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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. Earth, 3000 BC.. All across the world 14 millenium items holding great and powerful abilitie's were held by 7 human guardians and 7 demon kings, the items allowed them to control great mythical beasts(Monsters actually existed back then) in which they used to play dangerous games with... Most of the human guardians seem to want to seek out other guardians for the only purpose of taking possession of their millenium items for it sais in a prophesy that if a mortal should gain possession of 2 matching items and combine their powers into one they would gain immeasurable power and should they repeat this process with all seven items the mortal would become as a god among men... The only problem with that prophesy is that no millenium item can be taken.... The only way to relieve someone of their item is if they give it freely. What is beyond the mortals knowledge however is that the demon kings are searching out their items twins as well for if they collect them all... The entirety of existance is doomed. A few short rules. Rule #1-No killing another players Character without that players consent. Rule #2-Only a character's player may choose to freely give their item to another and even then it is advised against. Rule #3-There are 7 slots open so this RP is first come first serve. C sheet Sign Up- Name Age Sex Millenium Item Millenium Items powers-(max of 3 and no instant kill, auto damage/paralyze or any other godmoded powers) limited telekenises is allowed... Powers that Millenium Item already has-Control Monster, and Dispell(once per "game") Bio Description Note-This RP is happening in 3000 BC so make sure you adjust your C's accordingly... that means no guns, cars, etc... and this is earth so Elve's and such are not available as player characters, only monster's to be controlled by the items. and nobody starts off with a blue eyes white or red eyes black dragon!
  2. *he caught the slip of paper in one hand and started to walk away. his eyes closed thinking of the events of the day and when he opened them a minute later, he found himself infront of his apartment... But that was clear across town. This was getting very strange.* Yuugi: Sweet christ... *Shaking his head he entered the apartment building, went to his room, and passed out on the bed... He was so glad that day was Friday.* *~Next day~* *Yuugi had awoken at 5:30 once more before the alarm even got off but this time his hearing was controlled.. he sighed and blinked a few times laying in bed for almost an hour before finally getting up... he grabbed his cell phone which he left at the office but now was sitting on his desk next to his sunglasses and another small envelope.* Yuugi: Hmmm, looks like I've got a stalker or something.... *eyes narrow as he examine's the Card reading the same thing the last one did, the second afterwords his phone rang and as he reached to answer it a cold shiver ran up his spine and it felt as if his soul was burning to the core.. He took hold and picked it up even though it ached him so and flipped the phone open and pressing the talk button.* Yuugi: H.hello? *The voice on the other side was indistinquishable, neither male nor female and the way that it spoke sent a shiver down his spine.* ???: " And then the lake of fire burning cold with man's dreams fell silent, all Aeons would feel thy presence and their thoughts would run wild as the time of man grow short the chosen would know " *He hung up the phone and started to sweat..* Yuugi: Who turned up the heat in here? and what the hell is an Aeon?! *looking frustrated he went to the shower and prepared for the days activitie's.*
  3. *After a short while longer of standing guard at the cave entrance he walked in looking around finally resting his gaze upon Nightfire and gesturing to watch post and speaking nonchalantly.* Yuugi: Your Watch.... *Walks over sitting/standing next to Rajaah.* Tristan: What are you doing so far from your Tribe? *His voice was quiet as his body was. He looked the Hybrid over and raised an eyebrow though it couldn't be seen from beneath his ninja mask.*
  4. *Yuugi had just then increased the gravity in the cylinder of force to 20G's which had effectively crushed the offender and flattened Abob paper thin, which didn't really bother him much. Abob merely slid out of the radius as Yuugi stood comfortably within his gravity aura watching the battles and waiting to see if anyone else should need his help he frowned wondering where the rest of his team was..*
  5. *sighs* Duke, I have no idea where your posts are coming from and what the link behind them are, I have asked you several times over to fix it and I will ask once more, please put a little more thought into your posts and remember that the minions of The Herald are not that easy to take out and probably couldn't be taken out at all by yourself...
