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Everything posted by BlueGender

  1. [color=blue][size=1] I use to watch the show every week but I became frustrated with Clark and his not realising he could be with Launa or Cloe if he chose to be (I myself liked Cloe more I think she is prettier then Launa and more of Clark's type) and slowly after a while I just stopped watching and stopped caring. My favorite episode out of the ones I have seen is the episode where Clark uses his lazor vision whenever a pretty female is around I thought that episode was hillarious.[/size][/color]
  2. [color=blue][size=1]Who was your first kiss? My first kiss was in 3rd grade with one of my best friends How old were you? I myself was 8 she was 7 How was it? I guess it was good, I had aa crush on her for a while and I wasn't expecting it. What were the circumstances? We were on the bus on the way to school and we were joking around and she looked me in the face and asked if she could kiss me. I responded yes(of course) and she kissed me on the lips. I am still friends with her today but now I see her as a litle sister. What was your Worst/Best Kiss? I haven't had another one yet so I really cant answer this qustion.[/color][/size]
  3. BlueGender


    [color=blue][size=1]I liked him when he was with house of pain but I dont like his newer stuff. I felt like his beef with Eminem was a horrible attempt on his part to try and get recognition in the music industry again. Eminem is a better lyracist then Everlast in my opinion and the whole thing hurt Everlast career.I did like his song "What it's Like" though. His last few CD's didnt sell to well either and he has had heart problems in the past so I think has retired.[/color][/size]
  4. [i][b][u]Sales of key games fall short of original expectations.[/u][/b] According to Bloomberg Japan, Capcom has declared 19.5 billion yen ($163 million) in losses for its 2002 fiscal year. While its losses where originally estimated at 12.7 billion yen ($106 million), Capcom explained that its major titles sold below expectations. Biohazard 0 (Resident Evil 0) for the Nintendo GameCube was expected to sell 1.42 million copies but sold only 1.12 million. Devil May Cry 2 for the Sony PlayStation 2 sold 1.4 million copies instead of the expected 1.66 million. Clock Tower 3, which was also released for the PlayStation 2, sold 250,000 copies instead of the expected 450,000. Capcom released Chaos Legion (PS2) and P.N. 03 (GC) in March as part of an effort to meet its sales goals for the year, but the sales of the additional games did not offset its losses. The company's losses were also attributed to the cancellation of projects that were not likely to be profitable. Capcom has terminated 18 games out of approximately 100 currently in development. This is the first time that Capcom has canceled nearly 20 percent of its projects. The development funds spent on these terminated projects will be declared as special losses, totaling 5 billion yen ($41 million). No specific games were revealed in the cancellation announcement. Capcom vice president Heiji Oshima said that one of the reasons for the decline in sales was some of its titles simply didn't suit the market's demand. From now on, Capcom will strengthen its evaluation structure in order to better assess projects before they go into development. Capcom will also begin to frequently evaluate games in the middle of their development and immediately cancel any projects that may not suit the interests of the market. Oshima also said that Capcom currently does not have any plans to merge with another company, although he does not know about the future. Oshima believes that Capcom has enough competitive edge to survive on its own at the current time. (article gotton from GameSpot.com)[/i] [size=1][color=blue] It is a real shame that Capcom is losing so much money. I myself think that Capcom is the best 3rd party company out there. I am a huge Nintendo fan but I think it is in Capcoms best interst to get Resident Evil off the Gamecube as an exclusive.I think they would make much more money if Resident Evil was not exclusive to any console and it appeared on all 3 major consoles I think they would make a lot more money because they would be selling to Gamecube, X-Box and, PS2 gamers. What do you guys think about this?[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=blue] The first game which I beat was...Mario Kart for the Super NES. But the first game I played that hooked me to gaming was Golden Eye 64 I would sit and play it for like 6 hours straight with my brothers for weekends straight.[/Size][/color]
  6. BlueGender

    True Hip-hop?

    [color=blue][size=1]Yeah SSJ Trunks I cant wait to get Proof's album, I respect the fact he is putting it out on his own label instead of getting Eminem to sign him as a solo artist and having Shady Records put it out there. If Proof is going to make it he wants to make it on his own. I have been trying to get a copy of the Eminem,50,and Busta's Ja-Rule response but I dont know anyone who has it. I cant wait til Ja gets put in his place he is a wanna be gangster and to top that cant rap he need to shut up and retire he cant out ryme 50 or Eminem **** i'll even go as far as to say Bizarre has better lyrical skills then him. I have both parts to the Benzino response and the new Benzino diss on the Cradle 2 Grave soundtrack and eminem murders Benzino on all three tracks man.Benzino didn't know what he was getting into when he dissed slim. I am patiently awaiting Obie Trice's debut and D-12's second album. From what I have heard about D-12's next album so far it is gonna be tight as **** and I hear they murdered Royce da 5'9 on there most recent mixtape.[/color][/size]
  7. BlueGender

    True Hip-hop?

