Heartless Me
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First of all this RPG sign up is going to take a lot of reading and if that bothers you then this rpg probably isnot for you, second if violence, vulgarity and adult themes are not your style then once again i'd advise against signing up, with that out of the way happy reading and hope to see alot of sign ups! ^_^ BTW, this sign up will take about 3 posts for all the information so please don't hit me for spamming. lol Vampires Bloodsucking corpses from the grave to feast on the blood of the living. Monsters damned to Hell who avoid their punishment through life unlawfully stolen. Erotic predators who take thier sustenance from innocent, struggling - or, perhaps, willing? - men and women. Since time's beginning, humanity has spoken of the vampire - the undead, the demonic spirit embodied in human flesh, the corpses risen from its grave possessed of a burning hunger for warm blood. From Hungary to Hong Kong, from New Dehli to New York, people throughout the world have experienced chills of delicious terror contemplating the deeds of the night-stalking vampire. The vampire has haunted novels, stories, TV series, video games, clothing, even breakfast cereal. But these stories are myths, Right? Wrong. Vampires have walked among us from prehistoric times. They walk among us still. They have fought a great and secret war from the earliest nights of human history. And this eternal struggle's final outcome may determine humanity's future - or its ultimate damnation. Here's the lowdown on vampires. Yes, they are undead. Yes they can be hurt/killed by sunlight, fire, and a few other things. A wooden stake through the heart won't kill them but it will immobilize them. Crosses and holy water do not do anything against a vampire unless the wielder has the true faith behind their relics to back them up. There are different clans among the Vampire each with their own set of disciplines and weaknesses. Also There are several different sects of vampires that will be described either here in this sign up or in the rpg itself. The Clans of the Cammarilla are- Brujah(broojah)-Clan Brujah is largely composte of rebels, both with and without causes. Individualistic, outspoken and turbulen, Brujah hold social change near to their undead hearts, and the clan's ranks contain some of the most violent of the Cammarilla Kindred. Most other vampires percieve the Brujah as nothing more than punks and rebels, but the truth of the matter is that genuine passion lies behind their polemics. Brujah kindred adopt pet passions and casuses, which they support with volume and vitriol. Some Brujah follow charismatic members of their clan, while others prefer stances of blatant, defiant individualism. The clan claims a history rich with warrior-poets, and it has adapted this concept into the modern night; many Brujah are glad to have an opportunity to speak with their minds, then indulge in a bit of destruction afterward to illustrate their points. Disciplines-Celerity, Potence, Presense Weakness-Fiery passion is at once the brujah's blessing and curse. Though they are quick to adopt a cause, they are equally as quick to fall to frenzy. Of course the Brujah rabidly deny this penchant for excitement, and become quite hostile when the issue is raised. Quote-"Think for yourself, or your better off dead. Either way, I'M satisfied." Gangrel: Of all the vampires, the Gangrel are perhaps closest to their inner nature. These nomadic loners spurn the constraints of society, preferring the comfort of the wilderness. How they avoid the wrath of the werewolves is unknown perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Gangrel themselves are perhaps shapeshifters. When a mortal speaks of a vampire changing into a wolf or a bat, she is probably speaking of a Gangrel. Like Brujah, the Gangrel are fierce warriors; unlike the Brujah, Gangrel fercotiy does not stem from anarchic rage, but from animalistic instinct. They are among the most predatory Kindred, and love to lose themselves in the thrill of the hunt. Gangrel have a keen understanding of the beast in their souls, and prefer to spend their nights in communion with the animals whom they so emulate. Indeed, Gangrel are so attuned to their Beasts that, after tlosing themselves to frenzy, animalistic features often appear on their bodies. Disciplines-Animalism, Fortitude, Protean Weaknesses-Gangrel are very close to the Beast Within; as they succumb to it, it leaves its mark on their bodies. Every time a Gangrel frenzies, she gains an animalistic feature. This feature may be tufted ears, a pelt, a tail, catlike eyes, a snarling voice, tusks, even scales or even feathers. Quote-"You provided worthy sport, mortal. Now, though, the chase has ended." Malkavian: Even other damned fear the Malkavians. The cursed blood of their clan has plluted their minds, with the result that every last malkavian around the world is incurably insane. What's worse, a Malkavian's madness can take nearly any form, from overpowering homicidal tendencie's to near catatonia. In many cases, there's no way to tell a malkavian apart from the "Sane" members of other clans. Those few whose psychoses are immediately obvious are among the most terrifying vampires to stalk the streets. For as long as even the eldest Cainites can remember, the Malkavians have always stirred Kindred society with their passage. Although the clan has instigated no great wars nor toppled mortal governments(at least, to their fellow vampires knowledge), the very presence of a Malkavian works a subtle change on a city. Chaos nips at the Lunatic's heels, and those who associate with even the most well-meaning Malkavian often find