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Everything posted by KabukiOwari
*after awhile he got to where the grenade went off....he examined the area but as he was he heard yelling* "The group...!" *He then ran up the stairs and seen the puddle attacking the group...he drew his gun and fired into the puddle*
Result #5. Name: Blank Age:Unknown Robot Likes:His Swords, Fighting Dislikes:Opponents who fight dishonorablely Creator:Unknown Combat Rank: 4.5 Appearance: Will Post one later
*Says to himself*"Im outta here...im not waiting to get killed" *Pulls his beretta and the glock he grabed from the special ops' bag and quietly snuck down the stairs looking for some other way out....*
*Walking around the hospital he finally hears voices...* "finally...people..." *He starts to run towards the voices...* "Sounds like a group...i hope they know a way out" *After a few secs he sees the group...he then starts to walk* "Hey...who are u guys...?"
*Walks up to Kain...* "Hi...i am Kaze..."
*Kaze still exploring...later finds the secraterys office...he quickly sits down in her chair and picks up the phone and slowly puts it to his ear....* "Sh!t no dial tone!" *He gets up and looks around the office...he sees nothing that he can use...so he turns back towards the door and all of a sudden a zombie lunges towards him from the doorway...it tackles him and they fall to the groun...the zombie ferociously trys to tear apart Kazes flesh put Kaze despertly holds the monster back...he then quickly throws it off him and he then gets up off the ground...the zombie then starts to crawl towards him so Kaze draws his gun and puts a bullet into the mutilated corpses' head..." "I gotta get the f*** out of here..." *He says as he runs out the door...he runs around looking for a stair case leading down...after about 5 minutes of running around e fines one...Kaze then starts to jump down the stairs...trying to get to the irst floor as fast as he can...he gets to a door its locked so he shoots the door knob, the door slowly opens...there he sees the exit...he runs up to it but he soon discovers that it is locked... "No!....i need to think of a plan..." *He starts to pace...trying to think of someway to get out...*
*Coty came to a stair well...he decided to climb the stairs...he then slowly climbed em with his gun in both hands ready to fire...he finally got to the top...he slowly opened the door checking around the corner as he did...all of a sudden he heard someone yell* "What the F*** was that....sounded like humans...living ones i hope... it was coming from that way...i think i will check it out..." *By the time he got there there was no one...so he continued to explore the gloomy hospital...*
Name:Kazku Race:Merman/Human Dis:He is wearing long brown shorts that are a little worn out, he is medium build, his hair is brown his eyes are green, Armour: A silver shoulder guard on his right shoulder Hair: Brown, short and messy Short Bio:He was an off spring of a merman and a female human...human society shund him...so he decided to travel the oceans... Perso:he is very brave an intelligent he loves to etravel and explore places he has never been to... Height:6'0 Weight: ??? Weapons:Broad Sword, home-made mines
RPG pokemon adventures 2: travel thourgh johto
KabukiOwari replied to angel_sepiroth's topic in Theater
*Kaze and his Machop continued down the path...searching for any wild pkemon to battle...* Kaze:Where are all the pokemon.....? Machop:maACHop.... *a few moments later a wild Pinsir appeared* Kaze:Finally a pokemon...lets go...READY! Machop:MACHOPPPPP! *the pinsir lunges at Machop put the machop quickly jumps out of the way...* Kaze:Machop knock him out with your Mega Punch... Machop flings his arm back and then quickly thrusts' it forward...the pinsir jumped out of the way and machop hit a nearby tree Machop:Machoop ( owie) ...the tree fell to the ground...the pinsir uses Vicegrip...but machop ducks and it misses Machop by a hair...* Kaze:Machop throw the tree at it with your Seismic Toss... Machop:machop! *He grabs the tree and throws it at pinsir...pinsir readys for the tree...when the tree gets to pinsir it cuts it in half...* Kaze:LOWKICK...NOW! *Machop viciously charges at the wild pokemon...the attack hits and the pinsir is ferociously smashed against a tree...Kaze then pulls one of the three pokeballs from his pocket and catches the pokemon wit easy...* Kaze:Good Job Machop Machop:MamaCHOP! *Kaze looks at the pokeball...sticks it in his pack and they continue down the path....* -
*Kaze walked along the path...he can finally see the temple...* "Great im there....i wonder if anyone else is there"... he quickly continued up the path...there he coud see the entance... when he got to the steps he looked around for a second and then started up the stairs...he looked around and seen someone...he walked over to em and sen he was sleeping...so he nudged him and said...* "Hey...dude...wake up...."
