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Everything posted by KabukiOwari

  1. Cowboy Bebop is awesome the last couple episodes are AWESOME!
  2. KabukiOwari


    Coty: Lets have some beer battered fish without the fish or the batter......YA!
  3. KabukiOwari


    Coty:Hahaha... I think She forgot to take her medication "What did u say!?" comes the reply Coty: It was Rimmer! He then laughs to himself
  4. KabukiOwari


    Coty: I cant believe were lost, this wouldnt have happened if i was navagating. ~moments later~ Coty: Im bored i going to walk around and make fun of Rimmer,MhahahahaMhahaha ~Heads towards the hologram room~ Slides down the shafts and then sees kitty meshing with a fishing net Coty:Hahaha, what r ya doing messing with the fishing net when u should be picking on Rimmer
  5. KabukiOwari


    ((Who are u talking to Quatre))
  6. KabukiOwari


    Sitting Down By Erin- "So were are we?"-He askes
  7. KabukiOwari


    Coty gets outta bed, and looks at the clock Coty:AHHHHHHHHH, WHY DIDNT ANY ONE WAKE ME UP?! He says while walking into the hall
  8. Name:Coty Age: 15 Apperance: 5'11, with lite brown hair and brown eyes, wears khakkis and an green shirt with a dragon on it Personaloty:Likes to party and have fun, sometimes gets out of control, has a great sense of humor, and is often very crude pm me or im me(KabukiOwari) when u start
  9. Name:Kabuki age:19 DES:A boy whom was exiled from his homeplanet to Blue Star for using the forbidden arts( the arts are unknown to everyone except for Kabuki) Level:5 (send me a pm or im me(KabukiOwari) when it starts
  10. send me the info about the chips, i kno everything else
  11. KabukiOwari


    Can someone fill me on whats happening here
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