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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. Arikel stood by Kiria and looked over the small village overrun by plague, monsters and undead and sighed. Disasters were happening all over the world faster than adventurers could fix them and the only people seeming to make progress are the forces they were fighting against. Arikel took a deep sigh and walked down into town cutting away at the zombies with a sword conjured of the element of fire. Such a spell was taxing but it lasted more than long enough. Kiria was quick and agile hitting the zombies several times with her dagger before being grabbed and held by one she was fighting, but undead's muscles are weak and rotten so she had no trouble ripping herself free of the zombie at the same time taking it's arms with her. Though their battle was harsh and their cause was just they were soon overwhelmed by the masses of the growing numbers of undead. OOC: I know it's not much of a beginning but typing up the original 6k post i had that got erased halfway fried my brain this morning so this is what you all get.
  2. Since I did not get enough sign ups to have to choose, everyone is in the game. I'll start real soon here. Good luck.
  3. In an ancient time of an Archaic world there is great turmoil. Armies of great kingdoms war against eachother as angels and demons plot the destruction of each other. You strip away all the people and monsters, and angels and demons and you have a force beyond all of this. It is said that something guides hatred to work it's path and it's finally gotten to Pyrial, The Arch-Angel of Life. He had always been jealous of the goddess of life's preference for the human race over her angels but hatred had overcome him to the point where it had taken his 12 generals down into the path of hatred wiht him. Now he seeks to wipe out the entire human race along with any creature that stands in his way and with the ability to give life and take it away, there are few who can stand against him. The only ones known to be able to resist this fatal attack that can be activated with but a glance are a handful of chosen warriors with mysticle tattoo's that only other chosen may see. These men women and children are earths only hope of total destruction. Edit Notes: The Tattoo has to be an Animal, Only others with a tattoo may see the tattoo on another. Noone knows who is systematically killing people and they don't know they are chosen ones but they do know that they were born with the tattoo and it gives them a special power. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules 1.)Only one tattoo per person(1 person(other than me will get tattoo of a monster of some sort the rest are animals.) 2.)No demons, angels, gods, or half gods please, but half demons and angels are alright. 3.)You will start with 1 power based on your tattoo. 4.)Have fun! Sign up Name Age Gender Appearance Background Tattoo Tattoo Power Weapon(don't go overboard here.) Armor(see above) Name Arikel Firebrand Age 19 Gender Male Appearance Looks kind of like Magus from CT. Background Born and raised in the greatest and most prestigious mage schools in the world. Personality- brash and cocky and a little overconfident but still nice, especially to pretty girls. Tattoo-Huge Red Dragon on Back Tattoo Power- Wingless flight Weapon Wizards Staff, Elemental magic Armor Mage Robes
  4. Name: Arikel Firebrand Gender:(human?) Male Occupation: Magi Knight Apprentice History: Not much was known about him, He grew up in an isolated part of the world where the demons were all but unknown about, he was raised to fight them but never knew how powerful they are.... All through his life he was shown that demons were the root of all the evil and that if they were vanquished from this world he would be a heroe and that the world would be a safe place to live in once again. little does he know how difficult of a task that will truely be as Arikel starts the game finding out just how dangerous the peril can be. Appearance: Looks like Dark Schneider from the anime Bastard. about 6ft tall with long flowing silver/white hair, his body is lithe and somewhat skinny but quite toned and strong despite his appearance. His eyes are steely grey but flare with crimson when angered. He has a dagger stayed at his side as well as a small book in his bag, one that came from his mentor that holds many magics that he does not understand but a single spell that he does comprehend, a spell similar to that of Magic Missle. Personality: Quiet and reserved. Speaks only when spoken to. Extremely observant.
  5. OOC: I'm kinda lost here so catch me up real quick somehow and i will jump in next time I'm on.
  6. Name-Randy Age-17 Bio-Born on earth, unknown to him he has the ability to travel anywhere he wishes through his dreams. Unfortunately for him he also cannot control this power. Appearance-6' tall long straight strawberry blonde hair, emerald green eyes, wears all black. What magical beast you would prefer-Beholder or Nightmare(horse that travels through dreams.)
  7. Awww, come on Schratn! You know I can do bad guys good! Please!!! *begs* and it's good for me cause I don't have to be on that much to post! It works perfect with my schedule! Please?!?!
  8. Name: Lord Zed!!!!! Age: Only he knows. Short Bio: That's all epxlained already. Power you want: All the powers that he already has.... plus a few. :devil:
  9. OOC: Carren please dump your private messages and make room i have one to send to you.
  10. OOC... This is really sad but i'm kinda lost and this is my RPG!! lol. could someone please PM me and explain what the h e double hockey sticks is going in in game please and thank you.
  11. Pyrials eyes locked with his old friends and he sighed. Shakily he got to his feet picking up his sword. As soon as he lifted the sword from the ground there was a brilliant flash of light and Pyrial was draped in extravagant white and crimson robes, his sword blazing with a reighteous inferno of holy flame which died out only when he placed the sword in its sheathe. His eyes flashed as he got the image of Valeigh and he looked at his friend. Pyrial: Valeigh is alive. I can feel her soul calling out. We have to find them. The other angel nodded and they lifted into the air heading south of the mountain.
