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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. Name: Alriy Dellmon age: 17 # of cards in deck: 49 Millinuim item: Millenium headband.
  2. Name: Destro Catagory: Human
  3. You may play a tremere, but you may NOT be evil.. I have special plans for evilness and the tremere are actually the good guys this time.
  4. Congratulations to everyone who made it... Hopefully I'll be in next years. on another note, hey flash, have you ever thought about doing like a "real world" or "road rules" for otaku? I think it might be interesting, just increase the number of participants by a few. lol
  5. Personal opinion here.... I think that I am a great rper, but That's because i have many years of experience online and off. From 1-10 i'd give myself a 7.5. My only weak spot really is the fact that my posts aren't that long and sometimes my grammar is off. Everyone else basically put it up for what makes a good rper so I don't think i need to get into that. Some things that really erk me. 1. People playing other persons characters the wrong way. if a person is an anti social ninja he/she's not going to take their mask off and give a half hour speech. just an example, i've not actually seen that. 2. l337 5p34k in character.. that's just stupid.. if you wanna do that, do it someplace else, like on a babble forum. lol 3. people who post a 1-3 line post and actually think they did a good job. that's about it there.
  6. Pyro stood in the back. He rarely talked for he felt it not his place. He had been on of the longest standing members of the fray yet he had always been the weakest, he somehow learned to survive and that's how he earned the slightest smidgeon of respect among the rest of the group. Bishop backed up a few paces so that he was flying next to the saiyan named Pyro. He looked over the somewhat slender(compared to other saiyans) and proceeded to speak to him. Bishop: Why are you so quiet? Pyro: I speak when I am spoken to, friend Bishop. You know this. Bishop: You know you are welcome to speak your peace whenever you like. It is not like our kind to be so conservative. Pyro: I'm sorry. I just keep to myself. I guess I am not the staple example of Saiyan heritage. Bishop:(with a slight grin) It's ok, boy. Nobody is perfect. Pyro just stayed quiet from there, shaking his head a little and continuing to speed along through the air, slightly behind everyone else.
  7. A shadowed figure slowly appears through the misty surface of the murky swamp water. A cloaked being slowly drudging along inside of a wide, flat bottomed boat. Charon, the ferryman who at any normal time would carry souls from purgatory across the river styx into the land of the dead. However, every century when castlevania appears in this world, Charon follows with it to ferry brave souls who wish to face the master vampire Dracula and send him into the abyss for another century. Alucard looked at the man and smirked slightly stepping once apon the seemingly rotted wood of the boat, knowing that it is as solid and steady as the day the boat was made many eons ago. His eyes met the spirits sockets as he spoke. "It has been a long time ferryman." "Yes, yes it has young master. Have you come to join our cause once again?" "No, Charon. I am not. I am here to end my fathers existance once and for all..... hopefully." His words had a tinge of uncertainty and he knew Charon sensed that because he heard the wicked hiss of a laugh that escaped the ghouls ghastly pale lips. As they dissappeared into the mist he felt his skin prick for as soon as the shore came out of view he saw the gate to the courtyard of the floating castle. They slowly came to a stop at the front gate and entranceway and he got off. his voice filled with venom as he speaks to Charon. "I will return when finished, then i will deal with you." turning around, however, he found noone. with narrowed eyes he turned and walked into the courtyard of castlevania. _____________________________ Alucard accepts a challange from sonic and knuckles to battle in the SSB arena. OOC: now we just need 1 more person.
  8. Class: self serving(good with evil methods) Race: Vampire Name: Matthias Age: 89years (appears 21) Appearance: Six feet tall, shoulder lenght black hair, piercing black eyes. Always dresses in nice clothing. Bio: I'll get back to you on that. Personality: Very arrogant and somewhat rude except to beautiful women which he is very kind to. He hates to get dirty and is somewhat fearful of dirt and such but is very good at hiding it. Class: Good Race: Human Name: William Age: 19 Appearance: Six feet tall with short curley blonde hair and blue eyes. Almost always wears casual clothing. Bio: Grew up all his life in London and now he's a freshman in college studying mythology and demonology. Personality: Friendly yet a bit eccentric.
  9. Alucard took a deep breath. One of the signs that he was at least still mostly alive, a quality he gave thanks to his mother for. With his last moments rest he prepared himself mentally to once again face the horrors he did one century earlier. Standing he left the tent and other minor things behind him for he knew that he didn't need them and they would only encumber him. The forest was quiet... almost too quiet. He walked down the barely trodden path making very little sound, his hand always on his sword. An almost in audible sound in the woods to his left causes him to pause and consider his actions. He turned slowly to face the noise just as a huge bipedal wolf creature leaped from the shelter of the foliage. At the last moment his body kicked into vampiric speed and dashing to the side. He dodged the attacked, or so he thought. As his body slowed from blurred movement he felt the tinge of pain from his body. Looking down to his arm he witnessed the marks of claws from the creature. His eyes glowed red for a moment as he willed the wounds to close then glared at the lupine monster. "You will pay with your worthless life for that." The creature howled again and attacked but this time he was ready for it. The creature crossed it's arms inward in an attempt to rend his chest asunder but alucard deftly ducked the attack and rose up drawing his sword cutting clean through the center of the monster dividing it's body clean in two pieces. The fallen creature was then a small feast for alucard for he had not fed in over a century and he needed all the strength he could muster for the coming battles. After cleaning himself and his blade he continued to the edge of the lake awaiting the arrival of the ferryman charon to take him to the entrance of the dreaded Castlevania.
  10. OOC Note: Noone knows or can tell IC that Percival is ACTUALLY evil. He has the same goal as everyone else in a way. Percival stared up at the ominous structure of castlevania before him. His hand on his whip and sword he entered the forest to slay the one who thought was in control of him. A decade in the past he felt the pull of evil and gave in to promises of power and control. Now the demons within him conspire against the lord of darkness, Dracula, and plan to take his power for their own using any means necessary. "The time has come monster, your end is now and your power will be mine!" he drew his sword and walked into the fortress of horrors. The courtyard was suprisingly lush with life, though not the life one would want to see. flesh eating grass, Giant carnivorous venus traps and razorleaf bushes. He paused and thought about how he would get through this predicament unharmed.
