Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
Kasumi's whole life, she had slept in darkness. Never dreaming, not once in her life had she had a vision in the night unlike the rest of her family line. Her mother, grandmother, and great grandmothers past all had the gift of Oracle. But tonight as she lay in bed, a small green light lowered to her forhead like an emerald feather. The head absorbed the foreign wisp and sent the young shinobi into a deep sleep. And for the first time, in that sleep. She dreamed. She dreamed of lights. Visions of brilliant green veins coursed through the mind of the ninja girl. The spirit of the planet. She didn't know what it was by default, something in her soul just told her what it was. Then she seen something terrible. The veins. The pulsing lifeforce of the spirit... They withered, and as they withered they were replaced with something else. Something less benevolent. Geostigma. The thought coursed through her being. And superimposed to the image of the failing lifeforce was the face of one man. This Man, no... This wolf in sheeps clothing. He was short like a child yet had the soul of a thousand demons. He wanted to end everything. He was a danger to the world. Kasumi lay in bed, unable to awake, troubled by constant visions of the young man and the slowly dying planet. Then as quickly as the visions had started... They were done and Kasumi sat with a start and a scream covered in sweat. She knew what had to happen. This man... The one her dream called Kadaj had to die. It took three weeks of travelling and several stowaways to a dock town south of Nibleheim where the ninja felt drawn to a group of people she had never seen before. OOC: There that should get me introduced into the group.
Mutant Registry File Entry #00000316 Birth Name: Tammy Anne McKenzie Age of Registry: 15 Current Age: 15 Power: Medusa. Medusa possesses a long, thick head of hair, every strand of which has greater tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and shear resistance than an iron wire of the same thickness (average hair diameter: .045 inches), as well as the psychokinetic ability to animate her hair for a number of feats. Her hair, approximately 6 feet in length while relaxed, can elongate to almost twice its normal length with only about a 25% loss of overall tensile strength. One strand of hair, 2-feet long, can support 6.4 pounds, a list-sized lock of hair can support about 750 pounds and her whole head of hair can lift about 3,200 pounds (1.6 tons). A portion of her hair must be used to anchor the rest at these greater weights, so that more than her scalp/skull is used as a brace. Medusa can control the movement of her hair as if it were countless thin appendages growing from her head. A psionic field permeates her mutagenically altered hair-cells, causing mutual attraction across the gaps between strands. These relatively small forces operate in conjunction to develop larger forces. Through concentration, she can psionically move her hair in any manner imaginable. She can snap the length of it through the air like a whip (the tip of which moves faster than the speed of sound), or rotate it in a fan-like manner. She can bind persons or objects with it as if it were rope or use it to lift objects which weigh more than she could lift with her arms. (Her scalp, skull, and neck do not support the weight of an object that she lifts: it is held aloft by the psionic force coursing through the hair.) Medusa can also perform delicate manipulations with her hair such as lock picking or threading a needle, and such complex acts of coordination as typing or shuffling a deck of cards. Although she has no nerve endings in her hair, she can "feel" sensations on all parts of her hair by a form of mental feedback from her psionic field. As yet Medusa has not manifested her psychokinetic powers in any way except the animation of her own hair. Whether she has the potential to control other fibrous substances other than her own hair (as can the mutant Gypsy Moth) has not yet been determined. Registered Codename: Rapunzel Appearence: [url]http://im-chat.com/userimg/15095/Mistres9_4.jpg[/url] though her hair is blonde. she still normally only wears dark dresses. Personality: Tammy is a quiet woman. Only speaking when spoken to. She's a very punctual and precise person who is never late for an appointment. Defends her friends and family with a fierce loyalty and isn't above hurting(not killing) anyone who is foolish enough to insult them. Bio: Subject born May 20 1994. Tammy Anne McKenzie was born to a young married couple in a small town some three quarters of an hour south of Westchester County in the state of New York to a woman named Kendra Mckenzie and her husband, Arthur James. They knew already that she was special for at birth she was delivered with a full head of hair and already two teeth breaking the gum line. Despite her exceptional birth she was raised just like any other child up until the age of three when she started showing signs of her gift. Her hair now down to her shoulders had grown thick, much thicker than any child her age should have them and for some reason it had never tangled or ratted up like any normal child did at that age. And when young Tammy didn't think her parents were watching they would catch her hair moving around as though they had a life of their own. Fastforwarding to Age 5. No longer would any blade cut her hair now down past the middle of her back, something hard prevented it from happening. Every pair of scissors or shears that even attempted to cut her hair simply failed. She had started school that year. Everyone loved her except for one girl. Her name was unrecorded but rumor had it that the girl who hated poor tammy was jealous of her long golden tresses. One day it even led to the young girl attacking tammy. However, what nobody expected was for the young girl to retaliate in quite the unusual way. The girls hair came to life and defended her face and chest from the other girls advances. Then it struck back lashing the girl like a thousand whips. Ultimately she was removed from school and home schooled unitil present day. Brought to our attention just recently she was found in a mall with some of her human friends, who at the time, were unaware of her... Flaw. Well she was caught shoplifting.... With her hair. This was what caused our eye to fall on her and the event that transpired up to her registry.
