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Everything posted by KabukiOwari

  1. *He walked out of a forest...he seen 3 melefs out in front of him...he watched on* "Hmmm"
  2. Name:Kaze Isihrio Gender:Male What country you are from:Gia Guymelef's name:Kabuki Desc: He is 21, Brown hair, brown eyes, 6'1, average weight,
  3. Name:Kaze Ishihiro Place in Army:Mercinary Main Class:Knight Sub Class:Lancer
  4. Name:Caza Race:Saiyan/human Age:22 Starting Manouver:Special Beam Cannon
  5. OOc:ya im here ic: slowly follows...wathching zombies fill the hall wqays behind him* "Where are these things coming from?"
  6. Name:Kaze Omagi Gundam:Enemia Piliot Bio:He never knew his parents...he is not even sure he has any...he has lived on earth most of his life...one day he got an invite to a military base...he accepted and there he meet with a general ...the general explained the situation and Kaze immeditaely was introduced to Enemia Piliot Appearance:He is 22, 6'2, Brown hair and eyes, medium build...he is wearing loose fit jeans wit a short sleeved shirt that is black ...his shoes are low running shoes...his hair is short and kindly messy... M.s. Weapons: 5.7 MW Beam Rifle(the one the Taurus has)...its carried on back lower waist, 0.65 MW Beam Saber- 1 stored in hip armor...one other on shoulder armor, Rocket-Guided Grappling Wench on his right arm, Sheild wit oppitional armor plate(like the one from 8th ms team) M.S. appearance-Stands at 17.13 meters...It is colored a greyish color...its chest, lower legs, and lower arms are a black color...with red screen...at first site he looks almost like a regular gm...has an antenna sticking from the back of his head...has a visor on its head...its cockpit is in its core area....
  7. *Kaze looked ahead while the group was behind em...he heared there convo...* "Can u stop the gussey stuff until we finishes this" *he turned around...his eyes grew big* "WHA...whats going on...." Blaze:What are u talking about? "Where the hell is Relee..." *holds his gun up and look around...he sees her braclet on the ground...he bends down and examines it* "THis is her bracelet...did she go off on her own?"
  8. OOC:Is this cool? *Looks at his gun* "Dam...this gun is big... *loads it with highly explosive shells he had found on the shelve...he then grabs a duffel bag and searched the shelves...he grabed some ammo...not much...and then he went to almost empty shelve in the corner there he seen some major artillery...C4...he looked at the group and then quickly grabbed it and threw it in his bag....* "U guys ready....i am" *He opens the door...but before he could say anything a licker fell from the roof and started to charge at Kaze...he waited until it got point blank ,so the full force of his gun would hit it....when the beast got at his feet he aimed and blasted it in its head...the beast let of a scream and floped back onto the ground...it started to twitch....Kaze held his shotgun in his left hand and pulled his glock from the back of his pants and shot off 5 rounds into its chest...the licker immeditatly stopped twitching* "Wow...that was a rush...hey guys lets go before any of those other things come"
  9. *Kaze looks at the group and checks his gun* "lets check out the amoury..." *starts to walk...he looks at his map and tries to figure it out*
  10. *Kaze jumps in the ventilation shaft...he started crawling using his left hand to balance him and a gun in his right* "So which way do we go?"
  11. *Coty holds his shotgun pointed at her* Coty:How the hell are you? *he loads the gun and waits for her to answer*
  12. *looks at his guns...* "Does anyone have anything bigger i could use...like a shotgun....?"
  13. "i wonder how big this place is" *he walks to the middle of the lobby to the computer....and he pulls up a map and examines it...he then prints it out...*
  14. *Coty decided to go to the locker rooms and salvage stuff from the lockers...he walked in and seen a zombie crawling towards him on the ground...* Coty: time to die....Again!? *he pulled his gun from the back of his pants and aims it at the zombies mutilated head...he pulled the trigger and watched the bullets fly through its skull...blood went everywhere...he watched it for a second and made sure it was dead he then stepped over it to the lockers...he opened some and grabbed some extra ammo...he then walked to the last on and checked it...there he seen a shotgun...he picked it up and he looked behind it there he picked up and embty bookbag he put it on and put the shotgun in it...he looked for some shells but he didnt find any...so he walked out the door back into the lobby*
  15. *Kaze looks back...* "I am...if i survive this... then there will be book deals and everything...so count me in..." *he laughs abrutly and then looks back towards the hospital*
  16. ooc:my name is coty no cory...lol Coty: Where...do we start...im new in this town...i dont kno where anything is..
  17. *Coty was walking around town...he had nothin else to do cause his car was broken down... he seen a bar so he decided to go in and grab a bite to eat...he walked to the door but before he opened it he heard a loud chewing and crunching sound...he looked around the corner into an alley...he seen a man bent over something on the ground...he went over and tapped the man on the shoulder...but as he did Cotys finger went through the mans flesh...the man looked up...Coty had seen his face* "What the Hell..." *He looked down and seen a body on the ground...it w riped to shreads...the zombie started to get up...but before it could...COty started to run..he ran around the corner nd sprinted do the street...he seen the police station so he stopped and walked in...*
  18. *Looks at the Ryowa and Blaze....And he looks down and shakes his head...the he holds the sides of the guns up to his head...* Kaze: How...Why...Would u just run away...letting Umbrellas experiments gone unseen...what if the virus exscapes from the city then we have a national prblem...Huh!?..WHY!?
  19. *Kaze slowly followed the group watching the barracade...holding both guns up pointed towards the barricade...all of a sudden the barricad started to shake* "He...Its trying to get thrugh...u guys better run..." *starts to walk back wards faster*
  20. *The zombie started to charge at the group Kaze raised both arms, in his right he had a Glock 19 and in his left a beretta, he started firing away at it until it fell to the ground....he walked up to it and seen it was twitching so he aimed his glock at the zombies head and shot to more bullets into it...he laughed* "we need to get outta here...if we dont im going to loose it...we need to go...we sho....shouldn stay in one place to long...."
  21. Name: Kabuki Owari Location: Appartment in Time Square Gender:Male Appearance: He is 6'1, average weight, Brown Har and eyes, his hair is short and moderately messy Weapon of Choice: Broad Sword Items: wallet wit money and cards Stature in Dark Order: Protector
  22. *Kaze looks around and sees no exits* Kaze:Were going to have to let those zombies in and kill em cause i dont see any exits *looks around again*
  23. Name: Coty age:20 Gender:Male Armorment(weapon):Glock 19 Appearance:He is 22, 6'1, average weight, he has brown hair hazel eyes, short and kinda messy Bio:Coty is a college student who was just graduated (he majored in criminology)...he decided to ake a break before he gotta a job...so he started traveling around the country...its been a few weeks since he has graduated...he was driving through Racoon City when his car broke down he took it to the shop...the mecanic said he would order a part but t would be a wee so he decided to stay he grabed a room in a hotel....
  24. Kaze:HOw in hell are we getting out of here...im f*cking tired running around...we need to make a plan *Pulls out his Beretta and checks the clip then puts it back in the back of his pants...then he does the same with his Glock* Kaze:there has gotta be an emergency ladder down or we can turn the power on and try to open the doors...
  25. *Coty slowly backed up pointing his Glock and Beretta at the beasts head* "Maybe bullets will work now...DIE!" *As he said that he shot a couple of rounds from each gun into its head*
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