  11. Name: Pyro Age: Appears 25 Saiyan Lvl.: 1 Weapon : A blade formed out of his own ki(works much like a lightsaber in cutting ability). Bio:Pyro was born to a strong couple about 8 years ago, both is mother and his father are third class saiyans. When they shipped him off as an infant the sent him to a planet that was mostly jungle... The sentient inhabitants were still in their tribal stages of civilization but were undoubtably strong as far as the physical aspect of things went. He was found and raised until of course the first full moon on the planet(which happens ever 2 years because of the size and distance of the planet from that systems sun. So Pyro was about 3 years old by the time he witnessed his first full moon, killed his adopted family and the entire tribe he was "a part of" as well as a large part of the surrounding area. For the next 3 years he had to survive on his own on this tropical dustball killing and eating the wild and sometimes sentient animals of the planet for his food and building a shelter for himself from the thick durable wood of the trees of the planet. Finally upon the eave of his seventh birthday(which he didn't know what his birthday was of course.) A ship landed and several men and women came out looking just like he did. This both excited and frightened him for he never seen such large men and women in his life... They took him in and brought him back to Vegetasei where he was taught the language(which he picked up quite quickly for some reason) and his classes.... the only time when he wasn't in his classes was when he was eating or sleeping. Pyro was always a hard worker and beat himself into the ground to succeed where others have failed. Now he wishes to show his parents and the rest of his race how valuable he can be. Description: Think classic saiyan... Big bulky body black hair and black thick pointy hair. scars alll along his arms and legs and chest from his many battles.
  12. name: Percival Belmont age: 25 appearance: "Percy" has Long blonde/brown hair with grey lockes. His blue eyes have a piercing glare. He is very tall standing at about six feet and one inch. His body is not quite as muscular as some of his ancestors but he is much more agile. bio: Born from a clan outcast Darian Belmont and Penelope Deveroux, a brothel woman in paris, Percival grew up never knowing his father so he was never aware of his destiny of being a vampire hunter. When castlevania returned to this realm and the disease spread through the belmont clan like the black plague he was able to escape death merely by ignorance, though as the last belmont died the entire focus of the plague fell upon Percival. Unfortunately the illness of the palgue had gone stale and only the demons remained. All of which entering his body and subsuming his spirit. He now is no longer who he was but a shell housing an army of demons. Demons whose only goal is the destruction and absorbtion of the powers of the lord of darkness, Dracula. weapons: Belmont Whip, Belmont Sword, Cross(inverted), abilities: Enhanced Physical Abilities, Demonic powers, Psychic abilities.
  13. The sky over the western continent of the gaming world darkens, casting an ominous shadow over much of the landmass. An unholy chill breeze picks up causing animals to run in fear from the scent of the ultimate predator. Even the sentient life of the surrounding areas experience a feeling of unrest. The sky above the forest appears to give off a rippling effect. The thin void that seperates this reality and that of "beyond" wears near the point of breaking. At first only a mere shadow is seen phasing into reality, however, it only takes a few moments for the full evil glory of Castlevania to shine through. Hovering a good distance above a mysterious forest every window throughout the castle seems to glow with an erie light as hordes upon armies of bats lift into the air flying towards the castle nearly blacking out the sky. Deep within the most secret regions of the castle a being's spirit awakens. A warlock capable of the most horrible and dangerous ritual spell ever. This man was Kaine, the lost disciple of the previous wizard who ressurected Dracula last. Immediately he began to draw upon the dark powers of the castle to achieve his goal, ressurecting the castles monsters first to build the castles magical power. ________________________________________________ Else where in Transylvania, deep below the earth in a natural cave. A man sleeps. No... Not a man, much more than that and yet so much less. This man was very special. His story was a secret one, nobody knew much about this man. As a matter of fact, his existance were more of a myth than anything. He had been sleeping many a year and had drifted more into myth and legend. This mystery man was Alucard Tepes, the one son of the mythical Dracula. He had planned to rest for an eternity, away from the world of mortals for he thought his bloodline cursed. He didn't plan on the ressurection of castlevania once more though... Feeling the pain in his soul surge with the appearance of Castlevania his eyes shot open and he growled out with red glowing eyes. "father..." He shot up snatching up his sword and whip and walked toward the tunnel that leads out of the cave structure. He walked with a menacing pace, his eyes narrowed. He couldn't believe that he hadn't succeeded last time in ridding the world of Dracula and his pawns forever. He sheathed his sword and strapped the whip to his side as he travelled up and out of the cave entrance which was concealed by two large bushes easily covering up the entire entrance hole. His journey had begun, little did he know it would be the most dangerous affair he had ever engaged in. It took him several days to reach the outlining forest beneath castlevania but he walked on without eating or sleeping until he reached the forest. there he rested, for only one day however. He knew that he would need it if he were going to succceed in defeating the dark lord, dracula.... His father.
  14. Alright, I've decided to join if I'm still allowed. :) Character Name: Alucard Tepes Reason Chosen: I'm a huge fan of the Castlevania series and I am very into the entire vampire culture so I'm very knowledgable to the ways of the undead as well as the castlevania series in itself. Overall it would give me a chance to prove my abilities to my peers in OB and give me a good challange to live up to the CV name. Knowledge of Character: As I said before, I've played every castlevania game and feel almost as if I've known Alucard quite a time. I feel i can play the character up to ones expectations. Starting location: Transylvania.
  15. Now this is an interesting game concept that I have never tried before and I'm not sure how many people will like it. Basically you can make any character type you want. However, when it is finished and everyone is ready to start each person will choose another players character(first come first serve basis) and instead of playing their own character they will play the character they have chosen from their respective others. The world is basically one where everything and anything can and does exist. Dragons battle gundams and ninjas ride super-bikes. Psionics and Magic are a commonplace thing in this world. The planet itself is HUGE with a plethora of continants, Islands and secret "realms" to explore. The known world is ruled by a human male named Xavier PenMuth III, he attained the realm after his mother, father and 4 brothers died "mysteriously" within a course of 3 years. He is a ruthless man and many an innocent soul has been put to death for resisting his rule. He is guarded closely by his personal royal elite guard consisting of four men and a woman. Ikthak, a lizard man dragoon with a mithril pike; Damien Skull, a Death Knight with very disturbing abilities; Fenn Linn, An oriental swordsman trained in the Daisho(2 sword) technique; Uld Pheran, A wizard and his royal advisor his full power is unknown even to Xavier; and finally Daria, a fallen angel which he overcame and soul bound to himself forcing it to serve his will for eternity. All of the other "rulers" before him have been conquered, those who have surrendered were allowed nobility status and allowed to own their land to an extent, those who did not, were murdered brutally. Those who surrendered were the other humans, the lizardmen, the elve's, the gnomes, and the intelligent undead. He has called a truce with the dragonkind and the AI(sentient machines) though they neither serve the king nor war with him, they recognize their own agendas and leave them be. Well that's about all we need to know about the world in itself. Here is everything you need to know about the character sheet. -Name -Nickname-(if applicable) -Age -Race only restrictions is no full blooded gods. lol. -Class(es)-2 classes, a main and a secondary -Physical Desc. -Personality-Try to go indepth here -Class Abilities -Magic Types-Max 4 if magic-type class, 2 if Suto(magi-warrior), 1 if non magic classed. -Spells-2 spells per magic type. -Psionic Abilities-8 powers if psi-classed, 1 power if not psi classed -Special Abilities/Traits -Strong Attributes -Weak Attributes -Weaknesses-(you are expected to have at least one unless you make a generally weaker character.) Equipment(don't go overboard and explain where all your equipment is going to be... don't expect to be able to hold a paragraphs worth of equipment on just your body unless it's all really tiny stuff. With that done I hope I get a lot of sign ups! I'll be taking a max of 8 applications, more are accepted gratiously and I will decide who is in and who is out when teh sign up is finished. Happy typing!
