Me said: No way dude. No way. Yer jes' a silly bucket.
School starts on the 27th. Luckily, it ends 2 days before last year, but it starts much earlier. It sucks. I hate school. I get my schedule on Monday...the 21st...I hope it's not too complicated...the 7th graders schedules were really screwed up last year, I hope it's changed. I always look forward to school at the beginning of Summer, but at the end, I spend most of my day in the corner of my room, hiding from those mean people at school who will surely come soon to make my life miserable.
I'm making no sense, so I'll just say what I mean. School is the worst thing that ever happened to me. -_- I hope that all the schools in a 5 mile radius burn up on the 26th. Everyone, wish with all your might that they do. WISH, DANGIT!! >_< I'm so very very sad...yet so insane...