Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
Alriy: Ironic indeed. The group looked around at the voice, Lacroix spotting him first. Lacroix: Good to see you've joined us. What happened to you? Alriy: I had.... business to take care of. Lacroix nodded deciding not to take the issue further. Hunter glanced over at Alriy and gave a nod. Hunter: You missed out on some action... We had more visitors from our friendly neiborhood necromancer. Alriy glared for a long moment then nodded. He thought back to what he had just accomplished, his hands were hidden inside of his cloak not wanting to alarm them with the array of green, black and red ichor stained on his hands and pieces of flesh under his nails. Alriy: It's alright, Hunter.... I got some action of my own.
Tristam: No matter, I'll destroy all 4 of you! I summon the power of Diablo! At that moment his black eyes turned blood red and a fierce wind picks up around him as the magical, spiritual, and natural energie's increase about himself exponentially. His clothes are whipped around by the wind as his summons begin to take form. A small black and golden lamp appears on the ground, laiden with opals and obsidian. Lacroix, Indrid and Tristam become absorbed into the lamp adding more power to the spell as a a dark grey mist exudes from the lamp. Visor: OH NO! Karina: He's a summoner! Run!!! But it was too late, suddenly the huge daemonic creature had formed, it's black and crimson hide barely shown through the blackest night as suddenly the group of heroes noticed that the demon did not actually come out of the lamp but it was actually the other way around... they were brought into the lamp! The demons wings wrapped around itself as it raised a giant thin clawed hand summoning a horde of bat and converting it into a giant ball of unholy energie's. Only one word erupted from it's baleful mouth, "Gravitonne". This keyword was the signature of their destruction... The huge black ball filled with crimson runes and symbols before Diablo reached up into the ball grappling "something" and pulling down on that Converging on the 4 would be heroes, their screams of pain and horror echoed through the tiny pocket realm. when the pain was finished they were left clinging to life on the cold ground at the foot of the mountain as the evil triad looked down upon them. Indrid rose up in laughter. Indrid: Your all pathetic. Lacroix: I have to hand it to you, i'm suprised you survived diablos attack. Tristam: Not even a challange... I'll be back to finish you off. Lacroix, Indrid and Tristam all fade into the shadows to let the four heroe's fend for themselve's in their new weakened state leaving only behind a chorus of malicious laughter.
Alriy watches Lacroix's actions going several times to say something but is each time cut off by one thing or another. After Lacroix sat down and melded into the shadows Alriy walked up to the fallen Hunter and kneeled down to him with narrowed eyes putting his hands upon the elf's leg and concentrating. His entire body lights up with a light reddish colored glow also encompassing Hunters leg. The group watches in amazement as Hunters leg is healed. Seemingly slightly dizzy, Alriy produces a small wineskin from his side under the cloak and quickly guzzles it looking amongst the group. A slight smirk crosses his face as he wipes a bit of crimson liquid from his lip and goes to rest in a corner.
???: You play with your food to much, Why not simply destroy them and get it over with before they become too powerful? The tall handsome demon stepped from the shadows to examine Indrid and Lacroix. His black eyes stared in a way that seemed to drill their very souls through even giving a drow a shiver down their spin even if only for the first time. Lacroix: And who asked your opinion, Tristam? Indrid: You know this feind? Lacroix: Of course, don't you? Indrid: Am I supposed to? He stood there watching them chat for a moment then quickly getting bored he turned and walked towards the group of good guys deciding on whether he'll try and kill them, torture them, or just have a little fun.
Alriy having no better place to go he makes his way out to stalk the night streets after being "evicted" by the bartender of the tavern. His body was well concealed in the shadows with his cloak but that didn't stop Lacroix from spotting him like a glob of white paint on a black castle wall. Dropping down behind Alriy silently, Lacrois suddenly found a dagger placed at his throat but in the same moment he had anticipated and put the tip of his scimitar at the Dhampire's chest. After a few seconds they hand relaxed and stepped back from each other exchainging cordial nods. Lacroix: It's not safe here, we have to stick togather. Nilothakir has hordes of creatures everywhere. Alriy: I know, take me to the rest of the group... Lacroix: They went to a cabin in the woods, I'll take you there... At that they both set off, 2 figures unseen in the night moving silently towards Illythiirtar's cabin.