  16. For those of you who have played the game, please feel free to share what you think of it. What did you like most about the game? What did you like least? Who was your favorite character(s). What discrepencies did you find between the games viewpoints and the actual belief structure of Norse Mythology. Come! Share your thoughts with me!
  17. Geos looked at Geinudo and the words came thick from his being, magically projected since he has no mouth in this form. Geos: Show off... His voice alone could tell that he was snickering on the inside... Geinudo's only response is a shadowed smirk. Geos stood silently awaiting the rest of the groups transformations.
  18. Balthazar looked at Aerin and Uthwine and sighed slightly reaching for his own staff. Upon curling the fingers around it's base the deep bass like words seemed to leave his mouth, words to a chant that he did not know himself. Balthazar: Avatar of Gaia rise up and give me your strength! Terrestrial Transmogrification! As he spoke almost seemingly as if on que the geode atop his earthen staff shattered into dust and rock pieces, the Rock pieces and dust surrounding his body as his eyes close. There is a deep rumbling beneath the earth as the dirt, rocks and debris rises from the ground and colliding with his body forming into the large stone structure.. His body gaining about 4 feet and ALOT of mass as the transformation completes. Standing where he was is now a huge Rock Golem looking creature.
  19. Alright, I'll give the sign up 7 more days.... The 3 that signed up are in i'll take 3 more sign ups before I start the RPG.
  20. Ok, I just figured that a 6ft barbarian didn't sound right... 6ft tall it is.. *nodnodnod* Just as long as I get to play. lol
  21. Real Name Balthazar Drem Element Name Geos Element Earth Descript-A mountain of a man Balthazar stands at a high six feet eleven inches tall and over five hundred pounds of pure muscle. He wears no armor excluding the huge spiked shoulder pads he has always on. He has short black hair and Piercing blue eyes. Elemental Descript-A huge 10 foot tall stone golem weighing well over a half a ton. No discernable facial features or mouth thus he cannot communicate in this form. He has no special powers within this form other than immense strenght and endurance as long as he touches the ground and complete control over the element of earth. Staff Descript-A naturally formed rod of pure granite with a cracked geode resting atop of it. Summon Phrase-Avatar of Gaia rise up and give me your strength! Terrestrial Transmogrification! Summon Scene-Balthazar raises his staff with one hand into the air as he calls for the summoning spell and the geode atop it shatters covering him with the glittery dust and rock within... As it appears magnitized somehow the very ground itself rips up from the ground, hardens to rock and transforms his body into Geos. Weapon-A two handed war maul.
  22. Potence: Vampires endowed with this Discipline possess preternatural strength. Potence enables a vampire to leap tremendous distances, lift massive weights and strike opponants with terrifying force. Even the lowest ranks of this power gift the kindred with physical might beyond mortal bounds. More powerful immortals have been known to leap so far they appear to be flying, toss cars aside like tin cans, and punch through concret as if it were cardboard. While the mental Disciplines are awe-inspiring, Potence's brute effectivenes is formiddable in it's own right. *-*****:As Celerity and Fortitude. The more skilled you are, the stronger your supernatural strength is increasing the amount of damage you do and how far you can jump. Presense: This is the Discipline of Supernatural attraction. Kindred who develop presense can inspire zealous ferver, devoted passion or unspeakable terror in mortal and immortal alike. This subtle power is one of the most useful Disciplines a vampire can have. *Awe: Awe amplifies the sublime magnetism this Discipline gives the vampire. Those near the vampire suddenly desire to be closer to her and are very receptive to her point of view. Awe is extremely useful for mass communication. It matters little what is said - the hearts of those afeected lean toward the vampire's opinion. The weak want to agree with her; even if the strong-willed resist, they soon find themselve's outnumbered. Awe can turn a chancy deliberation into a certain resolution in the vampire's favor almost before her opponants know that the tide has turned. **Dread Gaze: While all kindred can frighten others by physically revealing their true vampiric natures - baring claws and fangs, glaring with malevolance, hidding loudly with malice - this power focuses these elements to insanely terrifying levels. Dread Gaze engenders unbearable terror in its victims, stupefying them into madness, immobility or reckless flight. Even the most stalward individual will fall back from the vampire's horrific visage. ***Entrancement: This power bends others' emotions, making them the vampire's willing servants. Due to what these individuals see as true and enduring devotion, they heed the vampire's every desire. Since this is done willingly out of love (albeit a perversion of it) instead of through sapping the subjects' wills, these servants retain their creativity and individuality. ****Summon: This impressive power enables the vampire to call to hersoelf any person whom she has ever met. This call can go to anyone, mortal or supernatural, across any distance in the physical world. The subject of the summons comes as fast as he is able, possibly without even knowing why. He knows intuitively how to find his summoner - even if the vampire moves to a new location, the subject redirects his ouwn course as soon as he can. After all, he's coming to the vampire herself, not some predetermined site. *****Majesty: At this stage, the vampire can augment her supernatural mien a thousandfold. The attractive become paralyzingly beautiful; the homely become hideously demonic. Majesty inspires universal respect, devotion, fear - or all these emotions at once - in those around the vamprie. The weak scramble to obey her every whim, even the most dauntless find it almost impossible to deny her. Protean- This Discipline allows the vampire to manipulate his physical form. Some kindred view this power as a heightened connection to the natural world, while others see it as a magnification of the mark of Caine. Whatever its basis, vampires who develop this Discipline can grow bestial claws, assume the forms of wolve's and bats, transform into mist and meld into the earth. *Eyes of the Beast-The vampire sees perfectly well in pitch darkness, not requiring a light source to notice details even in the darkest basement or cave. The vampires Beast is evident in his red glowing eyes, a sight sure to disturb most mortals. **Feral Claws-The vampires nails transform into long bestial claws. These talons are wickedly sharp, able to rend flesh with ease and even carve stone and metal with little trouble. The Beast is prominant in the claws as well, making them fearsome weapons against other immortals. It's rumored that some Gangrel have modified this power to change their vampiric fangs into vicious tusks. ***Earth Meld: One of the most prized powers the gangrel possess, Earth Meld enables the vampire to become one with the earth. The immortal literally sinks into the bare ground, transmuting his substance to bond with the earth. ****This endows the vampire with the legendary ability to transform into a wolf or bat. A kindred changed in this way is a particularly imposing representitive of the animal kingdom. Indeed, he is far superior to normal animals, even ones possessed by Sumbsume the Spirit. He retains his own psyche and temperament, but can still call upon the abilities of teh beast form - increased senses for the wolf and flight for the bat. Some vampires are reputed to change into other animal forms better suited to their environment. *****Mist form: This truly unsettling power enables the vampire to turn into mist. His physical shape disperses into a hazy cloud, but one still subject entirely to