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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. The name pretty much describes it all.... This takes place in the world from the original final fantasy mystic quest game for SNES. It's been 10,000 years since the dark king had been destroyed and the hero and tristam left for new adventures. Now it seems that the prophesy has not been fulfilled because once more the world is plunged into darkness, 4 new elemental feinds return with new more dangerous monsters and have taken the crystals hostage once more, draining their energy... Even the crystal of light had been taken by the Dark King which has caused teh world to slowly die off... Now is the time for the true knights of prophesy to come forth and bring light to the world once and for all! Sign up Name Age Sex Description Personality Background(include hometown fireburg, wyndia, etc) Weapn:(2 max basic weapons) Magic:(2 white, 1 black, 1 wizard) Armor(2 pieces basic armor) Notes: 1. The most technology that has been obtained would be along the lines of a musket gun and steam engines. 2. Focus tower is no longer accessable, rockslides having closed off the doors thousands of years ago. 3. No decendants of the hero, in this game he never had children. I'll post my sign up later.
  2. *Light flooded the back of his eyelids forcing them to open then close tightly... He hadn't known how long he'd been asleep, well when he thought of it, he hadn't known who he was and why he was here as well... He frowned slightly and got up stretching.* Tristan: Well well well, Isn't this the pinnacle of my day? *He stretched out his wings... he had wings?!* Tristan: What the f**k?! I must have hit my head harder than I thought. *He examined the area and noted himself to be somewhere in the US, but where is lost to him. It did not seem like much of an earth however due to the myriad of abandoned or burned down buildings that littered the street along with the cars that look like they've been sitting there for years, some with the hoods up and some with parts missing. Looking up he noted that the sky was a thick crimson hue with patches of the most midnight black in the stratusphere which must have been the pollution filled clouds. He growled.* Tristan: Why do I feel like I'm in the worst part of LA? *Just then he heard a scream, blinking a few times he pondered.* Tristan: Maybe I'm not the last man on earth. *Snickers sarcastically to himself and starts walking towards the scream with his sword in hand.... As he turned the corner he seen the man down on his knee's as if praying to a god that cannot hear him. he puts away his axe... what? an axe now? but it was just a sword! That's right, vorpal blades can transform into any bladed weapon. Anyway he puts his weapon away and walks towards the man.*
  3. Name (First and Last): Tristan Scott Weapon of choice: Vorpal Blade Personality: Sarcastic, Pessimistic and somewhat Rude Location in hell: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Date of Death: 1979 Age: 32
  4. *As the group leaves Yuugi and Terran at the healer he looks over the healer and then passes out again.* ~~~Next day~~~ *Yuugi awakens, he feels his ki has balanced but his legs still won't move.* Healer: Don't try to move, it will take several days to get the feeling back... Yuugi: I bet you the cost of my friends healing that I'll be walking in 20 minutes... Terran: What are you doing? Yuugi: Shhh. *the healer looks at them both and starts laughing. the fat grey haired middle aged gentlemen nodded with an overconfidant grin.* Healer: you've got yourself a bet. Yuugi: Alright then. Terran: Your both crazy, We're waging war against the entire vampire kind and your over here gambling... *Yuugi doesn't respond only closes his eyes and activates his Chi Healing spell.*
  5. OOC: OOOohhh, genji ssj, interesting... hehe. I really like reading your posts Ed.. :toothy: *Yuugi stood at the entrance to the mountain... this mountain he'd seen in his dreams while he was still in the creation process... it was huge, maybe twenty-five thousand feet up but from the ground to the plateau near the top there were steps. Yuugi however didn't have to bother with them, he merely folded the backside of reality placing the plateau on the same level as him on the ground and when it unfolded he would be standing on the edge of the mountainous field... to any watching though it appeared like a simple teleportation technique, it was far from that though.* *Yuugi glances around the surface of the mountain noting the ground to be made of some granite like stone. small cracks running through random areas with thick grass growing up out of it.. how that was possible was unknown to him. His eyes traveled forward and he seen something else from his sleep visions, the old temple, the outside seemed to be made from the same rock and looked very old. The ancient structure had cracks in it and chunks taken out but it looked as strong as it ever did. Growing over the fromt of the shrine were a veil of vines wrapping around the pillars and hanging over the top of the roof. he took a minute to admire the archaic building and marvel at it's appearance despite of how old it must be. Finally he walked forward and entered the temple.