Alriy's eyes have narrowed for the past few minutes. He was not the only person not laughing and chatting away idly. He merely listened to what they had to say, his crimson eyes glaring at each person in turn as they spoke. For a moment he let out a low growl but caught himself and closed his eyes controlling his anger. Hunter: What bothers you so, Alriy. Alriy: Never has the smell of Nilothakir been so strong since the day that I had fought him in the desert and lost La Sangra Barra. I swear the next time I meet him, I will not be so arrogant. His his voice was almost venomous as he spoke in the bass low tone before opening his eyes again, which were of the bluest sky before the blood refilled within the eyes again. Hunter: Worry not, Friend. We all have our vendetta's against the necromancer. Togather we should be able to defeat him for good.
Alriy's suprise was quickly abated, after all, his kind were not necessarily the nicest of people. He merely nodded to this Drow and let a small smile, his black eyes gazing into the eyes of his fellow purson. Lauren however still seemed wary. Alriy: My name is Alriy. All are welcome here, Tell me. Hast you been victim to the dreams as well? Lacroix: Thank you friend, Yes I have. I came to this place to see if others have, I guess I was right. Alriy: Well then you are welcome to rest in the cabins, We shall all gather in the morning to decide what is to happen next. Laxroix nodded slightly and made his way to the Cabins as Alriy get's comfortable next to the tree trunk again. Lauren watches him the entire way into the cabin before returning to her soft spot near the cabin sleeping lightly incase Alriy happened to be wrong.
Alriy smirked... dead flesh is very flammable. At that thought he burst into flame and started to dash to and fro through the undead army as a being of pure fire and burning destruction.
The door flung open as a tall man entered the tavern. He gazed around the room with his blood red eyes and raised a large pale hand to run his fingers through his course long white hair. His eyes traveled the tavern as he examined each person in turn almost seeming to sniff the air as he gazes. several people walk in behind him closing the tavern door and suddenly noticing the hulking figure ahead of them and avoiding him as well as possible. He was not as tall as some creatures get but his mass was quite impressive, his limbs were well filled out with muscles, veins popping out of his arms and legs underneath the pants and shirt sleeves. His face had a cold hard look upon it. Most would look at him and immediately think warrior, but such an assumption is normally fatal for just as he has superior physical attributes, his magical affinity is also in it's prime and his blood magic is powerful indeed but not without it's flaws. His eyes narrow and nostrils flare catching a scent and following it straight to the place where Ith, Hunter and Eve were and simply sat down at their table looking at each of them a very dark look upon his face. His voice was equally malicious as he spoke the tone of his voice immediately tipping them off to what/who he was talking about. Alriy: You have his taint.
Alriy sat up part of the night leaning against a dead tree trunk outside the cabin looking up at the night sky. Not long after he had rested his body there he had felt a hand on his shoulder. Alriy looked up to stare directly into the eyes of a captivating young elven woman, Lauren. It was said that the Lost Elve's were the most beautiful of their kind, even without their angelic wings. Lauren was no exception. Alriy smiled up at her as she rested beside him. Lauren: Couldn't sleep? I can't blame you. Alriy: I've not slept in a week... every night I awake screaming... I won't disturb the rest of the others. Laurens eye's soften as if she knows something he does not and looks down. Lauren: You have some kind of destiny don't you? I can sense it in you.... A greater purpose beyond this dream even. Alriy: No... I'm just plain old Alriy, always have been always will be.. Alriy sighs sadly and looks up at the ocean of stars once more and shortly after closes his eyes. Lauren shakes her head sadly and places her hand upon his for a moment before taking it back and looking down. Lauren:(Thinking)"He doesn't even realize how important he is."
