Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
OOC: It's not a booze party, the plot will develop quickly if you be patient. I'm just playing my C to how he will act.
*Yoda pauses and does a long quiet hmmm.* Yoda: Understand I do not... *Lauren looks at him and raises an eyebrow.* Lauren: What is it master Yoda? Yoda: A dark force I sense.. Coming from the ship it is, yes... Lauren: I can't sense anything. Yoda: Learn you will... Soon you must. *he continues hobbling down the corridor to the shuttle docking bay.*
*He looked at Nightfire and smirked behind his mask.* Tristan:Since when do you care? *basically ignoring the cut on his neck he produces the blue prints from somewhere on his person and handed them to Rajaah.* *Nightfire Growls slightly.* Tristan: Here is the proof I got from the Military base... blueprints for the creation of a nuclear weapon.... *Carrot's eyes narrowed, luckily noone noticed.*
RPG DragonBall After Death: Biological Apocalypse
Heartless Me replied to Charles's topic in Theater
*Yuugi had been watching the entire battle from the other side of the field, suprised that he hadn't been noticed, but then again he was not very intimidating at all.. his muscles instead of being bulging and buff like the average saiyan were tightly compacted leaving him with the same amount of strength with a bit more maneuverability.... his eyes narrowed as he closely examined the way the demons fought and how the other saiyans battled, his tail twitching with anticipation. He watched as Sairo completed the Hellfire attack and with such speed the other two were able to dodge at and was quite impressed, even if he didn't quite show it...* *Just then as it was bound to happen, one demon spotted him and yelled something in it's own demonic tongue and a small horde yelled in fury turning to focus their attacks on him... Folding "the backside of reality" so to speak he placed himself about 20 feet above them at the speed of thought and dropped a huge blast of energy at full power down upon the horde vaporizing the center section of the creatures then diving down into action, his body moved in a blurr catching on clawed hand and moving to throw the demon but instead ripping it's arm off... He blinked then readjusted quickly to the situation flipping the arm around and using it as a weapon beating his demonic target's with the arm used as a clubbing and clawing weapon.* -
*Shane leans back against the fence post and smiles upping his little tiny jug of ale to them all, being the shortest one out of the group being only 9inches tall.* Shane: Why drink and women of course! What else could a leprechaun ever wish for? Angel: How uncouth! Shane: Ye expect me to be fey like around you? I'll be meself thank ye lass..
*The blade had withdrawn from Tristan's neck and he turned around slowly feeling the blood trickle from the scratch made from the blade that was far superior to his own as he looked at his long thought to be dead master Tatsurei.* Yuugi: I thought that... Tatsurei: Yes, I know... Yuugi: But why? Why work for all of this? Tatsurei: Are you that foolish boy? I don't work for all of this... all of this works for me! In case you have forgotten the only person that hates both hybrids and humans more than you.. is me! that is why I plan to nuke them all again... I give you an ultimatum, Join me. We can rule the new world togather like father and son. Yuugi: No.... It is not right, you have no right to play god and destroy whom you choose whenever you want... Tatsurei: Fine, then you die... Yuugi: I don't think so.... Tatsurei: What the?! *Just then Yuugi spun around, grabbing the blueprints and leaping straight up bursting through a window in the roof and jumped from rooftop to rooftop making one final spectacular leap up and over the military base wall landing outside the base at the foot of the forest and dashed straight for the cave/campsite full speed. 1/2 hour later.... Tristan arrives.*
*His eyes widened... the other 2 just lept out the window leaving him and the other wounded person to deal with this "thing" it had just recently recovered from the electrical attack and was starting to move towards Yuugi. His mind froze and one thing he suddenly realized was something his mother mentioned once "a ring of salt to bind the evil..." he turned and ran as fast as he could locating the box of salt and turning around... The wraith was almost upon him but he was faster than it... he ripped the top open and started pouring it onto the ground in a circle around the wraith. It tried to move closer but it stopped right at the salt line. with a sigh of relief he went back to the living room to locate the fallen warrior that was left behind with him but when he got there, the man was gone.* Yuugi: Crap... Alone again... *Shaking his head he went out the front door and down the stairs and out of the building heading for his alternate home, an abandoned warehouse turned studio apartment on the south west side of town.*
*1 strangely safe hour later they arrive at the village of their destination. After checking in at the local in they proceed to make their way to the tavern where Yuugi would proceed to heal the wounds of those that needed it while they talk.* Yuugi: So why did you want to come to this town again Kain? Kain: Well... That's an interesting story you see?