their lives or unlives altered by the Cainite's madness. Disciplines-Auspex, Dementation(or Dominate), Obfuscate Weakness-Every last vampire of the Malkavian Clan is irredeemably insane in some form or another. Some attribute this to a curse of the blood, while other clan members actually call it a special blessing, a gift of insight. If you choose this as your characters clan you must choose at least one derangement and it can never be removed or cured in any way. Quote: "Laugh if you like. Doesn't matter. Assume that you're so much smarter than the poor, broken lunatic. Doesn't matter. But think about this: You're a dead thing, same as me. You died and were reborn...as this. What makes you and me different? Simple - I REMEMBER what I saw when I was full and truly dead. You'd be mad, too." Nosferatu: Caines childer are called "The Damned" and no vampires ebody this more fully than the wretches of Clan Nosferatu. While other vampires still look human and may travel in mortal society, Nosferatu aretwisted and deformed by the curse of vampirism. Other kindred speak shudderingly of Caine placing a mark upon the entire clan for the monstrous deeds of its Antediluvian founder. As such, Nosferatu find themselves loathed and ostracized by the other Children of Caine, who consider them disgusting and interact with them only when they must. Following the Embrace Nosferatu Childer suffer an agonizing transformation as, over the subsequent weeks, they warp from humans into hideous monsters. The horror of the physical devolution often produces an accompanying psychological trauma. Unable to walk among the mortals, Nosferatu must dwell in subterranean sewers and catacombs forever after. Disciplines-Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence Weakness-As mentioned above, Nosferatu are absolutely loathsome to look at. All Nosferatu have social ratings of 0. Neither will it ever increase throughout game play. Quote: "Come here, little boy, howsabout a kiss? *phlegmy, wheezing hack* Whazza matter? Big bad gangbanger scared now? Don't so much much like being a victim, eh? Well, get used to it, 'cuz you ain't seen the half of it!" Toreador: The Toreador are called many things - Degenerates, artistes, poseurs and hedonists being but a few. But any such lumpen categorization does the clan a disservice. Depending on the individual and her mood, Toreador are alternately elegant and flamboyant, brilliant and ludicrous, visionary and dissipated. Perhaps the only truism that can bea pplied to the clan is its members' aesthetic zeal. Whatever a Toreador does, she does with passion. Whatever a toreador is, she is with passion. To the Toreador, eternal life is to be savored. Many Toreador were artists, musicians, or poets in life; many more have spent frustrating centuries producing laughable attempts at art, music or poetry. Toreador tout themselves as cultivators of all that is best about humanity. Occasionally, a particularly gifted or inspired creator is embraced into the clan, to preserve her talent for eternity. In this manner, Clan Toreador has inducted some of humanity's greatest artists, poets and musicians into its ranks; of course, if one thing can be said about the Toreador, it is that no two of them agree on what "gifted" or "inspired" means. Disciplines-Auspex, Celerity, Presense Weakness-Toreador are preternaturally attuned to the aesthetic and beautiful, but this sensitivity can prove dangerous. When a Toreador views, hears, ore even smeels something that is truely beautiful - a person, a painting, a song, a particularly lovely sunrise - they must struggle against all they have not to become entranced by the sensation. The Toreador will stand in rapt fascination for as long as the beautiful thing is within senses reach. Enraptured Toreador may not even defend themselve's if attacked, though being wounded may very well snap them out of their trance. Quote: "Oh, yes, isn't she exquisite? Yes, she's my newest find - I'm her muse, the sweet little creature. Imagine! And what of- Oh, Thomas? Why, I could hardly say - after all, he had his '15 minutes,' as they say, but it just wasn't going to last, and it all became very tedious, so I had to say adieu. Suicide? Really? Silly boy - he should thank me, then, that I didn't give him the Embrace. It would have mde things so difficult after all." Tremere: Whether dreaded, mistrusted, feared or reviled, the insular vampires of Clan Tremere are anyting but ignored. Those who have heard of hte clan's doings are typically suspicious of the Clan Tremere, and with good reason - for the Warlocks are aptly named. Through thier own artifice, they have mastered a form of vampiric sorcery, complete with rituals and spells, that is as potent - if not more so - than any other power of the Blood. Paired with the clan's rigid hierarchy and the smoldering ambition so common among Warlocks, this power is an unsettling thing indeed to those who know what the Tremere are capable of doing. According to some kindred records, the Tremere came into being as a clan very recently, at least by an immortals standards. Legend has it that during Europes dark ages, a cabal of human wizards enacted a great ritual over the slumbering body of an Antediluvian and thereby wersted for themselves the gift of vampirism. War followed soon thereafter - the fledgling clan found itself besieged by enraged kindred on every side. Disciplines-Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy Weakness-By clan law, all neonate Tremere must drink the blood of the clan's seven elders when they are created. All Tremere are at least one step toward being blood bound to their elders, and therefore usually act with great clan loyalty - in order to