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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. Brilliant lightning struck the unmarked gravestone of Pyrial, splitting the stone down the center to reveal a sword carved with runes that must have been inserted into the gravestone before it was set. The runes glowed with a righteous ferocity and bursted into flames as a hand pushed up through the earth. The hand dug into the earth pulling up the rest of the form of a man. Under the dirt covered hair and face he looked around weakly as he sat upon the earth shodden grave of where his resting place was and sighed sadly.
  2. Heartless Me


    Grey skies loomed overhead from the endless amounts of pollution that had been released into the air over the last millenia. The cracked and crumbled city streets were stained red with the blood of humans and mutants alike. To the mutant known as Gravitonne the world had been reduced to entirely shades of grey. All sense of compassion had left him when his love, Aerid, had died at the hands of the Herald. Gravitonne sat atop the half caved in roof of the chapel of a forgotten religion praying to a dead god on a cross to return to him his love, his reason for living. His words only repeating the only line "Whoever you are, Give me back my love" to the graven image. Logan walked up to Grav and placed his hand on the young adult aliens shoulder in an attempt to comfort. Gravitonne started to weep silently. Logan: I am sorry she had to die, Grav... I know what it's like to lose one's that you care for. Gravitonne: Thanks Wolverine, I appreciate it but I really need to be alone right now. Logan gave a slight nod and sighed shortly turning around and dropping through the roof into the worship area below. As he walked to the door leaving the place he was interrupted by a tall slender woman with pink hair. She shot him a short spurt of concern and he stopped suddenly. He knew Moon Chasers mutant ability, It was the same as Rogues, a woman he knew a long time ago. She looked him over and bit her lip just before speaking out. Moon Is he ok? Logan: He will live. The greatest pain one can know is the loss of a love. I suggest you give him some time before trying to talk to him. With that he gave a slight nod and exited the church taking a left down the street. Moon watched him leave and sighed shortly walking over to the huge cross with edges dug into it and nimbly lifts herself up the cross and onto the roof. Moon: Hey grav? Gravitonne: Please, Moon. Leave me alone, I can't see another person i care about right now. Moon:I... I don't understand. Gravitonne: Just GO! Moon started slightly and took a step back then lifted up into the air slightly and flew off to the south slightly. Meanwhile Gravitonne stood and simply jumped down off the roof and started to walk on in a random direction. Yuugi walked along the empty city streets, this day the battle was won but at a cost he wished he didn't have to pay... Countless lives, Among the casualtie's was the life of his one and only. Emily was her name, Aerid to the rest of the X-Men, her ability was the control of air and wind but that did little against The herald and his minions the Furie's... He thought back to the battle as he watched helplessly as he struggled to battle off the three women of woe. *~Flashback~* Aerid had successfully removed all air from The Heralds direct area only to find that the herald could survive without air between the split second of her suprise and her death, The Herald had put his fist through her body killing her instantly. What happened next however was the most suprising... He turned and looked directly at Yuugi and a slow smirk crossed those black wicked lips as he proceeded to empty the man's lungs of the air it contained... the last thing Yuugi did before passing out was let out a blood curdling scream and a force of gravitational energy so strong that it instantly caused one of the furie's to implode leaving him with only 2 of the femme fatals. ~Flashback ends as he hears a loud explosion which could be heard by the rest of the group~ Yuugi: What the?! The alien ran towards the explosion to see once more obviously a minion of The Herald seemingly killing humans left and right with charged reversed electromagnetic blasts strong enough to seperate their being into particles. His eyes narrow. Yuugi: This Ends NOW! Thinking quickly on the situation he knew he may need help, touching the communication device on his forarm he spoke into it his voice portraying the utmost urgency. Yuugi: This is Gravitonne, I'm going to need back, NOW! He runs in to battle. The man thing was a monster of a man, standing almost eight feet tall and nearly six hundred pounds of pure muscle. It was easy to see that this minion of the herald was an alien for the fact that it had four arms and reptillian eyes. It hissed at Gravitonne and tossed a magnetic blast at him but the blast was redirected by a pull of anti gravitational force bubble created around the ball forcing it upwards and over his head.