Hope I'm not to late. Name: Kasumi Age: Unknown/Looks late teens early twenties? Gender: Female Appearance: [url]http://www.toysnjoys.com/wallscrolls/z269.jpg[/url] Weapons: Twin Katanas. She also is ambidextrous and is trained to near mastery in the art of modified sword dancing as the original art was designed for use with Scimitars. The materia is linked in the left hand blade. Materia: Added Effect(no exp)-Adds a status element to armor or weapon. Poison(Master)- Bio1, Bio2, Bio3. Inflicts heavy poison damage and status with weapon when linked to Added Effect. Personality: Kasumi is a shady character at best. The epidemy of anti-socialness She almost never speaks when spoken to unless she has something relevant to say. In battle she is almost the same. The members of her tribe called her the Nights Whisper. Because the only thing you hear before you die is the sound of her katana cutting the wind. Even around her friends she's a quiet figure, not one for deep conversations she speaks when it merits and it's those precious few words that count. Biography: Though noone knows her true story because she doesn't share it I will add it just because it will help my chances of getting accepted. She was born and raised in a small hidden village beyond the city of ancients. some may even suspect that the residence of her tribe was descendant from the Ancients. On the eve of her graduation from her sensei and her birthday she had a vision. A thin figure with silver hair and a kitana much like her own. The vision showed him slaying people by the troves. Waking up in a cold sweat she hunted down her sensei to tell him of the dream. Her sensei gave her the headband signifying her graduation from his tutelage and told her to seek out her dream only then will she be free from it. So the next day, despite the objection of her parents, Kasumi left home and headed toward the real of civilization looking for the object of her nightmares.
Discuss Dragon Ball Z Role-Playing Game...worth while to pursue?
Heartless Me replied to a topic in Theater
Not only do i agree to this RPG and am eager to join it... I also have the perfect website to perform the chatroom battles on. they even have a built in die roller. PM me for the details or locate me on yahoo(anime_islands) or aim(paradox wish). -
Name: Yama Yuugi (surname-name) Mutant Name: Gravitonne Age:31 Sex:Male Mutant Ability: Gravity Manipulation and Flight Bio: Yuugi had been born in space away from Earth on a planet with a much higher gravity than Earth's own and while on that planet he was just like everyone else. However when word came to him that earth was in such grave danger he decided to go and do what he could to bring the planet the freedom they deserved by hopefully bringing an end to The Herald and it's Demonic Minions. After weeks of searching he finally located the ancient ruins of what used to be professor X's X-Men HQ. From there he used his superior intelligence to glean the information from the nearly unworkable machine and began to search out mutants and humans alike to join his team. The first he found of course was Logan/Wolverine and they Trained with each other for many month's while searching for more members finally when he had enough people he announced to them that they will be the new X-Men and hopefully they will be able to live up to the same legendary status that the originals had. Description: Very Skinny and toned, quite dextrous as well. Not very strong but his mutant power makes up for that ability.. he has long shiny almost metallic black hair and steel grey eyes. His fingers are long and thin and end in long filed fingernails and his skin is tightly drawn against his body.
Discuss Battle Vixens (Ikki Tousen) RPG rated M (LVS and SH)
Heartless Me replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in Theater
*laughs.* I soooo got your back on Koukin! i'm the best at playing easily embarressed anime guys. *nodding.* -
Got some great sign ups and pretty unique powers, After one or two more i'll post mine and start the rpg. thanks for signing up!
As this was my best and favorite roleplay that was the most successful I wanted to give it a second try. The year is 3000 and the Earth is in Ruins. After Apocolypse finished off the X-Men once and for all he subjugated all humanity and mutant kind alike and since then they have been made as slave's to the Beast and his 4 Horsemen. But now Apocolypse is not the enemy, Evil has a new face, one even darker than apocolypse himself. This Menace has dubbed himself The Herald of Oblivion and arrived on earth in 2980, there was a huge war between the two titans of evil in which after 10 years of battle and countless lives lost wether innocent or not there was only one victor... The Herald of Oblivion. The time is now back to the present... Human kind has been all but whiped out and the Mutants go into hiding for fear of utter annihalation by The Herald. In these dark times however there still lies hope. That hope rests within a new breed of mutants, one that may very well finally have the power to destroy The Herald once and for all! Sorry I couldn't give you more of a plot but I dont' wanna give away all the good stuff now... The Most important Rule: If you play a mutant, your power cannot instantly kill The Herald or Any other player's Character without their permission first! This is what your character sheet should look like. Name: Mutant Nameif any) Age: Sex: Mutant Ability: Bio: Short Description: I will Post mine after I get a few sign ups.