avoid having such loyalty forced upon them. What's more, this arrangement meanst hat Tremere are harde-pressed to resist the will of their elders; making it more difficult to act against the effects of the dominate discipline when used by their clan elders. Quote: "We are more than Vampires. We are the next step in Cainite evolution. We will direct the others if they allow us to, or we will stand alone if we must. But we will survive.." Ventrue: The kindred of clan Ventrue have a reputation for being honorable, genteel and of impeccable taste. From time out of mind, Ventrue has been the clan of leadership, enforcing the ancient traditions and seeking to shape the destiny of the kindred. In nights of old, Ventrue were chosen from nobles, merchant princes or other wielders of power. In modern nightsthe clan recruites from wealthy "old money" families. ruthless corporate climbers, and politicians. Whatever their origin, Ventrue vampires preserve their stability and maintain order for the Camarilla. Other kindred often mistake this for arrogance or avarice, but to the Ventrue, their shepherd's role is more burden than honor. Ventrue support the Masquerade wholeheartedly, feeling that under its auspices the best existence for all vampires may be obtained. To the Ventrue mind, other clans are brash and impetuous. Too concerned with thier short-term comfort, other vampires gladly give up an eternity tommorow for a bit of vitae tonight. Without the Ventrue, there would be no Masquerade; without the Masquerade, there would be no vampires. Thus, the Ventrue have the weight of Atlas upon their shoulders. They bear their burden with a stiff upper lip and just a hint of noblisse oblige. No other clan could lead the Children of Caine in the nights of Imminent Gehenna(apocolypse basically) - or so the Ventrue are apt to say. After all, their reputation rests on it. Disciplines-Dominate, Fortitude, Presense Weakness-Ventrue taste is rarefied to the point of exclusivity, and each caln member may partake of only a certain type of mortal blood. For example, a particular Ventrue might feed exclusively from virgins, blonde men, naked children, or clergy. The vampire will feed on no other type of blood, even if starving or under duress. Ventrue may feed on vampire blood normally. Quote: "The guidance of the damned is my burden to bear, not yours. You would do well, however, to ask yourself whether your unlife is one of benefit to the Children of Caine, or a detriment. I have already made MY judgement." Now we move on to the Leading clans of the Sabbat. Keep in mind that the clans of the cammarilla are not 100% aligned, there are members of every cammarilla clan in the sabbat except for the Tremere. These clans go by the term Antittribu, which means Anti-Tribe. Warning, I love the lasombra that's why it's so long. Lasombra: The Lasombra clan has fallen from grace - and they love it. simultaneously graceful and predatory, the Lasombra guide - and, when neccessary, whip - the Sabbat into an implacable force. Turning their backs on the humans they once were, Lasombra give themselves wholly over to the dark majesty of the Embrace. Murder, frenzy, predation: why fear these things, many lasombra ask, if one is meant to be a vampire? In contrast to the Tzimisce though, Lasombra generally seek not to reject all things mortal, but to shape them for their own pleasure. Lasombra are best known for their discipline of Obtenebration, a means by which they call forth a tangable "living" darkness, manipulating it at their whim. Clan doctrine holds that this "darkness" is in fact the stuff of the vampiric soul, which has been simultaneously strengthened and corrupted by the embrace. Disciplines- Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence Weakness-Lasombra vampires cast no reflections. They cannot be seen in mirrors, bodies of water, reflective windows, polished metals, photographs, security camera's, etc. This curious anomaly even extends to the clothes they wear and the objects they carry. Many Kindred believe that the Lasombra have been cursed in this mannar for their vanity. Additionally, due to their penchant for darkness, Lasombra hurt that much more by sunlight. Quote: "Shadows? Hah! I wield darkness itself, not mere shadows! Tell me - could a shadow do this?" Tzimisce(Zhi-Mee-See): If Clan Lasombra is the heart of the Sabbat, the Tzimisce are the soul. Even aother vampires grow uneasy areound these eerie Kindred, and the clans nickname of "feinds" was given to it in nights past by horrified Kindred of other lines. The Tizimisce's signature Discipline of Vicissitude is the subject of particular dread; tales speak of crippling disfigurements inflicted on a whim, of ghastly "experiments" and tortures refined beyond human - or vampiric - comprehension and endurance. Disciplines-Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude Weakness-Tzimisce are very territorial creatures, maintaining a particular haven and guarding it ferociously. Whenever a Tzimisce sleeps, she must surround herself with at least two handfuls of earth from a place important to her as a mortal - perhaps the earth of her birthplace or the graveyard where she underwent her creation rites. Failure to meet this requirement cuts the overall performance of the Tzimisce in half every 24 hours until all actions are limited to the human minimum. This degeneration of self lasts until they rest for a full day amidst their own earth once more. Quote: "Welcome; a thousand welcomes! I am honored that we could put aside the Jyhad's foolish rivalrie's for a night, that you might come under my eaves in the spirit of - eh? You start? Ahh - that noise! A trifle! Nothing that need concern you sweet guest!"
