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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. Alriy: South... There is something tugging me there, so strongly it hurts. He looked throughout the group blinking a few times until his gaze fell upon Lacroix. Alriy: You feel it as well don't you, Lacroix? Lacroix: Yes, tugging at my very soul. We must go that way. Ily: South it is then.. but the only thing there is a barren desert and the occasional wandering Manitcore. The group shuddered at the chance of encountering such a beast. A monster with the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion, tipped off with large batlike wings. After that thought the kept moving, yet did not slow their pace for the sooner they had recovered these relics was the sooner they could solve the dreams and the mystery.
  2. Tristam's eyes open slowly having a pleasent smell introduced into this dark, rank alleyway. His eyes scanned the area until they stopped looking at a young woman. A young woman with a huge gash in her arm. He stood up and watched the girl completely silent in the shadows as she leaned against the wall and started to examine the wound. A moment went by when she ripped her shirtsleeve off and tied it about her wound tightly to control the bleeding. Tristam:(in his usual roughed voice) You should go to the hospital.. Looks like it needs stitches. Kitty jumped slightly as he stepped from the shadows speaking to her. He had that classic almost biker look with his thick sideburns and half grown beard and mustache. He was wearing a pair of two sizes too big blue jeans that had a large hole in the knee showing off part of his muscular leg. Upon his torso was a weathered white tshirt stained yellow in places from grease or possibly spilled beer with what looks like a barbeque stain on the collar. He wore an old baseball cap with the Yankee's sybmol hanging on by a thread accompanied with a frayed bill. His hair was darkened and quite wild, littered with strands of grey from the stress of homeless life. He looked over her arm slightly as the blood started to seep through. She stepped forward away from the wall only to move quickly to the side to put distance between him and her. Her eyes were suddenly suspicious. kitty: That is nothing I can't handle on my own thank you. Tristam: Kids these days... He sighed and leaned against the wall again as she turned and walked away even though she could hear him sharpening his bone claws against the brick wall.
  3. Name: Tristan Scott Sex: Male Age: 22 Height:6' Weight: 210lbs Hair + Eyes: Shoulder length in ponytail, straight black hair and vibrant aqua hued eyes. Description: Tristam is rarely seen without his armor on his skin is tanned where the sun hits from outside practicing and fighting monsters so much. His face though hardened has a gentleness to it. His body is very toned and muscular, several large veins showing out through his forarms and biceps. Birthplace: Larso Background: Born to a rich mining family, Tristam got the best of schooling. His whole life however he wished not to be in business like his stuck up parents. When the monsters surfaced he ran away from home taking his family sword with him and travelling alone to Duncans Dojo where he learned the way of the Samurai. Already strengthened by his long journey and many battles with the creatures that wandered the country side he became a quick learner and after a few short years he "graduated" where others would have taken 10 years or more. Personality: Tristam is a very serious person, even out of battle he takes things quite seriously. He is not, however, without his good side. Once in a while he may come out with a funny remark or a smile but other than that, poker face. He is also fearless to most things. Class: Samurai Alignment: Principled Miscellaneous Ability: Detect Lies Magic: Muddle-Causes confusion. Sword Skills: 1.)Aijutsu Strike: Draw and Strike with sword and resheathe in one motion, takes time and focus to perform but does a nice amount of damage. 2.)Daisho Art: Gives him the ability to focus his swordsmanship to be able to wield his katana in one hand and a wakisashi in the other hand without penalty for a short period of time. 3.)Strike from a distance: Using this technique is very taxing on him as he must concentrate fully on the blade and swing it as fast as he can, the result would be a condensed blade of air, completely invisible cutting it's way through the less dense air at very high speeds at it's target. Equipment: Weapon Right Hand: Katana Weapon Left Hand: Katana(wakisashi) Armor Head: Steel Samurai Helm Armor Body: Mithril samurai plate armor. Armor Feet: Mithril Greaves Relic: Hero ring(Raises magic and physical damage) Items: 3 Hi-Potions, 2 ethers, 1 antidote, 1 echo screen, 2 pheonix downs, 1 mysterious pendant.