*Coty drives by the hospital he hears something going on it sounds like a fight...he stops his car and walks up towards the hospital doors he slowly pulls the gun for the back of his pants...making sure it was loaded...he then walked in and looked around the halls were dark and gloomy....he looked around for anysigns of life...thats when he saw it... "Blood!?" ...he followed the trail of blood into a room there he seen the most horrible thing he ha every saw in his life...there in that room laid 3 people...there bodies mutalited...the room covered in their blood... he quickly threw up with the sight and the smell of decaying flesh "What the...hell is going on... how could...anyone...kill someone like that...theres gotta be someone left...gotta be..." he then composed himself and started to catutiously walk down the hall...with his gun at his side.....*
RPG pokemon adventures 2: travel thourgh johto
KabukiOwari replied to angel_sepiroth's topic in Theater
Kaze:Well Grandpa...im off... Grandpa:Ok...goodluck...kick some butt... Kaze*laughs*ok...grandpa...ready Machop? Machop:MaaaChoP... Kaze:Ok..lets go...*kaze and his Machop Start off down the path....he turns around and theres his grandpa wavying..Kaze and machop wave back and then turn around....continueing on the path.... -
*kaze walks into the blacksmiths...so Jono is it done....?" Jono:Ummm...in a sec....*he walks into the back room and Kaze hears a rustling.....a few minutes he walks out with a pack...in it was my sword and a sheath...*"Here ya go..." "Thanks...i promise i will pay u back....well im off....o whats the closest temple...?" Jono:Ummm....i think it is the Dark temple.... "Ok...thanks"*He calmly walks out of the shop and starts down the trail....Kaze pulls out his sword to check it out...when he pulled it out something dropped to the ground...it was wrapped in paper...he opens it and there in his hand was a cylinder shaped crystal*"Hmmmmmmmmmm" *He starts to read the note* "Dear Kaze take take this....it is called a factor...an add on to your weapon, look closely and you will see what i mean, that is supposed to grant great powers...good luck on your trip and please do not come back and try to return it...."*Examines the crystal then his sword*"Hmmmmm....i dont see anything...forget it its probaly a prank anyway..."*Puts his stuff pack in his pack and continues towards the temple....*
Name: Kaze Omagi Age: 15 Description:He is about 5'10 ,135lbs and is wearing khaki shorts and a grey shirt with a pokeball on the sleeve, his hair is brown short and he keeps it messy First Pokemon: Machop...attacks:Karate Chop, Sesmic Toss, Low Kick, and Mega Punch(learned from a Tm) Bio: Lives in the woods in a shack with his Grandfather...there they train mostly fightning, ground and rock types...but they have also trained other types before....Kaze is now starting his quest his grandfather gave him the supplies that he needs and kaze will soon be off............
*At the Market...he queitly walks into the Blacksmiths....* "Hey....Jono....." Jono: YA...what can i help u with Kaze... "Can u repair my sword....." Jono:Sure...it will cost ya....though "Well see thats the problem i only have anough to by items for this thing i gotta do...and i was wondering if u would do it for....ummmm....free...." Jono:Hahahahahaha.....thats just like u.....this will be the first and only time it happens... "ok....thank u thank u thank u....i will pick it up later...and Jono" Jono:What "Thanks...."*walks out of the shop* *Walks about for awhile until he sees a chemists shop...he goes in* "Shopkeeper..." Shopkeeper:Yes...how may i help u... "Can u give me....ummm....5 of them*points towards ether* and 8 of those*points towards potions* and ummm whats that...." Shopkeeper:We just got em in...there grenades... "Ooo....well then i will have three grenades..."*gives her the money and he takes the items and sticks em in his pack and then starts to walk back towards the blacksmiths*
*Walks into the pub....sits down at the bar....* "Bartender which is the one is Kain..." Bartender:He is that one over there surrounded by the royal guards...." "ok...thanks...." *tips him money* *walks over to the group.....and through the guards....."problem gentlemen....."