* *Once inside he continued to examine, the walls insice were of a pale white rock and seemed to be carved with many glyphic symbols and painted with ancient runes. His eyes traveled to the alter in the back as he walked forward. the small stone wonder stood about three feet tall, two feet wide and six feet long and almost looked as if it were used for sacrifices of some sort... even the top of the alter was stained wiht a very pale almost nonexistant pink. What was sacrificed here however was long lost to the sands of time. Finding this a quiet and peaceful place he decided to rest himself here in meditation for a while.* *He sat cross legged and closed his eyes. Feeling himself start to relax as he entered his meditation he smiled slightly, this was the only time he didn't have to worry about what was going on because he knew he was safe... Unbeknownst to him however a something was slowly draining his power and gaining it for itself, his body naturally replacing it but soon the power drain became more powerful and quicker and he had to conciously work to replace the lost ki energy. He attempted to rise from his meditation but whatever was draining his power had prevented it.. he tried to open his mouth to cry for help but nothing happened. Finally the power drain became to great and he lost conciousness.* *Yuugi's eyelids flutter and then open. He knew not how long he was unconcious but he knew it couldn't be that long. That thought was fleeting however because he noticed another more overpowering scent, the stench of death.. getting up quickly he was strangely at full strength but surrounded by 10 of the uglies looking oni that Yuugi could ever have dreamed up. He stretched his body as they moved in and frowned.* Ok, let's do this.... *they all lept at once and yuugi teleported above them tossing a full power ki blast at one of them, that one getting thrown out the door as he turned to the others... The 9 remaining demons were attempting to get to him but he was to fast for them... he just kept dodging and counter striking putting his fist through one of their heads. That is until he felt something crash into his back and slam him into the wall... Before he knew what happened the demon that was thrown out the door was upon him 3 times stronger than before. Yuugi took another strong punch and a slash along his back by the demons tail before teleporting behind him and driving his foot into the demons back. The demon howled in pain as it slammed into the wall infront of him. Yuugi on the other hand had flew down back into the fray of the rest of the demons attacking him... he kicked the head off of one and drove his fist into the chest of another to fire a thousand power level blast into the one behind it... leaving him with 6 to deal with and a recovered powered up demon.* *flying up he examined the demon that he just shot and his eyes narrowed... it was just as he expected, the demon had absorbed his ki energy to make itself more powerful than before. sensing the other demon come in he went to turn but was to slow instead getting hit in the jaw as a loud cracking sound resonates though the spiritual place. Yuugi remains calm however and spins with the force of the punch into a roundhouse kick that slammed into the demons back sending it flying again. Turning he growled at the six left he blurred out and back in punching to the sides and instantly killing two and flip kicking backwards removing the head of another leaving only 4 in all... out of instinct he nearly threw another full powered blast at one of the weaker demons but stopped just short and used the energy to zanzoken behind the powerful demon that was attempting a suprise attack upon him... Grabbing the demons arms he yelled loudly and wrenched with all his might. A disgusting tearing sound came from the base of the wings as they came free from the demons back and Yuugi was sprayed with its nauseating ichor. The demon falling to the ground howling in pain.* *The Saiyan turned and glared at the other 3 finishign them off quickly with a judo chop type move to one on the top of the skull crushing its head and kicking another in the throat collapsing it as the demon falls to the ground choking and gasping for air. with only two demons remaining Yuugi had looked at the last one standing and started walking forward. the demon jumped and let out a shreik taking a step back... The powerful demon get's up and starts to turn but Yuugi finally reaches out before the demon can lift his foot and snaps the Oni's neck. This made the demon panick even more. Yuugi glared at the last one.* "Die......" *his hands shot forward grabbing each side of the demons skull and started to squeeze... the Oni clawed and squealed wildly as it felt it's skull crack and give way under the mans superior strength and with a final crunching sound his hands touch each other having completely taken care of every monster.