Sign Up HELP WANTED: Calling all Bounty Hunters
Heartless Me replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Theater
Name: Tsao Shin Lang Surname-Name-Middle Name Age: 35 Bio: Shin grew up in western asia as a shaolin monk, having been found at about the age of 2 years old or so by the monastary and taken in. Shin had always had a restless soul however and upon his 25th birthday after having finally recieved the end of his training(or at least the as far as his lack of discipline allows him) he left the monastary. He was given the pocket full of money that they found with him and he used that to live off of for a short while... Eventually though even that money was spent and he was left broke and homeless, he traveled the streets and worked for both sides of the law(neither of which appealed to him). This led him to one conclusion.. bounty hunting... Working outside the law to bring in a person for a fee. And he was good at it, his great skill in the aspect of the snake style of shaolin kung fu had allowed him to disable many criminals and other men who were much stronger than him with a mere lethal touch to a specific nerve cluster, not needing strength to hit the nerves since they normally ride just under the surface of the skin but his skill and speed alone sufficed him, finally he heard of bigger and better bounty's to be gotten in space... He thought over it for a while and decided to do it. So with all of the money he made from landbound bountie's he purchased a ship for himself and set out to make a name for himself as a bounty hunter in space. Fighting Style:Shaolin 5-animal Style Kung Fu(mainly snake style) Strength: 10 Speed: 30 Agility: 20 Technique: 40 Weapon: Titanium alloy superlightweight quarter staff(atk pwr 1) Ship: The Cobra Type-Scout/Chase class shuttle shaped much like a correalian(I know i spelled it wrong oh well) corvette. 2x photon cannons-Shoots beams of condensed light similar to a laser just not quite as powerful but gives a bigger explosion. Prismatic Energy barrier-provides limited protection from energy attacks Weapons: 10 Armor: 10 Speed: 40 Manuverability: 40 -
*Yoda watched silently as she wielded her sabre almost as if it were a second nature to her.* Yoda: Very good, you are.. Hmm? Make it more difficult, I will.. *The sphere floated over to him and he pressed a button on it and let it float again... The sphere suddenly sped up a notch and started to fire the small lasers at varying speeds.* Lauren: This is hard! *Struggling to deflect each laser as it comes at her, unsure at which speed the next shot will come out...* Yoda: It is, yes... Concentrat you must, fell the force... Flows through everything it does.. Guide you, it will... hmm??? *Lauren's eyes narrow and she nods placing more focus on her tasts as it is.*
*Yuugi could hold up the Do spell no longer and it diffused leaving him somewhat winded but able to continue... he still kept his awareness to it's full however... after a short time of travel davien make a grim realization.* Davien: We've been here before... Yuugi: How do you know? Davien: Look at the walls... Notice anything? Yuugi: D*mnit... The grain in the walls... their exactly the same as the hallway we passed just a few moments ago... *Davien nods and lets out a sarcastic almost what looks like a smirk.* Davien: You're not as stupid as I thought... Yuugi: I tend to let people think I am.. It gives me a psychological edge... By the way, I'm going to start marking these walls... *Yuugi smirked and Davien nodded.... Pulling out his Kuri-sigama he used the bladed part to etch a rune into the wall, so that if they cam across this spot again that they would know to go a different route.* Yuugi: Alright, let's go...