  4. Good I'm not to late to try out. ^_^ Name: Tristan Scott Age: 32 Height: 5'9" Gender: Male Function In The Team: Special Forces Infiltration and Reconnaisance Weapons: Thousand Folds style specially forged stilletto throwing knife(also handy for slitting throats) and a .22 calibur Berretta 87 Cheetah special with silencer. Bio: Tristan grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Raised by a single mother who was also an abusive alcoholic, he became very good at escaping and getting into things. Growing up on poverty level gave him much practice at becoming a five finger discount specialist. Over the years he went to "acquiring" greater things... T.V.'s, Jewelry, Cars. What ever he could get into was his. One day his stealing came to an abrupt halt. He was caught attempting to lift a brand new Dodge Viper and hauled off to jail. After months of being on trial he had finally been sent off to boot camp at the age of seventeen. Being in boot camp was the worst time in his life, but for the first time in his life he felt he was doing something greater than himself so he gave it his all. Putting his breaking and entering experience to play in the military he quickly landed a postition in special forces as an infiltration man. His quick eye for detail also made him ideal for reconnaisance missions. Appearance: when not in his infiltration outfit he normally wears bluejean cut off shorts matched with the usual white logo tshirt. The shirt itself would have a random saying or whatnot. Foot wear consisted of white knee high tubesocks pushed down to where it meats with the top of his black and brown leather high tops. Up top he sports a plain blue jean baseball cap and a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses. Personality: Very fun and outgoing guy, loves a laugh. When it comes to business, however, there is noone more serious about his work than Tristam. He takes his job with pride and confidance making him very likely to lash out at one who would constantly critique his work.
  5. It appeared that they were fighting a loosing battle. A dark cloud appeared above the sky as they battled the cyclopians and their steeds the giant centipedes. Alriy's swords moved in a blurr as they hacked at the centipede... The creature snapped down to bite at him but a quick, agile slash upwards split it's face wide open.. The monster insect fell to the ground twitching from the reflex nerves in it's dead body. Lacroix was busy himself taking on a cyclopian who's eye was not entirely made useless. the creature could still see even if his electrical organ was to damaged. Lacroix's movements though graceful and unerring were no match for the ancient power of the giant. Elsyan seeing this had dashed over to the one eyed titan and drew her sword slashing down upon him, unfortunately for her, the steal gauntlet on his wrist was easily used to raise up completely blocking her attack. Unluckily for the Cyclopian That left him wide open for a swift attack by Lacroix, spinning around and driving the sharp scimitar blades right into the soft side of the Cyclops. With a decently large splay of blood combined with a horrendously hideous cry from the monster it fell over dead at the spot. Lauren obviously had an advantage, until that is one of the centipedes spit it's venom up at her soaking her right wing sending her falling toward the ground. Lauren: AAAIIIEEEEE!!!! Alriy: Lauren no! Faster than anyones seen him move yet he bursted into action, his body moving in a blurr as he dashed towards her. Leaping up into the air, he landed directly upon the back of one of the centipedes running along it's back as it battled with Illy and now Elsyan who'd joined his side in battle while lacroix delt with the final Cyclops. The centipede reared upwards to dodge their attacks while also attempting to remove Alriy from his back. This however has proven fruitless as by the time he had started to move his body upwards he proceeded to drive both Rapiers into the head of the beast and leaping forward. Alriy stretched out his hands taking her into his arms as the both fell togather towards the rocky ground. However, mere seconds before they landed Alriy wretched his body to the side, rolling as they hit the ground Alriy landing on the ground first taking most of the fall damage. Lauren landing immediately afterwords rolling with Alriy to avoid to much damage. Lauren: Thanks. Alriy:(with a grin) Don't thank me yet. He jumpt back to his feet helping her up and then turning to receive his rapiers tossed over by Illy. They all went then to attack the remaining centipede who was starting to retreat. Illy teleported infront of it. Illy: Where do you think you're going? Lauren:You are going to pay for what you did to my wing. Lacroix:...... Elsyan: How does it feel to know your going to die? Alriy: Enjoy your trip... With that they all converged upon the centipede making quick work on the overwhelmed insect as they basically hacked it up. Alriy drops to the ground and tears stream down his face. Alriy: This sacred ground has been defiled..... I'm sorry spirits. Illy:(walking up to him) It's not your fault, friend.