* *Yuugi wakes up sore as hell but not injured, his gi was torn in the back as if he had been clawed by something and his jaw was bruised but there was little else... It had all been a dream, an incredibly vivid dream. Yuugi's eyes narrow and he stands up limping out of the Temple and taking flight. Before leaving the area completely he turns around and charges and charges until he's built up a high amount of energy and tosses the huge ki blast down at the temple as he turns and flies away not looking back, which was a good thing because he would have seen that the temple was infact unneffected by the ki blast.* OOC: dang! my fingers hurt after that one! lol
  6. *tristam looked at him.* Tristam: Besides, I am a ninja... I don't fit in anywhere.. *sighs and walks over to the fire sitting down.*
  7. Character sheet ((Human)) Name: Tristan Scott Gender: Male Age: 22 Dragon Guardian: Yes Weapons: Improvised weapon arts Description: Exactly 6 feet tall with very long black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and piercing blue eyes. thin lithe body but incredibly toned form at the same time. Has a long scar down the right side of his face from his eye to his jaw from being attacked by a man with a knife. He can normally be seen wearing loose fit black jeans and a plain white tshirt, he has a thick white gold class ring on his right hand and wears a plain stainless steel necklace with a pentacle on it. Past: Tristan grew up on the south side of miami on the corner of the most crime infested street in the entire city, but that was all his single mother could afford. He went to school up until his sophmore year and then dropped out to get a fulltime job so that he could help his mother get a better place to live, but 3 days after he got the job his mother was killed in a gang shooting. He eeked out the next 4 years in that apartment and working until he learned of the dragons and what was going on. That brings us to the present he is busy searching out other people who wish to help him fight against the dragons, he knows it's a death mission but he's got nothing else to live for. Character sheet ((Dragon)) remember only 2 more Name: Altros Gender: Male Age: 30,000 years old Description(dragon): Laying down Altros is about 30 feet tall from the floor to the top of his back and 340 feet long laying flat out stretching from tip of snout to end of tail. He has a very broad head with large nostrils and a big mouth filled with huge sharp fangs. His entire body is covered with small scales about 2 feet across and 1 and 1/2 feet wide that are colored a brilliant shimmering metallic blue which turns to silver within the right angle of sunlight. His wingspan is approximatly 125feet from the end of one wing to the other and is also covered with tinier scales like the rest of his body for extra protection. His breath weapon shoots forth a blast of electricity, either in a cone or an arc that is lethal to humans and harmful to even dragons... Over all he looks pretty fearsome but he's a really kind man that fiercely protects man kind. Description(human): Atros in human form is about five feet nine inches tall and weighs 200lbs full muscle with short blonde hair spiked up and almost metallic icy blue eyes. He wears lots of blue, grey or silver clothing. Color: Metallic Blue/Silver Past: Altros is a very old dragon indeed, so old infact he was worshiped at one time by the incans as the thunder god Quazcoatl. He had lived among them as a god for many generations but then the conquistador's came to the empire looking for the lost city of gold, El Dorado, after taking what they had found and converting what incans were left Altros had felt his welcome there diminish. he had then gone to sleep for several thousand years until just a few centurie's ago when he had awakened and traveled to the americas taking on a human form to protect the land other wise known as the america's from the evils of the world. I put a character sign up for each a dragon and a human I hope I get one or the other... :P
  8. *yuugi shortly after arriving to town opened his eyes and looked around.* Yuugi: Wow... I'm not dead? This works *he smiles weakly.* Yuugi: I can walk.. Kain: Not right now you can't, your paralyzed from the waist down... Trust me... Yuugi: How.. how did you know that? Kain: I know more than you think I do.... Your chi is disbalanced, it happened when you casted your Do spell on me. *Yuugi does not protest, he merely closes his eyes and waits to arrive where they are going.*
  9. Awwww man! and I wanted to play a dragon! oh well.. :P save a slot for me Carren i need time to work out a good character. :P
  10. It doesn't look like it... you think the evil can be destroyed with 5 hunters? lol
  11. Freeza was an Acrosia-Jin I believe, otherwise known as an Ice-Jin and it's never stated in the race what planet they come from that I know of.