Sign Up DragonBall After Death: Biological Apocalypse
Heartless Me replied to Charles's topic in Theater
Name: Yama Yuugi Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Power Level 7,000 Bio: Mainly quiet.. He speaks only when he needs to though he is highly overconfidant. Yuugi prefers to examine his enemie's before fighting against them. Description: Short black hair and very thick black eyes, high cheek bones and thinly "drawn" lips, broad shoulders going down into a thick muscular form with smooth tanned skin. Most common Techniuqes: 1.) Yugameru Hakufuu-Creates a sphere of ki directly into his hands which instantly teleports to anywhere within perfect 20/20 vision range, so line of sight about 30 feet. 2.) Chikara Teishoku- This move is relatively similar to the Renzoku Senkoudan attack that Piccolo used against android #17... the only difference is instead of throwing the ki out of his hands and at his enemy creating the mine field of ki packets he concentrates on the area around his target and the mine field of ki blasts simply appear around his enemy and converge inwards upon him... This tech is very powerful, the downside to it however is that it requires some time to perform and if his opponant is not left properly dazed then it leaves him vulnerable to an attack. 3.) Yugameru Yokoana-This is not an offensive technique but more of a defensive one... This power allows him to create a slight rift between this world and the next consuming any energy attack no matter what the power level of it is... the downside to this is that if the blast/beam/sphere is greater in diameter than his heighth then the rift will not be able to consume the blast and he get's hit with the full power of the attack, also he may only perform the tech 4 times a day since it is so straining on him. 4.) Sanpo No Yugameru-This is basically another form of Instant transmission but to this extent he doesn't need to put his fingers to his head, the ability is activated with but a thought and may be used with limited power within battle. 5.) Zanzoken-Everyone should know what this is... combat teleport adds extra speed to pl to leave an after image from where he was standing before. Owner/Benefactor: Japan/China -
Hey all, i started the rp so if you wanna continue with it be my guest! It's in the play area.
Name: Yoda Good/Evil Light Side of the force Age: 872 Height: 2ft tall Discription: Green skin, big ears, flat wide mouth, uhh, well you know it all.. Bio: Who really knows his TRUE background? He's so old it's lost in time.
*As the undead close in Yuugi looks at Davien and nods as Davien cuts through a small group of vampires easily with one continuous liquid motion of his twin viper and Yuugi drops to one knee and activates his Do spell once more his strength and speed skyrockets from the fusion of his spirit and body of one form and he leaps up performing a high leap with a twist enabling him to land facing the side passage that Setsuna escaped down at the same time as Davien arrived and they both dash down towards Setsuna obviously going to take care of him theirself as the rest of the group take care of the undead hordes.*
Umm, isn't yoda 2 FEET tall not, 2 inches? lol
Character: Ludwig VanKoopa(not sure if i spelled that right.) Special item: Magic Wand Items: 2 mushrooms, 2 fire flowers, 1 star Special Moves:Confuse(wand power), shell boomerang, copy cat(wand power, makes illusionary duplicates of something...) Alignment: Good! (or is he?) this koopa kid is apparantly "trying" to turn over a new leaf and work for the side of good for once.
*blinks* Super saiyan.. your not looking, i see the plot perfectly fine... Tasha is the name of her character... The Red Dragon is the name of her sword.... She is saiyan or at least a hybrid and Anthony is some unknown saiyajin she made up.
*The sun was shining on the cool saturday morning.. The birds sang a happy song and nature was green with prosperity, obviously the farie folk had been working extra hard this year. Perched atop one of the tops of the poles of an old maple fence was Shane... He had a jug of potato whiskey next to him and was simply enjoying the day and at the moment watching 2 squirrels fight over a small nut of somekind.* OOC: I know it's not much right now but It's a start.. I got a headache or esle it would have been alot better.. lol
*He looked among his troupe and his eyes narrow at the advancing horde of undead.* Yuugi-Get close to me... I can raise a barrier they cannot penetrate while you kill them from inside the force field.. *His eyes close and he starts to chant a 5foot radius translucent aura of blue energy surrounds Yuugi that would protect any good within from anything up to a minor vampire.*
That's right harlequin but each race has their respective weaknesses one thing that can kill each of the races, such as if one cut down the tree of a dryad they would be instantly killed, and a leprechaun can only die by water, more appropriately drowning... I'm not sure what a sidhe's only weakness would be but I'm sure you can think of something... Oh yeah by the way... There is one entity that could change all of that, she is the grand banshee but that is a plot character I don't plan to bring in right away.
Name: Shane O'Shawnessee Age:201 Race: Leprechaun Magic Type: Illusions Description: Approximately 9 inches tall with ear length red hair and green eyes he's got a thin form but it only betrays his exceptional strength. Bio: He grew up a pillar of leprechaun society, the hartiest of drinkers and the best of brawlers.. He's also been known to be quite the ladies man. A very light hearted and kind fellow but a little to trusting sometimes.