    [color=blue][size=1]Rappers I dislike: Nelly,Ja-Rule,Benzino, The whole Cash Money group,Bizarre of D-12 (he cant rap) Rapper I like: Nas, Jay-Z, Eminem, Royce Da 5'9, Canibus, Proof, Kuniva, Prodigy , 50 Cent (he gets way to much hype though), Obie Trice, Kurupt, X-Zibit, DMX, Wu Tang(I like there older suff), Mobb Deep(I like there older stuff),and I like Comp.[/color][/size]
  8. [SIZE=1][Color=blue][U]8-Mile[/U] Jimmy Smith Jr: Do you ever wonder at what point you have to stop living up here and start living down here? Friend: Yea man, it's at about 6:30 every morning [/SIZE][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=blue]I suggest you stay with your current girlfriend she obviously loves you. The second girl just wants you because you are taken and now that you have a girlfriend she feels like she might have missed something in you so she wont get the chance to be with you again. Of course you can have some fun and tell your girlfriend she likes you and watch them fight over you...whoever wins the battle will get you! :devil:[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=blue]Here are my three favorite quotes from Fight Club what I think to be the best movie of all time. [B]Fight Club[/B] QUOTE ONE: [B]Narrator:[/B] "A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now: should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one." [B]Business woman on plane:[/B] "Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?" [B]Narrator:[/B] "You wouldn't believe." [B]Business woman on plane:[/B] "Which car company do you work for?" Narrator: "A major one." QUOTE TWO: [B]Tyler:[/B] "Did you know that if you mix equal parts of gasoline and equal parts frozen orange juice concentrate, you can make napalm?" [B]Narrator:[/B] "No, I did not know that, is that true? [B]Tyler:[/B] "That's right. One can make all kinds of explosives using simple household items." [B]Narrator:[/B] "Really." [B]Tyler:[/B] "If one were so inclined." QUOTE THREE: [B]Voice-over:[/B] "I think this is about where we came in." [B]Tyler:[/B] "Any last words?" [B]Narrator:[/B] "I still can't think of anything." [B]Tyler:[/B] "Oh flashback humour, very funny." [/size][/color]
  11. [color=blue][size=1]50 is refreshing in a time when rap is dominated by songs about mansions and expensive cars. The whole Ja Rule beef is hillaious in my opinion. Ja cant say anything back because he cant rap and if he did respond 50 would destroy Ja in a song losing the little bit of credability Ja has. I think 50 Cents joining Shady Records is bringing Eminem, D-12,and Obie Trice the street cred they deserve.50 is also getting involved with Eminem's beefs with The Saint Lunatics (Nelly's group) and Benzino I think it is going to bring better rap music out in the future and possibly better musicout of Nelly and Benzino.[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=blue]My favorite Japanese film is the original version of The Ring,I haven't seen the American version yet but I thought the Japanese movie is one of the best movie's of all time. I am a huge Bruce Lee fan also, I believe he is Chinise though since in most of his movie's he plays a Chinise person. My favorite Bruce Lee film is Fist of Fury.[/color][/size]
  13. BlueGender

    Clone High

    [size=1][color=blue] The news media can make anything look bad when it really is not. Clone High is nothing compared to South Park the person who wrote that article prolly hasn't even seen a full episode of the show and is just writing the article based on seeing small clips of the show and hearing the concept. From what I have seen so far of Clone High I like it, my favorite character would have to be Joan of Arc I guess because I relate to her character alot. My favorite episode has to be he one about ADD and ADHD.[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=blue]The screenshots look interesting but I dont think im going to get the game. I might have played it if it was an overhead view and left in all the stealth aspects but how much of the game can be left intact if it is 2D. Lighting was very impotant in the X-Box version and it looks to be taken completely out of the GBA version which means alot of th fun factor is missing.[/size][/color]
  15. [Color=blue][Size=1]Navi: Shadowman.exe Person:Chris Kennedy Age: 17 Style: Defensive Chip List: HiCannon, Spreader, Sword, SoniWave, FireTowr, Recov50 Bio: Chris is a very well known fighter of viruses he has quite a large fan base but is a really quiet person which is probabally why very littl is known about his life except the fact that he is American. [/Color][/Size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]The hardest thing I have do is being around the girl I love everyday and realising that my love is not good enough for her...then watcing her kiss the one she loves and pretending that it does not bother me.[/size][/color]
  17. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I was watching the documentary last night and I didn't see anything wrong with the man. I think the media makes him out to be worse then he is. If you watch the documentary again you will see the interviewer tries to turn everything around on Mike. Micheal simply said that his favorite thing to do is to have water balloon fights if I were to say this no one would think twice but once Mike said it the interview decided to ask Micheal if he enjoyed it more then sex which Micheal quickly refraised and said his favorite past time activity was having water ballon fights but every one is making it sound like Micheal said he enjoys water balloon fights more then sex when really he did not. I also can understand why Micheal keeps his children's faces behind masks and vales. He wants to keep them protected there are aot of sick people out there who would kidnap them. I see Micheal as a 44 year old kid he missed his childhood and is trying to live it now. Micheal went through a lot of terrible things as a child which all seem to be effecting him now maybe he has sleep overs with kid beause he didn't as a child.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. My personal favorite Tenchi Series in Tenchi in Tokyo, but im pretty much he only fan of Sakuya and many people hate the series because she is included in it. Also a new series called Tenchi Galaxy Police was recently released in Japan which is in the same world as Univers I believe, anyway the series follows around a different boyby the name of Tenchi who gets involved somehow with members of the GXP.
  19. BlueGender


