Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
OOC: LOL sorry about that Arie's
*Yuugi who as in the back managed to get in there relatively quickly, a pale blue glow encircled around his body as he activates the Do spell allowing his spirit and body to merge into one deadly force. As he concentrates the quarterstaff in his hands become as a an extention of his body the glow extending to encompas the wooden pole with the blue light. The first of the vampires jump at him with claws outstretched but she doesn't even reach the ground before Yuugi had already stepped to the side piercing the undead's heart with the sharpened end of the staff and turning the staff one way knocking 3 more off their feet and against the wall as he continue's his body in that motion his knee bending and the opposite leg lifting in a hard roundhouse that takes the head right off of one creature before landing again. Lifting the staff from the pile of ashes he spins it around once more knocking several of the Vampires around before impailing one more. THEN he opens his eyes and fights.*
*Yuugi ever, silent ever vigilant watches as the fiasco continue's... a barely audible exhale is the only noise he's made since they left the last time he's spoken when he spotted Terran. His gaze drifted upon each person in turn; Anathema, Davien, Terran, Alastuin, and finally Kain... five members against a swarm of Undead. It was terrible odds but he always did his best when the outcome looked bleak, merely standing at the edge of the group with his head slightly lowered and his arms crossed not speaking, barely moving, but totally aware and prepared. *
Sign Up Vampire: Standing in Shadows[sign up]
Heartless Me replied to Heartless Me's topic in Theater
Hybrid.... There is a lot less then if I made you create the actual character sheet... -
It is a world.. of Darkness. The progeny of Caine stalk the nights taking the blood of the living and fighting their jyhaad hidden from the eyes of the mortal life by an elaborate masquerade... The plot of this RP is cloaked in mystery but everything else may be known to all... Setting- New York City December 27 1999... just 4 days from the new millenium... NYC right now is contested between the Sabbat and the Cammarilla, neither faction having complete conctrol over it for right now. The Rules- (sorry there is so many but I want this to be very structured.) 1. Only 7 people will be chosen from the sign ups to join because that Is all my mind can handle right now... So make your sign ups count... 2. This RP will be rated R for extreme violence and gore. 3. Starting generation for Sign ups may not fall below 8th generation and CAMMARILLA clans ONLY. 4. basic world background and story line is taken from the White Wolf: World of Darkness RPG systems.. if you are unfamiliar with this system then don't sign up. 5. Have fun! Character Sign Up Name Clan Generation Haven Description Background Attributes-(9 points to distribute) Physical Social Mental Abilities-(27 points to distribute) Combat Knowledges Skills Talents Disciplines-(5 points to distribute, the disciplines don't have to directly follow your chosen clan but you have to have a very good reason and have me approve of it before the RP starts... In other words It is highly unlikely that a gangrel would possess Daimonion or Obtenebration to start.... Backgrounds(5points to spend) Other(14 points to spend) Humanity Willpower Blood Pool-will be from 10-15 dependant on generation. Clan Weakness... I'll Post My C if I get any Sign Ups... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- One more thing! If any of you have any questions feel free to pm me, do not spam my thread with nonrelated or related chatter!! if you want to talk to another person about their character, pm them don't post it on the thread.. it also adds to the mystery of the game. Thank you!
*He nods and follows Rajaah into the woods as the rest of the troupe files into the cave. Once they are well out of even supernatural hearing length he spoke up.* Tristan: Alright Rajaah... What is the real reason you wanted me to go with you? We have passed more than ample firewood but still you kept walking... *he stops and looks the Hybrid over as he crossed his arms.*
*Yuugi eyes flutter then open, peering into the darkness.... he moved to struggle but found himself unable... For a moment he remained silent and struggled but finally gave up when he discovered the bindings were to tight... His grip tightened and his eyes narrowed as if trying to pierce the darkness with his glare.* Yuugi: Who are you? Why have you brought me here?? *Flowing through the darkness a single bass tone voice traveled in a sinister chuckle... Yuugi knew he was in trouble.*
Sign Up Combat Evolved -Sign Up to conquer!
Heartless Me replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
Name-Greyclaw Race-Dragons Warrior Type-Mage Shards-1 Magic Type-Light HP-50 Attack-20 Lvl.-1 -
*Yuugi had remained quiet through the whole thing... Preferring not to get into such discussions. He had yet to reveal his true skill to any of them as he let them all do the work they needed to he merely walked amongst them, he was most likely the shortest among them and definetely looked the least threatening but Looks in this world always seem to be decieving. He continued to walk in the back as the group approached the vampires den. OOC: When our Characters get there I would appreciate it if I controlled only my own characters actions in battle... thanks.