  6. After a long day of wandering the streets and digging for money or anything of value in various dumpsters he's claimed through force or finding he returned to his home. The cardboard box in the covered alleyway off of Mainstreet. His home, his domain, his castle. He lay with his new possessions deciding to take them to the local pawn shop the next day and see how much money he could scrounge up from them. His eyes slowly drifted shut as his dreams become filled with the visions of the riches he wished he had.
  7. Interesting story Schrat9, but I'd like a little more detail on the character sheet and you should reread your plot because if the time is one hundred years later it should be 2600 not 3500.
  8. For those of you with little/no knowledge of FF3, a relic is a magical item that allows certain things. Like Sprinting shoes allow one to run for long periods of time without fatique and genji gloves allow the use of a weapon in each hand without penalty. These are just examples, I'll allow you to make up your own or start with one that was made in the game but nothing to powerful.
  9. Alriy had sat down nearby Illy with Mara close by. He looked down at the resting Eve and closed his eyes. Humming quietly, Those with the ability could sense his power rise as he channeled it through the staff. The crimson markings on the staff began to glow brighter and brigther as it became infused with his power amplifying the energy the staff already had. He started chanting in an ancient language lacroix glared at him knowing the language he spoke but said nothing recognizing the spell. Hunter, Illy and Mara looked at Alriy distrusting because of the tone of his voice when speaking the spell. Even Raven had placed his hand on his weapon. Finally Alriy waved the wand over Eve, the magical energy sparkling in a red nebula of energy falling over her as her eyes shot open fully awake. She looked up with those same brilliant dark green eyes with a deep breathe and relaxed. Alriy having seen the look on everyone's face, the distrust. the anger in their eyes. the almost hatred he stands up and walks away, his head hung low. He didn't want to be somewhere he was not wanted... or trusted.
  10. Suddenly Alriys walked through the group, a slight smirk on his face. Ever since getting his staff back he seemed to be a new person, though the grim of Alriy was still lurking there just waiting for the perfect moment to strike out. He glanced among them. Alriy: Shouldn't we be searching out a certain necromancer instead of playing matchmaker? Hunter:Geez, you need a girlfriend worse than Elsyan needs a boyfriend! Alriy rolls his eyes in disgust and leans against a tree twirling the wooden staff in his hands deftly. Alriy: Please, who would want to be the boyfriend of a man that's only half alive and needs to consume the blood of the living to survive?
  11. Pheobie: No! We still have a chance! They all look at her funny. Pheobie: This is a newly developed materia, synthetically made to dissolve magical energy. It's calle anti-magic. Ryan: Anti-Magic? But how can we get more? Pheobie: That's the problem... We can't. When the mako children were created they destroyed the only facility making them and I got the only one. Luckily I've almost mastered it, once that is done, it should spawn another one like regular materia but since it's not naturally made the truth about synthetic materia spawning is unknown.