And once again, Alriy found himself... Alone. He stood there in contemplation of what he was, who he was and why he was here. Somehow none of it added up. He was born an abomination, though it was not his fault. He was never asked if he wanted to be born dead and survive. His destiny was forced upon himself and he'd lived with it for two hundred and fifty years to long. He was going to end this eternal half life today. Stepping into the shadows he walked out infront of his proverbial father drawing the sangre barra infront of him. He glared at the man/beast that created Alriy the Dhampire and spat on the ground. Saliva mixed with blood bubbled and hissed as it hit the scorched earth. Alriy: Malvack! I have finally come to judge you! Malvack:(laughing malevolently) You're father couldn't do anything against me, why do you think you could? You're just as weak as He is.... Alriy: We shall see. Defend yourself monster! The battle started as Alriy dove in claws outstretched in a slash only to be caught by Malvacks claws in their own. They exchanged glares as the sangre barra floated in the air about them. Alriy could sense the Elder Vampires power grow but for what he did not know. Jumping back his eyes widened as Malvack tossed a huge fireball at Alriy which he barely managed to avoid by using the buckler to absorb the power reflecting it right back at him. Alriy's eyes narrowed as he focused right in the center of Malvacks being causing fire to erupt about the vampire just as his own fireball hit him. Alriy sighed leaning against the wall when all that remained of Malvack was his body. His celebration was short lived however because the only person he hated more than malvack just showed up and it couldn't have been at a worse time. Nilothakir had looked at the degrading Alriy and smirked trapping him in a necromantically enhanced bone cage leaving the now mortal cornered like a frightened animal. His old destiny had crumbled and a new, darker one seemed to be looming in the future.
OOC: I SOOO wished you and raven lived in Indiana! I need a decent group for a really twisted vampire game!!! ---------------------------------------------------- The night had fallen once more and Damion arose from his unholy tomb to stalk the night once more. Pushing aside the dead body of the virgin he sacrificed the night before that lay next to him he looks around with a stretch... After a short sigh reminding himself that it was worth it he looked at all the damage caused. How long had it taken for him to craft those candles? to make and fill that oil lamp? and for what? The power to engulf the living in unholy flames of damnation? It was definetely worth it. Standing with a dark smirk he brushed the wrinkles clean from his clothing which consisted of a black over coat with a white button up shirt underneath, a black velvet tie, and black pants. All of which were custom italian made. A gift, from his sire before he released Damion into the world. After making himself presentable and slicking his hair back nicely he left the wards of his haven and walked out onto the night street, to hunt once more.
OOC: Time to show that Sex is not the only thing that vampires are about. :devil: ---------------------------------------------------------- The small studio apartment was completely quiet except for the muffled wimpers of the young girl. Back to the room for now. It was about twenty feet from room to room and the ceiling stood at twelve feet. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all brick laid and painted black. Ancient looking runes and incantations were written over the floor in what looks like white chalk. Several stands encircle the room all filled with dimly lit candles. By the raunch smell they emit, it's not difficult that the candle wax was made from human origins and the oil in the lamp above the table contained a liquid only known to Shai'Tan and Damion themselve's. The table was made from hard oak and was treated to withstand time and the elements even though it's only seen the light of day once since it's treatment. This was no normal table however, It had a manacle on each corner connected to a chain and bolted to the table. Your classic torture/bondage table. The girl contained upon the table. She could be no older than eighteen with long golden hair that fanned out over the edges of the table as the tips flittered against the ground. Standing up it would have easily reached the top of her buttocks. Her form was not to thin but more athletic with wonderful curves. She had the most captivating blue eyes like an icy cold clear winter sky. That is what got his attention in the first place. She wore a white plain blouse and a pair of blue jean shorts. She opened her eyes to watch Damion as he started to unpack his little suitcase. He pulled out objects that made him seem like a modern day jack the ripper. The final item removed was a small dagger, the hilt shaped like a demons face. At the tip of the handle was a small red jewel, at least it looked like a jewel but there was a bit of liquid in it that licked at the inside walls like fire. Damion: Don't worry my dear, sweet young virgin. I will make this hurt as much as possible. And when this is all over and you finally die, your soul will be given to whatever demon arises to do my bidding. That's right, feed me with your fear. Yes, I can almost taste your sweet blood running from your neck over the rest of your body... Tears streamed down the young womans face, almost crystalline in appearance. Her face read with fear and eyes glued open as he picked up a larger than average scalpul. He brought the blade over and gently brought it down the fabric of her shirt exposing her chest to him and he looks up at her smirking evilly. Even looking this diabolic he still had a certain dark charm to him that was almost irrisistable. Taking the scalpul once more his eyes fixated on the center of her chest, where her breast bone moves down connecting to her ribs. Bringing the surgical knife down upon her chest cutting into the skin. He begins to chant above her muffled cries of pain and incomprehensible pleads to stop. Damion: Powers of Darkness come to my call. Appear before me and grant me my desire!