Chases eyes narrowed as the three came in but he blinked and took a half a step back when a blurr sent one of the knights flying back on his derriere kicking up a cloud of light dirt and debris. Grabbing a pair of kunai from the pouch he used his heightened throwing ability and wound up lucky with a blade in each of the knights eyesockets. Before the knights hit the floor, Chase was tugged into another cloud jerking out of the way he nearly attacked the person until he heard Arons voice. "use the cover." Chase gave a slight smirk shaking his head. Aron had given him the best advantage one could give a ninja, complete concealment. 'It's what I do best.' He whispers back as he listened closing his eyes pulling out several stars from his hip pouch. He listened closely at the footsteps, nights of pretending to be awake and days of quiet observance have made him adept at finding out who made what type of step sounds. Alternating stars flew from the dust cloud bouncing off some knights armors but still a number scoring critical shots incapacitating or killing a soldier on the spot.
Name-Arther Dent age-Appears 22 weapon - mimicry (has a dagger as well.) descriptions/picture [url]http://www.ffcompendium.com/chara/6-gogo-a.jpg[/url] bio - Not much is known about gogo. he doesn't say much unless it's copying what another person says. Anton just found him one day and Arther started to follow him he tried several times to get rid of him peacefully but he couldnt' shake the mimic so eventually he just gave up and let him follow, since then he's been very useful in vital missions mimicking powerful abilities that enemies may be weak against to help takedown the foe faster.. He's never told anyone his name so peoply just call him cat, which is short for copy cat.
Of course Chase noticed as soon as she opened her eyes but said nothing. He didn't want to interrupt their current conversation with something completely off topic. Finally when she sat up near the end of their conversation Aron turned to speak. `Look who's finally decided to join us.` "Welcome to the conversation Kira." 'What were you guys laughing and talking about so loud that it had to wake my simple slumber.' `Oh nothing big I was just confessing something that he already knew in the firstplace thereby making a fool of myself, but it's all good.` 'what's all good? The fact that he humiliated you?' "Umm, Kira I think that's a figure of speach." Kira looked frusted for a moment and sighed letting out a surrendered giggle. Chase and Aron both smiled. `By the way, i'm really sorry abo-` 'Quiet your tongue Aron, it's in the past.' There was a moment of silence as they all looked into the fire before Chase raised his eyes again to speak to kira. As their eyes met she would be the first to notice something truely unusual about Chase, his eyes were lacking something that supposedly all people had... Pupils... There was a complete and utter lack of pupils, even the irises had seemed to never have been there. Her thoughts were interrupted as he start to speak. "I watched you practice your katas this morning... They are very familiar. You aren't the pupil of the legendary samurai of the falling leaf, are you?" 'You could tell just by my katas that? Perhaps i underestimated more than just your ability to be communicative.' "You underestimate to much... I could tell that it was his style because that was the same kata that I was tought as a novice ninja." 'What are you trying to say, Chase? That The Falling Leaf trained you too? That is impossible! Even if you proved yourself, my sensei is a Samurai not a ninja!' `Kira, perhaps you should listen to chase and try not to get mad. Maybe there is a method behind his madness.` "that's what I am getting at, anyways, as i was saying." clearing his throat. "Ontop of Assassins and Spies ninjas are masters of diguise and illusion. My master specifically said that to defeat your enemies you must become them. So it woudln't be unheard of for a ninja to pose as a samurai or even gain their talents and reknown for them. Almost as an alternate identity. See did he teach you a series of things then leave for months at a time?" 'He did... Good gods! you may be right! He said he was going to perfect his own trainings but he was so good i never realized that he had already perfected them. Though how could he? He said he'd only train one person.' "You are partially right. If the rumours be true then what he told the people when he travelled was he said he'd train only one samurai Therefore he would be likely to take on a student of another occupation. Hence where I came around." Aron sat back and watched the two conversate ready to play the arbitrator if things started to get out of hand since it seemed to be a touchy subject for both people. OOC: I'll let you guys carry it somewhere from there, my head hurts and i need to save brain power for card tournament tonight. note: I used `` mark for aron and ' ' mark for kira for purposes of understanding who's who.
