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  • Birthday 05/02/1992

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    Fish,Cooking,Anime,Games,Shiny Things,Bright Colors,Rainy Nights
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    I have way to many favorites to list but if you send a PM or IM I will be happy to talk to you about them ^3^


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  1. [quote name='T.O.P' timestamp='1324061161' post='710619'] [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"] Both of my grandparents on my dad's side are type 1 diabetics. My dad hasn't developed it yet and they say it skips a generation. Makes me antzy, because I was diagnozed with hypoglycemia when I was 12. It was kinda cool, because I got to have snacks during school, but everyone hated me for it because I was the only one who got to eat in class. I had a friend who was about the same age you were when he was diagnosed with juvenille diabetes. I remember always trading my food with him at lunch and one day he's like " I can't eat that" when I offered him something sugary. But he's a happy healthy guy now, despite having it. How have you adjusted to having it?[/font] [/quote] [size="3"][color="#9932CC"]Well I don't remember much before I had it so I guess I can say I have adjusted pretty well x3 I wish I had more friends with my condition though so I didn't feel so weird @3@[/color][/size]
  2. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1323989544' post='710603'] [color="#FF00FF"]OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH!!!!! I PUT UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE AND IT IS BRIGHT AND PRETTY AND EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!!![/color] [/quote] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="3"][color="#9932CC"]OMG we just put ours up toooo yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!![/color][/size][/font]
  3. [quote name='Hunter S. Spaceman' timestamp='1324010251' post='710608'] Oh, this isn't "food" but a drink, rather: Crystal Pepsi! I bet even Biggie Smalls drank this stuff too. I loved this drink when Pepsi used to make it, which is odd since I didn't like regular Pepsi at all. My friends and I would buy this all the time every day non-stop can't stop won't stop. [/quote] I wasn't even alive when that stuff was out and that makes me sad because it sounds really weird owo
  4. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX' timestamp='1323923553' post='710597'] [size="1"]Mmm, String Things were delicious I had no idea they were made by Betty Crocker. I loved Dunkaroos, which were apparently also made by Betty Crocker. Little snack sized kangaroo cookies with frosting for dipping. Their still sold in certian stores I guess but I haven't seen them around me. There was also this cereal...I have no idea what it was called. It consisted of little yellow squares with strawberry, grape, or orange frosting inside. I loved them, I would put a handful in my pocket and eat them as I played.[/size] [/quote] [color="#9932CC"][b][font="Courier New"][size="4"]Oh yeah I remember Dunkaroos they where Awesome!![/size][/font][/b][/color]
  5. [quote name='Petie' timestamp='1323875152' post='710585'] [color="#0000ff"]They may, to some, but they're not really something you buy for aesthetics. The same can be said about [i]most[/i] hybrid cars - they're eyesores but they get great mileage and they're less harmful to the environment. So, chances are, if you have the money or the desire to reduce your environmental impact, you don't care too much about how it looks.[/color] [/quote] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"]That is true I guess I'm a bit shallow when it comes to those kinds of things[/color] >3<;;;[/size][/font]
  6. [quote name='Petie' timestamp='1323870931' post='710583'] [color="#0000ff"]There are definitely some government sponsored "green" energy programs around here but the fact remains that solar has an extremely high up front cost with very little short term gain. I think it will eventually take off but the technology needs to be refined significantly so solar panels can be used as a source of energy instead of a supplement.[/color] [/quote] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"]Don't you think they kind of look a bit goofy also?[/color][/size][/font]
  7. I feelz so lonely on this site right now >w



      the boards are slow on a good day... for me it's 1:11 AM and for a lot of people it's first thing in the morning. gotta be patient.

    2. Pleiades Rising

      Pleiades Rising

      It's like fishing: just have a little patience, and just hit' em with a stick once in a while!

