Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
Pheobie:In a secret lab deep below the shinra building in what remains of Midgar. It will be dangerous but we will have to infiltrate the city and find the secret passage into the mako research and synthetic materia factory. pheobie stopped and looked out towards the general location of Midgar before moving with them again towards North Coral.
OOC: sorry about the short post but it's 430 am and I'm dead tired. Alriy stepped from the darkness, noone asked any questions though Serenol did notice the decent sized gash in his stomach he also quickly noticed that it was already healing. walking up to the both of them he gave a slight nod closing his eyes and concentrating on healing that wound.
Oddly familiar to final fantasy: mystic quest.. heheh. Name: Alriy Geosis Age: 32 Height: 6'4" Appearance: Looks alot like Seifer but with longer white hair pulled into a ponytail. Personality: Brash, Arrogant, kinda funny. Always has a smart alecky remark to say. Short Bio: Growing up in a large kingdom he is the son of a great knight who is now retired. His father and the head of the guard trained him the best they could until he actually surpassed their ability. He seemed to be a natural at fencing and could also perform several stunts and flips. Now he travels the world trying to find a way to end this age of darkness. Fighting Style(s): Fencing, Kenjutsu Weapon: Rapier, Grappling Hook, tacks
Yeah, Mike Meyers is good at doing several parts, but Eddie Murphy is the true king of many characters in one movie! just look at The Nutty Proffesor!
OOC: OH YEAH! finally I'm not a newbie anymore!!! As Lacroix shown his pendant, the sight of it within such close range of alriy caused the ground to shake. A myriad of cracks along the ground resonate as each body of the group of adventurers arise, earthen crust falling out from under them. The night sky swallows the stars one by one as though they were being snuffed out by some celestial breeze. All members found themselve's completely motionless. Alriy: Incredible.... The darkness soon consumed all and left them floating in an endless void. One by one they all slipped off into a deepened slumber. In their minds they seen the location of their artifacts and what they were. Illy's was resting at the bottom of the ocean, guarded by a creature very similar to Leviathan. Elysans was in the deepest forest under the protection of an ancient Treant... Laurens was Trapped inside a floating castle, it's Ward a monster of legend.. the great Tiamat, queen of evil dragons. And finally Alriys, The legendary masamune set inside the hellforge... A mighty temple set in the cavernous top of the largest volcano. The temple's guardian being the mighty hellkite dragon who's rage was unmatched and flames were hotter than the core of the earth. Each person saw a vision of their relics guardians except for the hellkite which all witnissed. It roared hellishly and uprighted it's body, wings outspread as it's chest heaved forcing out a gout of flame that flew so high that it fizzled a cloud floating high above the sky. cutting off the blaze the mythical beast looked forward growling and opened it's mouth to expell another heatwave of flame which was when every person awokened violently except for lacroix who just looked somewhat concerned at the thought of battling such beasts. Alriy was in a cold sweat. Looking around they found themselves back inside of the field where they had first gathered, his eyes taking in the sides. He rubbed at his eyes as the sun burned into the retinas forcing the pupils to dialate rapidly to adjust giving him a stabbing headache.
Ok peeps, I just got back from the movie theatre watching Reign Of Fire... Here's just a few words on how I feel about it. Graphics I gave a strong 8, they were excellent and very lifelike but they could have done better with some digital enhancements, they should have made it actually looked like a cone of fire instead of a flame thrower. Acting was great but they should have gotten someone else to play quinns little "adopted son" he just didn't do very good at all. You could not tell any emotion from him and he just stood there most of the time. VanZam was great! I hope to see more movie's with him in it. Plot could use some work in area's. Seemed like the average "monsters are coming save the world scheme". But then again being a guy I'm susceptable to the way of thinking of male nature... that nature is "It's got action and violence, that's half the plot there!". The ending was terrible.. for anyone who hasn't seen it I won't give it away for you i'll just say that it dissappointed me.
