Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
*Tristan's eyes narrowed from behind the ninja's mask and he muttered.* Tristan: they're going to get themselve's killed. *His body moved in a blurr. a streak of black and the shimmer of a steel blade is all that is seen before 2 insectoids fall in a heap of flesh Infront of Ken and Rajaah clearing the path a bit before returning to the shadows as if nothing ever happened.*
I know, but i don't know how to get people to join... :(
*The office must have been the busiest it had been since he had opened it officially 6 month's prior. To him however, the day sneaked by slower than a snail would crawl. Yuugi just wanted to leave. Any other day he would love sitting in the office with all of his hardworking drones mindlessly working their life away for him but this wasn't one of those days. He loathed sitting there in that cramped office looking the piles upon piles of books all of which he's read at least once all set up neatly on thier shelves. The walls seemed to close in on him by the second, those seconds in the meantime that felt like hours and the hours could have felt like days. *finally the end of the day came and he felt like he was the happiest one to be out even though his face remained emotionless and hard as it always did he walked down the hallway taking long quick strides, the people around him seemed to be moving in slow motion compared to him but that was just his mind catching up to the rest of the day, he took a turn and entered the empty elevator... a chill ran up his spine as though he were not alone and he turned around. Nothing... He was completely alone and that was what he realized was wrong, he was never completely alone. Yuumi always had someone there with him or a Cell Phone on hand... Reaching for his pocket he found nothing. He truely was alone. The elevator suddendly came to a stop and his heart jumped, the man's eyes widened and he backed up against the wall. Everything went dark for an eternity, 3 seconds later the red emergency lighting cut's on and he starts breathing again. His breathing was staggered though and he could feel his heart beating deep within his chest... he could almost hear it, the rythmatic thumping of the organ in resting behind his ribs speeding up slowly, his body paled and he felt sick and just when it felt as though he were going to breakdown and cry the room kicked into motion again. He took a deep breathe and the color returned to his face by the time the elevator door opened back up again. Clutching his breifcase tightly he walked out the door and into the warm afternoon sun... He was able to get too steps before the sun's brightness nearly burned his retina's and he had to stop and close his eyes tightly remembering he left his sunglasses next to the cell phone on his desk... "this is not my day" he said to himself as he let his eyes adjust to the light of the day for a few moments before opening his eyes and continuing on down the street, it was only a few blocks so he usually walked to and from work but today he had a feeling he didn't want to go home so when he reached his apartment, he kept walking. He walked for miles. He walked for hours and it was dark before he stopped, not knowing where he was or what he was doing there standing infront of the small cafe on the corner of two streets with no streetsigns. Feeling his wanderlust leave him he finally decides to enter the small cafe and sit in a corner booth only lit by the red candle on the table waiting, for who or what he does not know.*
Excuse me SS Trunks but you -are- a MOD right? so would that not -be- part of your job? That is to help newbie's in the nicest way possible... If you don't feel you have the capacity to do this longer calmly and respectfully without resorting to cussing and personal insulting unnecessarily then maybe you should be replaced with someone who can deal with the increased flux of "newbies" as you call them... If you can't treat people with the same respect they give you then you don't deserve the same respect. And I read that thread about "how to role play" and it would have been alot better if it was put out to teach someone older than the age of 7. And on a further note, I hope not all MODs are as selfish, self-centered, high horsed, and conceited as you.
*He had awakened early that morning to the sound of the coffee machine brewing, halfway across his penthouse suite.. the draining noise and the moter in the machine was so stabbing to his brain that he ran to the bathroom to unplug it... his eyes wide open now he shook his head and looked at the clock. 5 am.... way to early but there was no going back to sleep now so he walked to the bathroom and started the shower... a legion of clashing sounds of the water droplets hitting the cold tile floor of the shower screamed in his head as he nearly buckled under the strain letting out a soft cry as the sound throbbed repeatedly through his brain... he fell to his knee's and closed his eyes tightly... he could control this, he was going to be fine... slowly the throbbing lessened and the shower quieted from a rioting waterfall to a quiet roar like a distant rapids and he undressed stepping into the tiny room within a room. *his mind drifted away as he soaked under the shower almost falling asleep, when he came to the water was ice cold which was probably the only reason he did. getting out of the shower he heard a faint knocking at his front door but didn't acknowledge it, but what he did acknowledge was the clock now read 8 am... how could he have spent 3 hours in the shower? he shrugged it off and got dressed....* *fitting his tie as he walked to the door his foot felt something slide underneath his shoe and he looked down to investigate. There underneath was the small 4x6 envelope with his name neatly written on it.* Huh.... *Bending over and taking it into his hands he pulls out a small X-acto knife sliding over the top of the envelope removing the small 3x5 index card within typed neatly and centered perfectly on it.* "We have awakened, Chosen One."
Hey Carren are we getting this thing going soon or what? *rubs hands impatiently.*
Ok, after reading some RP's that go on in this site I've decided that to make this specific RP easier on me The Players will only post messages "FOR THEM SELVE'S"... One of the more major reasons is how do you know every thought in one's mind aka how do you know that is what your rpg partner's character would say, it's not your character...