could you please post a list of people that are still included into the roleplay and who they are playing for me please? Thanks. ^_^
Sprinting with all his might he lept over large rocks with ease, Chase nimbly evaded fallen branches from dead trees. Even the sharp turn ahead didn't slow him down. With a slight change of angle he was running toward the outer chasm wall leaping several feet away from it, after a flip he placed his feet on the mountainside and lept off of it pushing off to the other side of the corner on the outside. Landing at half the height he pushed off again landing on the ground facing the new direction down the continued path. The whole maneuver took a matter of seconds. That's right, A sharp turn in the chasm wasn't going to slow him down, A camp of orcs on the other hand... That was more tricky. One of the ogres stood up after noticing the black clad man and yelled something in orcish. the rest grabbed their weapons and started to get up. There were five in all... four in all, Chase counted as he buried a Shuriken into the back of the neck of one of them dropping it immediately. Another one nearby started to chant, it looked like some kind of shaman but had black robes. Groaning with disgust Chase Tossed another shuriken at a charging orc catching the large green humanoid in the leg. Chase was outnumbered but he was alot smarter than a bunch of dumb greenskins. The two uninjured ones met him first, the one on the left which was wielding a blood crusted axe was quickly felled by an upward slash from his katana. The other however he couldn't turn fast enough to avoid or counterstrike an attack with a large club. The log almost as large as he is clashed into his body sending him reeling into the wall where he crumpled. When he awoken he'd noticed he was left on the floor though weaponless the orcs seemed to be preparing a large pot. Looking into the sky Chase knew by the position of the sun that not much time had gone by. He thanked the gods that orcs were dumb and didn't know that a ninja was just as lethal without his weapons as he is with them. Putting his hands togather in a short series of runic gestures he whispers the word "multiply" pulling on the skill he just lurned to replicate illusions of himself. After that he willed the illusions to create a diversion for him. SLowly and silently he got up and slid into the shadows while the illusions started jumping up and down creating their diversion. one even went as far as to yell out. That got their attention. The started to scramble again but one was knocked silly by a hit in the head wiht a stone. Chase zipped from the shadows driving his elbow into the gut of one of the orcs causing it to double over. When his face was in range he proceeded to drive his nose into his brain with an open palmed strike. Grabbing the club the dead on his feet orc dropped he swung wildly at a second approaching orc knocking him over but not hurting the creature. A split second survey showed him where his weapons were and in a blinks time he was on top of them snatching a star and throwing it at the shaman targeting his neck in midspell. Grabbing his sword from the pile of weapons he spun around to face the orc coming apon him with bare hambone hands only to run himself onto Chase's blade. Cursing his carelessness and waste of time he grabbed what few supplies he had left and bursted again at full speed but keeping mind to remember where that griffin roost was. An indeterminable amount of time later he seen a shadow flying overhead... He knew that One griffin would be too much for him let alone it's mate as well so he stayed to the shadows. Whenever the griffon made a circle over the chasm he entered the shadows outside of the creatures range of vision. This was time consuming but safer and being a ninja helped him keep silent while doing so as not to alert any threat that may be ground side say perhaps a hunting griffon pup. After passing the griffons hunting ground and nesting area he only had one more test to pass. The bottomless gap. He was always afraid to leap it as a child growing up because it was so wide and he was young but he knew if he had any hope of winning this race than he'd have to make it now, after all he wasn't going to back track all this way. Turning the corner about a fields lenght ahead he saw the gap. It was nearly five meters across and spanned both sides of the pathway making the only way across to jump it. Chase stopped and took a deep breath. He envisioned the path and his abilities. He's made three meter jumps and a four meter jump but never has he cleared fifteen feet. Then he got inspiration. Thinking back to earlier he remembered what got him into trouble earlier and thought that this time it just might save him. With a grunt and a push off he sprinted towards the gap chasm inside the mountain path, one foot infront of the other pushing himself faster and faster, focusing his chakra into his knees and legs drawing himself past the limits of his speed and then he jumps. but not across the chasm, at the wall, just as he did earlier he lept nearly six feet into the air alone and landed on the wall, the chakra aligned to his feet giving a slight adhesion with just enough strength with the momentum he had built from the run to push off, launching himself like a bird takes flight toward the other side of the chasm. At that point it almost feels like time slows for Chase, his blue eyes looking down into the hole as he seemingly glides over it approaching the other side. Even before he knew it the ground reappeared underneath him and time sped up to catch with him, before his body to could react to his mind yelling ROLL! he hit the ground with several feet to spare, unfortunately feeling the ground connect with his legs at the speed and force he was travelling was too much, there was a loud popping noise with a ripping sound and Chase felt his fractured leg bone rip out through his calf muscle. The ninja let out a hellish cry and rolled to a stop grabbing his leg at the knee. Chase had no potions. there was noone here to help him. He only had one alternative, he knew he didn't want to die here and he didn't want to use the other leaf now but he had no choice. His quivering hand went to open the locket again as he felt himself go into shock from blood loss. Looking down at his wound he slide the last of the two leaves into his mouth biting it off at the stem and felt the accursed rejuvination go to work draining his time on this plane in exchange for his health. Anyone watching might be both amazed and disgusted at the sight of the bone melting off where it was exposed to the air. The plant taking the easiest and most direct course in rebuilding his body getting rid of unecessary parts, the wound pressing out several bone chips as it closes. The wierdest feeling however was the painless sensation of a regrowing bone. He felt his limp leg expand and harden the lower and upper parts of the legbone reconnecting with a fresh center piece. Waiting a moment after it seemed fully healed chase suprising himself got to his feet. 'I made it, I actually made it! I cleared the gap!' Turning around his hope restored, ego boosted, and health imbued he turned the next corner approaching the exit. Nothing was going to stop him now! DONE.