Alriy's eyes narrow at the scorched earth where Lacroix laid before dissappearing gripping the handle of his sword and glancing around. Alriy: Our trouble isn't over yet. Lauren: What are you talking about, there is nothing around us except for civilians. Ben: Be on your guards everyone, Alriy is right.. Can't you smell it in the air... Indred: Oh, excuse me... Ben: Not you Indred, though you could use a bath... We are surrounded. Just as he sais that there was a shuffling noise from all around, the roads, ally's, inside of houses and around the corners... Everyone takes up arms to defend themselve's as the Ocean of various undead creatures storm the center of town where the group was by the hundreds. Skeletons, Zombies, Ghosts, and Ghouls were among the ranks of the undead. Such a conglomeration was well known to not go togather well and will only fight side by side if they were created by the same necromancer and being controlled at the same time. As the undead hordes converged upon the group a loud malicious laugh resonates above them. Tumini looks up and cries in the little faerie manner. Tumini:OhmygodIcan'tbelievewhatI'mseeingit'salichi'veneverseenalichbeforeitlookssoscary! Alriy:How does she talk so fast?
The sky was a canvas of orange, pink and yellow as the sun prepared to hide itself beyond the edge of the world to sleep... The moon had already been in sight high into the air hours before eager to steal the suns throne for the night. Far below the sun and moons eternal fight for dominance in sky set upon a thick forest, A young man sits. He had a dream of this place, the clearing was approximately 25 feet in diameter and was to perfect to be natural but to beautiful to be man made. The ground was littered with dusk lilly's and the outer lining of the grove was laiden with weeping willow's. The center of the opening contained a small fresh water spring with some larger rocks around it, this is where he sat. Waiting. Ever since he were a young boy he'd been having these dreams over and over again. He was sitting in the middle of the clearing described above, there were several other figures there but he could never make them out. they were battling a great evil and loosing. He started to panic and just before a giant black metaled sword collided with his throat, he woke with a bloody scream and covered with cold sweat. His uncle would enter the room and tell him he just had a nightmare and that he should go to sleep. Now he sat in the ring waiting for the others. Ever since he had the dream he knew.. He just knew there were others like him that were having the same dreams and visions but noone would ever believe him. Alriy was about to fall asleep when he was roused by an ominous noise. Something was coming towards him, a rustle in the bushes could be heard and his eyes narrow. Resting his hands on his swords he was totally prepared for anything that may come from the foliage. OOC: Paved the way for someone to show up! lol
Name: Alriy Age: Unknown Race: Dhampire/Human Class: Thaumaturgist Height: 6 feet tall Weight: 210lbs Eye color: red Hair Color: white Short Bio: Days before Alriy was born his mother was bitten by a vampire, As she died in childbirth her curse was partially passed on to her child. His father sensed the curse upon him and fled leaving him to be raised in an orphanage. He had to escape from there at the age of 7 because of an incident where he frenzied and drained one of the other children of their blood. From there he grew up on the streets learning much about the things that go bump in the night. Alriy got in good with the black market of sorts and was able to work his way into the lab of a blood magician "persuading" him to take him as an apprentice. Once his training was over he repayed the magician by draining him of his blood and taking his power. From there he took his masters weapon Sangre Barra(that will be special weapon) the blood rod, A large staff of Oak engraved with mystic runes and soaked in the blood of a thousand men. Spells: 1.) Read Blood-Alriy must taste the blood in question to glean knowledge from it. 2.) Blood Boil-With a touch, Alriy may boil the blood in his victims body to the point where they will cook themselve's from the inside out. 3.)Heal-Also a touch spell allowing him to heal the wounds of a desired target. 4.)The Curse of La Magra-This powerful spell causes acidic blood to rain from the sky and burn the flesh and bone away from the body of anyone that it touches(excluding alriy). Abilities: Supernatural Physical Attributes, Rapid Healing, Vampire Rage. Weakness: Direct Sunlight, Fire(both minor. Strong against: Charm Powers, Physical Damage. Equipment: Quarter Staff, Dagger, Cloak,Travellers Clothes. Future Special Weapon: Sangre Barra, The Blood Rod. See bio for description. Nilothakir's Intervention:Alriy was hot on the trail of the one that destroyed his life before he was even born when he encountered the master of his mothers killer.. after a valiant but shortlived battle Alriy was at the mercy of the powerful necromancer. ------------------------------------------ dust whipped across his face fiercely as he lay on the ground, the tip of the black blade sitting at his throat. If Alriy so much as breathed the wrong way he would be headless. The man glared down at him with those black eyes and frowned spitting on the ground next to him. Man: You have much potential, you are even more powerful than your sire... Join me and we can rule! Alriy: I'll never be slave to you monster! The man let's out a dark laugh the tip of the blade nicks his flesh and Alriy bleeds slowly. Man:Good night. There was a heavy thudding sound on his head and when he awoken he was completely devoid of his equipment except for his traveling clothing. Travelling for days without rest through the desert he finally came upon a small village with a few horses. He hid behind the dune's until nightfall in which he would enter the town. Night came and Alriy entered the town through the shadows. Stalking the night like a panther searching for it's prey. There he found it, an elderly mage stumbling from the ale tent towards his knapsack. He slid up behind him and before the mage could react he had already snapped his neck and started to drain the man right there in the middle of the street... Noone was around to watch the specatcle, after it was over he took the mans cloak and weapons and walked to a horse breaking the rope and leaving with it which brings him to the present.