Finally! How I percieve alriy to be!! *evil laughter*
Good Job, everyone made it... If anyone else would like to join, I'll let 3 more people in, just pm me with your character and I'll tell you if your in or not. On a second note, every character will have recurring dreams though they may be a derivative of the main dream(Tristam's). ------------------------------------------- Sunlight hit the back of Tristam's Eyelids causing them to open and snap shut as the suns rays burned into his retina's. Tristam: Gah! Why does that sun have to shine so bright. He stretched and layed there for a few moments. Letting his body relax after his daily nightmare. It was the same every time, a darkness falls over the entire planet as it is enclosed in a gigantic fist of sorts. As the dream progresses, the fist clenches about the earth polluting the water and killing the land. The scene shifts there. Showing a huge colloseum type structure filled with black and white robed figures. The figures were all of the same approximate heighth and weight with no definable facial features. It was as if their faces were magically hidden by the hoods they wore. In the center of the structure was a titanic heart, beating steadily. Spreading out from the heart the pulsating veins spread in all directions, digging into the ground. A vision, illusionary if you will of a golden helmut appearing over the heart nearly crushing it under it's grip. The robed figures start to fade away as if being killed by the hearts pain. The heart beats more rapidly trying to feed the ground as much life as possible before it is crushed under the weight of the seemingly imaginary helmut. It was this time that Tristam would awaken from his dreams. It was so often that he no longer awakened with a scream and a puddle of cold sweat around him. Finally getting out of the tent he let it fizzle into magical nonexistance as he walked to the nearest stream to clean himself up.
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Heartless Me replied to Heartless Me's topic in Theater
OK no more sign ups... I have plenty enough people to play.. thanks one and all, if any others wish to join pm me your sign up and i'll let you know if your in or out. THanks! -
Alriy's eyes brightened seeing Namida, immediately sticking to her side... after all she was the only person there he really knew.. the glowing white orbs representing his eyes turned a slight shade of blue. Sky blue to be exact. He smiles from behind his masking hood. It's been so many years since he seen her last, he was wondering if she even lived... i guess this proved that she did not. Alriy: It is good to see you again old friend. How have you been? Oh, where are my manners... this is lacroix, haas, mara, and Raistlin... Everyone.. This is my good friend Namida. (looking to namida) No i don't know them really just their names cause i've been here for a few talking to them... *He pulls his cloak around his toned body, deciding not to show anyone what he looks like except for his long slender hands. He looked over each person in turn examining them closely. The way they look, their posture, any items or weapons seen, even the very look in their eyes. Alriy had always been a man of detail, though never speaking much to any who had not gained his trust. Finally his gaze rested upon Namida, Beautiful as ever as elve's normally are. Her darkened skin and flowing hair made her heavenly garments radiate making both her and her clothing even more beautiful. He smiled slightly through his hood and somehow she knew he was because she smiled back. Alriy: So what is this big holy mission we're going to do again? All i know is we gotta kill something. Haas: We have to go back and kill a demon lord and take it's heart, or something... Alriy nodded slightly, yet not quite understanding why he was chosen for something like this. He would have been better off going wherever he was meant to go when he died. He passed honorably and protecting the innocent, so why didnt' they let him pass on instead of pulling him out of the coil for this one final mission? It doesnt' matter really, what matters is that he was chosen. At least he'd have a friend on this mission, someone to talk to. His eyes traveled to the rest of the group again. Alriy: So, when do we leave?
OOC: So what happened to this RP? I was really getting into it and it died... :(
My OOC Rant: Harlequin, Don't think you can off the demon without letting me have my fun! Hunter, It's amazing how someone can know when they are less then a day pregnant. Oblivion, Welcome! ^_^ anwyay, back to my post. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alriy: Look out!!! Obviously the balrog wasn't done quite yet, having been converged into a being of pure fire, it's physical form was destroyed by Lacroix's twinkle and it's soul was weakened yet not quite finished. The rest of the group ducked as alriys arms flew outward working his flare star power in reverse. Instead of creating the fire from inside, drawing it from another place.... Namely the balrog spirit. He had consumed the soul of the creature, taking it's enhanced speed and strength into him to further increase the power of his own. After leeching the demon of it's powers he released the baleful corrupted husk of what used to be a demons spirit onto the ground where it quickly dissovled into nothing. Oblivion: They always have to come back for one final scare...
Pheobies eyes widen in shock. Phoebie: Oh my god! That's what they are using the huge materia for! They are absorbing it's powers to mutate themselves! Ryans eyes narrow as he looks out into the world. Ryan: This is NOT good.....