  12. I'd like to invite you to my first Final Fantasy RPG on Otaku Boards! There will be a limit (to be announced) on the number of sign ups that will be chosen so please try hard and try to add some diversity. Sign ups will be open for 9 days. Final Fantasy 3: Nonexistence Setting It has been ten thousand years since the last War of the Magi. A small battalion of valiant warriors, aided by the ancient espers, had destroyed Kefka. Now, the espers are all dead, their magicite either absorbed into Kefka or sacrificed to the warriors of light to save the world. The espers? magic, however, shall live on. The warriors settled down after the battle and lived out their lives with their families. Their children were born, much to their surprise, with magic! As they grew, they learned how to utilize their power and optimize it as a memorial to keep the memory of the espers alive. Over the two hundred generations (using fifty years as one generations time), many things change. Man with magic had lost much of the ancient magical potency from breeding with those who could not use magic. The greater part of the population of the planet now had some magic inherent in their blood, but the magical affinity drained their strength slightly making them not as physically able to defend them self as other people. The stories of the espers, Kefka, and even the War of the Magi had been long forgotten. Corruption now flows through the land from an unknown source, causing monsters to return to the surface of the planet and attack unwary travelers. Hardened soldiers fear for their lives from the monstrosities that now roam the hillside. Only the bravest of knights and most powerful of wizards would leave city limits at night or during feeding times. Meanwhile, over the southern continent, a dark cloud formed over the ruins of Vector as it began to swarm with demons and monsters, which flowed out onto the land. Tzen and Maranda fell in moments along with the rest of the Continent, as it became a barren wasteland filled with ghastly abominations. The land is now only known as the Forbidden Zone, to those who have heard of it. The entrance to the esper world had been wretched open once more, but nobody knows if anything has come out or entered; any who dare to investigate become quickly consumed by the wave of monsters that infest the Forbidden Zone. Narshe has been crushed under the largest avalanche in history, dating nearly 8 thousand years ago. Only now had the ice melted to the point where the tips of the ruins, wherein the esper Tritoch?s icy prison laid, would be seen by the mortal eye. Figaro Castle was still erect, but far from operational, after these many thousand years. After the King Edgar passed on, there was no one with the knowledge to fix the rusted and broken gears in the submersion mechanism. South Figaro had become the capital of a great democratic nation where the "president" resides in a mansion in the middle of the significantly larger town. Several new cities and villages had been built over the millennia. Larso, located just east of where the ruins of Narshe are located, took over the mining responsibilities of its predecessor. After finding a seemingly never-ending vein of mithril, they quickly became a very rich town (with a very dark secret). Tanni is the center of the world; though not literally in the middle of the planet, on all world maps it is placed right in the center. It is a large farming town providing meat and vegetables for most of the world. Mount Khol had been turned into a giant factory, mass-producing airships for anyone with enough money to purchase one. Where Duncan's house used to lie, a large Dojo had been built, complete with statuettes of Vargas and Sabin just outside where the martial arts and blitzes were taught. Classes Archer - Skilled in the arts of the bow, characters starting in this class will be allowed to fire multiple arrows at once with higher than average accuracy, making him a fierce long ranged opponent to be contended with. Their armor must be light and flexible else they would not be able to operate the bow properly. Assassin - Their increased damage when attacking from behind gives them an edge, if they are sneaky enough. They are not characters you would want as enemies. They are allowed any nonmetal armor and weapon no larger than a short sword based on the fact that more than that could make unwanted noise. Bard - Armed with an instrument and a voice, their best weapon is their music. Their music is not to be taken lightly, however, for they may prove more useful with their talent than most would think. They have access to any weapons and/or armor. Black Belt - Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, their independence from armor and weapons lends to their agility and maneuverability in combat. With the ability to wield claws, they become very powerful warriors. Black Belts may not wear armor on their body or head. Black Mage - What else is there to say about these