  3. Sephiroth turned around to see the figure of Alucard standing half in the shadows, basically appearing all cool like half shadowed. He looked over the tall thin man and his weapon then calmly almost silently spoke. "You do realize that you cannot defeat him." 'What? Anybody can be defeated.' "You don't understand... I never said he couldn't be defeated, I just said YOU cannot defeat him." 'What makes you say that? There is no person that I cannot kill.' "That is why. Dracula is not a person anymore, he is a creature of darkness. Father of all vampires, therefore he may only be defeated by a true vampire hunter. He can be hurt or even be placed into an unconcious state but essentially only I can destroy him. Unfortunately still he does not truely die, his spirit is locked intot he spirit world for another hundred years until he is able to be ressurected once more." 'I see. So then how can we find him? Oh great vampire slayer.' Alucard gives him a half glare and a very short and shakes his head slightly at the sarcasm. Uncrossing his arms he looked out a window breaking dawn. "He is not in the castle anymore, but he could not have gone far. Day is breaking soon and he cannot stand the light of the sun." 'How do you know that he is not in the castle anymore, he could be it is very large.' "I know because I am linked to him.... Dracula is my father." Near the end of the sentance he looked back and his eyes narrowed as he spoke the truth of his birth with the hatred of a thousand years... "Come, we haven't much time.... There is still quite a ways he could have gotten before the sun hath risen." With that, Alucard turned and started his trek out of Castlevania with Sephiroth walking right next to and slightly beside him.
  4. OOC: alright that doesn't necessarily make sense, i guess by the way you guys are posting that I'm not welcome in your rpg because i am technically in that group and your posts hasn't even included me even being there let alone saying anything so I'll just drop out now that way I can spare myself the humiliation of further ignoring.
  5. "You! How did you get that sword?!" A young man wearing a long black cloak with black hair pulled behind him held there with a large hat stepped from the shadows looking at Kain. Kain reguarded him. 'That information is none of your business.' The man looks at him and nods. He had the general make up of a Sarufan but he was unmistakably vampiric. He also seemed to wield a sword on his back so long that the handle protruded from the left side of his body and the end of the sheathe. "My name is Nazereth. I apologize but I don't recognize you. Who may you be?" 'I am Kain of Nosgoth, and you are?' "My name is Nazereth. That is all i know about my name, but You say you are Kain... As in THE Kain!?" Kain had given a slight nod as he continued walking, Nazereth walked along with him. He had his hands shoved in his cloak. 'Yes, Nazereth? I've heard rumors as one as you. If you want to travel with me, i see now quarrel about it.... for now.' Nazereth didn't speak another word as he walked on next to/behind the great vampire kain. OOC sorry it's so short, i'm being rushed.
  6. OOC: Sere, I'm sorry I always type like that.. not really willing to change it. The way I intereperate my writing is the beginning of the post is the past and the end of the post is where it comes to the present.. I know it sounds strange but it works for me.
  7. SWEET!!! A road rules RPG!!! BTW, i'm signing up as myself. Name: Randy Age: 22 Gender: Why Male of course! Looks: see [url]http://rivalree.homestead.com/files/Randy_Pics/Cap_024.jpg...[/url] also, about six feet tall and yes those are green eyes. Personality: Very nice guy but irratable at times, gets anal retentive about personal possessions and affairs, Shy at first(especially around girls!) but soon becomes a huge flirt if teh girl is single(or guy if I'm drunk enough though that would never go anywere.lol.), Smiles alot and is a bit of a daredevil. Bio: Grew up child of a single mother and oldest of two brothers. Spent much of life on the poverty line so knows the true meaning of humbleness. was the kid who was picked on all through elementary school until became popular(well as popular as one as I can get). Graduated from highschool, moved around alot then to the present hoping to score for a seat on the bus. Hometown: Muskegon, Michigan! Likes: Wicca, Roleplaying, Reading, Writing, Driving, Girls, Flirting, Water Parks, Parties. Dislikes: Closed minds, Ignorance, People who don't want to have fun. Anything Extra: Has a slight self concious issue and a minor low self esteem. Can be clingy to one person if they show too much interest.
  8. After the footsteps of baku can no longer be heard, the hole in the back of the vampires head closes itself up and the vampire looks around painfully. Rubbing the back of his sore, freshly regenerated head he looked deep into the alley where the man had turned down to hunt some other creature he sighed slightly. "good, maybe now he won't track me anymore" He blinks a few times eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness but a dark alley was not where he wanted to be... after all, alleys were gross and filth and had *shudders* hobos in it. ''ello sir. Could I trouble you for a few pounds?' "Get a job you filthy wanker!" He snarled slightly at the filth of modern society and kicked the homeless person who flew into the wall, slammed against it and fell to the ground unconcious but not dead. Matthias chants a short latin verse and his clothes and skin are suddenly clean again. Chuckling he put his hands in his pockets and stepped from the alleyway bumbing right into..... OOC: An open chance for character interaction here!
