Allison Mack
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About Allison Mack
- Birthday 04/10/1992
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Na'dou [/i] [B]Yay! You finally made it! Haha... [/B][/QUOTE] Yep. Now what do I do?
Cheifmon Male Rookie Holy Animal/Data Alpha Bark, Needle Fur, Fireworks Description: A loner. Is very in tune with nature, and a good hunter. Swift and powerful. A determined fighter. Somehow he can use his tree bark collar as a small spear. Is highly intelligent. A stealthpaw, too. He looks like a wolf, with a much fluffier tail, and long, thin, ears. He has abnormally large paws and a collar made of tree bark. He has Pine Tree Needles embedded in his fur and an ancient symbol on his face which allows him to use his heartbeat as a defense mechanism! Each time his heart beats another layer of a trancluent shield is configured and automatically placed on him. Cheifmon is based on one of my best friends.
I love the idea of a Wolf Pack. I've always wanted to be a wolf...and, my pet is a wolf(literally). So, if you make one I would definitly join right away. Could you maybe give a little more information? PS: Did you make one, already, c_l, or not yet? And, if you made the wolf pack, do we have names, or are we like called by numbers or something?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]There is nothing wrong with DMgirl, Renamon. Its a pretty good card. [/B][/QUOTE] I know that I mean that I have wierd reasons for thinking that I can relate to her
That's the one I can relate to. I have really weird reasons so don't ask :p But one reason that isn't really THAT wierd is that I am really strong and plus I look like her:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Gozaburo Kaiba? You mean that green haired Kaiba? Well i don't really anything about them. [/B][/QUOTE] I think Gozaburo Kaiba is like the guy who adopted Seto because he lost a game of chess or something...? Well anyways I don't know a thing about Noah Kaiba. Sorry. :)
My decks are built around beast and fairy monsters.
Well...I have all the pieces, but I don't duel a lot.
Here is the info: Edemon Level: Hybrid Human Spirit of Ice+Alison Attacks: Charge of Heaven, Icy Glare, Crimson Ice, Call of the Heavens Desc: A Wolf that has long, curved horns instead of ears, wolf tail that has little spiked tail coming out, gold colored boots, diamond upper and lower body armor, diamond armor for arms, massive black wings, brown/red hair, wolf mask, some Egypt symbols along royal blue belt made of ice, when she is angered while flying or running along the land anything[except Digimon and People] inside a 5-mile radius becomes frozen. I have to put the rest tomorrow.
That's good. I hope to see some good pictures. :)
What Game Version are you playing? Gold, Silver, or Crystal? Well, my advice is not to use an Unown. They only have one attack and the attack hardly does a thing unless you raise ATK and LV. I agree that you should level up your Pok'emon. Do you think that you could get even past the first and second persons in the Gym with those? Maybe if you were lucky, but try making Cyndaquil level.....11 or so? and Jiglypuff into about level......10, and Pidgey into level 11+.
Well I guess that team is OK but it needs a little work. [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by G/S/B Master[/I] [B]Vaporjolt,Lady katana,and Ben or Paul are the best trainers i know.I also too am one of the best.But not the best in the whole world.So don't call yourself the master.Because you'll never be the best in the world.[/B][/QUOTE] Those are only the best people you know. Couldn't you at least given MVX a [I]little[/I] credit? --------- Well, MVX, you need to work a little on getting Espeon some better moves, like maybe Psybeam. Also, Mewtwo and Espeon have the same attacks. It's good to have a variety. Tyranitar's Detect move isn't really that much effective. A good idea would be to replace it with a Hyper Beam or something else more worthy of a Tyranitar. In my opinion, Starmie is good. Your Mew has the same attacks as my first Mew, and so I say that you should replace one of the attacks only if you want to; but I would replace Softboiled with Mega Punch or Aeroblast. Also, maybe Charizard should learn some more powerful attacks such as Fire Wheel instead of Slash. I hope that helps at bit. If you used a little less Psychic Pok'emon that would be better.
Sorry you broke your wrists. I can wait as long as you need me to
I saw that thing.....it looks freaky
I never heard of it.