the immortal's will. He floats at a brisk pace and my slip under doors, through screens, down pipes and through other tiny openings. Although strong winds can blow the vampire from his chosen course, even hurricane-force winds cannot dispers his mist shape. Quietus: The Discipline of silent death, is practiced by the assassins of Clan Assamite. Using the principles of poison, vitae control and pestilence, this blood based discipline focuses on the destruction of it's target through varying means. Quietus does not always cause a "quick" death; the Assassins rely upon its secret lethality to hide their involvement with their victims. *Silence of Death: Many Assamites claim never to have heard their targets' death screams. Silence of Death imbues the Assamite with a mystical silence that radiates from her body muting all noise within a certain vicinity. No sound occurse inside this zone, though sounds originating outside the area of effect may be heard by anyone in it. Rumors abound of certain skilled Assamite viziers who have the ability to silence a location rather than a circumference that follows them, but no proof of this has been forthcoming. **Scorpion's Touch: By changing the properties of her blood, an Assamite may create powerful venom that strips her prey of his resiliance. This power is greatly feared by other kindred, and all manner of hideous tales concerning methods of delivery circulate among trembling coterie's. Assamites are known to dliver the poison by coating their weappons with it. blighting their opponants with a touch, or spitting it like a cobra. ***Dagon's Call: This terrible and recently rediscovered power allows an assamite to drown her target in his own blood. By concentrating, the Assamite bursts her targets bloodvessels and fills his lungs with vitae that proceeds to strangle him from within. The blood actually constricts the targets body from the inside as it floods through his system; thus, it works even on unbreathing kindred. Until the target collapses on the ground in agotny or death throes, this power has not visible effect, and many assamites prefer it because it leaves no trace of their presense. ****Baal's Caress: The Penultimate use of blood as a weapon, Baal's Caress allows the Assamite to stransmute her blood into a virulent ichor that destroys any living or undead flesh it touches. *****Taste of Death: A refinement of Baal's Caress, Taste of Death allows the Assamite to spit caustic blood at her target. The blood coughed forth with this power burns flesh and corrodes bone; some Assamites have been reported to vomit voluminous streams of vitae that reduce their targets to heaps of sludge. Serpentis: Serpentis is the legacy of Set, his gift to his children. The Followers of Set carefully guard this Discipline's secrets, teaching the reptilian art only to those they deem worthy(almost NEVER outsiders). Most Cainites fear the setites purely because of this Discipline, the way of the serpent and the tempter. Serpentis can evoke an almost primordial fear in others, particularly those who recall the tale of Eden. After all, hiss the Setites, the serpent was an evil older than Caine himeself. *The Eyes of the Serpent: This power grants the setite the legendary hypnotic gaze of the serpent. The Setite's eyes become gold with large black irises, the mortals in the character's vicinity find themselve's strangely attracted to him. A mortal who meets the vampire's beguiling gaze is immobilized. Until the vampire takes his eyes off his mortal victim, the person is frozen in place. **The Tongue of the Asp: The Setite may lengthen her tongue at will, splitting it into a fork like that of a serpent. The toungue may reach 18inches and makes a terrifyingly effective weapon in close combat. ***The Skin of the Adder: By calling upon her Blood, the vampire may transform her skin into a Mottled scaly hide. A vampire in this form becomes more supple and flexible. ****The Form of the Cobra: The Setite may change his form into that of a huge black cobra. The serpent weighs about as much as the vampire's human form, stretches over 10 feet long, and is as thick as a womans thigh. Form of the Cobra grants several advantages, including a venemous bite, the ability to slither through small holes, and a greatly enhanced sense of smell. The character may use any Disciplines while in this for save those that require hands. *****The heart of darkness: Setites with mastery of Serpentis may pull her heart from her body. She can even use this ability on other Cainites though this requires several hours of gruesome surgery. Only the new nmoon, the invisible moon, may grant this power success. If performed under any other moon the rite fails. Upon removing her heart, the setite places it in a small clay urn, and then carefully hides or burie's the urn. She cannot be staked by any wood that pierces her breast, and finds it easier to resist frenzy. The heart is the seat of emotion, after all. Thaumaturgy: See necromancy. Vicissitude: This is the signature power of the Tzimisce and is almost unknown outside the clan. Similar in some respects to Protean, Vicissitude allows the Feinds to shape and sculpt their own and others flesh and bone. When a Tzimisce uses Vicissitude to alter humans, ghouls and vampires of higher generation, the effects of the power are permenant; vampires of equal or lower generation may heal the effects of Vicissitude as though they were aggravated wounds. *Malleable Visage: A vampire with this power may alster her own bodily perameters: height, build, voice, facial features, and sink tone, among other things. Such changes are cosmetic and minor in scope - no more than a foot of height cained or lost, for example. She must physically mold the alteration, literally shaping her flesh into the desired result. **Fleshcraft: This power is similar to the first, above, but allows the vampire to perform drastic grotesque alterations on other creatures. Tzimisce often use this power to transform their servitors into monstrous guards, the better to frighten foes. Anything but bone, may be transformed. ***Bonecraft: This terrible power allows a vampire to manipulate bone in the same mannar that flesh is shaped. In conjunction with fleshcraft, above, this power enables a Vicissitude practitioner to deforem a victim (or herself) beyond recognition. This power should be used in conjunction with the flesh shaping arts, unless the vampire wants to inflict injury on the victim. ****Horrid Form: The Tzimisce use this power to become hideous monsters; naturally, this provides great advantages in combat. The vampire's stature increases to a full eight feet; the skin becomes a sickly greenish-grey or greyish-black chitin; the arms become apelike and ropy, tipped with ragged black nails; and the face warps into something out of a nightmare. A row of spines sprouts from the vertebrae, and the external carapace exudes a foul-smelling grease. *****Blood Form: A vampire with this power can physically transform all or part of her body into sentient vitae. This blood is in all respects identical to the vampire's normal vitae; she can use it to nurish herself and others, create ghouls, or establish blood bonds. If all this blood is imbibed or otherwise destroyed, the vampire meets Final Death. Now at the end of my Explanation of the gameworld in general, I will now give you the details on the character sheet. Character Bio Name Age(apparent and actual) note: Age is power so please have your character not be older than 120yrs. Physical description Clan Generation-(14-8th gen... the lower you are the more powerful.) Haven Personality Background Character ablilities(You get 15points to distribute among the groupage Max score of 5) Physical Social Mental Willpower Note: Your attractiveness is your social plus one half your physical.. AKA appearance=5 for Seth. Disciplines(Four dots in disciplines are allowed to your character). 1. 2. 