  9. OOC: I'm so totally lost now! *cries*
  10. Angelic Name: Pyrial, the angel of death Name in life: Balthazar Crumb Apparent Age: 19 Heroic Last Deed: He passed on valiantly guarding a small village, mainly of children who were orphaned by the mad rages of the Vai'Pus from the demonic hordes. His deed was successful though it delt him a mortal wound which had costed him his life. Why you fight: To protect the weak and innocent, to promote justice, and to smite the wicked! Background: Balthazar was born and raised into religion, at the very young age of three he was a squire to a great paladin and by the age of seven he had begun templar training. He learned a great many things from the priests and palladins of the pantheon of light and became very faithful of it's ways. By the age of eighteen he had become a full fledged palladin and had by far succeeded many of his peers. He thought himself without equal until the day he came to the village where he lost his life.
  11. Carren, I hope you have some big drawbacks for that many powers!
  12. Alucard reached his hand out to the door, turning the knob and pushing the door open. Almost suprisingly he was not greeted by the dank smell of the dead but quite a pleasent smell of lavender and rosepetals. The dhampier's eyes narrowed to mere slits, the iris' glowing a dark blue color in the candle light. The room was decorated in a royal midieval motife cloth draped the walls and extravagant curtains covered the only two windows. Standing in the center of the room was a large podium with steps leading up to a larger than life coffin. The resting place of Cound Dracula Tepes. Walking up to the Coffin he drew his sword out stepping up to the coffin. He closed his eyes standing right next to the sarcophogus and concendrated lifting his arms and angling the sword blade down. With a mighty shove he thrusted the sword right through the coffin. No scream was heard, however, and There was no blood on his blade as he drew it out. With a growl he flipped the lid of the coffin to find that it is empty. A dark and menacing laughter was heard from all around him, echoing off of each wall and into his ears. Alucard growled with anger and glared upwards yelling. 'Father! Come out you coward! I destroyed you once before, I shall do it again!!!' "Silly boy, when we last did battle I had yet to reach my full power. Now that I am at my maximum potential, you have no chance of stopping me!" The shadows of one corner of the room darkened then rippled almost seeming to come to life as a figure showing up in depths of the darkness and stepping out. Dracula seemed to eminate a shadowy power as his red eyes glowed menacingly. His fingers extended into long sharp and painful looking claws. He smirked at his son and started to walk forward. "Every monster you killed in my castle hath added to my power and as we speak my disciple is creating more monsters still and ressurecting the creatures you've destroyed. You have no hope of defeating me." 'Maybe not father... But then again, maybe that phrase works the other way around.' His body blurred into supernatural vampiric speed as he landed sword slash upon sword slash on Draculas chest arms and head. After the short assault was over he lept back double jumping for extra distance holding his sword to the battle ready stance. What Alucard saw next however was what was the most disencouraging. All he could do is look on in suprise and shock as all of the wounds from his vampire slaying blade simply closed and mended even going so far as to restitch the clothing with his magic leaving not a scar. "My turn." Dracula dissappeard and before Alucard could react he felt the bite of a set of ten fingered claws sliding over his armor basically shredding it and ended with a punch directly to the chest which shattered his breastplate and threw him into the shadows, the last place he wanted to be and the place just where dracula wanted him. Suddenly the shadows sprung to life, two thick tentacles wrapping around his legs holding him there with the strength of the shadows wielder. He tried to move but found himself unable. 'Damn you father! what have you done?' "I've disabled you you little twit! And now to send you to a place you will never be able to defy me again! Good bye.... son" He spoke the words dripping with venom, his eyes burning with hate. His hands drew in towards his stomach and faced his palms togather forming a small black ball of energy it looked like. As Alucard struggled against the strength and will of the shadows, Dracula focused harder on the ball, black lightning coursing around the outside of it. With a mighty thrust he shot the basketball sized ball of black lightning and unholy energy at Alucard but he was no fool... though his legs were immobile he could still move the rest of his body. He bent his knees falling backwards, his arms moving up and arching around placing his palms on the ground his body in an arch as the ball of darkness flew over his body and slammed against the wall creating a large black portal digging through space and time to a destination unknown. In the meantime Alucard pushed off his hands and glared at his father. 