Beaten and broken Chase lay on the ground his body barely able to move, mind in a daze. His hazey eyes stared off blood mixing with moisture in his eyes as he lay there trying to compute just what happened. He knew he was attacked by a young girl but not how or why especially since she never touched him. The little demonic child just looked at him and he took a very violent trip into a mountainside. Slowly he began to use what chakra he had left over to enter his metitation trance again drawing upon his deep seeded memories to the talk of his original sensei. "some day, my student. You will come across a foe that you will not be able to defeat by might alone. That is when you must outsmart your opponant. Perhaps their armor protects them totally. Then use that armor against them. Maybe they use strange mind powers to make themselve's untouchable. If so, then you have to trick them or distract them long enough for you to be able to hit them. Remember the ten percent rule. If you are ten percent smarter than your foe you'll always stay at least one step ahead of them." 'Yes sensei, I understand. One question sensei..? What if they are too strong or too smart or both?' The dojo master stopped and looked up giving him a very serious glare. His steel grey eyes seemed to pierce through the young Chase's soul sending a shiver down his spin. Stroking his long thin white beard he opened his mind to speak. "Then you better hope by buddha's good grace you have alot of friends, or an opening for a hasty retreat." Slowly the vision faded as he searched his memories for more information that could help him. After a moment something came into view, a scene where he and the sensei were sittign in the middle of the dojo during a tea ceremony honoring the gods. "Tommorow, you go out on your first mission. When you first came to me you were just a snot nosed kid. Now look at you, almost a fully growned ninja. I am proud of you Chase." Chases eyes lit with pride he kept a serious composure with only the slightest hint of a smile. Giving a low bow excepting the tea cup and holding it in both hands. "Thank you sensei, I will always honor and remember you're words." 'Chase, I have a gift for you. But only use them when you have need for this gift is few and far between.' The ancient monk reached into his robes and seemed to be searching for something as the young ninja held the tea cup still. Slowly as if attempting to draw anticipation he drew his hand from the robes pulling out two small golden leaves. "This is a very special leaf from a very special tree. It's highly magical and has powerful healing qualities. When you eat the leaf, NOT the stem. All bones in your body will be instantly healed and wounds will fade into nothingness. In addition to all of this, it draws out your souls potential restoring your chakra completely. Beware, however, because this draws on your bodies natural state so in essense shortening your life some to heal you now." Chase's eyes widen at the small golden leaves before drinking the tea in the cup and setting it down. Sensei gave a nod and bow extending the leaves. Chase returned the bow recieving the leaves. 'Thank you sensei I will make sure they serve me well.' Then the ninja's eyes snapped open. He left the trance just as quickly as he entered it and found himself able to move at least somewhat. 'the leaf! where did i put it?' Instantly his hand went to the locket he had around his neck under his suit, the one with his mother and fathers picture inside it and opened it... there were two small leaves folded neatly within. Slowly taking one out he removed the stem as his sensei had warned him and placed the small leaf in his mouth. As soon as he began to chew it, the leaves power released into his body, the healing process was quick. bones mended and healed producing more bone for the ones that shattered the pieces being absorbed by his body, wounds quickly healing and fading scarless. He felt a warm softness growing in his heart as his magical energies began to refill. Before he knew it, Chase was back up to full strength and ready to go. Dropping down to one knee he went through his motions again but this time puting more energy into his speed and legs than anything else... This ninja knew the mountains better than anyone and that little girl wasn't going to keep her from his victory!
Reada stared into the shadows at the figure as it emerged to show a.. little girl? That's right, as though she were straight out of a childs nursery rhyme she looked no older than eight or nine years old. The young girl had long curly blond hair so thick that it looked like a sword couldn't chop through it, the tresses layed long over her back straight down to her knees. She wore a frilly wide bottom pink dress and had cute rosey little cheeks. The only thing that wouldn't show off that she really was an innocent little girl was the red tint to her green eyes. Reada tried throwing a star at the little demon child but with a flick of her wrist the shuriken was thrown off course by some unknown force the girl controlled. 'what is going on, i dont understand' Reada muttered staring at the girl as she let out a small wicked girlish laugh. "You needn't understand anything except that you are going to die. Daddy wants you to die so I am going to do it and make daddy happy." He looked at the little girl strangely and frowned. For the first time in his life he was genuinely helpless. He couldn't fight her because she deflected his attacks, he had no ranged magic powers yet and he couldn't run because she had seemed to cast some variation of float spell on him. Exasperated he looked at the girl and frowned. 'Well if you are going to kill me then do it and don't waste time on explanations.' "If you are that eager to die." With that reada felt his body whip into the side of the mountain along with the crushing of bones. A loud pained scream erupted from Chase's lips as before he was finished crying out he felt himself zip thorugh the air again and crash into the tree next to the girl. and dropping him to the ground, bruised and beaten within an inch of his life. "Well I would love to finish you off but Daddy is calling me. It was fun playing with you." With a giggle she steps back into the shadows again, her right wrist sparkles and she's gone.