fellows? They are masters of offensive magic and ideal against monsters, but their weak physical condition leaves them vulnerable in a melee. Armor is strictly robes as weapons contain mostly staves and rods. A few black mages have been known to carry knives. Blue Mage - A most mysterious class, Blue Mages study the behavior and powers of monsters to gain a better understanding of them. Because of these intense studies, they can use certain monsters? powers, at the cost of losing the ability to control themselves until the threat is no more or they fall unconscious. They have access to any weapon and armor, however loose effectiveness in their monster skills if wielding such. Dancer - This class just sucks, people. The only thing good about them is their magical ribbon, which makes them immune to magical status ailments. Most all of the dancers are however undeniably attractive. No weapons or armor may be worn. Dragoon - Masters of the lance, the spear and other pole arms, this class makes use of the ?Jump? ability and can acquire Dragoon Arts if they are skilled enough. Any armor can be used while they are limited to using pole arms for weapons. Elementalist - Those that fall into this class have a unique feel for the elements and their magical properties. In essence, they start out with the elemental spells Ice, Fire, Aero, and Quake. These spells and their direct descendents may be cast with greater power than they would be by another spell caster. Also any nonelemental spell casted are of decreased power. Like black, white, and red mages they may only wear robes and wield rods, staves, or daggers. Fighter - The classic hack and slash class, the fighter can make use of any weapon or armor, but is completely devoid of magic. They also are much more stalwart than mages, in general, are. To make up for their lack of magic they may start with 2 pieces of mithril armor instead of up to silver only. Mimic - More of a race than a class, the Mimics are a group of vagabonds, looking much like gypsies in their general appearance. They have the ability to exactly copy whatever they see. Mimics may use no weapons or armor, besides the robes they wear that is. Mystic - Once again, this is not quite a class, but it is still here. A mystic is born with an unusually strong magical affinity, allowing them to start with an extra spell in their arsenals. They may never wear metal on their body, however, as the sensitive magical properties of their bodies are easily disrupted by metal. Ninja - They stalk the night, and lurk unseen in the shadows. These mysterious men talk little and reveal less. They have unmatched throwing skills and can blend into dark areas easily. Ninja normaly stay toward long curved swords and ninja type armors, some wielding gauntlets of some sort. Psychic - They are another class devoid of magic. The force of their minds, however, improvises their lack of this power. Psionic characters may not wear headgear, or armor better than chain mail armor. All weapons are available to them. Where mages have spells, these characters are instead allowed the same number of psionic powers. Red Mage - Adept in the powers of both black and white magic, they quickly become extremely useful characters. The down side, however, is their inability to reach the higher levels of the two magical fields. Red Mages may also make use of most weapons and armor below plate male and no larger than a 1 handed sword. Samurai - Men of honor and courage, these special knights have given up a life of magic to take up swordsmanship. Effectively, Samurai get one spell that works minimally, and the other 3 go to sword skills instead. They may use any weapon and armor but oriental style armor and weaponry go the best with their class. Thief - Besides their obvious talent in ?procuring? items, they tend to be jacks of all trades. They must wear light and quiet armor and may not carry any weapon larger than a short sword or mace. White Mage - Using powerful benevolent magical powers to heal and protect their group members, they are a must have for any adventuring group. As other mages, No armor beyond robes may be equipped. Weapons also are restricted to rods, staves, or wands. Character Sign Up Name Sex Age Height Weight Hair + Eyes Description Birthplace Background Personality Class Alignment Miscellaneous Ability: (Only one) Magic (Other): 4 (unless stated otherwise by class) Equipment|Note: No character may start with better than silver. Basic revolvers do exist once more but no sniper rifles or rocket launchers, ok? Thanks. :) Weapon Right Hand Weapon (shield) Left Hand Armor Head Armor Body Armor Feet Relic (only 1 to start) Items:(10)
  13. Alriy slept very little as per his nature. The same went for Lacroix so they spent most of the night tending to their newly re-acquired weapons and talking about past experiences while the night went on uneventful and the rest of the group slept soundly. OOC: Sorry about the short post, but my mind is dead.