Now I don't mean any offense to anybody, but I have been visiting this board for only a couple of days and I've noticed that this room is very rude to "newbies" and just so you know, I am not an newbie, I have been Roleplaying online for almost 5 years and rollplaying offline for over 10. I think your initial reaction to anime goddesses character application was very rude and unhelpful and quick tempered... If someone is a newbie you should not scorn them, call them an idiot and ban them from RPing, that way they will never learn and will remain a newbie. The only way a newbie will learn how to roleplay online is if they are helped and taught, you don't expect a person to get a video game they have never played before on a system that they've never seen and expect to be an expert at it right away do you? I feel this is the same way.. I think you were to hard on that poor girl..... Feel free to email me if I'm wrong [email]bluekaosdragon@aol.com[/email] or message me on my aim Paradox Wish I'm usually on late at night.... or you can just respond here, your perogative.
*tristan sat alone in the darkness, shadows pulled over his body like a blanket and his essense masked by the forgotten art of ninjutsu. He was completely undetectable...... for now.. he watched both sides with contempt, his eyes narrowed fiercely watching the insectoids prepare to battle the humans. he stood completely still for even the slightest movement may rouse the insectoids attention.*
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Heartless Me replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
Name-Tristan Kaiba Race-Human Gender Male Age: 26 Appearance-5feet 7inches tall, bald, eyes can't be seen underneath the ninja mask, 140pounds, wears a skin tight black ninja gi, does not speak much. Bio-When Tristan was born, the ninja clan that he lived not far from sensed his great potential and had to take him away in the night. The ninja's hate the other humans for what they have done to the earth and the hybrid's ignorance and inability to cooperate with the human's and he was raised to hate both sides of the coin.. the only one to trust is another Ninja. So whenever he can is when he fights both sides hoping to regain the world for his ninja brother's and sisters. Powers-Ninjitsu(ninja magic), Tenebrenokenises(shadow-psi), supernatural agility, Katana of Sharpness(master quality, magically enhanced). -
Yes, of course, no supernatural strenght, I knew that, hee hee.. *beams.* But his strength is pretty up there still.. *laughs.* Remember our plan.. I'll take over the business world and you grab the military and then WE WILL RULE!!! *Evil laughter.* hee hee.
My apologies.. I didn't mean to repeat the thread I was only trying to edit a mistake I made that I only noticed beforehand, I'll Delete the post that I don't need... thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Anime Islands is the world where almost anything is possible.. the world itself is composed of 5 islands, the eastern being a Feudal Japan setting, the north is of a midievel europe setting, the central is modern day, the southern island is futuristic, and the southern Island is the mysterious Ilse of the Dead. There are Countless actual smaller plots to this game but the major plots include ones very similar to some of the more popular Anime's out there such as Vampire Hunter D, Wicked City, Ronin Warriors, and others. Due to the massive power difference though DBZ characters ARE NOT ALLOWED, this brings for a much more balanced game. Current Plot: Setting-Deep within the recesses of the Central Island Capital, Neo-Tokyo. Story-Children have been dissappearing in the night and it's up to the players to figure out why, who and how to stop it but first they must find out who is the enemy and who is the friend. :devil: Character Creation is quite easy, there are the -Normal Skills-(presented with a "+" sign between the skill and the level) and the -Super Abilities-(shown with an X).. Now normal skills in themselve's are exactly what they are, normal. no supernatural abilities, magic, psionics, super powers, or anything of the like though knowledge of such powers may be used. Super abilitie's on the other hand may be just about anything(there will be NO powers that involve INSTANT DEATH as a starting power to another player's character... NO character can kill another without their players permission. to keep the game moving smoothly too please keep characters down to one per person. But back to character Creation... You will get 15 points to distribute among your Skills and 8 points to distribute among your supers. I will give you a Sample character sheet so that you know what to base off of.. Character Sample Name: Setou Kaiba Age: 18 Height+Weight: 6ft 170lbs Hair and Eyes: brown/brown Birth Island: Central Race: Human Plot/No Plot: Plot Background-Not much is known about this boy except for he owns a computer company in the middle and southern islands. Skills- Business Management +3 Tai-Kwan-Do +2 Finances +2 Etiquette +2 Intimidation +1 Endurance +1 Games +4 Supers- Technology X1 Holographic Invention X2 Recources X3 Intelligence X1 Dexterity X1 One final Note... this game has many plots within and around it that only I know of, So in this case any players involved in plot are subject to my story telling directives. Basically I control the outside influences of plot characters in ways of where they go, major enemie's and other such things... Characters will gain upgrades when I feel that they have earned them.
I don't like that newbie part... *grrrs* just because I just registered to this site doesn't mean I'm a newbie.. *kicks at it trying to get it away.. fails.* awww.... *whines*
IT'S CARREN!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway here's my C... XD Name: Yama Yuugi (surname-name) Age: 18 Gender: Male Trial: Evil Appearance: 6ft tall, very slender betraying his supernatural strength, long black hair pulled into a pony tail, always clean and nicely dressed, his face has an emotionless look but there is always a dark and menacing look in his eye. he has a sadistic sense of humor that only he seems to notice and laugh at. Bio: Yuugi grew up the child of two incredibly rich and highly intelligent software managers but when they both died in a flight over seas when he was 12 he was quickly forced to grow up and literally take charge of the company with several advisor's to help direct him which brings about his antipathy is his lack of a childhood and how he never learned to have any fun in life. He was taught by the smartest and best collage professor's in the world and recieved a bachelor's in business management by the time he was 16 and is currently working for a master's degree while at the same time as running his multi-billion dollar company. The young man knows nothing about the creatures of light and darkness and his powers have yet to surface but who knows when such a thing will happen and what terrible powers it would unleash. Which brings us to the prerent, Yuugi had just recently noticed how well the computer business was doing in America so he decided to expand the company making several business buildings acrossed the nation stationing his American headquarters in Sacremento, California. I hope the bio wasn't to long.. lol.