  6. Hey, DX.... you forgot to drop your Character on the sign up page... *kicks you.* silly boy...
  7. *Yuugi Charged the Titanic foe, he stood a full 7feet tall and was bald with huge bulging muscles and yellow eyes while Yuugi was only a small 6 feet tall but Living on a high density/gravity planet all of his life had given him amazing strength despite his lithe form.. Shocker merely laughed and ran forward as they connect at the hands and start a greuling match of what appears to be mercy with lots of sparks of electromagnetic energy and gravitational force as the ground beneath them start to buckle. Shocker begins breathing heavily not use to the extreme change in gravity while Yuugi's hands have been smoking for a while now but he didn't seem to feel the pain. Anyone entering the 10 ft radius in which they were in would immediately feel the effects of 10 times earths gravity and getting stronger by the second.*
  8. ((Sorry trunks.... I figured he'd at least say a few words to the guy after Yuugi's only loved died and the fact that Yuugi has known him the longest since he arrrived on earth... I'll try to portay him better later.)) *Yuugi walked along the empty city streets, this day the battle was won but at a cost he wished he didn't have to pay... Countless lives, Among the casualtie's was the life of his one and only. Emily was her name, Aerid to the rest of the X-Men, her ability was the control of air and wind but that did little against The herald and his minions the Furie's... He thought back to the battle as he watched helplessly as he struggled to battle off the three women of woe.* *~Flashback~* *Aerid had successfully removed all air from The Heralds direct area only to find that the herald could survive without air between the split second of her suprise and her death, The Herald had put his fist through her body killing her instantly. What happened next however was the most suprising... He turned and looked directly at Yuugi and a slow smirk crossed those black wicked lips as he proceeded to empty the man's lungs of the air it contained... the last thing Yuugi did before passing out was let out a blood curdling scream and a force of gravitational energy so strong that it instantly caused one of the furie's to implode leaving him with only 2 of the femme fatals.* *~Flashback ends as he hears a loud explosion which could be heard by the rest of the group~* Yuugi: What the?! *The alien ran towards the explosion to see once more obviously a minion of The Herald seemingly killing humans left and right with charged reversed electromagnetic blasts strong enough to seperate their being into particles. His eyes narrow.* Yuugi: This Ends NOW! *He touched the communication device on his forarm.* Yuugi: This is Gravitonne, I'm going to need back, NOW! *He runs in to battle.*
  9. *Tristan shrugs looking at Carrot.* Tristan:Hey, I didn't start this. Nightfire: You started this when you showed up. *The ninja turned and glared at the wolf who quickly shut up for some reason and then started to walk out.* Tristan: Fine, you don't want my help? I'll leave.. *Just then Carrot frowns and calls back.* Carrot: At least wait until the other hyb... err, Rajaah get's back. *the ninja, Tristan pauses for a moment to consider and nods without looking back but keeps moving towards the cave exit.* Carrot: Where are you going? Tristan: To stand guard so I don't end up killing anyone...
  10. *Yuugi wiped the tears from his eyes and sighed sligthly looking at Ryowa.* Yuugi: I'm sorry, but I just need to be alone right now... You to have fun.. *He dropped to one knee and flew off back towards X-HQ.*
  11. ((once more Duke, please follow the story... Proffessor X died more than 900 years ago in the Story Line and in your character sheet aplication there was nothing about time travel in it so please alter your character accordingly or your posts will be ignored.... Thank you.. :^) ))
  12. Tuesday July 4, 3000.... The sky is grey from the endless pollution that has corrupted the earth over the last millenia and the streets run red with the blood of humans and mutants alike. Gravitonne stands at the top of a delapitated Cathedral with a sigh shaking his head at the unwanted bloodshed. Just then a voice was heard from behind him. Liquid: Hey Yuugi, You alright. *he closed his eyes slightly and stood up nodding as he turned around to look at his best friend/second in command.* Yuugi: I'll be fine. I just need a short time to recover... *Craig took a step forward looking into yuugi's eyes shaking his head slightly.* Liquid: I know it's hard to loose someone you love. *Yuugi closed his eyes then opened them glaring at him.* Yuugi: I don't want to talk about it... Liquid: Fine.... I was just trying to help... *Craig stood there for a moment then simply shook his head and turned walking away from him as Yuugi stood there for a few more moments then dropped to his knee's and silently cried.* Yuugi: Why... Why did she have to leave me....