  14. OOC: You guys are SOOO not playing tristams personality right. ----------------------------------- Tristam had finally recovered from getting kicked and stabbed in the genitalia that he does not have because HE'S A DEMON! and his type of demon doesn't have any jewels. His eyes were a narrow ocean as he glaress over the Valen and Karina. He stretched his wings out and flew straight up in the air. He was in his home turf now. They tried to hit him with magic but he'd just dodge. The throwing stars thrown by were deflected with a magical shield just cast upon his arm. He laughed viciously as he started chanting a dark spell. Tristam: Dark powers from beyond, fill this corpse with your strength. Grant thy unholy embrace upon this vessel and give him new life. Arise servant of darkness! Restore your Spirit and Fight! Simacrulam!!! Through the wording of the spell a black cloud of magical energy had been gathering around Indrid. Upon the final spoken word, the key word there was a horrid "beyond the grave" shrill and Indrid stood back up, his eyes blazing with demonic power. taking his weapon and once more leaping into battle. He had returned but that short time that Indrid was gone he had tasted what hell was really liked, that had given him more power than he knew what to do with so his fighting spirit was like that of a demon. Hell, perhaps in that short time in Hell he had become one. Karina: This is NOT good... Visor: You mean we have to kill you AGAIN?! Tristams eyes narrowed as they were distracted by the ressurection combined with a newly acquired power that Indrid had gained he began gathering energy for another summons. Indrid took over Combatting with Valen and Karina as Lacroix strengthened by seeing the ressurection of his brother fought back against visor and tyron with a renewed vigor, but even with their new power and energy they were not enough to be double teamed still they were having to deal to much with their one opponant to notice Tristam who's summons was almost ready. His body literally hummed with power as Lacroix smirked wickedly looking into his opponants eyes. Lacroix: Fools... You have played into our trap again. This time you are too weak to escape and if you are still alive after this attack then I will personally behead you! Tristam: I call upon all the rage and fire of hell, rain down your fury upon my foes. Attack my IFRIT!!!! Indrid: That's impossible! Indred had little more time that that to react before being absorbed into the spell as well as Tristam and Lacroix immediately follow. The sky turns red with blood and fire followed by a skyrocketing tempurature reaching heights near unbearable. The air ripples through the heat as Ifrit, the 30 foot fire demon appeared with a horrendous roar. Ifrit was a fearful creature with the head of a lion adorned in long wavey horns. It's body was that of a man except for it's feet which were cloven much like a goats. it touches the ground and the earth below him immediately started to burn and melt away into molten hot magma forcing the group of heroes to retreat slightly for fear of being melted. Visor:If that is what I think it is, we are in BIG trouble. Karina: Whatever it is, it's ugly! There is no use running we have to fight it! Karina throws her stars at it but they melt into metal slag before it even reaches the huge beast. Valen and Visor tried it's spells but they just seemed to scratch the behemoth demon. It was truely a horrible sight to behold. After a moment of the group fruitlessly battling against Ifrit, It shot up into the sky taking all of the melted and partially melted earth with him, huge draconic wings sprouting out behind him as he takes flight. his arms fly up directing the lava up into a cloud of Black that had been gathering there for some time now. Having taken in all that magma and earth the cloud became extremely heavy, falling quickly downwards towards earth but stopping a mere few hundred feet just above the group, a solid stream of lava, balefire and brimstone rained upon them for more than 5 seconds befor ethere was nothing left in the clouds and they dispersed along with the ifrit... There was no trace of the Triad of Evil. ------------------------------------- Meanwhile in hell The trio sat back in a small room, listening to the muffled cries of the damned in the distance. Tristam turns to look at Indred. Tristam: My spell of ressurection only works once every one thousand years. You had better be greatful and not kill yourself again right away. Indred nods and eyes narrow. His voice was full of venom as he spoken. Indred: We crushed them hard.. there can be no way they could survive that! Lacroix: Don't underestimate them brother, they are more durable than a cockroach. Lacroix's arms cross as though deep in thought, Indred looked a bit edgy just sitting there in hell as did Tristam. but they needed to rest and regain their magical energy.
  15. Name: Alriy Geosion Age: 20 of course. Birthmark-Alriy was gifted with a (literally)sandy blond patch of skin on his neck and collarbone. The birthmark a clear symbol of the powers of earth. Bio-Alriy was actually Isthanae's Cousin, They had grown up togather because their fathers were brothers. Alriy's father had been a Miner even before they boys birth. Even as Alriy was very young he had an affinity for earth and rock, his father frequently took him on mining trips so that he could shape the rock out of the way and sift out the pure ore from the normal stone. Many years of work in the mines had given him equal strength and diversity between magical and physical power. Appearance- Standing at a tall six feet and seven inches(slightly slouching), and weighing at about two hundred severnty-two pounds He is a small giant of a man, quite muscular as well from working in the mines for so long. He hair and eyes are both the color of freshly turned soil; His skin has a light tan.