3. Not that difficult yes? Here is My character. Character Bio Name: Seth Brennon Age(appears 19 is actually 76yrs old) Physical description Approximately five feet and nine inches tall one hundred and fifty-five pound with dark brown almost black hair and steel grey eyes. His body is well proportioned and toned yet not muscular. He normally wears nicer clothing such as khakis and polo shirts... He's got the classic ventrue superiority syndrome of course but it's not nearly as much as it is with most of his clan. Clan: Ventrue Generation-(14-8th gen... the lower you are the more powerful.) Haven-His haven rests in a penthouse in downtown New York city. It is a spacious 2 bedroom loft apartment on the top of a high rise residential building. Personality-Very laid back and easy to get along with but does at like a pretentious ******* everyonce in a while. He's always up for a good laugh as long as it's at someone else's expense. Background-He grew up in NYC a child of the city he loves everythign about it. His mother was a successful surgeon and his father a wealthy stock broker in wallstreet when he was alive. After graduating law school at a very young age he caught the eye of a newly eldered vampire and was brought into the World of Darkness under his guidance and converted into the agressive night shift prosecutor in NYC. Character ablilities Physical 2 Social 4 Mental 5 Willpower 4 Note: Your attractiveness is your social plus one half your physical.. AKA appearance=5 for Seth. Disciplines 1. Dominate * 2. Fortitude ** 3. Presense *
  23. With the clans and sects out of the way I can now continue on to an explanation of teh vampire disciplines. Animalism: The beast resides in all creatures, from lice-ridden rats to powerful kindred elders. The Discipline of Animalism allws the vampire to develop a close intense connection with his primordial nature. He not only communicates empathically with the lower beasts, but also projects his own force of will upon them directing the animals to do his bidding. Additionally, as the vampire grows stronger, he can use Animalism to control the Beast within mortals and even other supernaturals. *Feral whispers: This power is the basis from which all other Animalism abilities grow. The vampire creates an empathic connection with a beast thereby allowing him to communicat or issue simple commands. The kindred locks eyes with the animal, transmitting his desires through sheer force of will. Although it is not necessary to "speak" in chirps, hisses or barks, some vampires find that in doing so helps strenghten the connection with the animal. Eye contact must be maintained the entire time; if it's broken, the kindred must look into the beast's eyes again to regain contact. **Beckoning: The vampires connection to the Beast grows strong enough that he may call out in the voice of a specific type of animal - howling like a wolf, cawing like a raven, etc. This call mystically summons creatures of the chosen type. Since each type of animal has a different call, Beckoning only works on a single species at a time. ***Quell the Beast: As the Supreme predators of teh natural world, kindred are highly attuned to the bestial nature that dwells within every mortal heart. A vampire who develops this power may assert his will over a mortal (animal or human) subject, subduing the Beast within her. This quenches all powerful, assertive emotions - hope, fury, inspiration - within the target. The kindred must either touch his subject or star into her eyes to channel his will effectively. ****Subsume the Spirit: By locking his gaze with that of a beast the vampire may psychically possess the animal. Some older kindred believe that since hanimals have no souls, only spirits, the vampire can move his own soul into the animals body. Most younger vampires think it's a matter of transferring one's consciousness into the animals mind. In either case, it's agreed that the beast's weaker spirit(or mind) is pushed aside by the kindred's own consciousness. The vampire's body falls into a motionless state akin to torpor while his mind takes control of teh animal's actions, remaining this way until the kindred's consciousness returns. *****Drawing out the Beast: At this level of Animalism, the kindred has a keen understanding of the Beast Within. Whenever this predator spirit threatens to overwhelm the vampire's soul and send him into frenzy, hey may instead release his feral urges upon another creature. The recipient of the vampire's Beast is instantly overcome by frenzy. This is an unnatural frenzy, however, the vampire's own behavior, expressions and even speech patterns are evident in the subject's savage actions. Auspex: This Discipline bestows uncanny sensory abilitie's upon the vampire. While Auspex initially heightens all of the kindreds senses significantly, that is merely the beginning. As she grows in power, the vampire can perceive the psychic aura's that flow around her and even project her mind into another beings thoughs. Furthermore, Auspex can pierce the disguises that Obfuscate creates. *Heightened Senses: This power sharpens all of the vampire's senses, effectively doubling the clarity and range of sight, hearing, and smell. While her senses of taste and touch extend no farther than normal, they likewise bbecome far more acute; the vampire could taste the hint of liquor in a victim's blood, or feel the give of the board concealing a hollow space in teh floor. The kindred may magnify her senses at will, sustaining this heightened focus for as long as she desires. **Aura Perception: Using this power, the vampire can perceive the psychic "auras" that radiate from mortals and supernatural beings alike. These halos comprise a shifting series of colors that take practice to discern with clarity. Even the simplest individual has many shifting hues within his aura; strong emotions predominate, while momentary impressions or deep secrets flash through in streaks and swirls. ***The Spirit's Touch: When someone handles an object for any length of time, he leaves a psychic impression on the item. A vampire with this level of Auspex can "read" these sensations, learning who handled the object, when he last held it and what was done with it recently. ****Telepathy: The vampire projects a portion of her consciousness into a nearby mortals mind, creating a mental link through which she can communicate wordlessly or even read the target's deepest thoughts. The kindred "hears" in her own mind the thoughs plucked from a subject as if they were spoken to her. *****Psychic Projection: The kindred with this awesome ability projects her senses out of her physical shell, stepping from her body as an entity of pure thought. The vampire's astral form is immune to physical damage and fatigue, and can "fly" with blinding speed anywhere across the earth - or even underground - so long as she remains below the moons orbit. Celerity: The Embrace gifts some vampires with startling speed and reflexes. They can use Celerity to move with amazing speed and swiftness in times of stress. Mortals and even kindred lacking this discipline move as if in slow motion compared to the astonishing blur the vampire becomes. *-*****: Each level you place within this power you become faster for a longer amount of times, in effect you would be able to act that many more times before a vampire without celerity would be able to react. Chimestry: The Ravnos are heirs to a legacy of illusion, and none can say exactly why. The elders of the clan, when properly approached, speak cryptically of "ghuls" and rakshasas, and the shapeshifting antics of their Antediluvian founder are the subject of many a dark campfire tale among the clan. But whatever the source, the nomadic Ravnos have a potent weapon in teh form of their Discipline of Chimistry. *Ignis Fatuus: The vampire may conjure a minor, static mirage that confounds one sense. For instance, he may evoke a sulfurous stench, the image of a curtain, or the feel of raw silk. Note that although tactile illusions can be felt, they have no real substance; an invisible but tactile wall cannot confine anyone, and invisible razor-wire causes no real damage. **Fata Morgana: The Cainite may now create illusions that appeal to all the senses, although they remain static. For example, the vampire could throw a mirage over a dank basement, making