(I know it's cheesy but it works.) The soft blood flows from her chest as he makes his precise incision down the center of her torso all the way down to her sternum. Bringing the scalpul up again and cutting deeper still then making a similar cut along her collar bone and her bottom ribs, allowing him to peel back the skin of her chest with much less difficulty than before. the girl having gone into shock by the second cut was dead by now but the wards placed upon the room had disallowed the dying virgins soul it's escape to the afterlife. Taking hold of her ribs he pulled the ribcage open looking at the mess of organs. Hes done this so many times and it still seems that every persons inside was different even though the organs looked the same. Grabbing a tube he sucked the blood away from her organs like a straw quickly and efficiently There he was able to see the lungs, diaphram and a part of the heart easier. Taking the lung and shoving it to the side he fully exposes the heart to the dark lamp light. Damion: Please accept this sacrifice and give me what I ask! He took the ritual dagger lifting it above his head, the womans body twitched once and he drove the knife into her exposed heart, the blade itself drinking from her hearts blood as the magic of the ritual is released. Every candle in the room goes black and a quick wind picks up as the chalked runes, symbols and incantations begin to glow. A creature of darkness rising from the body of the passed virgin. It looked upon the vampire with a vicious stare. Deamon: Why have you summoned me, earth walker? Damion: I have fulfilled your means, thirty-five virgins in the manner that you required... Damion dislodged the gem from the daggers hilt and held it up to the "monster". It took it within two claws and placed the jewel withing it's mouth making a large crunching sound as it devoured hte liquid inside. Damion: Are you satisfied Lord? Daemon: I am. Damion: Than you will grant me what I requested? Daemon: I will... :demon: Damion closed his eyes awaiting his gift. The Daemon drove it's claws into Damions chest and he fell unconcious. Upon reawakening he looked at the empty room... the room was filled with the taint of evil. the walls ceiling and floors were consumed with balefire and he was the only one unharmed. Standing he raised one arm and concentrated on his hand. A small ball of balefire contained itself in his hand. A dark smirk crossed his face, he had recieved his gift. Letting the balefire subside he layed hisself down upon the warm cement and slept awaiting the next evening.
Sign Up Vampire: the Masquerade RPG. WARNING! Not for the faint of heart!
Heartless Me replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
I know.... he's as old as I can get him without being a Ancillae... you said 100 after death. -
Sign Up Vampire: the Masquerade RPG. WARNING! Not for the faint of heart!
Heartless Me replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
Harlequin... according to the Book of Nod, Lillith was not the first vampire, she was the first of the fae, mages, and shape shifters, and she tought Cain to harness and use his vampyric powers. Omega.... I have read the vampire 3rd ed. book and the guides to the cammarrilla and the sabbat plus a bunch of other books so I know what I'm doing pretty well. Oh yeah and If i remember right from my studies, dracula is a 5th generation Tzimisce of the old clan so he doesn't have Viscissitude, instead he has Animalism, but hey it's your game so do what you like. lol :D ------------------------------------------------------------------ -Name: Damien Ba'al -Age: 119(looks 19) -Gender: Male -Clan: Baali(Independant) -Physical Description: Standing approximately 6 ft tall with slick black hair and black eyes, his skin is deathly white pale and his fingernails stained red with the blood of his many victims. He has a long scar on his chest from when he was slashed open with a sword by his sire before he was embraced. he has a thin body but is very toned. Overall incredibly attractive with his high class clothing and model class body. -Mentle Description: Damien takes full pleasure in his damnation. He loves the hunt and the kill and tries to make it as bloody and methodical as possible. His feedings make Jack the Ripper look like an amateur when he is finished. Usually performing dark rituals and such upon the bodies of the dead in attempts to rise demons to grant him more power. He's been getting closer he can feel it, he just needs to sacrifice one more virgin... He basically hates everyone except for others of clan baali and demons but can easily tolerate them. He has to if he is to keep his existance a secret from other people. -History: Nothing is known about him because he doesn't share his secrets with other people, that is against his way. -Physical: 2 -Mental: 3 -Social: 4 -Psychic: 1 Disciplines-Daimoinan, Presense, Auspex Merits-Unholy Aura(7)-Their aura of darkness surrounding them is so powerful that they have been known to violently strip a person of their true faith by merely standing in their presense, Baby Face(1)-Makes social actions involving looks easier to perform. Flaws-Cursed(5)-All of your accomplishments will eventually turn on you, Hatred(3)-Sulubri Advantage-Knowledgable in Demon Lore and arts and adept in summoning such creatures. Disadvantage-Baali take extra damage from Holy Water and Weapons(but Damien is immune to True Faith because of his merit, though holy water and holy weapons still work). -
Sign Up Vampire: the Masquerade RPG. WARNING! Not for the faint of heart!