Ratu sat in his room in the barracks which had been provided for him when he told the short on men guard that he would join their ranks for a week for food and some extra spending money. The thin lanky looking man held his sword in hand sitting on the bed that was assigned him in deep meditation. He felt the flow and ebb of lifeforce around him. Every heartbeat, every breath, even the tiniest of synapses through each persons brain so deep was his link in this trance. There were beings of considerable power in this city. he could sense it, hear it, even taste the strength in body, mind, and spirit these beings possessed. One of those beings approached him and though in this enlightened frame of existance drew him nearly to another plane mentally his body still reacted pulling the disguised soul sword from it's sheathe in a split second and holding it out letting his body and mind recollaborate. Slowly, Ratu's eyes open as he sees the tip of his blade less than an inch from the Constable Captains throat. "Those are quite some reflexes you got there for a little guy." 'Thanks, That's about all i got.' "I'll believe that when my pig learns elven." Ratu managed to will the illusion surrounding his body to smile as he stared at the constable his smiling fades replaced by a very serious look. Slowly he pulled back the blade and resheathed it straightening out his outfit. 'Is there something I can help you with captain?' "Well yes, actually, there is Ratu. I had a report not to long ago about a disburbance at the Sali Dabu, I was hoping that you could go look into it for me?" 'Disturbance? I heard that it was a slaughter.' The captains eyes widen hearing Ratu's words, how could he have known?! The news had traveled that fast? He refused to believe it but decided against bringing it up since he had noone else available to go investigate. "Yes, well in any case, I need a smart man to go investigate this and report back to me. Can you do this for me please?" An exasperated sigh and a tilt of his neck cracking several bones and Ratu started walking toward the door, his gait was long legged for how short he was and almost robotic in motion. Stopping at the door he turned his head back and spoke to the man in charge. 'I will go. After all it's what i'm getting paid for isn't it? And if I tell you I won't do it then i dont' get paid. right?' Before he was given a response, Ratu left the barracks and headed towards where Dabu was last at. ----------------------------------------------- Ratu's mind kept wandering. The presenses he felt in the town, some good, some not so, and others simply for themselves. The barracks were just outside the gate of town so it wasn't too far away for him to walk to Sali Dabu he had just to walk around the wall and through the gate and... What's this? The door is open and there are men everywere? It's just as he'd felt. Four life forms cute short quickly and cleanly, but who was this man? He felt the energy, An upright positive force flowing from him, at least in comparison to what he's used to with his profession and all. Sighing he called out to him. 'Hey! Hey, you! Wait! I need to have a word with you!" Ratu couldn't help but hold back a smile at the almost disgusted look on the mortals face. Flashing the badge he was given to show that he's working for the town guard the other man gave a nervous grin and bow. "Can I ask you what you are doing here son?" 'Son? I'm older than you are.' "You are avoiding the question." 'No i'm just stating a fact.' "Whatever, what are you doing around four dead people and an unconcious merchant infront of you?" 'Dabu is an acquaintance of mine, I heard some rumors that he might have been in trouble so I came to his aid only to be too late.' Ratu blinked as the man gave his excuse and raised an eyebrow his apparently iced blue eyes looking this person over before pulling out a parchment and ink quill. "Alright, I'll start with your name address and a full statement about everything you know for my report."
OOC: Reiku.. You mean Sharingan right? : ;) Chase knew the mountains here better than any other person in the group. after all he'd spent three years of his training on the mountain. Travelling, Fighting, Surviving, Learning. When he suggested his plan of a race he had already picked his plan of action for he knew exactly which was the quickest path through the mountain range to the other side. Unfortunately, He also knew that It put him past an orc camp and a Griffon roost. Silently he sat in preparation, of course that was after the last person dissappeared behind their respective hill or corner. Past experiences knew that he had time for an hour of preparation, that was including the two combat encounters he had to factor into the race. Closing his eyes in the butterfly position with his legs bent and bottoms of his feet togather, his elbows rested off his knees comfortably. Taking a deep breath he expanded his conciousness and felt his chakra power rise. The mystical energy started to course around his body as he picked off bits and pieces infusing the energy into certain body parts. His joints, so that they would wear longer. Leg muscles so they would be stronger for running. And eyes so that he could be more perceptive to environmental mishaps. The small remaining amounts of chakra left over he preserved for the combat situations he needed against the griffons. Finally Chase willed himself from his higher state of conciousness. His eyes opening slowly as he took a deep breath righting himself with his normal state of mind then opening them he stretched his body. as his chest arched he looked up and smiled seeing that the sun had only moved a little bit stating he had not taken as long as he thought it would. Only about a half an hour had gone by. Kneeling slightly he got in the sprinting position and started running full speed, which is when he noticed the string tied to his leg. When it strung straight sending him flying and landing on his arm and head he noticed that it was tied to tree trunk behind him. As he grumbled and cut himself loose he heard a small girlish chuckle. Chase Who is there? Before he had time to answer he felt himself being lifted off the ground helplessly and a small figure in the shadows. The only thing he could tell is the figure was about 3'8" tall and seemed to be wearing some sort of wide frilly dress. OOC: My rival is sooo evil.....
