat(Metal Gear Solid Reference) apperently it was not the whole video only a small piece of the whole video which will be shown at the E3 on the 13th. After seeing this I cant wait to see the rest.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=blue]My parents are quite lenient with grades, I recall once I came home with almost all D's on an interm and my parents simply told me to try harder next time. I do remember being punished in 6th grade for coming home with almost all E's on an interm I was not allowed to watch television,play videogames, or get on the internet on mondays - thursdays but after 2 weeks my parents let up. I never liked disapointing my parents so this year I have strived to keep all my grades above B's, my parents aren't use to me doing well in school so they have been quite generous of late.[/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]Megatokyo is great it is the only reason I wake up on monday, wednsdays,and fridays. My favorite character is Largo(Great Teacher Largo is god) I think it is hilarious how he goes off demon fighting and alway speaks in l33t. Piro gets in the most hilarious of situations.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=blue]I have seen the first 3 DVD's and the series is great. It has comedy and romance which I really enjoyed. It never gets boring also I always find myself wanting more sitting on the edge of my seat. I like the episode where [spoiler]Yukino see's Tsubasa throw Arima's picture of her into the furnance and she chase her down in the hallway to beat her up.[/spoiler] I think that Yukino's two sisters are the best characters on the show they always make me laugh.The father is also a very funny character I like it when[spoiler]he goes crazy because his wife and daughters are talking about how plain Yukino is for not having sex with Arima yet.[/spoiler]I find myself relating to the characters especially Arima when he said "Could it be that what I always believed to be me was a mask I have created,a fake, maybe within me there is another me".[/color][/size]
  9. You can proabally get the Japanese version at any video store they release it after they released the american version on DVD , just look for Ringu. I think both versions are good. My favorite horror movie is the original black and white Night of the Living Dead it still manages to scare the crap out of me eerytime I see it. If you like suspense/horror I would recommend te Sixth Sense,Seven, and Signs they are not really scary but I recommend you check them out they have really great plots.
  10. [color=blue][size=1]Yes they are used all the time in my school and I find it quite annoying, I try to hang out with a little of everybody but I have had people refer to me as a skater(I fall everytime I stand on a skateboard) or a punk(I dont dress punk or like punk music) before. I dont like being labled just because I hang around people who are considered to be parts of these groups I dont see myself in any of the groups really and as I said I hang with a little of everyone based on if we have the same intrests.[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=blue]Dont worry Cyke I have heard that Miyamoto and Kojima are both somewhat of control freaks so I doubt thjey would release the game if it wasn't up to their expectations and Silicon Knights is probably one of the best Gamecube developers out there. There is no way they can mess this up.[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=blue]I say it depends on the situation if you are place in the situation where you are accused of doing something which you did not do and you could get in serious trouble(jailtime) if you do not come forward with the true culprat then I say it is fine. If it is like a situation where you are asked if you know who did a prank in school then you shouldn't do it. It's not worth it I try to look at how I would feel if someone came forward with me doing something like that.[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=blue] My advice to your friend is to try and get his mind off of it. He should spend time with friends and if he's into gaming or anime he should get immersed into a series or a game. It wont make him forget but it will get his mind on other thing it will help him realise there are other things out there. If he really loves her he'll let her do her own thing. Give him his space but not to much, dont force him to talk about it but if he wants to talk listen he needs his friends now more then ever.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=blue] Today Metal Gear Solid: Twin Serpants a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for the PSX was announced as the Gamecube exclusive MGS game. It is being developed by Silicon Knights the people who developed Eternal Darkness it will use a revamped version of the Metal Gear Solid 2 engine. When I heard they were making a Metal Gear Solid game for the Gamecube I hoped it would be a new title or a side story but this seems like a good idea if they do it right and keep the aspects of the original game the same. I hope they leave in the two alternate endings depending on your desicions in the game. I just hope that this game wasn't the new Metal Gear title Kojima promised to show at the E3.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=blue]I have been considering picking it up but I heard that when you are playing it online once you leave the starting area only yourself and 3 others can travel together and anyone who is outside of your party can not be seen is this true? I was also wondering if while playing is it possible to travel with those playing it on Dreamcast and X-Box? One last question can you play the 30 free day free trial without giving a credit card number or is it like with Everquest where you have to give a credit card number and then cancel whenever you are done playing?[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=blue] My defenision of reality television is a show which reflect real everyday life and follows around real people and there are no scrited events. Most reality TV shows do not how often reflect this. How often are people sent into a jungle and force to compete in challanges for meals. I sometimes feel like shows like Anne Nichol's show is scripted, I dont think she acts like that in real life I have actually heard that when she is interviewed she is a completly different person then on televison. I think the Osbourne's curse just a little bit to much for the show to be completely real. Sometime's it is funny how obsurd some of these series are like the new show on Fox Married by America it is absurd I thought Fox would have learned with Who Want's to Marry a Millionaire. I do however enjoy watching Big Brother though I like to see how fast it take for people to begin going at each others throats and how fast alliences are made(seriously last season it was within he first half an hour in which the allience was made) they bicker over the most trivial of things sometimes like they will fight over the fact someone forgot to wash there hands.[/size][/color]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]Name: Kevin Age: 19 Gender: Male Side(hacker or good guy): Good Appearance: 6'1, black but very light skin, cornrolls, wears a fingerless glove on his left hand, scar over right eye, right eye only partially opens(no sight in that eye) Brief Bio: Kevin's earliest memories are in the dot.insigna world he was never really popular he was made fun of as a child because he was different. He used the world as an excape for his problems. One day in the dot.insigna world when he was almost beat to death(leaving him a scar over his right eye and partially blind) but from that day forward he was able to see small portions of the future. He never knows when these thing he see's will happen but every now in then he gets flashes of the possible future to be. Reason for picking the side he did: Hates killing he doesn't think anyone's life should be taken away. Evil or good it doesn't matter all people should be able to live full lives in his opinion.[/color][/size]
  18. BlueGender