  16. Alriys ears perked... they may look human but his sense of hearing was as good as an elf's if not better. He listened to the gait of the foot falls. the footfalls he heard were not of any bipedal creature, but something with many more legs. Alriy: Stand back everyone.. Those aren't orcs coming. Orcs don't have that many feet and move that fast. Lacroix You're right. The orcs must have been a scout team for somethign bigger and when they didn't return.... Illy: The big fellas came looking for them. Lauren This could be bad. Alriy: Your telling me. Elsyan: What could It be though? Lacroix: Whatever it is, it's almost here! As that is said, Huge 30 ft long centipedes burst into the clearing, 3 of them in all, a 12ft tall cyclopian giant riding each one as it . The first one goes after lauran who takes off into the air immediately firing off arrows at it. The rest of the group not so lucky as they have no apparent flying ability. Illy: spread out! one swipe from those centipedes backside could take down an entire platoon of soldiers! The group did so fanning out their positions ready to strike back as the Cylopians gathered the electrical energy in their eyes ready to fire their lasers at the group of could be heroes.
  17. The light of dawn burned into the back of Tristans eyelids forcing him to awaken and open his eyes. The glare of the golden ball of superheated elements floating in the sky burned into his retina's causing him to close his eyelids once more sitting up from the alleyway and scratching himself with a massive yawn. After standing up and brushing the dust and lint gathered onto his clothes from the night he wandered over to the local dumpster for a bite. A few long moments of scrounging and digging produced several semi-fresh half eaten sandwiches and he leaned against the dumpster to enjoy his meal. Man: Hey look it's that homeless freak. Woman: Not so loud dear, he'll here us. Man: I don't care, that monster is where he belongs. Before the female could react to finishing the sentence, Tristam had dropped the sandwich, leaped over landing infront of the man in a single bound followed by a ripping sound as his bone claws extended upwards. Stopping just below the mans chin he looks into the terrified eyes of this fellow and speaks. His voice exudes a venemous tone as he regards the passerby. Tristan: The only reason you are not dead right now is because I am more human than you will ever be... Maybe you should look into your heart and see who the real monster is. Not giving the man time to react he had ran back into the alleyway dissappearing into the deep shadows of it and turned a corner climbing a fire escape. Tristam:(Thinking)"I almost couldn't control it this time. This rage inside of me keeps growing and I keep getting stronger, but will it end? Will I be able to hold this rage in forever? I wish someone could help me, anyone." Finally coming to a stop, Tristam sat against the escape door on the roof of a nearby building staring out amongst the city... He couldn't see equal to the limits of the skyscrapers, but could definetely look down upon many of the penthouses from this height. He knew falling from here would not make a pretty art scene. He saw two figures off in the distance but thought nothing of it, probably just a couple of "freaks" like him out having a good time. Tristam, however, didn't see what was so great about being a freak. His mind kept on that thought for a long while.
  18. Well Newt, there is 8 people signed up for this RPG when are you going to start it up?!
  19. Alriy stood silent for a long moment, the gathering grew so silent that the near nonexistant wind could be heard flowing over the field of wildflowers behind them. Finally he looked up with his black eyes and gazed around at the group of them. Alriy: The dreams i've been having as long as I can remember. Location was there, in that dream behind me. If we all had the same dream it's pretty obvious that we all know who was in the dream and where. What we don't know is who exactly this dark power really is. But seriously I don't know how I fit into this right in the center? How do we know it's not you, Illy, or Elsyan. Lauran let out an exasperated sigh then walked out of the room as Alriy gave her a confused look. Once again the room got deathly quiet.
  20. *Back to Yuugi who had stayed behind to fight some vampires that were stalking the group. The oriental looking man sat on the floor, his body was soaked in blood, his own and vampires.. His chi was drained healing himself and he lay against a tree because that was all that he could do.* OOC: Sorry about the short arse post... i'm killing Yuugi soon and that post is going to be huge. lol.