OOC: Due to not being able to keep up with harlequin and elvenfoxknight because of lack of time, I'm dropping out of this rp... thanks for letting me play the 3 posts I got in.
Ben, I edited my sign up to what we talked about. *nods*
name: Tristan Scott age: 20 alliance: Evil Weapons: Vorpal Blade, Dimensional Shield magic ellemental: Summoning Bio: His past is shrouded in mystery, known only to himself and a few others. Appearences: Think of keannau reeves from matrix and give him horns and wings. personality: Basically a smart@ss cynical bastard. magic: Diablo, Ifrit, Shadow.
Sign Up Yu-Gi-Oh: The battle for your Loved ones[sign up]
Heartless Me replied to Spikey's topic in Theater
Name: Shadow Age: 19 Deck Type: Deception Apperance: Short black hair and dark brown skin, always wears baggy jeans and some kind of jersey. His right pocket contains a butterfly knife which he wields with great skill. Bio: Shadows real Name is Francis but you can't have a name like that growing up in the hood. So when he was 12 he just started calling himself shadow and it stuck well to his name. Favorite Card: Polymerization -
The man looked Raistlin over and smirked slightly showing a hint of fang yet the sun was still high in the sky. Figure: Just a man looking for my fortune... Raistlin: I mean what is your name. Figure: If I tell you will you be quiet for a while? Raistlin: Sure. Figure: Ratu. Raistlin blinks a few times and turns back to face Lacroix again. Raistlin: Anyway... Ratu: I thought you were gonna shut up. Raistlin: oh yeah... I lied. Ratu's eyes narrowed but he did nothing because once again.. he was outnumbered so he merely sat there mumbling something about "should have left them to the orcs."
The "human" that had remained silent this entire time finally turned to look at Raistlin and Lacroix speaking with a bass tone voice. Figure: You elve's speak to much. He crossed his arms about himself but kept his senses and body aware knowing he was outnumbered severely surrounded by elve's all around.