OOC NOTE: To any who wish to use my C in their posts for speaking terms please state what element has control of his personality by his name, use this post as referrence. The Black Dragon had already consumed a larger portion of the town in it's baleful flames. It dipped, opened it's maw, and let out a gush of greenish black flame over another part of the town. Alriy the single man, the only one who would stand up to the dragon rode a wind current strengthened by his magic up to meet the beast. Alriy:(air) Stop this madness! This is pointless death! Dragon: They have failed to appease me, they have no purpose but death! Alriy: Then I will have to force you to stop! The dragon opened it's huge mouth laughing evilly as it shoots a gout of flame at Alriy. His body gathering a black aura about him. Alriy: Circle of power!!! the conglomeration of elemental energy slams into the dragon as he is vaporized by the flame, the dragons mangled husk of a body falling to the floor lifelessly. Alriy wakes up, several other's in his presense. he looked among the group from behind the magical shroud of darkness his hood produced. crossing his arms with the rod in one hand he tilts his head to the side examining each person in turn. Alriy:(earth) where am I?
name: Alriy Geosis age: about 40 race: Dhruigal appearance: Looks like the typical member of his race except for his furr which is the color of midnight instead of the usual dark brown, as well as slightly enlarged eyes. personality-Acts a bit on the dunse side but is actually quite wise and knowledgeble. Mostly positive attitude. bio/history-Born under a harvest moon, his parents saw his birth a bad omen with the color of his fur along with other factors. He grew up most of his life with the humans though many did not show him the same respect they would show another human. Alriy however saw it as the humans were just jealous at his talents. spells: shadow magic Cloak of Night-Makes him Completely invisible to all forms of natural perception, he cannot be seen wiht the eye, found with echolocations, heard, smelled, or "tasted". This action is negated if he acts in a deliberately noisy matter or attacks a target. Tenebrokenises- Manipulation of the shadows using a combination of magical energie's and his own will power. the shadows can be used in a variety of ways. Tenebrous Form- Actually becoming one with the shadows assuming a type of half shadow person form. this form allows him to make use of several extra semi solid tendrils of shadow and make him nigh invulnerable to all physical attacks. True Light however is highly effective against this form and can dispel the form upon full exposure. Walk the Abyss-Allows him to part a way through the shadow realm allowing himself and 3 others passage through the shadow realm from one place to another no matter the distance. This power drains a bit of magical energy and can not make more than 2 round trips without having to rest for several hours. equipment-Talisman of Darkness(strengthens shadow powers), Rations, black body suit, black cape. Starting place- The Human Lands
Alriy was never much for all the lovey dovey stuff. After all he had never really had any real relationships, except for one which noone ever knew about, Mainly in part because his lover is dead. He looked among the group of lovers and sighed walking off, in a different direction the lacroix did. he was thinking of his life and where it was headed and what he was to do with it. A single crimson tear formed at his cheek and he sat against a large oak to rest.*
Name: Tristam Scott Age: 35 Height: 6'9" Weight: looks about 400lbs. Eyes: Brownish Black Hair: Black Race: Half Orc Class: Barbarian Spells: None, infact he wears a spiked collar making him immune to all forms of magic, unfortunately that means healing magic as well. Equipment Weapon(s): Huge 2 handed battle Axe, the occasional large rock. Armor: Spiked Collar, spiked and bladed shoulder pads. Clothing: Loin Cloth made from the skin of a Bullette. Symbol: A huge Scar looking "X" type shape over his chest.
Finally night came, the sun being mercilessly consumed in the distant horizon. The moon had long risen but now had crowned itself king of the sky about fourty five degrees from the top of the sky. The group gathered their things, readying themselve's for a long trek over the desert. It didn't take as much time as Alriy had depicted, either that or it just seemed to go faster. The desert seemed to cut off the forest immediately in a straight line and went on seemingly forever in all directions except from behind them where the forest is. Alriy: Alright, becareful where you step from here. Ant Lion nests are very difficult to spot and we may not be able to help you if one of you end up getting caught. Illy: How close are we, Lacroix? Lacroix, seemingly lost in thought for the moment. His mental barriers were up for some reason unknown to others making it unable for Illythiirtar to know what he was thinking. Snapping out of it, but not showing that he was distracted he looked at Illy with that usual emotionless face. Lacroix: In my mind I see a monolith in the center of the desert. It has a door carved into the base of it, I must go in alone. Alriy: We must all go alone when we go to retrieve our personal Artifacts. Luckily we will be able to fight the relics guardian's together. It got very quiet for a moment then the silence was broken. the sound was a twig being snapped behind them, they all turned to see a goblin standing there looking complacent. Elysan gave it a look causing it to meep and run off. Lauren: Well we're not getting there by looking at the desert, let's go! And off the group traveled.. to the depths of the desert in search of the first of the relics that may save them all.