  12. I appologize for the absence but like carren said I was in a car accident. I am glad to be alive. The car flipped at least twice. And I'm glad to have walked away with only an injured left hand. I thank you all for your concern and I would ask that you cont this game with out me because it may be at least a week before I may beable to type again. (Note this is being typed by a friend) Don't kill the boss before I get back. Arikel
  13. your characters name-Seth Demos your age- Looks about 22. your race/kind/type/whatever-Immortal. your occupation-College Student/Superhero your origin-Michigan your bio-Will Post later.
  14. Nate looked at the note and his eyes narrowed excusing himself from Gravitonne to take care of his own ordeals for now. Gravitonne bit him farewell then sat down in front of the computer accessing the cerebro program and starting to input new data about The Herald. Gravitonne: March 13, 2902. Aerid is added to the list of those precious mutant lives taken by the terrorism of The Herald. During the battle she had removed all the air from his area, as per her mutant ability only to find out that he had the power to breathe without air. He then used a speed somehow beyond a supernatural level to bring himself to her location and ending her life by running her through with his fist. starting to tear up as he speaks. Just after, he turned to me and somehow used her mutant power against me, I suspect he has an ability to steal the powers of those he kills. If so than The Herald will be much more difficult than we had ever imagined.... End Log. Gravitonne Stood from the conference room and walked slowly outside, leaning against the wall and watching the sky as if waiting for something or someone. After a short time he saw something in the distance down the path, A tall man with white hair and part of his face was cybertronic. He blinked a few times and raised an eyebrow at this person whom he never seen before but Awaited his arrival patiently.
  15. Isawas, don't even try that... It's a paradox there is no answer to the question.
  16. The body of Death literally radiated with a malicious black glowing aura. Both Alucard and Sephiroth adopted a defensive stance as the aura turned into a huge orb of pure necromantic energies and flew at them. Each cursing their respective choice words they dove to the sides avoiding the blast itself but being driven into the walls to the sides from the force of the explosion. Alucard pushes himself out of the wall and glares up at the undead beast. "Is that all you got?" 'Foolish boy! I'm just getting warmed up!' In a blurred movement almost beyond vampiric standards even, Death was upon Alucard the enchanted scythe cutting through the air at the dhampire. Suddenly the scene shifted for Alucard almost as if he were in slow motion he could see the air rippling as the slowly(to him) moving scythe slid at him. He brought his sword up just in time to parry the scythe and time sped up again as a boney fist extended from under the cloak to connect onto Alucards face putting him off balance. As he stumbled back and to the side A huge swordblade extended from the chest of the essense of the nonliving. The creature let out a raspy laugh as it spoke to him. 'Imbecile! You actually believe that plain weapon could ever harm me. 'No, I was just drawing your attention away from this...' 'What are you talking about?' 'Fire2.' Suddenly the free hand that was almost pressed against the cloak of death exploded into a magnificant spiraling cone of flaming destruction, engulfing Death as Alucard dove out of the way. Sephiroth drew his hand back and lept away about twelve feet in a single bound, Alucard moving to be close to him for a moment as they watched the being who claimed to be Death wail in pain, torture and fire as it burned into ash at an alarming rate. When the final horrific cry had escaped the ashes of the monster the gates and portcullis of the castle had reoppened and they looked at each other. "Lets go find your girlfriend and my father..." 'She's not my girlfriend.' "riiiight." Sephiroth grunts annoyed like but knew that he needed Alucards help to retrieve Megan from Dracula so he let it slide... for now. The sun was fully risen by the time they cleared the castlegrounds. Alucard looked up at the sun. "We have about ten hours. follow me, he couldn't have gone far."
  17. OOC: Ykonis, just a note.. he's not very happy or excited right now, his only love just died. Yes he would have invited him to join but it would not have been that easy, and please try to downpower your character a little... being able to produce CONTROLLED black holes is a little TOO much. Thanks. Also note, I shall post after Schratn9 puts up one more post.
