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Everything posted by KabukiOwari
*After a moment of deep investagation, Kaze started to head back to his Gundam.He jumped in and closed the cockpit.All of a sudden he got a prodigious reading.* "WHAT!?..." *He looked at his radar and seen there mobile suits were in the area.He quickly turned and flew towards the moble suits. A few moments later he could see em...* "Gundams...." *He drew his rifle, then turned on his radio so he could intercept any transmissions.He quickly went into scope mode...HE started to take aim.*
*He looked all over the charred remains of the base...* "whoa...what ever did this....they nust have been very angery...or crazy..." *he smirked then quickly made his way to his gundam...*
*he circled to the base...then turned to mobile suit mode and landed...he jumped out of his gundam and began to investagate what happend...the remains of the base were still smoking...*
*he again activated his suit...but as he did imperial melefs spotted himm...he quickly started to charge them...he drew his sword...easily slashing threw them...but as he cam to the end a melef stood there waiting for him...* MELEF CAPTAIN:Stop...YOU SHALL TASTE THE COLD STEEL OF MY BLADE... *he charged at me...i began to charge dragging my sword on the ground...i soon swung it up only to be stopped by my enemyies sword....i releashed my left hand from the sword and punched the melef...it stumbled back and then charged...i stuck my sword in the ground and then quickly drew my chain...a swung it around...then let it go...it quickly flew smashing the melef in the head...it fell to the ground...as it got up i swung the chain and it wrapped around his arm....i grasped the chain in my left hand then grabbed my sword and began to charge...he tried to gt the chain off but it was no use...i brung my sword down and cut his arm off...then i quickly spun and kicked it...he viciously fell to the ground...i put away my weapons and then stared at the downed melef...after a few moments i quickly began to move away from the castle...*
*he entered the atmosphere as he did he seen a base...it was on fire...* "what could have destroyed that whole base..." *he continued to slowly fly...*
*the huge explosine...awoke Kaze...* "dam what was that..." *he quickly activated his suit...and started to looka round...*
*he exited the castle...ran to his melefs and then entered hoping to get some rest....*
*he grabs a few pokeballs and walks up to the counter...he gives the guy the money puts the pokeballs in his bag and walks out...he heads to the gym...when he gets there he walks in* "hhmmmmm"
*he flies to the colony...and quickly gets outta his ms...and walks to a shop...* ShopKeeper:How may i help you? "ummm...i need some atmosohere re-entry armor..." ShopKeeper:ummm....let me go check.....*goes to the back and Kaze hears typing* ShopKeeper:yes we do...that will be 50,000 ... "ok here..." *he hands him a card on...the guy takes it and swipes it then throws it away...* ShopKeeper:Ok...we will equip it immediatly...by the time u get back to your ms it will be on... "ok...thanks" *Kaze turns around and walks outta the shop...he walks around somemore...then heads to his ms...as he gets there they are just finishing up...* Mechanic:its all done... "thanks..." *he gets in and piliots it out of the colony...and heads to earth...* "its been awhile..." *he turns on his boosters and blasts off...he flew down threw the atmosphere....the ms shaking rapidly until he entered the atmosphere...he then quickly ecject his re-entry boosters...and then flew normaly in his ms' jet mode*
*as he walked into the clearing he seen Siren get hit he was just about to help her....but then he noticed the many soldiers...* "....I will wait for nightfall...then i will help her...till then" *he looked around and spoted a bushy tree he climbed up in it and sat on a branch carefuly watching the soldiers...."
*he arrived in Ocean Spray City...he walked into town and looked around...he tried to familar himself with the stores...he then looked down at machop* "Are u tired?" *the machop looked up at him and shook his haed no...* "ok...well lets gets some items...he walks over to the item shop...then slowly walks in...he begins to look around....* "hmmmmmmmmm"
*he quickly ran out of the hanger...he hiin the shadows as he made his way out of the castle...* "hmmmm...now they will move it...it dosent matter though...all i wanted to do is see if it was really escaflowne...hmmmm...well..." *he huged the wall hiding in the shadows...*
*he continued to walk down the cool forest pathway....he looked around...he was lost...he slowly walked...a few momnets later he seen a sign...it read ocean spray city(an arrow to the left) and Blade City....since he had came from Blade city he decided to make his way to Ocean Spray City...he quickly continued down the path hoping to make it to OceanSpray City before nightfall....*
*a mysterious mobile suit floated in space...slowly wandering the black abiss..a man looked at his moniters* "I wonder where i am...hmmmm...acording to the map i am near a colony..."