Darkness fell... Night was the time that all the wierdo's came out, Alriy was no exception. The nighttime was natural to him, like a second nature. After all he was born in the night, of the night, and for the night. Alriy had been sitting in the bar all day basically zoned out.. he'd slept the day before a long twenty hours which would leave him awake for nearly a weak, having trained himself to need little sleep. Alriy sat in the corner of the tavern completely motionless, eyes wide opened... noone bothered him. Noone wanted to. his attention was gathered a few times by the events in the tavern. A harlot thrown out for soliciting the taverns patron... Not long after a young man walked in, had an ale, knocked someone out and left. Later in the day a man came in talking about grave robbers, nearly killed several people on the way out. He came to his senses fully and wandered out of the bar and into the night streets, travelling around to seek knowledge about the Stones.
*Tristam had been searching for Kei for hours, a slight smile had crossed his face when he suddenly knew where to look. Bolting out of the local mall he hopped a ride on the bus towards the beach... abotu 10 minutes later he had gotten off at the entrance to the park and started running down the hill.* Tristan: Kei! Kei: Tristam? what are you doing here!? *she tucks the thing in her pocket and forgets it there for now, being so happy to see him. Dashing up the hill they meet halfway and embrace for a moment.* Tristam: I had a strange feeling... Like something drawing me. I needed to find you to see if you had the same feeling.. Kei: Yes, I did. I didn't know if it was real or not. Tristam: Let's go check it out.. *Kei nods slightly with a soft smile and takes his hand as they start to walk up the hill towards the large gazebo in the park. About half way there it started pouring down rain. Kei let out a slight yelp and releases his hand and starts to book it for the pavilian. Tristam was right behind her, sure he was fast but she was a bit faster. They arrived in a minutes time panting and gasping for air sitting on a bench acrossed from each other.* ???: Uh, hi. Sorry I?m lost, do you guys know where we are? *Tristam blinked and jumped looking over, Kei letting out a suprised yelp.* Tristam: Geez! you startled me! Umm, You are in the state park. Kei: Yeah, the beach is just down the hill... Ari: Ok, thanks! My name is Ari, what's yours? Kei:(with a smile) Kaikei! but you can just call me Kei... Ari: Alright then, Kei..(looking over to tristam) and your name? Tristam: My name is tristam... *He gets up and walks over to Kei protectively putting his arm around her, shooting him a semi-jealous glare. Kei shook her head slightly and poked him in the side.* Kei: Don't mind him, he's always like that. ;)
Name: Alriy Age: N/A Race: Dhampire(half human) Class: Sword Dancer Bio: Nothing much is known about Alriy, anyone that has learned more about him than his name "mysteriously" ends up dead. All anyone really knows about him is that he IS in fact one of the few half vampires in existance. noone knows why he is searching for the Aniar stones, but everyone wonders what it's power would do to one who is half damned. Appearance: Alriy is tall and slender, betraying his vampiric strength. He has long black hair braided down to the center of his back and Deep grey eyes that seem to stare into the soul. His skin tone is paler than average but of course that is only because of his vampiric lineage. He wears black travelers clothing over his light armor. He also wears a cloak to protect him from direct sunlight as it doesn't damage him but it is uncomfortable to the point of loosing much concentration at a cruicial time. Personality: Quiet, VERY quiet... only talks when he has to and even then it's only a few words at a time. always appears extremely calm, even when he's angered to the point of raging. Weapons: 2 Scimitars of Speed, Silver chainmesh armor. Other: Due to his vampiric heritage he gains these extra strengths and weaknesses. Strengths-Vampiric strength/speed/stamina, fast healing, diablerie. Weaknesses-Direct Sunlight(causes extreme discomfort and some weakness), Fire(a bit of extra damage), Holy.
