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Everything posted by KabukiOwari

  1. Name: Kabuki Owari Sex: Male Age: 18 Height: 6' Weight: average Hair + Eyes: Hazel Description:He is 18, 6' tall he weighs the average weight for his height, his eyes and hair are hazel Birthplace: unknown Background: He was discovered on a deserted road, by a master swordsmen, that person took him in and trained him in the art of swords and other fighting techniques....one day his master died so Kabuki started to travel the rigorously honing his skills.... Personality: He loves to fight and travel the lands, exploring ruins,etc...he is usually calm but will sometimes jump into things...he is very trustworthy, he gets mad when pe Class: Swordsmen Alignment: Good Miscellaneous Ability: He is very agil and a good swordsmen Magic : Chi- able to create a sword or spear, etc and can use as a beam Equipment Weapon Right Hand : Medium Silver Katanna Weapon (shield) Left Hand: Silver Buckler Armor Head:none Armor Body:Fighting Gui Armor Feet:Small Leather Boots Relic:Rusted Blade- His master owned it and it holds great power not yet dicovered by Kabuki.....he carries it around as a remind of his teacher Items:One Silver Katanna on his back( both of em are placed horizontaly on his bck with the handles facing opposite directions), a Skull small dagger placed in his shield, 4 potions, 2 elixer
  2. Name: Citi Omagi Age: 15 Gender: Male Description: He is about 5'10, average weight, He is wearing long, baggy khakis with a plain green shirt...he has Hazel hair that is messy and hazel eyes...he likes to explore and is usually very brave, he also likes to fight, but often he will jump into situations, he has a long temper span but when he gos off he isreally dangerous...he is trustworthy but if u break the trust between u and him it will take alot to gain it back, he also is always honing his skills ... How you got your ring: He was exploring an ancient unmarked tomb...he got lost but he later found a secret passage...upon inspection he discovered the ring and alot of other artifacts...he donated most of it to musems but he keep the ring and sold other items for money... Psychic Ability: Able to create a sword from energy using his psychic abilities... Weapon: A White Katanna...The blade is about 4 feet long and the handle is about 3/4 of a foot( He nicknamed it White Lightning...because he swings it so fast and hard...)
  3. Kabuki retrives his lance and buckler shield from his back... he prepares to fight as he slowly backs away making sure that he watches his surroundings.... Kabuki: Look what i got myself into...hahaha...well im not running away....so COME ON! He screamed at the orcs....
  4. Kabuki hears the orcs arguing and watches silently behind a huge tree..... Kabuki:hmmmm...what disgusting beasts....* He watches them carefully makeing sure that the didnt see the others....he then slowly walks away trying to not be seen....*
  5. Kabuki walks out of the tavern and breathes a deeply.... " Well...better check my equipment *checks equipment* ok...i got everything....when do we leave...?
  6. Kabuki: Yo...wait up dude.... Kabuki quickly follows Vukodlak
  7. Kabuki: *puts his hands on the back on his head with his machop walking beside him he says* So where we going to first guys...?
  8. Kabuki: Im no bureacrat!?....U fool!..... he stares at Vukodlak with anger fof a short while and then he busted out in laughter.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!....ur the leader right? u pick when we leave...
  9. Coty: Hey Professor Hazel When do u leave...i cant wait...me and Machop are going to kicke some major butt....right Machop.... Machop: MaaaaChop! Hazel: Ummmm. when everyone is ready....i guess
  10. Name: Kabuki Owari Race: Human Character Class:Lancer Allignment: neutral good Deity: (God): none Height: 6'2'' Weight: 167 Eyes: hazel Hair: Hazel...short and messy Abiltities: Strength: 14 Dexterity: 18 Charisma:10 Wisdom: 13 Intelligence: 15 Constitution: 17 Weapons: A Shimering Silver Lance and a Buckler Shield Armour: A light weight but strong steal armour( looks like armour a knight would wear) Feats-weapon profiency-lance, agility(jump and speed)
  11. Name:Coty Age:10 Height:5'6'' Desription:Wears Khakis with a plain green shirt and white pumas..Hazel Hair and eyes First Pokemon:Machop Bio: He found Machop by a river, it was injured, he captured it and took it to the pokemon center....when Machop got out him and Coty began rigourous training...so they could start there journey...
