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Everything posted by KabukiOwari

  1. if u let kids puch u and the only way u release ur anger is to puch ur pillow then u have problems....
  2. lol....aint it funny to start a fight not the jedi way....huh?....well vader seems to do alot of that.....and u guys dont get it i tried not to fight... but...its harder than u think...u cant keep ur anger built up or we will have another columbine... and like we need another of those....so shut ur mouthes and sit on it.....hahaha
  3. Actually i was hoping more than he would respond.....and did u notice how he initiated the attack against darth vader in the first star wars...he was the first to draw his saber....Dam im good.
  4. The human mind and body can only take so much....so that stuff does not all ways work....and i love ur quote from a fictional character who seems to fight alot....hmmmm y didnt he ask jango to talk.....Hey Jango Lets Talk this out....Zap....obi-wan is dead!
  5. "Fighting is for the weak minded."said by TN u cant avoid fighting all ur life.....sooner or later all the anger that is built up inside will just explode and you will go off on people for no reason or you will get so mad at one person then BAM!?....so if u say that than u are the weak minded one because u dont kno how life and people are!
  6. On the new zelda game for game cube...what the hell is up with link.... he has gotta be the gayest videogame character i have ever seen....
  7. Name: Kabuki Owari Alias: none Weight: 180 Height: 6' Personality: A quiet person who loves action...often jumps into stuff with out investigating....he is a awesome fighter Description of Mech Suit:Mostly black with some red parts...medium weight....made from tri-titanium...multiples the persons own chi creating strong elemental attacks Apperence: Brown hair and hazel eyes...medium build Elemental Power: wind(air) Jet Pack: Yes Attacks: Ultimate Attack:Trigger Happy- Secret slots open up and tons of homing missles fly out (small missles that pack a huge punch) 1:Energi Blaze- A beam of energy is released from the users weapon 2:Kaze-the users speed increases drasticly 3:Anti-matter grenade 4:Kick Of The Kaze- a barrage of fast kicks 5:Phanzer Strike-focuses extreme vibrations towards the user... able to generate and awesome amount of heat 6:Wind Draco- a beam of energy comes out from the users weapon that looks like a dragon
  8. Name: Kabuki Age: 19 Height: 6'2 PowerLevel: 7000 Bio: Made by the American Gov't to basically be a mercinary. He was "spliced" with the DNA of unknown origin( Only Known by the Gov't, it is top secret so no body knows) He was programmed to be a master of martial arts and the technique called "CHI" Description: Wears a Gi that is black with a red dragon on it, his hair is brown and it hangs down over his eyes, has green eyes, he also carries a katanna on his back...the katanna is all black Most Common Moves 1:Chi Bomb- a ball of energy is formed and then shot on command 2:Chi Blast- a beam of energy is shot from the users palm 3:Barrage- many chi bombs are formed and shot 4:Chi Fusion Blast- chi beams are entwined and shot from the palms of both hands 5:Vulcan Ru-su- the user focuses his chi power to power up his abilities
  9. A demon quietly sneaks up behind Tani....he raises his massive sword....but before he could swing it Kabuki, quickly drawing his katanna, came from no where and easily sliced the demon in two...he then reached one hand behind his back and snatched two ninja stars from no where and swiftly flung them at the beasts.....the stars pierced the demons skull.... Kabuki: HAHAHAHAHA....lets kick some as*!
  10. Kabuki jumps from the tree to the ground hiding in the shadows.... Kabuki: (thinking)hmm.....i sense a great evil approaching......can this mysterious group of strangers handle it? Kabuki: I soon will have to reveal myself......
  11. KabukiOwari


    -In the Bar- Kabuki: here angel take this potion and clean out ur wound (hands angel the potion).. and walks to the other end of the bar and orders a drink
  12. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki: I joined u to fight, that was no fight...... any fool could have taken him out ......we need to actually find a challenge..... i will stay as look out everyone else go to bed....we need to get up early and get to the village to clean up angels wound......
  13. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki: WE should have someone stay up to look out...just in case those fools try anything...ok?
  14. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki to himself: if she trys to mess wit' me again i will show her my true strength.....
  15. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki: That monster u let go will now go get his other gang members, and there not pushovers like those fools..... so we gotta watch our backs!
  16. Ya it looks awesome, it comes out before the other to systems so that means ps2 fans get a jump on those waste of space systems
  17. KabukiOwari


    Kabuki hiding in the shadows says..... U shouldnt have let him go.
  18. Kabuki Owari Age:19 sex: male class/race: ninja/human weapons: Katanna, Flail, and Ninja Stars Des: About 6 feet with brown hair and eyes bio: very quiet, never lets a mission go unfinished marks:his katanna is all black alignment: he is a mercinary good or evil
  19. Kabuki watched as the group continued to walk, jumping from tree to tree watching them closely. Kabuki: What a group. They to are fighting those devilish demons i hate so much....huh maybe i should join them in there next fight... He Said while continuing to jump from tree to tree....
  20. Kabuki Owari Age:19 Race: Human Specialty: Katanna and Martial Arts Weapon: Katanna, flail, and ninja stars Magic: no
  21. Name:Kabuki Owari CodeName:Kaze DogTagCode:000001 Weapons: Duel Glocks(unSilenced) Katanna Desert Eagle Remote Mines Vehicle: StreetBike Gender: Male Race: American Bio: He has tanned skin about 6 foot with brown eyes and hair, he is a skilled mercinary, that never leaves a job unfinished. Personality: Quiet, usually stays to himself, but if u mess with him he will mess back Specialty: Martial Arts and good with mines
  22. i bet it will last longer than u guys think, i will bet anything
  23. KabukiOwari


    Coty:SCUPE?!HahaHAhaha Coty:Ok Quatre lets do it, hahaha scupe?!
  24. She actually did waer something like that it was on last weekend were Spike goes after a bounty for the one guys(has a robot arm) ex girlfriends boyfriend( forget his name) and shes on the ship tanning
  25. KabukiOwari


    Coty: YA, but how do weget to the refrigrator? -He says to Quatre- Coty: And we will need a cart, A BIG CART
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