  13. *He shrugs slightly, his voice sounding annoyed.* Yuugi: Well not exactly... All I know is something really strange is going on and it's pissing me off because I have no idea what it is.. *siren looks at him skeptically.* Yuugi: What? I'm not saying you have to believe me, All I know is something wierd is going on... And how the hell could I hear your conversation perfectly from all the way across the Cafe without some kind of technological device? *he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at her.*
  14. Just a small note Duke... Proffessor X was middle aged in the year 2000 so he wouldn't be around in the Year 3000, Thanks. and a second note, HOLY CRAP! this many replies in less than 12 hours... Yay!!! Name: Yama Yuugi (surname-name) Mutant Name: Gravitonne Age:31 Sex:Male Mutant Ability: Gravity Manipulation and Flight Bio: Yuugi had been born in space away from Earth on a planet with a much higher gravity than Earth's own and while on that planet he was just like everyone else. However when word came to him that earth was in such grave danger he decided to go and do what he could to bring the planet the freedom they deserved by hopefully bringing an end to The Herald and it's Demonic Minions. After weeks of searching he finally located the ancient ruins of what used to be professor X's X-Men HQ. From there he used his superior intelligence to glean the information from the nearly unworkable machine and began to search out mutants and humans alike to join his team. The first he found of course was Craig and they Trained with each other for many month's while searching for more members finally when he had enough people he announced to them that they will be the new X-Men and hopefully they will be able to live up to the same legendary status that the originals had. Description: Very Skinny and toned, quite dextrous as well. Not very strong but his mutant power makes up for that ability.. he has long shiny almost metallic black hair and steel grey eyes. His fingers are long and thin and end in long filed fingernails and his skin is tightly drawn against his body. Ok folks, since we go so many sign up's so fast I guess we can start this today! yay! And if anyone else wishes to join just sign up here and start playing on the play thread...
  15. Class: Good(????) Name: Loki Age: OLD! Character: Daemon(Imp) Personality-Mischievious, Loves to Cause Trouble, Hates Daemons apparantly. Bio: This demonic master of Illusions and Mind Tricks was banished from the underworld for pulling some stupid prank on the lord of darkness. for being banished he now disdains all of Daemon kind and would enjoy seeng each one burn! Appearance Human/Demon- 5'6" short red hair and green eyes slender form and always a mischieviously wicked grin on his face./1ft'6" tall with tiny bat wings, oh just think of a demonic cupid in leather and you got a good mental picture..lol
  16. The year is 3000 and the Earth is in Ruins. After Apocolypse finished off the X-Men once and for all he subjugated all humanity and mutant kind alike and since then they have been made as slave's to the Beast and his 4 Horsemen. But now Apocolypse is not the enemy, Evil has a new face, one even darker than apocolypse himself. This Menace has dubbed himself The Herald of Oblivion and arrived on earth in 2980, there was a huge war between the two titans of evil in which after 10 years of battle and countless lives lost wether innocent or not there was only one victor... The Herald of Oblivion. The time is now back to the present... Human kind has been all but whiped out and the Mutants go into hiding for fear of utter annihalation by The Herald. In these dark times however there still lies hope. That hope rests within a new breed of mutants, one that may very well finally have the power to destroy The Herald once and for all! Sorry I couldn't give you more of a plot but I dont' wanna give away all the good stuff now... :smirk: The Most important Rule: If you play a mutant, your power cannot instantly kill The Herald or Any other player's Character without their permission first! This is what your character sheet should look like. Name: Mutant Name:(if any) Age: Sex: Mutant Ability: Bio: Short Description: I will Post mine after I get a few sign ups.