'I don't know what the hell that was but it's not going to work. I still have one trick up my sleave and you are NOT going to like it.' His free hand grabbed the glass vial of holy water and threw it onto the ground, there was a flash of light and an unholy screech from the shadows as the tentacles vanished and he blurred forward again as the startled Dracula merely stood there. Alucard let out a mighty yell using the last of his magical/blood power saved up to activate the special power of his sword as it glows with a bright white light driving the blade into where a mans heart would normally be. Meanwhile, back on the airship Megan and Sephiroth were sitting togather in the eating galley, making a bit of small talk as they were eating when out of nowhere a large black portal flew open sucking megan back into it. She let out a shrill scream as she dissappeared into the portal. "Sephy, help me!!!" 'NO! Megan!' Sephiroth watched as megan dissappeared then realized the portal was closing. There was no way he would loose another person so he lept into the diminishing correspondance rift dissappearing from view of Tidus, Cloud and the others. His party tried to follow but the hole closed before any of them could reach the hole in space. Back in Draculas Inner Sanctum Alucards eyes narrow as he forses the blade all the way in and wretched the sword to the side as he pulled it out cutting deeper into his fathers chest. 'Now father you die.' Draculas eyes widen as Alucard draws back for the killing blow but a feminine scream distracts him. Draculas eyes flash instantly taking advantage of the situation. He suddenly dissappeared from sight. Alucard growled in rage and spun around seeing the back of Dracula and started to charge him but paused as he turned around holding a beautiful young woman in a manner in which she had no way to defend herself. He stepped back into the shadows dissapearing but his voice still echoed in the dimly lit room. "Not this time, my son. I cannot die, I am eternal! We shall finish this another time." Just as the silence cut off the portal spit out another figure, a tall thin man with long white hair, a black trench coat and a very very big sword. Immediately he saw Alucard, he had a bloody sword in his hand so of course the past events would cause the stressed Sephiroth to jump to conclusions. "Where is she? Where is megan?! What have you done!" 'I don't have a girl, I have no idea what you are talking about.' "You lie! I see the blood on your sword monster!" With that Sephiroth came at Alucard sword raised to attack in a slash across his chest. Alucards eyes widened as he moved his sword with split second timing to parry the blade of the masamune both weapons quivering against their nearly unbreakable quality and the strengths of their wielders. And thus, thier battle begins.
  13. Sorry Schratn9.. you have to be faster than that... SS Trunks just took cable... don't ask, If someone places something as Available for play, then as long as it's not taken it's ok to play but now you can't sorry.
  14. Late night in the university dorm room William sat with several musty old tomes and a few translation guides. He decided after he translated this last script that he would get some sleep; of course that was five scripts ago. These old books always deeply interested him, maybe it was because of all the "forbidden" knowledge they contained. All his friends thought him a fool for believing in all of the contents of the books but William couldn't help but believe. "When the balance of good begins to outweigh the forces of evil a new terror will rise to take vengeance for previous evils failure." He read the translated transcript as it had spoken of a new breed of monster, but also written inside the tome was a prophecy. It noted that a hero would appear to save the world from this evil. Looking relieved he closed the tomes and put them back in their very good hiding spots in a hidden drawer under the religious section of the library. After putting things away he stretched and walked out of the library heading for the all night cafe deciding he'd have a latte before bed.
  15. Just a small note ... Proffessor X was middle aged in the year 2000 so he wouldn't be around in the Year 3000 and neither would most of the rest of the X-Men except for Wolverine(who is immortal to age), and cable and bishop(cause they time travel). Name: Yama Yuugi (surname-name) Mutant Name: Gravitonne Age:31 Sex:Male Mutant Ability: Gravity Manipulation and Flight Bio: Yuugi had been born in space away from Earth on a planet with a much higher gravity than Earth's own and while on that planet he was just like everyone else. However when word came to him that earth was in such grave danger he decided to go and do what he could to bring the planet the freedom they deserved by hopefully bringing an end to The Herald and it's Demonic Minions. After weeks of searching he finally located the ancient ruins of what used to be professor X's X-Men HQ. From there he used his superior intelligence to glean the information from the nearly unworkable machine and began to search out mutants and humans alike to join his team. The first he found of course was Logan/Wolverine and they Trained with each other for many month's while searching for more members finally when he had enough people he announced to them that they will be the new X-Men and hopefully they will be able to live up to the same legendary status that the originals had. Description: Very Skinny and toned, quite dextrous as well. Not very strong but his mutant power makes up for that ability.. he has long shiny almost metallic black hair and steel grey eyes. His fingers are long and thin and end in long filed fingernails and his skin is tightly drawn against his body.