Heartless Me replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
KICK ARSE!!! A vampire RPG! I just have one question, Do I HAVE to be Cammarilla? Can I be Sabbat or Independant? or Maybe a certain Bloodline I love so much. *evil grin.* I'm like a Vampire:TM Guru lol. -
Tristans eyes narrowed as he shook his head. His body tensed as a light purple glow radiated about his body and he slides a hand over to his sword. Tristan: No, I have a feeling that I must explore this cave. And if I have to defeat you to do so then so be it. Jamison: What part of get out don't you understand? Don't you realize I don't even need to touch you to hurt you? Tristan let out a wicked laughter. His hand gripping his sword as he glares at Jamison, His eyes seeming to pierce the psion's head and cut to his very soul. Jamison glared at him nervously gathering his psychic energy. Jamison: What's so funny?! Tristan: Something you don't know.... Jamison: Yeah? What's that? Tristan: I dont' need to touch you to hurt you either... Jamison: WHA-OOOMF?!?!?! Just as tristam spoke he focused his energy into the blade as he suddenly unsheathed the weapon striking outward at the air. It came out with such force that the energy literally condensed the air around his sword and flew at Jamsion.... The condensed blade of air could not be seen or sensed so he had no way of knowing it was coming until it hit him... The air blade sliced clean through his armor and gashed his chest before dispersing in a gush of wind pushing him back against the wall knocking him unconcious. Tristam hears clapping from behind him as he turns to see Fox standing at the front of the cave with a smirk on his face. Sheathing his sword once more he nods slightly. Tristan: Come on, let's explore.
Alright... I've given some thought and if Boba Fett doesn't show up to be the bad guy, then I'll volunteer! :devil: Name: Vile Type: Maverick Leader WOC(weapon of choice): Ion Fusion Cannon, Vibro-Greatsword(the metal vibrates at such a rate that it literally forces the molucules apart when it strikes down upon just about anything including Maverick Hunters armor.), Chest Rocket Launcher. Capsules(four max):((question, does the Max apply to the main badguy to? hehe.) Leg: V-Grip: The V-Grip enhancement allows him to literally grip onto a wall of ANY surface and stay there instead of sliding down. Arm: Strength Up-Increases the power output and hydrolic force to pack quite a wind up punch. Body: E-Coat Static electricity constantly produced in his armor gives him a better resistance to buster cannons and other energy type weapons. Head:Scanner-Pretty self explanitory, runs a scan and diagnostic check on whatever he see's(must be activated, is not always constant.) E-Chips: Napalm-A charged blast of pure fire flies out of the ion cannon and explodes into a huge fireball engulfing a large area into a fiery inferno. Breakneck Speed-Allows him to move at amazing speed for a limited amount of time. Teleporter-Basically what it sais... more used as a means for escape than anything(cause the badguy has to be able to get away until the end! lol) Crusher: Increases impact damage when using the wind up punch attack. Link: Allows him to use the Napalm attack and Breakneck Speed togather to get out of range from the attack before it explodes.(I'm assuming that the main badguy of this whole thing would have 1 of these...) Appearance: A gargantuan robot, quite intimidating. Covered in midnight black armor with purple shoulder pad type metal coming off his shoulders, a long flowing black cape, and the joints and his helmet are of the purest white. He stands about 10 feet tal, being about 3 feet wide. His "feet" are ended in long talons and his hands are clawed with spikes emitting from each knuckle. Bio: Unknown.........?
Name: Ratu Leinrosen Equipment:Golf Club, Wet Noodle Lassoe, Garbage Can Lid Bio-Ratu Grew up on the 9th fairway near the garbage can. well kinda hard to say grown up when your only 8 years old... He was tought to swing a mean club by one Wolfy Steel and is adept at blocking quick flying projectiles with the garbag can lid. Appearance-He's about 4'4" with short sandtrap hair and field green eyes, he's pretty thin and looks undernurished.
Alriy looked among the rest of the group sleepily. the sweat had long dissipated from his body as he calmed himself from the frightful sight of the Hellkite Dragon. Glancing over Laurens direction he smiled slightly moving over to sit next to her. Alriy: What's on your mind?
Alriy:(air) Such a relief to know that she is ok...(looking to haas) I've known her ever since I was very young and it would pain me much if anything would ever happen to her. Haas gave a nod of understanding. He may be a big brute but Alriy never underestimated the Intelligence of the Juggernaut. They were silent for a moment then Haas speaks up again. Haas: Just wondering... How did you, well.. Die? Alriy glances at Haas and chuckles thinking back to the day, it was only a few days ago when he met his end. Alriy:(earth) Well, I was fighting a dragon and go figure the thing melted my body right when I casted my most powerful spell on it sending it to the netherrealm. (Glancing over at Haas) Mind if I have a few moments alone? I shall meet up with you all later. Hass: Not at all.(spoken with a slight bow) Alriy watched in silence as Haas dissappeared into the woods. Waiting a few moments before walking up to the edge of the cliff near where the river goes over into a waterfall. Looking down he caught a glimpse of Namida and Koru's sillhouettes through the mist and smiled. It had been so long since he'd seen her and he thought he'd lost his oldest friend again. Sitting down at the ledge he blinks a few times just watching her. It appeared as though she was looking up, maybe up at him? He didn't know. What was he feeling? It was all new to him, so strange and powerful. He stood and took a deep breath letting the winds pick him up and take him to the bottom of the cliff not to far behind Namida and Koru. Alriy:(water) Namida?