*Kabuki wakes up....and turns to his left...there sits a peice of paper on his night stand...he grabs it and then slowly sits and reads it.......*"hmmmmmmm" *Gets up and starts to pack.....*"Finally something to do...i was getting bored........" *Sees he is out of some items..."......Aaaaaaa....I got to go to the store!" *Walks outside and journeys towards the store*
Name: Coty Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapon: Beretta Occupation: Student Bio: Coty was taking a break from school...he needed gas so while he was driving through racoon city he stopped at a nearby gas station...he got out and went to start to pump....he heard a moan....he turned around and seen a person... he looked closer....It was a zombie...it started to charge...he paniced and ran towards the station...he went in and started to look for something to defend himself with...the zombie started to limp over towards the station....Coty despertly searched for a weapon...he then dived over the counter...."Ah...a gun!"....the zombie busts in but before it could walk towards him....he had 3 bullets in its head.....he then composed himself and walked back out to his car and finished pumping the gas...he then drove off in search of people...living people..... Description: He is 6'2, average weight, has brown hair, and brown eyes...he is wearing khakis....with a green shirt....his hair is short and messy... Personality:He is very smart and most of the time brave...he often jumps into situations without thinking.......
Name: Kaze Age: 22 Height: 6'2 Appearance: Brown messy hair...med build... wears tan pants and a green tunic ...his dragoon armor is white... Personality: He is very intelligente, and most of the time calm, he has a strong feeling of justice Short Bio: He is a Dragoon that travels the world searching for clues of his past...he has little memory of his past... Fighting Style(s): Swordsmenship, Dragoon, and tai kwan do Weapon: Katana, flail, Broad Sword
*Walks over to a stream to get cleaned up....* Kabuki: Why do i keep having that dream...better yet...what does it mean... *Ponders his dream and starts to clean up*
Kabuki looks back at Gold Saucer...he grow angery.....but holds his emotions in.... Kabuki:So....where was the anti-materia made?
* Kabuki turns on a radio...he hears the news of the tram...........* Kabuki: Yo guys....the tram crashed.... Group: What!? Kabuki:Ya and it was the one that Darken was on... u guys wanna o back and check out what happened?
Name: Kaze Omagi Age: 21 Height: 6'1 Weight: Around 190 Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown hair short and messy Race:Human Class: Knight- Dragoon Abilities Meta- Changes Kaze from Knight to Dragoon Spells: (if any) Wind Stalker Strike- He charges towards his enemy strikes it twice with his sword then Pushs em away with a strong blast of wind he then swings his sword shooting out two crescent shaped energy disks ( Strength Rating 8/10 ) Barrage- Hits his enemy with a barrage of kicks, punches and slashes ( Strength rating 7/10 ) Blaze Dragon- Shots a energy beam from the palms of his hands...its in the shape of a Dragon ( Strngth Rating 9.3/10 ) Equipment Weapon(s): Katanna Armor and Clothing: Small Boots,Silver Gauntlet on right hand, Cape,Brown pants, Grey Shirt ( When he turns to a dragoon his armor becomes all dragoon armor) Symbol: A Dragon tatoo on his arm
Citi was glad to be home, Citi and Jon( the person who adopted Citi when he was only one )just got back from an archaeological dig in a place deep within the jungles of South America. Jon went to the muesuem where he works and turned in the artifacts they found, but Citi decided to walk around town. During his trip he had found this ring...for some odd reason he felt a mysterious bond to it. For about an hour Citi walked around examining the ring...when he finally stoped he was in the park. He looked arond and saw other kids, he felt a mysterious force compelling him to walk up towards the kids...he stood there for a few minutes... he then decided to follow that feeling. He slowly walked up to the gazebo... Citi: Hiya!...*He sad rubing the back of his head, but as he did that the ring that he had been examining fell out of his hand... he quickly picked it up and then laughed*