In ireland you hear many story's of little people such as leprechauns, farie's, dryads, treants, butter spirits and many others but in this RP you actually get to play as one... or a human for all you lamers, lol j/k. this is a modern day rp however the setting is deep in the moors of ireland where electric lines will not reach. Keep in mind that doesn't mean if you play a human C that he can't come from New York or something... Here is what you need to play. Name Age-All supernatural C's are immortal with one weakness. Race Magic Type-Humans don't get and supernatura's only get 1 type/element Description Bio Note-There is advantages to being a human.. SIZE for one.. you will almost always be the biggest creature around if you are a human and little person magic hardly effects one of such size, only with skill and cunning can a little person harm a human by itself. Once I have 4 people sign up i'll start the game.
*The dark figure materialized from the shadows, a tall thin creature it was with glowing red eyes. If he had any kind of monster lore he would know it to be a greater shadow elemental. But... he didn't so it was just a tall thin black creature. It studied him silently as he glared back into those blood red orbs inbedded into the center of his tenebrous craniumm.* Shadow: Like I said, I have a deal for you... Join me and my cause and I will give you everything you ever dreamed of. Yuugi: And just what cause is that? *He struggled a bit under the grip of the bonds but they were just to strong... he gave up again and looked at the monster again.* Shadow: All knowledge will be revealed over time.. just know that my cause will result in you being the only and most powerful aeon warrior to ever walk this planet! *Yuugi sat silent for many a long silent moment pondering many things that could come of such an alliance.* Yuugi: Let me go and I shall think about it... Shadow: Agree to serve me and I shall let you go... *Yuugi started to look angry.. He would be a slave to NO MAN(or woman for that matter)... his aura started to flare out once more and the shadow elemental took a step back.* Yuugi: Let me go NOW!!! *At that exact moment his eyes flashed and once more he became totally aware of his power... The knowledge of shadow manipulation flooded into his head as he willd the shadows to flow forward and solidify picking him up and placing him upon his feet. He examined his bonds more clearly noticing that they were mere ropes consistant of supercondensed shadows he willed them to disperse then turn ad glared at the shadow elemental as it took another step back.* Yuugi: You know what? Maybe you will be the one ending up serving me... *and with that he let the shadows envelope him dragging him into the shadow world to bring him to another place of safety... the strange thing about it was when he walked out of the shadows he was in a closet... Walking out of the closet he saw the group and the wraith...* Yuugi: Great some safe place this is... *He sighs and shakes his head and tries to disperse the wraith, when he finds himself unsuccessful he frowns.* Yuugi: Just great, it's not a shadow being...
*He stopped and looked at Rajaah's desperate face and looked down in thought for a few moments...* Tristam: I guess you came to the right person, with my shadow skills I'll be in and out of the compound with the information before they even know what happened... Rajaah: Somehow I knew I could count on you. Tristam: Just remember, you owe me. And I have to go alone, any company at all could blow my cover. *Rajaah nods as he returns to the camp as Tristan melds with the shadows and headed towards the camp.* *~~~1 hour later~~~* *The old military base was surrouned by large magical glow bulbs used as spotlights to search the grounds for intruders. Tristan deftly lept to the highest tree branches and made his way over to the outer wall... out of the corner of his eye was a flash as the spotlight shone behind his body forcing him to flatten himself against the wall to remain undetected. Once the light had passed he began scaling the wall stopping just before the edge as a guard walks by.... grabbing the holds he found and pulling as hard as he could he launched himself into the air up, above and over the defensive wall and landing on the inside without a sound. Navigating the inner sanctum of the compound quietly he finally found his way to a large hanger, maybe the largest in the compound but that mattered little. Whatever Rajaah thought was so important -must- be in this hanger.. He checked the door, unlocked? that was strange.. He opened the door and walked in. The hanger was one room with lots of large metal parts, wiring, and other various mechanical and electrical items. at the center of the huge room was a single table with papers on it... silently he searches among the various papers and printouts until his hidden eyes fall upon one thing and his heart nearly skips a beat.* Tristam: No, that's impossible! *His voice was merely a whisper as he examined a piece of a blueprint and recognized it right away... a particle accelerator. his eyes narrowed.* ???: You shouldn't have come here Tristam... Tristam: Master? *His eyes widen behind the mesh eyeguards as he started to turn but felt the bit of cold steel across the back and side of his neck...* -------------to be continued. muahahahahah!---------------------