Chases' upgrades Multiplication1 Weapon Throw Chase had just walked out of the dojo where he had been able to talk the sensei into teaching him the art of cloning himself with illusions when some kid bumped into him and started to run off into the crowd. At first reada thought nothing of it until he went t o purchase an apple from a vender in the market when he found his coin purse was missing. Giving a curse he thought back to the young boy who bumped into him and realizing it must have been a cutpurse. Returning the apple to the vender he grimaced explaining the situation. The vender mentioned something about a seedy tavern on the south side of town and that what he is looking for might be there. The Iron Stallion wasn't the largest Tavern in town but it was certainly the busiest especially at this time of day when it just starts to get dark out. Chase walks into the room and glares around. Many people, filled tables, no open seats at the bar. The barkeep had hired a bard to sing his tails but the place was too loud for anyone to hear him though he sang his hardest. In a far corner of the tavern the ninja's eyes stopped on a mountain of a man surrounded by three lanky street rattish looking children all between the ages of eleven and fourteen aparrently. Witha slight scowl Chase approached the rag tag group of misfits lead by the oversized meathead. The huge humanoid looked up and tilted his head in confusion as the ninja sat across from him. they lock eyes for several minutes until Chase spoke. His voice was sounded friendly enough but anyone with the slightest bit of empathic ability could tell that it was so laced with threats that he might as well be spitting poison. Chase: I believe you or one of your childer have something of mine. I would like it back if you don't terribly mind. Man: And what if I don't? Child A: Yeah! What if he doesn't? Chase: It would be in your best interest to do so. Man: Don't mess with me kid. The ninja stands up grabbing the daishuriken from his back and flicks his wrist making the blades fan out into a four pronged throwing star much the size of a half again buckler. The man simply laughs but the barkeep doesn't seem to pleased about it. Nearly leaping over the bar he runs over to Chase and the Man. Barkeep: Hey, if you guys are gonna scrap take it outside. Man: Fine by me. A moment later the relative quietness was interrupted by the door swinging open and a black clad figure being thrown into the street followed by a large four pronged weapon. Chase slowly got up and dusted himself off then picked up his daishuriken as the large man walked out the front door laughing. Man: I told you not to mess with me. The tall man turns and starts to walk back inside.. that is until a small piercing pain wracked his leg right behind his knee and he dropped to one knee yelling out. The ninja was immediately on top of him grabbing the warriors right arm and yanking it behind his back while throwing his other arm around his neck. Chase: And someone should have told you never to turn your back on a ninja. Now am I going to get my money back or are you going to get your spinal cord seperated from your brain? The wide eyed giant sobbed slightly gesturing to one of the kids who were likewise hiding behind the door telling her to give up the pouch. The young girl of maybe 13 slinked forward handing him a heavy sack of coins and zipped back into the bar. After a moment of examination He smiled slightly. Chase: This isn't my pouch but it will do. It's compensation for wasting my time. Chase started to walk away as the cursing giant threw threats and angry words at him. "with this much money i can get myself another skill trained" he thought as he strolled down the street past the city guard training ground where something conveniantly crossed his eyes. 'discounted training today only!' Grinning, Chase walked through the gate and in to gain his other skill.
Chase was semi-sleeping, he'd always been a light sleeper as it was part of his training to be aware at all times. The loud (well to him) creak of the cell door opening. Chase opened one eye to get a glance at what was going on. unfortunately it was too dark to see anymore than a shadow of a figure. the figure reached out with a hand and Chase whipped his own out grabbing the person by the wrist. Rolling swiftly under the person they manage to jump but behind them the ninja kipups and lifts there arm up under their back in a submission hold. Figure: ow, ow, Ow, OW! Lemme go! I'm here to help you get out of here. The figure was trying his best to be quiet whispering sharply to the ninja. Hearing the mans response, Chase released the other man and stepped back adjusting to the dark. When he was able to make out the man he gave a slight chuckle. Chase: I know you, you are that Cid guy... Cid: That's Captain Cid. Now lets get out of here. Without another word he makes his way to the top of the stairs and into the courtyard. Some already out there and a few not quite with them He waits until the rest arive then escape with them in the huge hole in the wall made by Yuri's potions. On the run Chase catches up with Yuri. Chase: So why choose this method to set us free? Yuri: No offense but it's personal, I'll tell everyone when the time is right. Chase:Fine by me. Everyone has their secrets, I know that above everyone else. Chase followed them from there... heading towards the town that Cid suggested. Taking the tail of the group watching their backs so their not ambushed.
Chase was at least in his element as he sit in his cell. He was given a room without so much as a window. The shadows surrounded him and he was comfortable. The cell was no larger than the bed and a small amount of walking space, surrounded by stone on all sides and a thin wired gate at the end. The door on the other side of the room outside the gate were guarded by two knights. Chase: How long do i have to stay caged here like a kenneled animal? Guard1: How long do you intend to keep asking me that question? Chase: Until I get an answer. Guard2: Shut up, shinobi. You will be let out when Sir Yuri has his words with you. coughmaybecough Chase slumped on the bed lookign into the darkness wishing he still had his weapsons. Of course he could escape from the scell if he wanted by turning the steel bars to mud but then he'd have to fight a small legion of armed knights while armless. That was a risk he intended not to make. So he waited. Several hours he waited until the time had come. A tall man walked into the room and pulled up a chair to the bars just out of arms reach. Chase: What no interrogation room with bright lights and several guys pressuring me? The young man in elite armor, obviously the captain of the knights nearly leaned forward slightly giving a short chuckle and merely shook his head. Yuri: First off, There is no need for that shinobi. Secondly, I heard your type are dangerous so I thought I would leave the interrogation room and come to speak to you myself instead. Chase: Aw, I feel special. Big captain guy coming to visit lil' ole me. Yuri: Cut it out. Tell me who you are and what your doing with these people i found you with. Chase: Not much to tell, chief. The only one I truly know is the one I was hired to take out. But that changed after he hired me to protect him. It's a big long story... Yuri: It's ok, I have time.