  12. OOOohh, sounds fun! Name: Ashton Id Age: 16 Height: 5'8" Weight: 145lbs Personality: Very determined individual, his mind is almost as strong as his body. Has a bit of a short temper but it's lessened a bit since he got into martial arts. A bit anti social but will converse if another starts a conversation. Apperence: Short black hair, when he's not at the dojo, it's usually spiked up. Deep brown eyes and a very toned body due to his regular weightlifting sessions. Normally wears black, grey, or white clothing plain clothing outside of the dojo. Martial Art: American Kempo Karate History: Ashton's parents had been urging to get him into martial arts to control his temper but he had put it off for so many years until he finally gave in under one condition. Ashton gets to choose the style. After month's of research and going around to various martial arts dojo's in town he found an art that he liked, Kempo Karate. Ashton has few friends and little time for the one's that he has because of all the time he spends studying and working out and now his Kempo lessons.
  13. *Yuugi having been helped by Terran in taking care of the banshee he seemed to fade from view but instead what he really did was shift his chi flow so that noone would notice him unless they were specifically looking for him, as Setsuna and Kain battled on Yuugi was gaining energy... True Kain was a demon but as far as Yuugi cared for now, Kain was on his side which is why he decided to try something very different and possibly self destructive... He focused all the power inward then shot it forward at full strength slamming into Kain, the energy was not harmful however. It was a contained do spell in which he was attempting to cast upon Kain, if it was successful Kain would feel an immense calmness and balance and all of his physical attributes and awareness would increase by about 50% and he would not feel pain until the spell wore off. Yuugi then fell over, his chi disrupted by the major spell making several vampires notice and start to converge upon him...* OOC: it's up to you people if you want my C to continue in this RP or not.. :) If not someone can kill him off, but if so someone should save him cause I'm not going to. *nodnod*
  14. *Shane nods slightly and hops to the ground looking to where Vukodlak gestured.* Shane:Does not look that bad Vukodlak: Then let us be off... *the traveled westword towards the bog, the leprechaun moving quite swiftly for his size.*
  15. I'll start when we have at least 4 sign ups.
  16. As far as the Golden Oozuro in DBZ that was only a still frame shot and not an actual appearance. And thanks for the input people... Piromunkie, You cannot place an analysis of complete truth's from something fictional unless you personally speak with the creator about the entire subject and since that was not necessarily possible, he merely used what he would have thought would have been the best information.. :P
  17. My friend typed this up, I would like some feedback on it... :toothy: Saiyajin. The saiyajin race is a primary focus in the world of Dragonball Z and GT. Following is a brief history and an in-depth look at the amazing powers of the race. The saiyajin race once inhabited the planet Plant, a world ten times the size of earth. They shared their world with an amazingly intelligent race known as the Tsufuru-jin, who created vast cities of incredible technological wizardry. The saiyajin back then were primitive, cave-dewlling folk who hated the Tsufuru. Many wars were fought between them, but the saiyajin, even with their naturally powerful builds and innate powers to focus and manipulate ki energy, were at a severe disadvantage against the superior Tsufuru weaponry. Eventually, the Saiyajin got the upper hand - and an insurmountable advantage. Every thirteen years, the saiyajin moon becomes full, and induces an amazing transformation in those who look at it. The entire saiyajin population transformed into massive ape-like creatures, and proceeded to lose all control, decimating the Tsufuru-jin into extiction. Afterwards, the Saiyajin took over the demolished cities, and attempted to use the advanced technology present. But, given the saiyajin's slightly less-developed intelligence, all their attempts at travelling beyond their planet failed. Eventually, they would succeed, and they made contact with the Arcosia-jin. The Arcosia-jin hired the saiyajin as 'planet-brokers' and gave them enough working technology to start an invincible force of planet-pirates. I would think that the rise of Furiiza came about several centuries later, and I believe him and King Cold to be Arcosia-jin themselves, given their conrtol over the vast interstellar empire created by the saiyajin efforts. The basic saiyajin. The saiyajin race is probably the least genetically diverse species in existence. Many of them look alike, and in the lower ranks, are nearly identical. (In the case of Turles and Kakarrot.) Saiyajin have a naturally powerful build, thanks to the intense gravity of their planet, and an innate ability to use and control ki. All saiyajin have black eyes, and either black or brown hair which is very thick and stiff, and stands straight up. A saiyajin's tail is considered the source of their power, and is very sensitive to pain. Those of the elite-class either have a natural tolerance for having