it appear to be a sumptuous boudoir, although she could not create flickering candles or a flowing fountain. Again the dweomer has no solid presense although it's easy enough to make a filthy matress on two saw horses feel like a four-poster bed. ***Apparition: Not really a power unto itself, Apparition allows a vampire to give motion to an illusion created with the first two powers. Thus the Ravnos could create the illusion of a living being, running water, fluttering drapes or a roaring fire. ****Permenancy: This power, also used in conjunction with the first two powers, allows a mirage to persist even when the vampire cannot see it. In this way, Ravnos can cloak thier temporary havens in false trappings of luxury, or ward off tresspassers with illusory guard dogs. *****Horrid Reality: Rather than create simple illusions, the vampire can now project hallucinations directly into a victims mind. The target of these illusions believes completely that the images are real; a hallucinatory fire can burn him, an imaginary noose can strangle him, and an illusory wall can block him. This power affects only one person at a time; although other people can try to convince the victim that his terrors are not real, he won't believe them. Dementation: The special legacy of the Malkavian clan, Dementation allows the vampire to channel madness, focus it, and pour it into the minds of those around him. Though in former nights this power was practiced by Malkavians of the Sabbat, in recent years it has spread throughout the clan. Some kindred speculate that this "infection" might be yet another move in the Jyhad; a few vampires, of particularly paranoid bent, even whisper that the Malkavians will be the harbingers of the final nights. *Passion: The vampire may stir his victims emotions, either heightening them to a fevered pitch or blunting them until the target is completely desesnsitized. The Caininte may not choose which emotion is effected; she may only amplify or dull emotions alredy present in the target. In this way, a vampire can turn a mild irritation into a frothing rage or a dull true love into casual intrest. **The Haunting: The vampire may stir the sensory centers of his victim's brain, flooding the victim's senses with visions, sounds, scents, or feelings that aren't really there. The images regardless of the sense to which they appeal are only fleeting "glimpses," barely perceptible to the victim. The vampire using Dementation cannot control what the victim percieves, but may choose which sense is effected. ***Eyes of Chaos: This power allows a vampire to take advantage of the fractured wisdom hidden in insanity. She may scrutinize the "Patterns" of a persons soul, the convolutions of a vampire's inner nature, or even random events in nature itself. The kindred with this power can discern the most well-hidden psychoses, or gain insight into a person's true self. Malkavians with this power often have (or claim to have) knowledge of the moves and countermoves of the great Jyhand. ****Voice of Madness: By merely addressing his victims aloud, the Malkavian can drive targets into fits of blind rage or fear, forcing tehm to abandon reason and higher thought. Victims are plagued by hallucinations of their subconscious demons, and try to flee or destroy their hidden shames. Tragedy almost always follows in the wake of this power's use, although offending Malkavians often claim that they were merely encouraging people to act "according to their natures." Unfortunately for the vampire concerned, he runs a very real risk of falling prey to his own voice's power. *****Total Insanity: The vampire pulls the madness from the deepest recesses of thier targets mind, focusing it into an overwhelming waves of insanity. This power has driven countless victims, vampire and mortal alike, to unfortunate ends. Dominate: This Discipline involves influencing the very thoughts and actions of others through the vampire's own force of will. Use of Dominate requires that the kindred capture his victim's eye; as such it may be used against only a single target at a time. The extent of this control depends on the particular power being applied. *Command: The vampire locks yes with the subject and speaks a one-word command whih must be obeyed instantly. The order must be clear and straightforward - run, cough, fall, yawn, jump, laugh, sneeze, belch, stop, follow. If the command is at all confusing or ambiguous, the subject my respond slowly to perform the task poorly. The subject cannot be ordered to do something directly harmful to himself, so a command like "die" is innefective. **Mesmerize: With this power, a vampire can verbally implant a fals thought or hypnotic suggestion in the subjects subconscious mind. Both kindred and target must be free from distraction, since mesmerize requires intense concentration and precise wording to be effective. The vampire may activate the imposed thought immediately or establish a stimulus that will trigger it later. The victim must be able to understand the vampire, although the two need to maintain eye contact only as long as it takes to implant the idea. ***The Forgetful Mind: After capturing the subject's gaze, the vampire delves into the subject's memorie's, stealing or re-creating them at his whim. The Forgetful Mind does not allow for telepathic contact; the kindred operates much like a hypnotist, asking directed questions and alsteration depends on what the vampire desires. He may alter the subject's mind only slightly- quite effective for eliminating memmories of the victim meeting or even being fed upon by the vampire - or utterly undo the victim's memorie's of her past. ****Conditioning: Through sustained manipulation, the vampire can make a subject more pliant to the kindred's will. Over time, the victim becomes increasingly susceptile to the vampire's influence while simultaneously growing more resistant to the corrupting efforts of other immortals. Gaining complete control over a subject's mind is no small task, taking weeks or even month's to accomplish. *****Possession: At this level of Dominate, the force of the kindred's psyche is such that it can utterly supplant the mind of a mortal subject. Speaking is not required, although the vampire must capture the victims gaze. During the psychic struggle, the contestants' eyes are locked on one another. Fortitude: All vampires posses a preternatural constitution that makes most normal damage inconsequential. Fortitude bestows a resiliance and vigor far beyond even normal vampire thoughness. Kindred with this power ignore the mightiest punches and barely feel the hails of bullets. This Discipline also helps protect against sources of damage even vampires fear, such as sunlight, fire, and terminal falls. *-*****: Once again like Celerity, the more levels you have in this power, the more damage you are able to take without being effected. Necromancy: If you want to play a Giovanni, you are expected to already know how Necromancy works according to the book because I'm not going to go into the details of all the paths and rituals. Obfuscate: This uncanny power enables Kindred to conceal themselve's from other's sight. By simply wishing to remain unseen, a vampire can disappear, even if he stands in full view of a crowd. The immortal doesn't actually become invisible; he simply deludes any observers into thinking he has vanished. Additional uses of Obfuscate include changing the kindred's features and concealing other people or objects. *Cloak of Shadows: At this level, the vampire must rely on nearby shadows and cover to assist in hiding his presense. He steps into an out-of-the-way, shadowed place and eases himself from normal sight. The vampire remains unnoticed as long as he stays silent, still, under some degree of cover and out of direct lighting. The immortal's concealment vanishes if he moves, attacks, or falls under direct light. Furthermore, the vampire's deception cannot stand concentrated observation without fading. **Unseen Presense: With Experience, the vampire can move around without being seen. Shadows seem to shift to cover him, and others automatically