  16. name: Randy Gender: Male Age: 16 Car: Riding with Lauren.... if you don't mind. ;)
  17. The beasts among the courtyard were easy to bypass, most of them were only created to harm the truely living so Alucard safely passed them bye, cutting down any hostile plant and animal life that may have come at him. Finally ariving a the portcullis and door to the the castle proper. He touched the portcullis and almost as if it were a key of sorts the metal bars lifted for him. As the bars lifted the door opened releasing the dank skunk smell of the dead blew into Alucards face and flooded his stomach. If he were fully alive he may have lost his lunch right there but being who and what he was he could have standed smells much worse than that. Taking a step into the castle he is immediately brought down upon by several skeletons and zombies. His body kicked into overdrive again dodging and blockign attacks with his sword. His body turned and the sword swung out seperating a zombie's top half from the rest of it's body. A split second later he had two skeletons slashing at his back with their talon like bones... feeling the bite of cold bone dig into his flesh he grunted in pain mule kicking backwards landing the foot directly onto the skeletons midsection shattering the monster as a whole. He swung the sword again and it glowed slightly as it drew power from Alucarde's vampiric soul, the sword cutting through the zombies even though they were still several feet away, an arc of energy extending from the arcane blade. The last skeleton noticed that it was alone and shuffled off to another place. obviously it had some sort of intelligence. With that taken care of he was free to explore the first layer of the castle. There were several rooms that were unlocked, within each were either a skeleton or a zombie which were dispatched easily for him. Within the first room he was able to forage a small bottle of water, most likely holy water he figured. He decided that he would keep this bottle and slid it into a potion slot on his belt. Working his was out of the last room when he left the door he fell through the floor and landed in a room of pure darkness. ???: Welcome to the Oubliette, where there is no esc.... The voice didn't even get a chance to finish it's sentance for his sword lashed out and cut deeply into something that squealed in rage and pain and fell to the ground with a thud. Alucard shook his head and dropped to one knee. After a moment of concentration he had lept up deep into the hole he fell down using his superior strength to climb out of the deep hole. Stepping out of the hole he noticed something about himself. He was weakening and it was happening fast. He was fighting too much but he had to reach Dracula. He fought the denizens of the castle, Horrible undead, disgusting abominations, mutated carnivorous plants, and every other horror one could imagine until he was standing at the dormatory of the dark one himself.
  18. Schratn9, I'm sorry but Iceman is unavailable as a player character because this takes place about 950years after he would have died of old age and bishop has access to time travel devices so he is able to be played. The only reason I'm allowing EFK to be wolverine is because one of his mutant abilities is immortal to age. Please make up your own mutant or make it believable.
  19. Some of you may remember this... Unfortunately some ignorant people ruined it for me but I'm going to try this again! Let's see what happens this time hopefully It won't get all messed up like it did last time. feel free to use characters you signed up for last time. The year is 3000 and the Earth is in Ruins. After Apocolypse finished off the X-Men once and for all he subjugated all humanity and mutant kind alike and since then they have been made as slave's to the Beast and his 4 Horsemen. But now Apocolypse is not the enemy, Evil has a new face, one even darker than apocolypse himself. This Menace has dubbed himself The Herald of Oblivion and arrived on earth in 2980, there was a huge war between the two titans of evil in which after 10 years of battle and countless lives lost wether innocent or not there was only one victor... The Herald of Oblivion. The time is now back to the present... Human kind has been all but whiped out and the Mutants go into hiding for fear of utter annihalation by The Herald. In these dark times however there still lies hope. That hope rests within a new breed of mutants, one that may very well finally have the power to destroy The Herald once and for all! Sorry I couldn't give you more of a plot but I dont' wanna give away all the good stuff now... The Most important Rule: If you play a mutant, your power cannot instantly kill The Herald or Any other player's Character without their permission first! This is what your character sheet should look like. Name: Mutant Nameif any) Age: Sex: Mutant Ability: Bio: Short Description: I will Post mine after I get a few sign ups.