  18. Just then a quieted voice is heard from down the block but through the traffic it's hard to hear especially since they are getting on the bus. Randy yells out again louder with the huge tote back over his shoulder and a backpack strapped, yes, across his back. Bliss was just about to walk on when she heard something and paused. Bliss: What the? Randy: Wait for me! Don't leave! Bliss looks at Randy as he runs forward almost stumbling over himself as he reached the motor home panting heavily. She only smiled slightly and shook her head getting on the bus. Randy take's a second to catch his breathe as the driver peeked out the window. Driver: You are Randy, right? Randy: *pant* yeah *pant* Not to late am I? *pant* Driver: Just get in so we can get on the road. Randy: Yes ma'am! Randy slides into the motor home and finds an empty seat at a table looking around shortly his eyes widened. Randy:A.. am I the only guy on the bus? All of the women on the bus laugh slightly and suddenly randy doesn't look so sure of himself. OOC: I just realized i'm the only guy in this RPG! lol
  19. Answer Key 1.How many letters are in the alphabet? 11 2.A man walks up to you and says - "everything I say to you is a lie." Is he telling you the truth or is he lying? It's a paradox that cannot happen. 3.A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible? All of the children are boys. 4.A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why? The farmer carried a sack of grain while the help carried only two empty sacks. 5.A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet? He wrote the words "your exact weight" on the piece of paper. 6.I cannot be felt, seen or touched; Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet I have my own style of music. What Am I? Soul 7.There is a common English word that is nine letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time? Startling - starting - staring - string - sting - sing - sin - in - I 8.The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can you figure out how? C and Y to put it short... CandY, two letters, with a word between them. 9.A man was born in 1955. He's alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible? The year is 1988 10.How can you make the following equation true by drawing only one straight line: 5+5+5=550 draw a diagonal line from the second + sign to make it a 4 producing the equation 5+545=550 which is true. Good job to those who got it.
  20. Pyrials eyes traveled up to meet the mans infront of him and standing to his feet. Pyrial: Who are you? I am sorry but I remember nothing. Sighs saddenly again. OOC: Sorry for the short post but you didn't give me a whole lot to work with.
  21. Deus... #5 is wrong Circeus... #3 is not correct
  22. Alright, have fun with these. 1.How many letters are in the alphabet? 2.A man walks up to you and says - "everything I say to you is a lie." Is he telling you the truth or is he lying? 3.A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible? 4.A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why? 5.A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet? 6.I cannot be felt, seen or touched; Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet I have my own style of music. What Am I? 7.There is a common English word that is nine letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time? 8.The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can you figure out how? 9.A man was born in 1955. He's alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible? 10.How can you make the following equation true by drawing only one straight line: 5+5+5=550 Can you figure it out?
  23. Well I guess I can't say i didn't expect to get little if any respect but I'm glad I got the two votes of confidance I got, even if one vote was not direct. Here's My list. James: Of course gotta give props to da man James for makin' dis' all dis possible. Phantom: The man who taught me that there is much more to a post than length. Mysticdarkelf: For proving to me that I am not the center of the universe. j/k. She's always been really nice to me and has never ignored me even when I got mad at her for my own stupid reasons. SS Trunks: For post quality of course, an excellent RPer if anything. Definetely one to strive to rival. The Vampire Ed: A very dedicated person and an excellent writer and roleplayer. I have alot of respect for this person. Juuthena: She's just cool. Lady Asphyxia: She just does her thing and doesn't worry about what other people say. That takes alot of guts, I can't do that. lol ElvenFoxKnight: Always was there just to chat and had great ideas when I needed them. Stormwing: For being a friend. And just a short list Raiha Raven Harlequin(please don't hate me!!) Carren Hart CWB Mist Kool_Aid Boba_Fett All you vampire fans out there
  24. OOC: Thanks for letting me have a go at the monster... *grumbles* he was supposed to be alot tougher to beat than that. And Rei, Everyone gives a lot of effort into their posts. I expect the same from you.. I don't like to see 3 line posts in my RPG's it brings down the visual value and pleasurable reading attraction to it. Grav looked at Nathan and nodded slightly, holding up one finger to signify the "one moment" expression. His eyes looked back at siren with concern. Gravitonne: Siren right? Why do you avoid us? We are on the same side, We have the same enemy. It is dangerous out there alone. The heralds minions are growing with power and numbers by the day. Why don't you join us. There is safety in numbers and we could really use your skills. Siren looked at him, her annoyance dissappearing replacing itself with apathy and shrugs looking at the rest of the people. She blinks a few times then shoves her hands in her pockets pivoting on one heel and walking away. Siren: I'll think about it. Gravitonne: I'll respect your decision. Thank you and be safe. Remember you are always welcome with us. Gravitonne turned around and nodded slightly at Nathan and Rei then looked at Logan and Magnet. He approached the two new people shaking there hands then glanced at Nathan. Gravitonne: A psion? The only possible way you could have known my name. Nathan:chuckling That puts it lightly. Gravitonne raises his eyebrows then hears a slight brush of wind behind him recognizing the voice of Moon Chaser behind him as she touches ground. He turned around to hear her words more clearly. Moon: I came as quickly as I could, Is everyone alright? looking around. Well looks like you didn't need that much back up. Nathan:Yes, Moon Chaser. We had it under control. Moon: How the fu....? Gravitonne:cutting her off Nathan is Psionic, Moon. She nods silently then looks at him. She was about to speak but Gravitonne beat her to the chase. His words came out full of strength and authority from his natural leadership. Gravitonne: Alright people, it's not safe here. Follow me, we are returning to base... Gravitonne levitates slightly within his anti gravity bubble expanding it to encompas each person who did not have their own ability of flight and started to fly lowly to X-Men HQ.
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