From the shadows steps alriy, buckler in hand. Looking down he walked up to Illy and Eve. His eyes showing a new emotion, something that he's never felt before... guilt. He looks up at them and shakes his head. Alriy: I'm sorry.
OOC: Sorry guys, i had a temporary lack of muse... Alriy snapped out of his self induced trance and blinked... how could a cave be hidden under Kohlingen for so long? what could be in there? These were all things he was wondering about. Well he'd never find out just standing there so he made a few agile leaps and landed at the bottom of the crater. The earth was still warm from the battle with the bombs, parts of the ground turned to glass from the intense heat the monsters give off when they explode. He blinked a few times and looked back up at the stranger standing at the top of the crater. Tristan: Well, whoever you are... you gonna come down here and give me a hand or are you just going to stand there dumfounded? Entering the cave he looked around. The inner walls of the cave became illuminated from the lichen stuck theirin. He looked deep within the cave, it stretched farther than he could see. He could see quite a ways though which worried him because he saw many shambling figures in the darkness.
Alriy stood there motionless, his body frozen in place by the kiss. If his face could be seen it would have been fully flushed nearly matching the skin of a fresh cherry. He quickly snapped out of his short trance however as realization set in. She just jumped over the edge, OF A HUNDRED FOOT WATERFALL! He quickly let out a wail of dispair and cried out running to the edge just in time to see her form dissappear into the mist below. His body clenched as he gazed on in fear and confusion... Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and made his way back to the group, the second he reappeared through the foliage they would know something was wrong.
Haas' last words dug into his brain and something flashed in his blue "eyes" forcing the glowing orbs to turn a shade of green. The magical blackness shrouding his face hid his look. Alriy faltered, nearly falling over feeling a shift in his elemental harmony. Stumbling he caught himself upon a tree and looked off into the distance wide eyed. Alriy:(air) Namida NO! She's going to jump! Alriys eyes flash pure white beyond white as the air picks up behind him. The wind wirls around his body as he chants the powerwords to his powerful spell. Alriy:(air) Take me to the Crystal Rock Falls.. Swift Travels! Alriy's body tensed and flickered out, his presense entirely dissappearing from the area the instant he was no longer visible. The tall robed form of Alriy had reappeared, not more than 10 feet from Namida... he made a slight scuff in the grass even though she knew he was behind her. She turned her head and looked at him. Alriy: Namida, what are you doing? Thinking to himself "please don't jump", well aware of their limited psychic bond and actually hoping she hears it.
Well, So much for that Idea.. oh well, time for plan B. lol. Name: Tristan Scott CodeName: DeadEye Age: 32 Gender: Male Weapon: Boot knife Occupation: Ex-Marine Corps. Bio: Tristan scott grew up in Raccoon City, he knows the streets like the back of his hand. He left the city to go into the military before the first outbreak. After the last one cleared and people started coming back to Raccoon city Tristam was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. The Government gave him an honorable discharge with a pension and paid for his treatments which were to be done in the highly advanced labs of Raccoon Citie's Umbrella Corps. funded hospital. Description: Tristan is about 6'4" with a shaved bald head. He weighs approx 245lbs and has about 4% body fat therefore making him a muscle head of sorts. he wears a loose black leather jacket and His pants are a pair of faded blue jeans wiht ahole in the left leg. The boot knife is in a special sheathe on his ankle. Personality: Your classic save the day arse hole... He is a loudmouthed take charge bastard of course it's all out of habit from being a Marine drill seargant. If you anger him he's liable to snap some necks, and believe me he can really snap some necks!
On the fourth level of the tower is where Alriy reproduced himself from the shadows. Looking morel like a lush glade than anything, the only inkling that made it part of the tower were the occasional pillars holding up the rest of the tower and the ceiling some 60 feet up. The stairway was barely visible on the other side of the glade but the buckler that was to be his was not seen. Alriy stepped out onto the field, the thick blades of healty grass snapping and crunching beneath him. About one third the way into the glade he stopped, eyes narrowing as he looked from side to side and down. Slight reverberations he felt on the ground as something approaches. he grips his staff ready for anything, however, Alriy is caught off guard by the male nagah that burrowed up from the ground and knocked him away. Flying up into the air and back a good ten feet or so he flipped in the air and landed on his feet. Alriy: That buckler belongs to me. Give it to me and I might let you live. The creature hissed darkly and slithered forward, it wasn't wearing any armour but in one hand he held a golden scimitar with silver lining and in the other hand he had Alriy's destined Buckler of the Magus. Alriy twinged in pain feeling his blood being drawn from him as the buckler started to glow with a demonic crimson hue. A flash of silver was seen in front of him as the nagah stopped infront of him the scimitar near touching the ground from before it was up in striking position. Two seconds later the flesh lacerated, opening up wide as the blood began to flow. Alriy howled in such a pain that everyone on the tower heard his cry of rage and pain. His body erupted in flame because of the Nagah's use of the Buckler, using Alriy's own powers against him. The Dhampire felt his skin start to combust and he howed again dashing at the nagah, hacking and slashing with his sprouted talens. The Nagah had to scramble to block his attacks with his scimitar and the buckler but he was only partially successful. Alriy scored several clean slashes, on the nagah's chest, right arm and "stomach" area. Greenish Ichor drained from the gashes in the monsters body as Alriy jumped back preparing for the next onslaught. With narrowed eyes he felt his blood coursing again, pushing through his body faster and faster, his body heating up. There was a crimson blow about him as he muttered one word. "Celerity". With that he was gone in a flash, moving faster than the mortal and some immortal eyes could even follow, there was several slashing and striking sounds before Alriy reappeared infront of the creature giving the nagah an evil grin. The nagah went to go forward but thats when he finally realized what had happened. the damage done while moving so fast had finally caught up with the nagah. it's tail seperated into many fine rings, almost like little chips. It tries to move forward again, more of it's body seperating into nearly perfect one inch disks until it's entire bloody form is just a long pile of disks gathered among the ground. Alriy smirked and walked forward taking what is rightfully his and strapping the scimitar to his side for good luck and maybe to use later if he needs a bladed weapon. Turning he walked towards the stairwell going up to wait for the rest of the group while giving his flesh time to regenerate and the gash in his arm time to heal.