  12. Name: Kabuki Type of Creature: Human Ninja Weapons or Items: A Katanna with a black handle and a Shimering Green Blade(this is a Magical Blade that helps him focus his chi) he also carries a flail...and ninja stairs... Description: Wears a Black Ninja Gi...Has Hazel eyes and Hazel hair he is 6' tall...he has a slight tan...he likes to be alone...he is calm....he is usually very considerite to others.... he loves to travel...and explore the lands...he also is a bounty hunter Approximate age: 18 Special Abilities: He has no magic but has mastered the Chi ability.. he is very stealthy and an awesome swordsmen
  13. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki : where is everyone...*looks around*....i have to find em...*starts to walk around*
  14. Name: Kabuki Age: 16 Description and Personality: He wear khakis with a plain green shirt and all white k-swiss shoes..... he is 6', has brown hair and hazel eyes.... and he is very intelligent, he often jumps into things with out thinkin, he was a long temper span but when he gets angery he really gets angery, he is nice, and the one thing he hates is rules.... Name: Ryu Kishin Type of Medabot: Sword Wielding Weapons: Two Katannas( they are crossed on his back), a Buckler Shield Special: Wind Stalker Strike Name of Metal: Blade Metal Decription and personality: He is Black with Red on his Joints...His eyes are Green...He is the average medabot height...he is very calm, like his medafighter, he loves to robattle, he is very quick and agile, he respects his medafighter
  15. Kabuki- hmmmmm....this will be great....i need a challenge....hahahahaha! LETS GO!..........
  16. kABUKI-AH....finally...i was getting really bored...*walks towards the battle square...*
  17. i think altron is talking sh!t...i could kill ya in duel monsters...Mwhahahaha
  18. -kabuki watches the group from a dark corner..."Hahahahaha"...he snickered silently... "i am so bored...when will this mission start...well until it does i will watch these fools fight....hahahaha"
  19. -Kabuki:Here is my form.... -Man at the Desk: Here is ur uniform...put it on and then head down the square tube... -Kabuki:Why do they make us wear these they are so messed up... he said as he walked away before tossing them in the trash.... -Man at the Desk: (im not saying a word...i all ready got enough sh!t today from the freak that registered earlier...) :Kabuki walks up to the tube...slowly looks around the room and then slides down it.... when he arrives at the bottom he scimmed the room... he seen a man with the resistance symbol on his shirt...kabuki walked up to him and said...where can i sign up for a mission? -Man: Right here...there is a mission to Cosmo Canyon... -Kabuki: Ok....sign me up...he said as he walked into a corner to get some sleep...he sat next to a guy wearin all black....(Man...he looks weird...hahaha)
  20. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki jumps high into the sky and with emmense strength kabuki slashes the dragons head of....it fell to the ground....kabuki then rips a scale off and puts it in his pocket Kabuki: ok....lets go treat angel...(turns around)...where did she go?!
  21. name:Kabuki Owari age:16 height:5'11 weight: 130 lbs Personallity: Very active...he often jumps into situations without thinking...he loves to fight...his reflexes are fast...his fighting skill level is prodigious...he usually lets the opponent attack... he has great endurance for prolonged fights... Apperance: He is medium build with hazel hair that is very messy...he wears the traditional black baggy pants and and a white shirt... Martial Art: JuJitsu History:His parents were gunned down by gang members when he was only 3...he was adopted by a NinjuJitsu master who started to teach Kabuki the art...Kabuki mastered the art but his master later died for natural reasons...so he has decided to wander the world and fight...
  22. Kabuki: I am from the east...i was born in a village called Gaunt..
  23. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki looked at the dragon and noticed a huge scar across its chest... Kabuki: I thought i killed this beast.... see that scar i gave that to him 3 years ago....(he then pulls his arm out of his sleeve and shows this huge burn scar)...and he gave me this....i want the finishing blow...
  24. Kabuki and the others in his group carefully search the forest.... Kabuki: Hey watch this..(he whisperd)... He then reaches around his back and grabs a handful of ninja stars... and flings them in trees and in bushes.... the group then hears the screams of the goblins....one fell out of a tree and another flopped over a bush.. Kabuki: This is to easy...lets continue to search
  25. ok...just because u stick up for ur rights doesnt mean that u will not get into a good college...and trust me duo i dont get into fight and beat people up cuz i am angry... and u dont kno me so dont judge...and since i dont kno u i wont say anything about ur little comment...i have a friend that been through more **** than u will ever go through.....
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