  20. Name: Nazereth Age: 111 Race: Vampiric Sarufan Town: Meridian Weapon: No-Dachi(for those who don't know it's a sword with a 6-9ft blade) Dark Gifts: 1.) Arms of the Abyss- Solidifies shadow into tangible tenticles of darkness that may harm an enemy. 2.) Tenebrous Form- Melds togather with the shadows becoming a being part organic, part darkness with tentacles and such. May only be hurt by pure sunlight and very magical weapons and spells in this form. 3.) Fortitude-Passive ability that allows him to take alot more damage than a normal vampire would have to take. Deccription: Tenebrous Form picture... [url]http://www1.plala.or.jp/unknown/illust/d.jpg[/url] Normal picture... [url]http://www.hunterd.com/image/d_main.jpg[/url] Bio: Nazereth was borne of the forbidden union of a Vampire and a Sarufan. The vampire had once saved the sarufans life and they fell in love. Nazereth was raised learning the secrets of vampire hunting and sarufan killing from each of his parents and also was able to acquire both Sarufan Magics and Vampire Powers refining them into his own abilities. Upon reaching the age of adult hood his father finally gave him the gift of full vampirism. He thanked his father by ending his life for his betrayal(as Nazereth seen it) and left before the dawn not killing his mother for she did him no wrong. He had traveled for many years and killed many a Sarufan and Vampire alike before stopping and taking up a temporary residence in Ostea. After all, he deserved a short vacation.
  21. Percival heard noises behind him and the courtyard vision rippled and dissappeared. With a slight growl the hunter/demon turned around seeing a small pow wow of wannabe hunters. He stared each one down and then let out a slight smirk with a chuckle. Obviously he had just figured out who was going to help him destroy Dracula. He walked up to the small group crossing his arms giving a confidant smile. Percival: Well Well artemis. Last time I saw you, boy, you were just an annoying little ankle bite. Now look at you, all grown up. Artemis turned around his eyes widening. He leaped forward hugging Percival as if he had known the man as an older brother figure. Artemis: Percy! It's been so many years... When I heard of the Belmont plague, I thought you dead for sure. Percival: Hahahah! You know that it takes more than a little plague to get rid of me! Artemis nods and turns to the rest of the group to introduce his friend to them and vice versa.
  22. Name: Creed or His Highness Hero / Villian: Leader of the Wareot of course! Age: 251 Weapon: Vorpal Weapon(metamorphs into whatever he needs) Top 3 spells: Will be described during use in RPG 1.)Multi-Planar Mass Amphorication 2.)Call of the Dark Gods Beyond Time 3.) Zero Bio: What is there to say? He grew up in the grande palace of the Wareot living like the king that he is. That's about all anyone really knows about him. Guardian: He has no guardian in the Rummi sense but he has uncountable henchmen, pets, and slaves to fight for him.
  23. Seth looked over the womans body and raised an eyebrow. She looked like the classic goth chick in a sense but there was something strange about her, the unusual mortis palor of her skin perhaps. His eyes narrowed as he shot a glare into her eyes. Those cold uncaring eyes. How he wanted to bathe her in purifying flames right there but the right was not his and since she was not breaking the masquerade it was impossible anyway. Finally he opened his mouth to speak, seemingly venom dripping from each syllable as the words came out. Seth Is there something I can help you with, Sabbat?