avert their gaze as he passes by. People move unconsiously to avoid contact with the cloaked creature; those with weak wills may even scurry away from the warea with unaknowledged fear. The vampire remains ignored indefinetely unless someone deliberately seeks him out or he inadvertantly reveals himself. ***Mask of a Thousand Faces: The vampire can influence the perception of others, causing them to see someone different from the immortal himself. Although the kindred's physical form does not change, any observer who cannot sense the truth sees whomever the vampire wishes her to see. ****Vanish from the Minds Eye: This potent expression of Obfuscate enables the vampire to disappear from plain view. So profound is this vanishing that the immortal can fade away iven if he stands directly before someone. *****Cloak the Gathering: At this degree of ower, the vampire may extend his concealing abilitie's to cover an area. The immortal may use any obfuscate power upon those nearby as well as upon himself if he wishes. Obtenebration: The bailiwick of the Lasombra, the Obtenebration Discipline grants its user power over darkness. The precise nature of the "darkness" invoked is a matter of debate among the "keepers". Some believe it to be shadows, while others, perhaps more correctly, believe the power grants a kindred control over the stuff of her soul, allowing her to coax it tangibly forth. *Shadow Play: This power grants the vampire limited control over shadows and other ambient darkness. Though the vampire cannot truely "Create" darkness, she can overlap and stretch existing shadows, creating patches of gloom. This power also allows kindred to seperate shadows from their casting bodies and even shape darkness into the shadows of things that are not truely there. **Shroud of Night: The vampire can create a cloud of inky blackness. The cloud completely obscures light and even sound to some extent. Those who have been trapped within it (and survived) describe the cloud as viscous and unnerving. This physical manifestation lends credence to the tales of those Lasombra who claim that the darkness is something more than mere shadow. ***Arms of the Abyss: Refining their control over darkness, the kindred can create prehensile tentacles the emerge from patches of dim lighting, these tentacles may grasp, restrain and constrict foes. They are as strong as their master's strength+potence(if applicable) ****Black Metamorphosis: The Lasombra cals upon his inner darkness and infuses himself with it, becoming a monstrous hybrid of matter and shadow. His body becomes mottled with spots of tenebrous shade, and whispy tentacles extrude from his torso and abdomen. Though still humanoid, the Lasombra takes on an almost demonic appearance, as the dakrness within him bubbles to the surface. *****Tenebrous Form: At this level, the kindreds mastery of darkness is so extensive that she may physically "become" it. Upon activation of this power, the vampire becomes an inky, amoeboid patch of shadow. Vampires in this form are practically invulnerable and may slither through cracks and crevices. In addition, the shadow-vampire gains the ability to see in utter darkness.
  24. With the worst of it put behind me, I get to now move onto the clans of the independants, those who may or may not involve themselve's with the Jyhad and the battle with the sabbat and cammarilla but will never completely ally with either one. Assamites: From the desert wastes of the East come the Assamites, and they bring with them a miasma of terror. The Assamites are known throughout vampire society as a clan of murderous assassins, working for whoever can bpay their price. The price they charge for their work is the vitae of the other Kindred; for the Assamites, diablerie is the greatest sacrment. Assamites tend to avoid the affairs of the Cammarilla and the Sabbat, working for either or both sides in pursuit of their goals. They do circulate among sect-held citie's; other Kindred find them useful for slaying rivals, enforcing blood hunts, scoourging undesirable childer, and infiltrating rivals' power bases. However, Assamites rarely form true alliances with other kindred, for they consider other Children of Caine to be of inferior stock. Unlike other clans, the Assamites do not claim to have a founder of the third generation. Rather, they believe their founder to be a member of the SECOND generation, making all other Cainites flawed copies of themselves. Disciplines-Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus Weakness-In light of their recent circumvention of the Teremere blood-curse, the Assamites have reacquired thier appreciable tasted for vitae, particularly that of other kindred. Having been forced to rely on alchemical blood potions for much of it's modern history, the clan is easily addicted to the blood of other vampires. Quote: "Save your breath, weak one - no one will hear your screams. Now aid me on my journey back to Haqim's grace." Followers of Set: The Followers of Set, more coomonly referred to as "Setites," are mistrusted perhaps more than any other clan. Their ties with the archetypal Serpent of myth are well-known, and bolstered by their disturbing powers. They are custodians of knowledge that, according to their claims, predates even the First City. When they enter a city, the Cainite power structure almost inevitably erodes. But most unnerving of all, they share a dark and powerful faith as a clan - a faith that the blood of gods pulses in their cold veins. Of course, the clan's very name is proof of such faith. According to most Setites, their founderwas none other than the dark god of ancient Egypt, a hunter without equal in the desert night. Other tales state that set was an Antediluvian - at LEAST - who enshrined himself as a god among the Egyptians. In either case, Set's rule went unquestioned until he was challenged by a being named Osiris - whom some call a vampire, and others something else. Their war lasted for centuries, but ultimately Set was cast out of Egypt into the darkness. And yet, his followers claim, that it was in the darkness that wise ancient set began his rule in earnest. Although great Set vanished from the world, his childer work to ensure that the world will be in a suitable state for his return - advancing their own schemems in the process, of course. Clan Disciplines-Obfuscate, Presense, Serpentis Clan Weakness-The setites, as creatures of the most ancient darkness, have a severe allergy to bright lights of all sorts, and sunlight in particular. The light of the sun is almost doubly effecient to members of this clan. They also find it more difficult to function under bright artificial lighting. Quote: "Please. I'd thought you above such abysmal Judeo-Christian fallacies. 'The serpent is not to be trusted.' 'Knowledge is the source of all evil.' Why do you think parents instill such beliefs in their children - or that your sire reared you in like fashion? Why would they balk at sharing wisdom? As. You begin to understand. Would you like to sit and speak with me now?" Giovanni: The Giovanni are respectful, genteel and well-mannered. Affluent beyond imagination, Clan Giovanni traces it's roots back to before the Renaissance, to a family of merchant princes. The clan still maintains its original home in Venice, in a thousand-year-old loggia just outside of the heart of the city. No other clan makes such a spectacle of humility and propriety as does the giovanni. And no other clan hides its blasphemous secrets as well. According to tales whispered in Camarilla salons and Sabbat esbats, the Giovanni's money spoiled the family, and the Venetians turned to "nigrimancy" out of perverse boredom. Surprisingly enough, the family demonstrated a great aptitude for trafficking with the dead, and thier newfound abilities caught the eye of a forgotten antediluvian. The vampire embraced the head of the family, Agustus Giovanni, and brought him into the world of the Damned. This particular Antediluvian, the legends say, had a profound interest in death, and the embrace of Giovanni and his family was intended to further the vampires knowledge