  17. *Yuugi watched the girl leave and after a moment decided that he would follow her, getting up he walked down the dark streets until he reached the young lady.* Yuugi: So... You got a note to? And all this time I thought it was all some kind of sick joke. *his eyes narrowed.*
  18. ((Throw's a few more logs on the fire.)) ???: Well well well... You all fight so much maybe I should have let those insectoids take you out... *The ninja walks from the shadows looking at them each in turn, starting with nightfire and ending with carrot.* Ken: Who the hell are you? Tristan: What does it matter, wether I'm friend or foe the way you fight each other I could be either and still end up the same way. Carrot: I just broke up one fight, and if I have to bre.... *before finishing the ninja, Tristan cut in.* Tristan: Hold your tongue, I am not going to fight any of you... I don't have to, with my luck you will all kill each other and save me the time and energy... I'm just going to stick around to watch the fun. *He chuckled and leaned against the wall looking at the group.*
  19. *Tristan watched from the trees above as the Troupe took cover wihtin the cave and the insectoids swarm it from the outside but not moving inside... The ninja remained completely quiet and didn't move a muscle, barely breathing as one of the huge creatures much resembling a gargantuan praying mantis landed not 1 foot from where he was standing in the shadows.*
  20. *His fists clenched with anger as he glared the man down. Yuugi leaned forward slightly and almost growled his eyes narrowed as he continued listening to their conversation.* Yuugi: If he was the little **** that did that. *His baritone voice had dragged through his lips like cobra venom as his blood began to boil(not literally).*
  21. *The young man watched as the other two chatted idly as it appeared and once again a sharp throbbing came over his ears once more as he realized his Superior Hearing listening to the conversation at where they start speaking of Aeons his eyebrow raises slightly and he thinks back to this morning when he found that card and his eyes narrowed coldly sitting back and following along with their conversation.*
  22. I'll give it a go, can't hide forever.. hehe Name: Kael 'El Age: 24 Race: Def'el Jedi (hope I spelled the name right.) Race Description: Small wolf like creatures that come from a system with a sun the does not provide UV light to the planet so when not on their planet their body appears to be in the form of a shadow of their actual form, their fingers and toes are extended and end in long claws. (that is just a short description for those who are not familiar with the Def'el.) Weapons: Grey bladed lightsaber(short blade) Dimensions: 3 feet tall, 2 feet and 6 inches from shoulder to shoulder, and about 14 inches thick from chest to spine. Bio: After stowing away on a small jedi scout vessel that landed on his planet, Kael hid in a small compartment for several days until he was discovered in the pantry consuming the rations. The poor creature would have never been found if his medi-chlorian count was not so high. The jedi felt a flux in the force and set the plane to auto-pilot going off to investigate finding the shadowy figure in his food storage area. Well lucky for him if he didn't just come from their homeworld he would have been freaked out. Calmly the Jedi spoke with the young Alien and decided to bring him back to Coruscant for training to become a Jedi Knight. Over the years he became increasingly adept to specialized area's of control over the force including the force powers "sense force", "lightsabre combat", and "telekinetic push", with minor adept ability in "control pain" and "control pain(other)". he had just recently started to learn "dispel energy" when the story begins. Descriptions: Looks like the 3 foot tall shadow of a bipedal wolf like creature... If looked upon through UV inhanced goggles or with a UV lamp you would see his true form covered in dark brown fur and no clothing except for the utility belt which is hidden deep within his shaggy fur anyway his lightsaber tightly attached yet easily obtainable by him, as to also remain hidden. Personality: Kael 'El is very Quiet around those he doesn't know. He's gained quite a bit of Intelligence through his dilligent studie's on the free time that he get's. Finally he is loyal to his fellow Jedi as they are his only family that he knows.
  23. *Yuugi sat there silently as the man entered the cafe and stopped. there was something strange about that kid. He shrugged it off for now noting that he made his way to the bathroom. His eyes continued to travel until they came across the girl(siren) and raised an eyebrow... He had always believed in fate but this was kind of rediculous, as he looked the woman over he got chills up his spine and that made him look back to the bathroom door again, he sat there and moved deeper within his small booth hoping not to be noticed.*
  24. I would like to apologize for my actions... I realize I am no better than anyone else and though i'd love to prove my rping ability it's hard when few acknowledge my posts, but i'm trying hard to become an upstanding member of this board. Also, I do understand where you are coming from and I am glad you see my point as well. That is why I am looking forward role playing with you in the future. I really should have brought this to your attention in PM but through my own ignorance and anger I had brought this upon myself I guess. anyway with that out of the way I withdraw myself from this thread. Once more, I apologize for the remarks and the uncouth behaviour.
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