their tail injured, or have forcively desensitized themselves to it. Given how Gohan's tail had regrown during his training with Piccolo, it seems that the appendage can regrow itself until the time of puberty, or until the area becomes cauterized and seared closed. Also, with the repeated removing of the tail, the saiyajin's body regenerates it faster each time and eventually gets the process down to a science, thus allowing the tail to be regrown at any point in the saiyajin's lifetime. Oozaru. The infamous Oozaru (meaning big monkey) form is probably the most widely-known ability of the saiyajin. It is my belief that the genetic coding of the saiyajin is very different from any other humanoid race, and probably mutates given certain types of radiation. Such is the case of Oozaru. A small organ in the tip of the Saiyajin's tail collects a type of radiation known as brutz waves, which travel along a nerve-path directly from the eyes - thus why saiyajin must stare at a source of moonlight. Once the brutz waves reach a certain concentration, it triggers the mutation into a giganic monkey. In this form, a saiyajin's capacity for ki energy is amplified tenfold, reflecting their increased size and strength. Ougon Oozaru. The rare 'Golden Weremonkey' that appears in Dragonball GT is caused in the same way that a regular Oozaru transformation in stimulated, but with a different form of radiation. The light of a full planet is required for this transformation, such as the earth as seen from the moon. A full planet gives off another form of brutz wave, which is collected in the saiyajin's tail as well. The concentration needed for such a transformation is almost triple that of a standard Oozaru. In this form, a saiyajin's capacity for ki energy is amplified 1500%, given their vastly increased size and strength. In this form, saiyajin do not tend to lose control, and in the case of an emotinal extreme, such as grief, sorrow, or anger, the chemical imbalances in the brain trigger a second shift in form, down to a heavily-muscled, furred body. The Super-Saiyajin. The legendary Super-Saiyajin, a being of untold powers. The saiyajin tell of the rise of a second Super-Saiyajin after a thousand years, but they were slightly mistaken. In this time, several super-saiyajin arose, within at least ten years of each other. The saiyajin genome must be riddled with aberrations to cause such terrific leaps in power. In the course of the show, There are seen 3 levels of Super-Saiyajin, an 'ascended' form according to the dub, (USSJ) and the "SSJ4" which is technically a misnomer, because the Super-saiyajin state is defined by Golden hair and Green eyes. The technicalities of the Super-saiyajin stage stipulate that for such a transformation to occur, a certain amount of ki energy must be present, and a severe level of certain brain chemicals must arise. The combination of these two factors create a sudden mutation in the saiyajin's body, vastly increasing his strength and energy capacity. (approximately 5000%.) With each successive Super-Saiyajin form, these factors must again be met. For the 'Ultra Super-Saiyajin' form, the anger level is significantly lower than that required to reach SSJ2. USSJ is defined by the immense increase in muscle mass, caused by the radical infusion of ki energy into the body. USSJ is very powerful, almost triple the strength of a normal SSJ. however, with the incredble mass of the saiyajin, and the sheer size of the muscles, the form is incredibly slow. The SSJ3 form is much different in both accessibility and appearance. The form is achieved through training only. Once certain conditions have been met (a powerlevel of a certain range, and a very specific body type) the transformation is automatic.
  18. Evenstown, a small urban city just south of sacramento. A quiet town with quiet people, they live their life just like any other, oblivious to the eternal horror that they are to face. Night falls and day rises upon the town... in the field nearby a carnival had seemingly appeared from nowhere, people start to go, some come back, some don't.. You are one of the one's that do not. Dare you become one of the possible victim's to the unspeakable things the Dark Carnival has waiting in the darkness? Note: In this game all the player characters are NORMAL, that means no magic, no government biological experiments, no psychics... everyone is a regular person. Now with that out of the way. Here's what you need to sign up. Name Age Sex Appearance Personality Background Anything Else ____________________________________________________ Name: Tristan Scott Age: 18 Sex: Male Appearance: Tristan stands exactly 6 feet tall and weighs about 220lbs mainly muscle... He has short, naturally curly blond hair and ocean blue eyes. Personality: He's a bit sarcastic and likes to use his popularity and other aspects to his advantage, the stereotypical bully. Background: Tristan grew up in a very strict household, his father was an old fashioned man who was in the military and then became a police officer. Tristan never had to worry about anything financially his family was well off. All throughout his childhood and up into his teen years he'd been involved in sports and other activities, so it's no suprise that he's now the Star Quarterback of his highschool and dating the lead varsity cheerleader as well.