*As they continued north yuugi frowned pulling his outfit around him tighter.* Yuugi: I never knew so many of the foul undead roamed the night... *He took his kuri-sigama and used one of the bladed hooks to carve one end of his quarterstaff into a pointed end so he could stake the creatures if he attacked.* Setsuna: Yeah, well get used to it cause they'll be around for a while. Yuugi: Not if I have anything to do with it... Kain: You're going to take on the entire vampire race by yourself? Yuugi: If I have to yes... *Just then Yuugi paused... his eyes scanning around.* Yuugi: Hey guys, there is an abnormality in the chi flow... In other words, we're being followed by something... *looking directly at the tall dark figure in the shadows(terrans C) but not seeing thim.*
Hmmm, it does appear that this RP is not really travelling anywhere.. It would be better off if this thread were locked and/or deleted because this is not working out this time... maybe I'll try it again at a later date. Sorry all...
*Yuugi had been watching the entire scene from acrossed the bar... he examined both men and finally stood up, as he approached he could easily hear the man pleading.* ???: Please sir.. I didn't mean anything by it.. don't hurt me... *kain lets down the angle of his sword* Kain: Leave now... ???: whatever you say... *and with one fluid motion as the man lept forward hands streched outward and fangs bared Kain lifted his sword in a curved arc and opened the vampires chest... as the vampire struggled to regerate he concentrated on the creature and after a moment just when the vampire was about to get up there was a faint poping sound as if a firecracker went off in the undead's chest.... Kain merely shook his head and finished off his rum as the creature turned to dust.* Kain: Like I said....... Foolish... *He sat back down as Yuugi approached and looked to the man.* Yuugi: Is this seat open? *His voice was gentle but It had a voice that almost demanded attention his body movements portrayed him as a most dexteritable person and would easily slide into the seat if Kain agreed.*
Ohhhhh, sounds like fun! Name: Yama Yuugi(surname-name) Age: 39 Appearance: approximately 5 feet 7inches tall, lightly tanned skin man of oriental look. Mostly bald with a tightly pulled ponytail flowing from a patch at the top of his head, wears a plain white gi with a black belt tied around the waist, normally walks around barefoot. Personality: Very kind and has a sense of humor that noone else seems to find funny or understand. Has a high respect for all life and seeks to protect innnocence in anyway possible even if he must resort to his martial arts skills to do so. Magic User: Yes-(chi magic) Magic Spells: 1. Eccelerated Healing- Can heal severe wounds within minutes and even reattach limbs if done fast enough. 2. Do-When the body becomes one with the spirit allowing ones body to move and act accurately and swiftly upon pure instinct and skill combined. When in this state also slightly increases physical attributes and spiritual awareness. after coming out of such a state the user is likely to be highly exausted unless he is near a dragon line(ley line) to replenish his chi energy quickly. 3. Circle of Protection- Creates a 5ft sphere around his body which keeps all minor evil at bay which includes lesser vampires. Weapon: Quarterstaff, Kuri-sigama Extra Items: Sandles, medicine bag, book of the tao. Bio: Yuugi was born in a small village to the far east. He showed high compatibility to chi adaption at a very young age and his parents sent him off to train under a chi master. On the eve of his 21st birthday his master died leaving his training unfinished. From that day forth he had been on his own fighting for his life against the evil's that stalk the day and the night. Yet through all of this he was still able to keep his spirits high and smile to give others confidence even when he thought that he would not live to see the next day. Now he travels the lands to the west.. Filled with hopes that he can find other's of his kind or perhaps another chi master to finish his trainings he's hired himself out as a slayer to pay for his food and lodging while in this strange new land.
*Yuugi looks back with a slight nod to Siren, his black hair covered part of his face.* Yuugi: We're going to go hunt some Horsemen... Siren: Sounds like a suicide mission. Abob: Not if we work as a team. Yuugi: Exactly. *The city soon comes into sight and lands just outside the city limits... ghost waiting for them as he leans against the wall of an abandoned building.* Ghost: What took ya so long? Yuugi: Traffic, come on. *He snickers and starts walking towards the city.*
*Yuugi raises an eyebrow to stormwing and tilted his head slightly.* Yuugi:Ummm, It was and still is a jet... built for pure speed it was so it does't have any weapons system but it's sure to get us to chicago in a couple of minutes... *Laughing as he prepared the ship for launch.*
Yeah man I can do that, just read a little closer next time please.