Drecht sat on his homemade throne of shadow deep in the secret reaches of the world of shade. His mind on the encounter between the other warriors and his least demons. Frowning he stared into space. Drecht: They shouldn't have been able to destroy those demons so easily. Perhaps next time I should kick up their strenght a couple of levels. That should really endanger them. I don't want to convert them until they are strong enough to protect themselves against themselves or others. Isn't that right midnight? Talking to a huge whispy looking dragon that is wrapped aroudn his throne. He gives a chuckle as he tosses a human head at the dragon who quickly snaps it up and chomps it down.
Name: Chase Dingum Age: 14 Appearance: [url]http://worldofnaruto.blogs.sapo.pt/arquivo/Naruto139.JPG[/url] Personality: Arrogant, loudmouthed and even a hot headed at times. Not the poster child for his chosen profession. Your Time: Flora's Time Reason for Accompanying Aron: Because he said he would get paid. Weapon: Kunai(small ninja throwing daggers with a small loop at the end instead of a hilt), Diai-Shuriken(large shuriken almost the size of his entire body, travels almost under the physics of a boomerang though it's form and composition make that supposedly impossible), "Magic" powers? Bio: The wind was high and the night was cold as a smallish figure lept from roof top to roof top against the wind. Silent as a the rustling of a rose in a softly breezed night as he made his way to his target. Finally landing on top of the roof of the inn his eyes looked up at the moon reddish orbs glinting slightly under luna's all seeing gaze. Flipping down off the top he used his control over his chakra to slow his descent until he reached the designated window. Resting on the sill he looked into the room. As it was as he was informed, the target was resting soundly in his room, alone. the young man in all black made a few hand signals and whispered a few words and shortly after the glass window melted into sand soundlessly. Chase: Earth Shift Technique.... With and open path into the room he stepped inside and slowly stalked his way to the bed. his body moving ever so slowly and taking painful steps to stop himself from making any unnecessary noise. Only the soft breathing of his voice and the slightest graze of metal against metal as he drew a kunai from it's pouch disturbed the utter silence of the room as he approached the sleeping Aron. As he reached the bedside he raised the kunai high over his head only to find a second later that he felt a sword poking at his stomach. Chase: What?! That's impossible! How did you know I was coming?! Aron:with a smirk You breathe to heavy. Mind telling me who you are and why you are trying to kill me? Chase: I was hired to. A slightly concerned look crossed over Arons face. Chase on the other hand was nearly completely concealed in his face making it difficult to read any emotion that can't be seen in the eyes alone. The ninja made no movement, only looked down at the blade ready to run him through. Not a predicament a ninja would have himself in. Aron: Who would want to have me killed? Chase: I don't know, I never saw his face, it was a tall figure in a black cloak. He said you weren't to achieve your goal, that it would ruin everything then he gave me a sack of money and said i'd get the rest when you were dead. Aron: Well how about this? You help me out instead and I'll give you double that when my goal is achieved? Chase:eyes widening Your going to double a hundred thousand gold pieces?! Aron:snickers knowing that even if he agreed when his goal was completed he'd be home and chase would still be in flora time. Heh, sure! After all, I am quite wealthy where i come from, i just don't carry much money on me. Chase: Alright, two hundred thousand zenny it is. Payable when you complete your goal, whatever that is. I'll meet you outside the inn tommorow morning, you won't recognize me but i'll know you. With that the ninja threw down a smoke bomb and was gone. He could have esacped any time but he chose not too just out of curiosity of what the man was really up to. He went and prepared for the next day.
OOC: Yes, guys play girl characters too. ^_^ me Princess Garnet Age- 18 Personality-Rebellious rambunctious young woman who will go to extremes to prove that she is more than the prissy princess everyone thinks she is. Weapon-Wand and Magic.
Drecht: Well this is unfortunate. You've made a grave mistake that you will all pay for. With that he drew his sword but instead of wielding it for battle he struck it into the ground. He knew that they were no match for him in his current status so he decided to draw upon the powers of darkness to summon a few creatures to cover him. After all if the main badguy killed off the group before they got a chance to get strong there wouldn't be apoitn in the game! The ground rumbled and a small fissure appeared. There was silence for a moment on both sides before screaming erupted in another part of town heading this way. tenebrous shadowy sinews stretched up from the miniature chasm as a group of smaller demons burst into view. A larger demonic form slinking from the hole. Partially made of shadow the demon and the lesser fully fleshed demons circle and slowly converge on their target. Drecht on the mean time seemed to step back into the void of shadows and dissappear. _____________________________________________________ There you go their first battle. the shadow demon is almost entirely immune to physical but they won't know that until they start to attack it.