  21. Alriy knew they were being followed, but they knew not what it was until it the demons actually showed themselve's that they knew what they were really getting into. The rust monster came from the forest, this one was larger than normal, almost 50% the size of a normal one.. it must have been enhanced by Nilothakir's powerful necromancy. Lacroix had known what this thing was and thereby had put away his scimitars not wanting to loose them and runs at it flip/twisting in the air, landing on it's back. Immediately the monster bucks but Lacroix had already a firm grip on it's antennae, his legs firmly pressed to the rust monsters sides. He wasn't going anywhere... he began to steer the creature to the left and right by tugging on the reins as Alriy had been concentrating inward... He was finishing the last touches on a vampiric power he knew was in his blood but was unaware of how to access it until just now. His eyes flashed and Lacroix jumped off, suddenly the area surrounding the monster had been consumed in a baleful green flame. the creature writhed and squealed before leaping out of the huge fireball tackling alry to the ground and digging it's claws deep into his shoulders. He grunted in the pain until he heard a voice call out from beside him. Lacroix: Dark Star! It appeared while atop the rust monster he had been preparing a spell of his own. The spiked ball of dark energy stuck into the creature with such force that it had sent it flying back about 10 feet taking hunks of Alriy's flesh with it. A faint humming was heard from the star as it burrowed very painfully into the flesh of the beast and exploded with a sudden BOOM! sending rust monster pieces everywhere. Alriy stood up, already beginning to heal his wounds. Alriy: Well that was eventful. Lacroix:(breathing heavy from mana drain) You're telling me.
  22. As soon as they started near the loud sound a group of motorcycles crashed through the forests, with noone on them! There were many scary sounds coming from all around the forest, sounding more like tribal grunts than anything. Before they knew what was going on Moblins started pouring out of the forest swarming them as a tall, what almost looks like a "Super" Moblin exits the forest. Moblar: Master Gannon said to kill all! Take Link alive! There is a chorused yell as about 50 moblins converge upon the group.
  23. OOC: Elven, I started typing my post before mystic had posted hers, it's not like i did that on purpose! ------------------------------------------------ Alriy had seen hunter burst out of the tavern yelling something about a temple of light. and followed him easily, his enhanced vampiric speed allowing him thus. He glanced over at hunter as they sprinted side by side. Alriy: You are aware that I cannot enter the temple? Hunter: Yes, well... You can stand guard at the doorway and protect us. Alriy: Ahh, bodyguard work... I will not guard alone however, you must find one to stand with me. Hunter nodded knowing that sending one person to guard was a death sentence on itself and went about thinking of who to put him to guard with. After a few moments he nods and looks over, thier pace slowing a bit to let the others catch up. Hunter: Lacroix shall stand guard with you. With his drow skills and your enhanced vampiric abilitie's, there would be little that could stand against you. Alriy: Good Idea.
  24. Alriys hands sprouted 3 inch claws as he lept into battle attacking the first creature. The monster attacked the Dhampire by thrusting a huge broadsword at his abdomen, however, Alriy had been prepared for this and brought his razor sharp supernatural claws down upon the mundane forged weapon instantly cutting through the steel leaving the abominations thrust shortlived. As Alriy's opponant realized his mistake it grew claws of it's own forcing the half vampire to engage in hand to hand combat. The two commensed in an intricate battle, looking somewhat like a dance they exchange blows and parry's at blinding speeds. Stopping a slash to his chest, Alriy lifted his steeltoe boot up into the crotch of the monster causing it to double over dropping down onto it's knee's. In one swift motion Alriy had spun driving his claws into the neck of the creature opening it up and glaring as the reddish blood then began to flow and steam rose from his neck, the blood bubbling and hissing as it heated up. The result, one huge beast cooked from the inside out by it's own blood. without saying a word he ran over to help someone who may not be as lucky in their battle as he was.
  25. Alriy sat back watching everyone else converse, enjoying a bit of bacon and eggs and a glass of light ale. Lacroix I am assuming was also relatively quiet. After breakfast and clean up dutie's, Lauren landed and walked over to the group. After everyone had been adjoined, Alriy stood and spoken. Alriy: Alright all of you have gathered at this grove for a reason. We have been plagued by dreams of a great evil... One that may very well be the end of us all. Now I believe we may stand a chance, but we must all work togather, fight togather, learn togather. We have a great challange ahead of us. The 7 Legendary armors guarded by the avatar's of the 7 elder gods we must attain if we are to stand any chance against this threat. That is what I have to say... now you may add your thoughts and opinions.
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