  24. The setting sun shed it's last few lights upon the cityscape of New York City before being consumed wholly by the distant oceans horizon. The city was busy, every day, all day and night. Beneath the busy city streets, however, there is a world of darkness. This world is much like our own with all of the ups and downs of real life. On the brighter side familie's grow and prosper togather; men and women go to work and church oblivious; children attend their schools and play in their playgrounds. If you scratch the surface you see a more sick side of that same reality. Some of those men and women as murderers, drug cartel leaders, and other such bad professions. Broken minds wander homelessly through the streets, their psyche crying for salvation or even a warm meal and a bed for a single night. The difference is what lies in the true world of darkness. Many of the denizens of this world make the Murderers and Rapists of the mortal eye appear as if they were fit to aid in a nursery school. Blood sucking monsters of eternal damnation, Feral lupine creatures that ravage the cities destroying technology, even creatures of myth and fairy tales that feed from the hopes and fears of mortals. New York City is no exception of the rule, infact, it is one of the more dangerous cities on the continant. The masquerade is apparently broken every night as the city is contested between the forces of the Camarrilla and the dread Sabbat. It is in this city that we begin the story and in a small penthouse where Seth lives that this chapter shall begin in. As soon as the last rays of sunlight left the horizon and true night fell upon the land, the eyelids of the dead man named Seth Brennon fluttered and shot open. Sitting up from his plush bed he looked around the windowless lamplit room. He smiled slightly to himself. Another day, another chance to make a million he thought to himself as he proceeded to get himself ready for the nights events. He stretched slightly before dressing himself in his nice clothes he stood infront of the mirror with a smile. He looked over his form admirably with those almost hypnotic steel grey irises. Standing a nearly Five feet and ten inches tall or one and seven hundred and fifty-three one thousandth meters and weighing one hundred and fifty-five pounds or fifty seven and eighty-five one hundreds Kg. The hair wax put in his hair that helped him slick it back made his dark brown hair actually look black. After spending a few moments getting over how undeniably attractive he looked tonight he turned and walked for the door grabbing the keys to his car. Leaving the building he approached the black two thousand and three mustang convertable, disabling the alarm and getting in. Settling into the leather seat he put on the belt and started up the car listening to it purr for a few moments. When he was satisfied he kicked the car into gear and entered traffic, navigating it easilly as he worked his way to the most popular place for those of his kind... The Bloody Mary was the third largest night club in all of New York City, it was easily three stories tall and had a dance floor on each level, the bottom floor was almost entirely one dancefloor. Upon entering the nightclub one would notice that they are not on the first floor like they would thought but actually on the second floor. A balcony that goes around the entire wall of the club so that people wouldn't fall over the edge and down a good twenty feet into the first floor which was actually the basement but when the club was being remodeled they "kicked" out the floor and made the basement(which used to be storage) into a giant dance floor. the DJ booth was all the way up to the third floor in the far corner. As for refreshments, all floors had a bar to meet all of ones drinking prerequisites. Seth could hear the blasting of the euro-techno music as he turned the corner onto the street where the entrance to the club parking lot was. He smiled slightly and pulled into a nice parking spot, fairly close to the building it was quite early in the evening after all and he planned on staying at the club until close unless something more important came up. The neonate vampire got out of his car and activated the alarm as he walked up to the doors the guard only smiled as he slipped past him and entered the already filling club. Quickly, Seth ventured to the far end of the club where the up designated staircase traveled upwards. Ascending slowly he made his way up the spiral staircase. The third floor was mainly empty but then again it was for special people like Seth and V.I.P.'S..... Seth strolled over to an empty table away from everyone else and sat... He sat and waited, for what though is not quite known.
  25. Pyro was the last one to enter king colds mighty ship. Though he was still the weakest of the group he still had more power in his left arm than the guard at the entrace of the ship had in his whole body. The guard scowled at him slightly and he paused pushing the hair back from his eyes and glaring at the guard from his dirty face. The guard just kind of stood there shocked that a filthy low class Saiyan did not fear him. Pyro only shot him a sardonistic smirk as he passed him by. The guards face flushed red with anger as he reached for his blaster from behind the last saiyans back. Pyro: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Guard: Why you insolent little. Zanitz: Hold yourself, guard. I'm sure you would not want to incur the wrath of King Cold himself which has summoned us here. The guard relaxed his grasp on the blaster but giving him a venomous stare as Pyro looked back at him. guard: I'm not through with you, scum. He merely shook his head and kept walking. Once out of sight Zanitz looks back and his eyes narrow slightly. Zanitz: Pyro, get your mangy arse up here now! Pyro walked up awaiting his rebukation from the squad leader. Zanitz: What the hell do you think you are doing? Pyro: With all due respect, sir. Just because they are elite doesn't mean I have to cower under them like a filthy dog, even if that is how they see me. I started nothing, I was just returning the look given me. Zanitz: Well you better straighten your s**t up because if you ruin this for us i'll vaporize you faster than you can say good bye. Pyro only nods slightly as he slinked back to the back of the line. He knew he deserved what he got but he did not regret it. Zanitz: Oh and Pyro. Good work. Pyro only lifted his head giving the slightest hint of a smile before dropping his head again walking behind the group.
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