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] I am a huge fan he seem's like one of the few rappers who have anything to say in my opinion. I hate it when people make him out to be saying something which hasn't been said before people have been saying the exact same things but haven't been getting the widespread attention because they are black rappers. Dont get me wrong im a huge Em fan have been since I heard Rock Bottom but he's not the best rapper out there and to say so is just ignorant. His music on is CD's seem to be toned down in my opinion to get a larger appeal with white audiences his underground tracks like his 2 recent disses to Benzino have been much harder then the stuff on his albums. He seems to be going in the right direction with his record label recently signing 50 Cent who is blowing up on the radio. His beef with Ja Rule and Nelly looks like they are going to produce some good music on his part...I cant say that for Nelly and Ja cause all there music is horrible in my opinion. D-12's next album is suppose to drop in late sumer/early fall and to be better then there last album beause they are all tryng to step out of Em's shadow and the last album did little to establish them as a serious group with the whole Purple Hills/Pills stuff so they ae working 10x harder this time to mke every track as good as they can.50's album is said to be released tommorow because the tracks leaked and Obie's album is to drop in April or May.All of which will be produced by Eminem to so extent. He also is coming out with his own clothing line which wll probablly be quite sucessful.Eminem is becoming quite the busy man doing tracks with huge rappers (Nas, Jay-Z, DMX) I tink he's only gona get bigger as time goes by. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  20. BlueGender

    Limp Bizkit

    [color=blue][size=1]I liked Limp Bizkit for a while until they started being fake,which was right before the end of there career. Fred and DJ Lethal began to get on my nerves,Fred got to caught up with the Christina Agulera thing and the fact that other bands "hated him",then there only cool member the guitarist left to persue a solo career which are a few of the reasons there band got old real fast. I still like a few of there songs Nookie,One of those Days,and the Method man and LB song are still some of my favorites. [/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=blue]I dispise ICP with a passion but mostly because I am a D-12 fan(sworn enemies with ICP) I dont consider ICP to have a shred of talent. I have a lot of friends who are into them and get in heated conversations all the time about why I think they are bad. The whole D-12 and ICP beef is hillarious to watch though,so I guess ICP does have some entertainment value.[/size][/color]
  22. [color=blue][size=1] Christmas Spirit...I dont think I am going to get into the mood at all this year I have been quite depressed of late, and all this christmas stuff just makes me more depressed. But who knows when I see the tree lighten up maybe i'll slip into the jolly kind of mood and forgot all my troubles for a few days.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1]I use to watch it like...2 years ago bt thn the skits ot a little boring. I like the show back when it had Phil La Marr,Orlando Jones, an a fatter Will Sasso the good old days of the show in my opinion. My favorite skit was the Terminator Jesus one I thought it was hillarious and still do. The show got to...slap sticky after a while, which is okay the first 15 minutes but after that you kid of want them to make actual jokes. After I got bored of Mad TV I discovered SNL as many others. How you guys can compae he greatness that is SNL to...Mad TV is beyond me. I also want to mentin that Phil la Marr did the voice of Vamp for Metal Gear Solid 2.[/color][/size]
  24. [color=blue][size=1]Jim ran down the long main hall of the Oulaw Star to the engine room. He ran so fast he hit his sholder in the metal door of the engine room. He stood and thought of how much it hurt for a minute before opening the door. He picked up one of the many extra canistars of gasoline they had lying aroung. He picked it up and poured it into the internal gas hub which was design for situations just as these. Jim rested for a minute before making his way back down to Gene.[/color][/size]
  25. Sorry it has taken me so long to post. Jim jumped into his blast off seat fumbling around for his seatbelt, why was it that he stayed with Gene again. This and many other thoughts fumbled through his mind such as how he managed to pay off there good frend and if the would need to use anymore credit a they traveled through space again. He thought about this while staring blankly he had to snaop himself out of his dy dreams and remind himself of the situation they were in.
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