of what lay beyond the wall of mortality. Clan Disciplines-Dominate, Necromancy, Potence Clan Weakness-The Giovanni "Kiss" causes excruciating pain in mortals who recieve it. In fact, the bite of a Giovanni vampire often kills mortal victim from shock before the poor soul has a chance to die from blood loss. Quote: "Consider taking a different tone with me. You are, after all, worth as much to the Giovanni dead as you are undead." Ravnos: If ever a clan was renowned for a wickedly black sense of humor the ravnos would be that clan. These Cainites are decievers of the first order, weaving illusion and lies into elaborate schemes to part the foolish from whatever it is the Ravnos might fancy - be it wealth, blood, or even their victims freedom. Like Mephistopholes or Old Scratch, the Ravnos ply their devils deals with whomever they choose, be it human or Kindred, and woe to those who wind up unable to pay the hidden costs. Although many Ravnos see themselve's as great tricksters, the generally benevolent tricks of Coyote and Raven aren't so much their style. Instead they draw on a tradition of illusion and deciet inherited from the rakshasas and "ghuls" of the Middle and Far East. A Ravnos is a highly dangerous being with whom to sup or bargain. And THESE devils have been making their wagers and bargains for a long time indeed. Clan Disciplines-Animalism, Chimestry, Fortitude Clan Weakness-The Ravnos have induldged in their particular vices so long that they have become addicted to them. Each Ravnos has a weakness of some sort of trickery, deceit or mischief, whether it be gambling, lying, theft, blackmail or even a cleverly framed murder. It takes alot of concentration and self control to keep from indulging in thier vice when opportunity arises. Quote: "If itd been me stealing the sun, I wouldn't have given it to the humans to keep them warm. I'd have drowned it in the ocean and started buying the kine's souls by selling them fire." Caitiff: Caitiff are clanless. Be it they were abandoned just after the Embrace or their sire's were killed before they knew the truth about what they are. They have little true knowledge of their Cainite past, what they know is what they are and how they can be hurt. I apologize if this is to little information but that is basically it. Caitiff Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Potence(Default disciplines, you may choose others but for exclusive clan disciplines such as Protean, Obtenebration, Quietus, etc you better have a damn good reason why you have it). Caitiff Weakness: They are spurned by almost every clan, the only one's that welcome them are the dread Sabbat and once they join, they are never the same. Now on we move to a short explanation of the different sects. I will start with the Camarilla. The Camarilla came about in an attempt to hold vampire society together against the power of the Inquisition in the 15th century. Under it's iron guidance, the Tradition of the Masquerade grew from a cautious suggestion to the guiding principle of kindred unlife. Even today, the Camarilla concerns itself with the enforcement of the Masquerade, maintaining harmony with kindred and kine, and battling the Sabbat, which it views as its direct opponant. The Camarilla touts itself as the society of the kindred, and it is partially correct. It is the largest sect of undead on the planet. Almost any vampire, regardless of lineage, may claim membership in the Camarilla. In truth, the Camarilla asserts that all vampires are already under it's aegis, regardless of the wishes of teh vampires in question. Over the years, the sect has attempted to extend their influence over other areas of vampire life, and each time has had its hands roundly slapped for its insolence. Princes brokk no interference in the affairs of their cities, while the ancient Methuselahs scoff at the temerity of the younglings who think they can play at Jyhad. In the end, the Camarilla's influence begins and ends with protecting the masquerade and ensuring kindred-kine coexistance. THE TRADITIONS OF THE MASQUERADE 1. The Masquerade- Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing so shall renounce they claims to the blood. 2. The Domain- Thy domain is thy concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challange thy word in thy domain. 3. The Progeny- Thou shalt sire another only with the permission of thine elder. If thou createst another without thine elder's leave, both thou and thy progeny shalt be slain. 4. The Accounting- Those thy create are thine own childer. Until thy progeny shall be released, thou shalt command them in all things. Their sin's are thine to endure. 5. Hospitality- Honor one another's domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shalt present thyself to the wone who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing. 6. Destruction- Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to thine elder. Only the eldest among thee shall call the blood hunt. The Camarillas archenemy is the monstrous sect known as the Sabbat. Perceived as mindless savages and bloodthirsty feinds by the Camarilla clans alike, the Sabbat is vilified among the society of the Damned, and for good reason. They're not just the reasons other Kindred claim. while the "kindred" of the Camarilla espouse concealing themselves among the mortals and maintaining the tattered vestiges of their Humanity, the Sabbat favors a different philosophy. Not content to cower like beaten dogs from humans, nor to act as pawns in the schemes of their elders, Sabbat vampires instead prefer to revel in thier undead nature. As the Sabbat reasons, vampires are a cut above mortals, who are merely food or diversion. Isn't kindred vitae more powerful than mortal blood? Don't vampires have unnatural powers with which to assert themselves over the bovine masses? Who needs petty mortal morality when one is a blood drinking, immortal monster? The Sabbat, though, involves far more than simple "carte blanche" to behave as abominably as one chooses. Sabbat vampires are inherently alien, and their behavior reflects this. Sabbat vampires wish no place among humans or those who pretend to be humans. They loathe humankind except as sustenance, and they lack the ability to relate to vampires who cannot accept their natures. They even rebel against their own solitairy unlives, traveling in wild nomadic packs instead of eking out secretive, isolated existances. For this reason, tensions run high in the Sabbat, and the sect's surroundings often suffer for it. Cities held by the sect are some of the most violent places in existence, challenged for this dubious honor only where Sabbat and Camarilla vie for supremecy. Mexico City, Detroit, Miami, and Montreal are all under teh purview of the Sabbat. Cities in contention include New York; Washington, DC; Buffalo; and Atlanta. A city under Sabbat control or conquest is an explosive, volatile place; murders occur nightly, and rape and robbery are to be expected at every turn. In the World of Darkness, these cities have themselves grown toward the alien and away from the human, abandoned as they are to the depredations of the monsters who prowl their allyways. And last but not least, the independants. Since the close of the Middle Ages, the dangerous pavanne danced by Camarilla and Sabbat has shaped the face of Kindred society. The bloody conflict has broken millions of human lives and shaped the secret history of cities across the world. Of course, there are some clans that watch both sects leap at one another's throats in the name of the Jyhad - and prefer to have none of that, thank you very much. Although they certainly have the pedigree of true clans (as apposed to the mongrel bloodlines that occasionally surface), the four independant clans share a powerful disinclination to taking sides in the Jyhad. Of course, some of the younger members of each clan can be found in both Camarilla and Sabbat. However, elders of the independant clans plot toward other inscrutable purposes, purposes that would be delayed by such nonsense as sect allegiance.
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