Sign Up Return to Atlantis (no connection to the Disney movie) [SIGN UP]
Heartless Me replied to AdRoc2005's topic in Theater
Name: Tristan Scott Age: 16 Gender: Male Description: Tall and muscular, football material though he doesn't play sports. He is normally seen wearing a pair of black jeans with a tshirt that has some sort of funny quote on it. Tristan has short spikey brown hair and brown eyes to compliment his slightly tanned skin. How you got your ring: His ring was given to him by his girlfriend(who may be played by another sign up if they want :wink: ) . Psychic Ability: Gravijokenises, He has the ability to manipulate the atomical forces of gravity known only as gravitons dispersing or condensing them to lighten or increase the gravity of an area. In lame man's terms gravity manipulation. Weapon: Boot Knife. -
Sign Up A Trip Down The Rabbit Hole-New Times-New Lives-New Threat
Heartless Me replied to Raquel's topic in Theater
Name: Phoebe(Model phee-b) Age: N/A Hight: five feet four inches Weight: Unknown Clan: Artificial Intelligent Android. Weapons: Right arm encompasses a Charge Buster, upper right arm compartment holds several concussion grenades and one thermo-nuclear detonator. Jewel on left arm creates a laser shield that protects against energy attacks and physical attacks Left leg compartment holds an automatic energy pistol. Description: Medium heighth with long flowing blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail, A black skinsuit covering her shapely body. I'd be very hard to tell she was machine if it wasn't for the charge buster grafted to her arm. Presonality: Logical, Rational, Robotlike(duh). Sometimes she can seem almost human though. Rank: N/A Machines aren't allowed rank Ship: None, she is a crew member of Sirens ship(I hope you don't mind stormwind. :toothy: ) Bio: Made one Earth read's the tag on the back of her neck. -
Just then Phoebe turns a corner tucking something into a shoulder compartment and looking at the small group. Phoebe: Sorry about the hold up, I needed a charge. Vukodlak: Couldn't have you done that earlier. Phoebe: Christ, I said I'm sorry, what do you want? An apology written in blood? Vukodlak: I wouldn't argue against it. Phoebe: Couldn't if I wanted to.. I have no blood to sign with. Enough idle banter, let us be off. Phoebe turned examining each person in turn with those to thick eyes and raised an eyebrow. There was one more person there. Phoebe: Who are you? Darken: I'm the Great Darken, ever heard of me? A confidant grin covers his face as he speaks and Phoebe rolls her eyes. Phoebe: I'm assuming your a late addition to the mission? Darken: That's right! Phoebe: What team are you in? Darken: Uhhhh, Two? Phoebe shoots a glance at Vukodlak who narrows his eyes at her. She returns with a smile and rests her gaze back upon Darken. Phoebe: Alright then, your with Vukodlak and Kabuki... Vukodlak, I trust you will brief him. With that Pheobe and Ryan made there exit down one of the ropeways.
Addon note: all other attributes are considered below average and above weak.
Setting-Pre-midieval earth in a fantasy world... subsetting europe, contained by the monster infested ocean to the west and demon filled swamps in russia. within the continent of Europe lies a set of treasured items, items of legendary magic and unmatched craftsmanship. Plot-The player characters learn of the secret of the legendary items and set out in a quest to retrieve the treasure for whatever purposes. Rules- -No godlike powerful Characters -no teleportation spells -please try to have a different purpose than other characters(requested, not required) -Only 6 slots are open. If more than 6 apply I shall choose who will be in it and who will not. Character sheet Name Race(celestials are not available, that includes demons, angels, dragons, half gods, etc.) Age Alignment Description Bio Strong Attribute Average Attribute Weak Attribute Class Spells/Abilitie's(max 5 and not too powerful) Equipment-be reasonable ------------------ My Character Name Alriy Race Dark Mystic Age 22 Alignment Chaotic Neutral Description- 5'10" tall with long black hair in a ponytail and aqua eyes, wears normal brown traveling clothes and a black Cloak over that. Bio-Alriy was born and raised on the road, orphaned at the age of 8 because of the harvesters stealing his parents in the night leaving him in the care of his "uncle" who raised him to be an excellent fighter. Alriy was trained in the twin sword fighting style and excels in offensive and defensive maneuvers. Purpose of seeking the treasure-To be able to gain the powers to finally destroy the harvesters and save his race from extinction. Class-Sword Dancer Strong Attribute-Dexterity Average Attribute-Wits Weak Attribute-Charisma Spells/Abilitie's-Magic Resistance, X slash, Whirling blades, Battle Trance, Danger Sense Equipment-Twin Rapiers, tent, bedroll, 2 weeks rations, extra pair of clothing.
Though valiant the battle was, there were just too many of them... Just as it seemed that they would be overwhelmed a figure landed from the canopy of the trees putting his sword right through one of the the orc's hearts, the sword was adorned with a brilliant silver blade that was now stained with orcish ichor and he hilt was of a lightweight steel the handle was embroidered with a dragon and jewel encrusted. Withdrawing the sword the orc fell with a thud and he turned to commense battle with another enemy.*