Name:Alriy Geosis Age:29 Sex: Male Class: Mage(Elementalist) Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 lbs Hair: Multi-colored streaks through his short spikey hair. Eyes: One blue and one red. Personality: His personality is highly unstable, switching between the five mindsets of the elements. His personality goes as follows: Earth(Stable, calm and strong spirited), Air(Very cheerful and energetic, but also naive), Fire(Irritable and quick tempered but with a high powered energy output to add to it), Water(Extremely calm and quiet, a serene aura about him that almost seems to sedate those around him as well), And finally Void/Spirit(The absense or combination of all elements thereby in this mode of personalit he is basically either apathetic or sympathetic depending on which side of the 5th element his personality rests upon). Extreme (Meta)Physical Attribute(EPA): Elemental Affinity. His mind body and soul are intuned to the 5 basic elements of Reality which makes him an even better Elementalist than the average one. Occasionally he is able to draw magical energy from the land itself to power his spells instead of having to rely on his natural magical power. Spells: 1.) Strength of Earth-Increases the stamina and strength of one target(may be self) allowing them great feats of strength or the ability to take quite a beating. 2.) Swift Travels-Transports the group to a place where they had been before already. Transportation is instantaneous. 3.) Inferno-Encompasses everything within the spells diameter(about 20ft) In flames of purification. 4.) Healing rain-Restores a portion of the groups sustained wounds as well as their acquired fatique. 5.) Circle of Power-A tetra-elemental spell, combining all four of the basic elements into a delta strike of spirit elemental energy. Leaves the caster winded but still able to fight physically. 6.) Taste of the Void-Ability Unknown(aka, It's SECRET! :devil: ) Equipment: Right Hand: Mana storing rings(2 of them, one on his thumb and another on his ring finger). Left Hand: Legendary Rod-Goth'nir(Allows him to casts 2 spells at once.... not always successful.) Body: Mage Robes Legs: Pants Head: Hood of shadows(hides his face except his eyes). Special: Wall Ring(randomly reflects magic back at caster)
Alriy looked on as Elysan and her Dragon, Runeth battled fiercely with the Hell Hawk. A slow smirk crossed his face as he got an idea. Hell, everyone else was getting pets, why couldn't he?! He brought his staff forward holding it out horizontally. Then he began chanting. As he spoke the ancient spell a brilliant crimson and violet aura begins whipping around his body as well *** the entirity of the hell hawk. It screeched in pain and confusion as the magical energy increased about it. Alriy:evals lanrete ym otni lessev siht mrofsnart. rewop ruoy em evig stirips gnidnib! Soul Shackles! No sooner than he had finished the spell that the Hell Hawk was completely healed, it's leg had been restored as well. Upon each of it's legs were an incorporeal clamp surrounding each ankle. It was adorned by a Damascus collar as well which had a bloodstone imbedded into it to show that ownership was to Alriy. Alriy: I think I'll call you Lucifer... Come here. The hawk let out a shriek as it flew over to him kneeling down for him to climb aboard. A grin crosses his face as he looks among the rest of the group. Eve: Wow, Ummmm... Not as pretty as our dragons, but definetely powerful and useful... But worry not, it won't take long for our dragons to shoot past Lucifers strength. Alriy: I'm not really concerned with power, I just get sick of walking. He snickers slightly and nods as the bird takes off through the air with Alriy on it's back.
In the meanwhile, a "human" fbi agent appeared with a flash of light in a sub-basement of the fbi headquarters. He started off in a dash straight to a large wooden door. A few knocks and he was allowed entrance to Gannons inner sanctum. The room was very large, almost like a wharehouse with a throne in the back. The walls were of red velvet covering. The floor was hard cold cement. Lord Gannon sat upon his throne with one leg propped up on the arm as he proceeded to gorged himself upon a leg of lamb. The moblin/man stepped up to the throne cautiously. Moblin: I am terribly sorry for disturbing dinner, your highness but I have something you may like very much so...! Behold, Majora's Mask! Gannon nearly choked on his lamb and jumped to his feet. He was infront of the moblin before the poor creature could even blink. Gannon had taken the mask from his hands and stared at it in awe. Gannon: How could you have procured such an ancient relic? No, matter. It belongs to me now. It is said that this mask could bring the moon down unto the planet. I, however have different plans for it. As for you.... Donning the mask and glaring at the moblin as it shied away from him. Much to his suprise however the moblin started to grow, transforming into something much more terrible.
Tristam: Let them run... In the mean time... How would you both like to learn how to summon? An evil grin falls over all 3 of their faces as they plot amongst themselve's and they begin their teachings of the summoning magic. Indrid: I can't wait to see the look on their face when they have to defend against 3 Ifrits! Lacroix: .......... Scene fades to black as they continue plotting and learning/teaching.