Alriy looked into her eyes for a moment and sighed. He merely shook his head once and closed his eyes turning around and starting to walk again. Alriy: I'm sorry, I just can't.... I accept your apology, but I cannot stay here anylonger. A single tear streaks down his cheek before walking into the shadows and dissappears.
Alriy's body stiffened as Eve approached. His face hardened when she lifted the goblet to him. With narrowed eyes his hand moves in a flash knocking the goblet away from her hand, his face red with anger. Alriy: How dare you!? You think I like being like this? I ignored your previous statements, but this is too far! I will not stand back and allow you to patronize my curse! His eyes narrow as he turns and starts to walk away, his face almost smoking with anger, his face thoroughly reddened. he gripped his Sangre Barra, intending on leaving and not coming back so he won't do something he'll regret.
Tristam heard a buzzing sound as he cleaned himself in the river... his eyes widened as he suddenly seen it, over 50 bombs swarming over the kohlingen converging on the center of the town, his eyes widen as the explosions ensue. Tristam: NO! All those people!!! He bursts into an all out run towards the city, but when he get's there he is too late... the center of teh town had been reduced to ash and a huge crater lingered in the ground. The center of the crater was still smoke filled but the last lingering bits of mist were still apparent as the smoke cleared. Tristam rubbed his eyes not believing what he saw. A cave? in the bottom of the dead center of Kohlingen? that's just messed up.
Alriy's eyes narrow, his hand on his staff standing in the background he focused his energies inward... He felt the flow of blood in his body, pushing it along. The blood moving at such a speed that it actually begins to burn itself inside of him. Alriy's face shows no pain though. When he feels the appropriate amount of blood had been converted to energy, he focuses that energy through the staff and into the Chimera. Alriy:Blood Boil! Suddenly the Chimera screeched out in pain, every orifice in it's body bleeds including all of it's pores as the creature tries to purge itself of the burning blood, thoroughly distracted by the immense pain of beeing cooked alive from the inside out.
Alriy: I'm fine.. there is no turning back now, we are going up... We have to go. The other three nod in agreement. They had started a battle they intended to finish and they were not going to let her stop them. Alriy held tight to his staff following closely behind Serenol and Ily as they turn towards the Chimera readying themselve's for quite the battle.
Alright people, Reign Of Fire(May Be a Spoiler)
Heartless Me replied to Heartless Me's topic in Noosphere
THAT'S who that is? :blush: Hehehe... He doesn't look like him. but still..! he did an awesome job playing that american seargent or whatever. lol :wigout: -
Alriy smirked looking at his opponant, the worm. His eyes narrowed as he dashes towards the monster his staff becoming absorbed into his body as he sprouts some really wicked looking 4 inch talons going to drive them into the worm and rend it into french fries. Unfortunately for Alriy the floor was earthen and by the time he had landed where the worm should have been, the worm hand already burrowed into the ground. Alriy growled and closed his eyes as if he knew what was going to happen. The ground opened up underneat him and he was swallowed hole in one motion by the giant worm. Serenol: ALRIY NO!!!! Ilythiirtar: Concentrate on what you are doing Serenol, we shall avenge him after our current troubles are taken care of. Saying this as he dodges a gout of flame forced out by the pyrous construct. Not a few seconds after saying that however, there was a thunderous sound coming from deep within the belly of the beast. It let out a gut wrentching hiss as it's stomach literally exploded in a wild ball of green flame, ripping the worm into 2 seperate halve's. Quivering in it's quickly dying body, Alriy steps forward picking up part of the front half of the body and growls taking it's flesh in his mouth and biting down tightly sinking the fangs in and drawing in just enough of the foul ichor to fill him... Holding back the urge to regurgitate he glared at the Chimera reforming his staff chanting a spell. Ilythiirtar:(snickering) Wow, Not bad.