    3. Inuyasha Fandom

      Inuyasha Fandom

      i feel that way a lot too, trust me lol

  8. [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"]Wouldn't Solar Panels to power ones entire house look odd? I mean a bunch of random huge ginormous panel things on a roof when they can make em smaller and easy to hide I will surly get some [color="#000000"]^[/color][/color]3^[/size][/font]
  9. [quote name='Hunter S. Spaceman' timestamp='1323840719' post='710576'] Most things I can think of can't even be fairly called "food", unless we're generous to include candies of some sort, haha. There were some chocolate bars that are no longer around that I liked when I was quite young. Of course, they went the way of the dinosaur and the dodo-bird, and are now but a misty-eyed memory to one now older fellow. Another thing I liked (and I don't know if the things are still around) were these ice cream sandwiches called "Snack and a Half". It was just some ice cream sandwiched between two oatmeal cookies, and then coated with chocolate. Nothing spectacular in itself, but it when you're a kid it's like tasting what Zeus himself ate on a hot day after much battle and strife. [/quote] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"]I've never heard of Snack and a Half but I personally don't think chocolate and oats go very well together [/color]owO[/size][/font]
  10. [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="3"][color="#9932CC"]My boyfriend play that game TF2 and honestly I don't understand why he loves it so much can someone explain its "awesomeness" to me[/color][/size][/font]
  11. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1274141488' post='693794'] [font="Microsoft Sans Serif"][size="1"]Well, I guess there's no sense in avoiding it anymore. [Also, this thread hasn't had posts in a little over a week. I need to change that now. Also also, I hate .jpg. Bah.] [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/i57rec.jpg[/img] Doug Walker, better known as the Nostalgia Critic as some, though he does more than just that. I've always had a thing for glasses and older men [although he's not, like, OLD old; he's almost ten years older than me], but he taught me to appreciate another aspect of manliness -- the facial hair. I still can't bring myself to watch any videos of his where he had his beard shaved off. He's also pretty inspirational; he started off as just another Youtube personality, but now he's got his own site that's growing more and more expansive as time goes by, adding more and more contributors as time goes on. His job is just to make people laugh, and I gotta say, he's an expert at that. Oh, and he's just friggin' adorable. Seriously. I just wanna snuggle him. Anyway, I uh, have more, but they all suck in comparison [read: I'm too lazy to go get pictures and post about them]. Well. 'cept for maybe Liam Neeson. But that can wait.[/size][/font] [/quote] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="3"][color="#9932CC"]I totally agree with you Doug is a totally sexmonkey and more girls should glomp him[color="#DDA0DD"]^^[/color][/color][/size][/font]
  12. [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"]Any diabetics in the house? I am a type 1 diabetic and I have been ever sense I was nine years old[/color][/size][/font][size="4"]. [/size][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"]I have never met anyone my age that was an otaku with my condition so if you are out there I would love to make friends^3^[/color][/size][/font]
  13. [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="3"][color="#9932CC"]Ken's Ceaser Salad dressing is the best dressing in my opinion mhm^^ its so fishy and tangy and good i have no idea why i love it so much but it goes good on like everything [/color][/size][/font]
  14. [quote name='Petie' timestamp='1323813411' post='710566'] [color="#0000ff"]No problem. You're new and you'll catch on quickly I'm sure ^_^[/color] [color="#0000ff"]It was sort of a gummy candy - sort of the same as Fruit Rollups but less sticky. Here's an original commercial for it:[/color] [color="#0000ff"][youtube]YTWgH9m306c[/youtube][/color] [/quote] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"][color="#9ACD32"]OwO[/color] Omg!! I remember those too they were so fruity and sticky and I remember the wiggly pattern never came out in one piece [color="#9ACD32"]xD[/color] and I do have to say it had one of the most uncreative names ever lol[/color][/size][/font]
  15. [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color="#9932CC"]My Favorites [/color][/size][/font] [u][b] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="3"][color="#0000FF"]Anchovies Olives Tomatoes Basil Veggies of all kinds[/color][/size][/font][/b][/u] [size="3"][color="#00FF00"]Nyaaaaan~~[/color][/size]
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