    MTV Punk'd

    [size=1][color=blue] From what I have seen of the show so far it is hilarious, I like the one where they punk the guy who plays Fez on that 70's show. When the guy was destroying what he thought was his Escalade I sware he looked like he was going to cry. Sometimes I think they could take the punks a little further though like the one where they trick the one celebrity into thinking Aston gave her a bag filled with stolen goods I thought it would have been funnier if they brought in some police to make her think they were actually taking her to the station. [/color][/size]
  19. BlueGender

    True Hip-hop?

    [size=1][color=blue]I think people still do care about old school hip hop I mean without old school hip hop there would have been no one to have inspired newer hip hop artists into getting into the rap game. So even if you dont like old school hip hop you have to give it it's props for getting the rap artist's you listen to today into music.[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=blue] If you have 150 dollars to spare I would suggest getting Steel Batalion it is the best Mech game out there, the graphics are spectacular and once you pick it up it is hard to put down it is well worth the hefty fee. Jet Set Radio Future is another great game it is a action/rollerskating title it is one of the most underated games of all time in my opinion, you should be able to purchass it for a cheap fee.[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=blue]I get out of school June 19th I am dreading that day because I myself quite enjoy school. My parents are really over protective because I live in a bad neighborhood and they dont want me exposed to the drugs and voilence. All of the summer I sit in my room playing games and watching anime while my friends are hanging out. School is really the only time I get to socialise with my friends in person. So I have grown to like school over the years.[/size][/color]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]Games I would suggest checking out are: Grand Theft Auto 3(Vice City if you like GTA3) Silent Hill 2 Onimusha The Getaway Devil May Cry Deus Ex Meal Gear Solid 2 Kingdom Hearts All are games with great storylines and gameplay in my opinion. They will pull you in deeper and deeper as you play til you feel totally emersed in there gaming universe. I would suggest you check out reviews for the games I and other people list to see if they are the type of game you would enjoy.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1]I saw the movie earlier today and it was quite disapointing. I didn't laugh the whole movie the parts I might have laughed at were shown on television over and over again or on his show. I feel the movie may ruin his whole hidden camera show at that, before he wasn't well known but now that he has a movie out more people are going to recognise him(much like what happend with the Tom Green show). The only thing I enjoyed about the whole movie was seeing the Matrix: Reloaded preview on the big screen.[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=blue] My father was into Speed Racer and he bought the whole series on tape and showed my brother and I it. My older brother then discovered a block of television on the sci-fi channel saterday mornings showcasing anime we saw Akira, Lily Cat, Vampire Hunter D, Aeon Flux, 8-Ball and other anime's. We later began wathing Toonami on Cartoon Network the I got into anime when they began showing Tenchi Muyo.[/size][/color]
  25. [color=blue][size=1] lol yeah Eric anime and videogame relationships hold me over, I went out with Christina for 3 months and we never kissed I think we hugged like 4 times and that was about it. I am not really that good with relationships I avoided her 90% of the time we went out. She got tired of it and dumped me. [/color][/size]
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