*He raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head.* Yuugi: Siren, we weren't going to ride all the way there... Siren:???? Yuugi: We're going to take something I salvaged a few years ago that me and Liquid fixed up... Follow me... *with that Yuugi made his way back to X-men HQ and down through the maze of underground corridors until he reached the hanger that held the legendary black bird within.* Yuugi: Alright everyone, climb in... *The door to the jet plane opened up and Yuugi walked in taking a seat in the pilots position.*
*As everyone gathered their numbers Tristam sat and meditated waiting until the moment they were ready to leave, then he stood up and merely became one with the shadows or so it seemed as he could follow them at a distance without being seen by his allie's or his enemie's.*
*He looked among the members and his eyes narrowed.* Yuugi: Call me Gravitonne, my real name is Yama Yuugi and I have control over the powers of gravity and gravitational force in all of it's forms. What we do next is go and search out The Heralds minions, I'm sure working as a team we should be able to take them all down... *He nods slightly his voice dipping with anger for the evil that lurks within the hearts and souls of The Herald and his Minions. He turned his head and looked to the horizon...* Spirit: Where do you suppose we start looking? Yuugi: I don't know, I think all of the minions in this town are dead now. Abob: There is another city to the south, or I should say it's more like a ruins.... Perhaps we may find something there... Yuugi: Good job, let's go.. *Liquid gives a short nod and siren merely shrugs as they all head south towards the chicago ruins.*
Uhhh, guys... if you read the story's intro Duke and S9 you would see that Apocolypse is dead, completely destroyed by The Herald....
Name: Max Stedrow Age:12 Bio:Max had always been an exceptionally smart child. He was able to read by the age of 4 and living in a family that lived for games that was a good thing.. by the age of six he was at a highschool reading level and was getting into the family tradition of gaming... he had participated in his first Dual Monsters tournament at the age of 7 and took 4th place out of 20 participants... after going back to the works of getting more cards and strengthening his deck he tried again at the age of 9 and won all the tournaments up to international where he was eliminated by Bandit Keith himself and just barely to. From that moment on he decided to take a different route than pure stradegy and started to work on the more trust and luck factors of the game in which he built his deck with many random effect cards. Up to the present his mother and father one day brought him a package saying it came in the mail.. upon recieving the letter and the glove he quickly put it on and was suprised to see that it actually fit despite how big it "looked" on him.. As soon as he put in the video how ever the smile whiped clean off of his face as his father who is also his greatest hero(of course) had his soul removed and fused onto a duel monsters card with the threat of never seeing his father again his eyes narrowed as he grabbed his deck and hugged his mother just before walking out the door. It only took him an hour to ride his bike all the way across the large city to the dock yard to find the boat taking the passangers to Dual Kingdom where he boarded with a stern look on his face. This is definitely one boy you do NOT want to cross.
*Getting out of the shower he raises an eyebrow, he had a feeling that he wasn't alone... getting out of the shower he went and retrieved a 9mm from the drawer in the bathroom and started to stalk the house in his towel. he heard a noise behind him and turned around but saw nothing, then once again behind him and he spun around again.* Yuugi: Come on out you bast...argh! *something hit him in the back and he went sprawling onto the floor unconcious.*
*Yuugi raised an eyebrow at siren then nodded with a slight smile.* Yuugi: If you are a friend, it is a pleasure to meet you... This is Liquid, abob, spirit, And I am Gravitonne. We are the X-Men. *As he pointed out each member in turn the name he spoke X-Men would be familiar to any mutant. Siren only stood there looking at the men funny.*
*after a short while a noise was heard behind Rajaah as he spins around glaring right into the black mask of Tristan he couldn't tell but Tristan's face looked just as saddened.* Tristan: Rajaah, I know what it's like to loose the ones you care about... My entire clan was wiped out by both your kind and mine. I want to show you something that I've shown no person since my birth. I have been called many things, snake among the most common. I however am not a snake. I'm not even a hybrid.. *looks down and pulls off his mask revealing a human face and head underneath.* Tristan:I am only human... But I am not proud of what I am. Actually, I hate it... But that's what I am so I make the most of it... *He sighs slightly and put's on his mask turning to walk away before pausing.* Tristan: If you ever want someone to talk to..... *Recieving no response, he keeps on going.*
Name-Caio Ciao Age 16 Sex Male Millenium Item - The millenium Amulet - a gold necklace that is jewel encrusted. Millenium Items powers- Control Monster, Dispel, Sense Powers, Shadow Magic, and Combat Trance. Bio -Grew up in ancient china as a young monk but upon recieving the highest rank he could achieve he was awarded the millenium amulet and left the monastary to travel the world and play the shadow games with other item holders in hopes to become one with his item so he will be ready to face his demon in battle. Description 5'4 asian man with long black hair down to the bottom of the back tightly braided back and a dark complexion.. he wears mainly robes very similar to a shaolin monks. and his millenium amulet lies underneath his cloak+hood and his monk robes.