*He quickly climbed the wall...when he got to the top he dropped down and looked around searching for any guards...he ran towards the hanger...he had been in here before to help with a melef problem...he quickly entered the hangar...his eyes widened* "Ahhhh....it is...its Escaflowne...its amazing..." *he laughs..* "but thats all it is..."
*Kaze wandered down the path...carefully watching for monsters...there had been sightings of strong ones in this area...he looked up ahead...he seen a clearing...he thought its been awhile since i have took a rest and grabbed a bite to eat...* "Hmmm...i think i will stop up there" *He walked to the clearing and noticed someone was there*
*Kaze waved to his grandfather...he wouldnt see him for awhile...as he walked down a deserted path...his trusty Machop beside him...and his staryu in a pokeball by his side...* "Machop...are u ready..." Machop:MaamaChop!!!! "Ya....!!"
*Kaze parked his suit in the forest far away ebough so no one could here...he jumped down from it and sprinted through the forest heading towards the castle...* "was that Escaflowne?..." *He stopped at the edge of the forest...he could see the castle...there were guards all around...how could he get in....* "hmmm....i gotta get into the hangar...." *he waited until the guards turned there back...he sprinted to the castle:a corner of it. As a guard rounded the corner kaze threw a kick...it hit the guard making him instantly fall to the ground...Kaze kneeled down making sure he was was knocked out...he then peered around the corner...he didnt see anything so he ran to a bush beside the castle...he jumped in it...and watched...making sure no guards were near him...*
Name: Kaze Age:15 Starter:Machop Attacks:Mega Punch, Vital Throw, Karate Chop, and Suplex Other Pokemon:Staryu Attacks:Water Gun, Tackle, Hiriken- the pokemon spins aorund and when he gets to a certain speed the air around it starts to heat up...when this happens it makes sparks....Staryu harnises this power and then shoots it at his enemy(this move is a very rare move and can only be taught to the pokemon be trainning with Kazes grandfather) Your Description:About 5'9, light brown hair, brown eyes, he is wearing a grey shirt with khaki shorts on Bio:He lives with his grandfather who owns a dojo in Blade City...he has been training his machop for awhile now so je has decided to go off on a trainers journey. Hometown*:Blade City Trainer
Name:Kaze Isihiro Age:23 Appearance:He is 6'1, Brown Hair, Brown eyes, Medium Build, He is wearing a grey shirt with green khaki shorts, and tennis shoes Short Bio:He has been working at Ring for sometime now...he test piliots MS. But when Ring found out about his project they quickly hired him as a real piliot. Faction:Ring Gundam Name:KnightHood(He calls it Kabuki) Gundam Description:Resembles A tauros which was first used in the beginning stages of the mobile doll project.He found this mobile siut in a scrap yard, and with the help of a gundam specialist they redid it... Gundam Abilities: -Beam Rifle x1 -Beam Katanna(Stored in his left hip armor) -Beam Katanna(stored in his right hip armor) -Micro Missles(Slots open up on its right arm and a barrage of highly explosive homing missles is let loose) -Buckler(a small, light, but durabal shield placed on the KnightHoods left arm) -Standard Booster -Custom Cockpit Opitional Armament: -Beam Cannon x1 -Atmospheric Boosters -Beam Wings(Equiped to the KnightHood...when in jet mode the edges of the wings become like beam sabers) Power 13 Defense 10 Speed 15 Flying:Yes Special:Can Switch To Jet Mode...in this mode it is able to fire missiles...
*he followed the two...until he seen a major battle going on he drew his weapon(a chain with a blade on it) and started swinging it as he ran into the battle...a melef seen him and began to charge at me...i let it loose and it struck it knocking it to the ground...he then drew a sword and thrusted it in the melefs chest...out of the corner of his eye he seen another charging his way he spun and with one quick slash it fell to the ground...*
Name: Kaze Isihiro Race: Half Elf/ Half Human Age: 22(human age) Weapons: A katanna, a chain, and a short sword *Spells: Sol's Blessing Description: He is 6'1, average weight, brown hair, brown eyes, Medium build
ooc: in sorry i just am not really in the story now so im trying to figure out how to enter
*he watches on...he wonders why they are fighting...he draws his weapon and starts to slowly walk towards the three...as he did he watched on...* "....what are they doing"
i only got the demo...and i love it..i play it over and over...lol