  19. Name: Azezal Age: Unknown Height: 7ft tall Weight: 400lbs Appearance: Deep crimson colored skin, huge demonic wings that can be absorbed by his body. broad human face with a larger than normal nose and slightly inset glowing green eyes and long black dread lock style hair. Long multi jointed tail with a scorpion stinger at the end. Personality: Very serious and determined, hates demons with a passion.. He lives for only 2 things and that's killing demons and preserving the bloodline of Sparda. Background: Azezal is a rebel demon who escaped from hell when Sparda defeated Mundus and left, since that day he had sat in the shadows and guided over sparda's bloodline to ensure the earths safetly. Fighting Style[s]: Shaolin 5 animal Style Kung Fu(Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Crane, Mantis), Penjat Silat. Weapons: Natural weaponry(claws, fangs, tail), Demon Sword Masamune.
  20. *Tristan stopped and turned facing Nightfire, his face couldn't be seen but the way he stood could tell that he was not a very cheerful person by her remark.* Tristan: For your information nightfire, this is -everyone's- fight... if these nuclear weapons are used again this could mean the end of EVERYTHING..... And that includes you. So if you don't think this is your fight, you should either change your mind or kill yourself now... Nightfire: ........ *tristan turns his back to her, thoroughly ticked off but more aware than ever.*
  21. *Yuugi preferred to save his energy right now so his combat consisted of using his kuri-segama to fight, ripping the hook into vampire bodie's and tearing out chunks of flesh... At one point he got a decent hold on a vampires body and gave an incredible tug throwing the vampire in a circle around him tossing several of the attacking undead to the ground.... His eyes narrowed watching four vampires come in, he kneeled down a little and then jumped up and over them only to land right infront of a banshee. He cursed slightly and began to engage in battle, though the banshee must have been much older and more powerful because it didn't seem like Yuugi was going to win.*
  22. Tristam: Rajaah, I'm going with you... *The ninja stood up and walked over to the hybrid pair. Rajaah opened his mouth to speak but Tristam cut him off* Tristam: Don't argue with me, my mind is settled. I will go with you wether you like it or not...
  23. *Yuugi turned to face whoever was left in the town. his eyes narrowing... Somehow he knew what was going on... His voice was thick with contempt.* Yuugi: Gather everyone who is able to fight... We are under attack... *The group and several other people in the tavern gather their weapons and head to the edge of the town.*
  24. *Yuugi merely sat in the Tavern, always alert, mainly silent unless spoken to first.. He held a small chalice of something in his hands and swirled the liquid in the cup.* Yuugi: my what an adventure this turned out to be.. *His eyes narrowed into the glass before downing the lidquid.*
  25. *The battle had long finished but Yuugi had remained behind. His eyes were closed as he sensed the corruption through the land, it made him feel sick.... all of the dead and quickly corroding demonic bodys floating in the ocean of blood created by the fallen hordes of unholy embodiment. His eyes opened after gaining a sufficiant amount of energy and started to fire off ki blasts everywhere dissolving the evil flesh, then noting the second advance of the demon hordes and realizing that he is the only one there he shakes his head and Sanpo No Yugameru's back to his place of employment... the east asian military(team go figure.. lol)... Walking into the Office he sits down in a chair infront of his superior/employer and spoke.* Yuugi: The demon army had been taken care of... The other saiyans you sent me to observe are all powerful yes, but they lack discipline and fight recklessly. They wantonly throw their energy around and never plan ahead. I should have little to no problem in the Tournament... *The generals hands clasp togather resting on the oaken desk... He realized that the Saiya-Jin infront of him was indeed Prideful and overconfidant himself but he cared not.. This saiyan also had superior intelligence and his technique's were quite unique. Leaning forward slightly he smirked and spoke to him.* General: Good, You are everything I have expected and more... I look forward to seeing you battle in the tournament... Now go.. *The saiyan pauses for a moment then nods slightly with a "hai" turning and walking out the door.*
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