Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
Drecht let out a slight chuckle that ended in the uproar of a malicious cackle. He thought he was going to come across seasoned warriors and what he found was a bunch of children and a.... dog?! A cute little puppy? His laugh ended as abruptly as it started as he stared at what he seen as a group of rag tag children before he starts again. Drecht: You hold powers that you do not understand nor could ever fully comprehend. If you come with me I can teach you to harness those powers. I am the harbinger of shadows and the one who has seen the end of the world. I can prepare you or i can send you there, it's your choice. Kuro: No way! There is something definetely not right about you. It was at that time that Arni noticed something. He had bullet holes in his body, they were bleeding but the thing that seemed the most unsettling was when Drecht seemed unaffected, on top of that the bullets shortly came out of his body and fell to the floor, the wounds visibly closing. Kuro took a step back as he was the first to notice this. Arni let out a startled squeal as the bullets clattered against the stone street side and Kahlan's eyes narrowed as the hand on his water blade tightened in grip. Arni: He.. He's healing?! Without magic!! how is that possible?
The soft wind for a moment picks up to a chill breeze then dies to an eerie silence as Drecht enters the village. People almost don't seem to notice he's there as he walks through the streets even as he stands out like a sore thumb. His body easily six foot and four inches tall and weighing about two and a half hundred pounds. His torso is without a shirt only two black leather straps appearing as to hold up his tight black leather pants. Black hiking boots strapped to his waist. His empty eyes look from person to person with hand on blade. A series of scrolls appear to be resting in a satchel off to the opposite side. Drecht took a deep breath and exhaled in disgust. He hated life. what it had become, the decadence of mankind and how it hurt the earth. I knew now was not the time though. He'd come with a purpose and he felt the resonance of the other blades here. Drecht: Fools, they know not the power they hold. The cleansing to this world they could achieve. With their power the planet could be cleansed of the stain of man so that nature may be given time to heal. The man stood up straight and walked more briskley in the direction that felt the coldest. The direction of the blade named Ice Seal. Ignoring the growing chill that resulted as he approached the corresponding weapon.
Name: Drecht Age: Unknown (16?) Personality: Vicious, merciless, without morals. He will do anything he needs to get his way into or out of any situation. He is as close to diabolical as one can get. Appearance: [url]http://www.svetdvd.cz/images/26/riddick.jpg[/url] go here. Bio-Found and raised by a Demonic Construction, from the creation he learned the arts of sword craft, demonic magics, and various forms of torture and terrorism tactics. Noone alive knows his past, as anyone whom he's told has died a terrible fate at an unknown device. Element/Sword- Shadow/Void-Touched Extra Weapons-Demon Summoning magic-As a note he need not construct a circle of power or prepare a binding word of power before summoning a demon. Demonic Aspected Magics-Hellfire, Soulscourge, and Know the Sin are among examples of spells of this type.
Name: Ciao Zin Age: 19 Appearence: looks like a young jet lee. Weapon of choice : Accupuncture needles Martial Style: Shaolin Animal Stlyle-Snake, Combative Accupuncture Biography: He had no previous tramatic experience that any others know of actually he's only joined the team a year ago. His english is not so good at best so he doesn't say much. He has all of his experience already and seemingly needed no additional training unlike the rest of the group. His motivations for joining and staying are largely unknown. Extra Notes: quiet, cool, collective, never gets mad.
i was hoping to play the villain but since he/she/it is already taken i'll go for the lacky so if gavin could send me a message with some things about your character i will build up the "side kick if you will."
Alright. I'm bringing back the first RP i ever did here cause i knew it had potential but it never got off well. Which means if i get enough people into it that it will do better..... i hope. Anime Islands is the world where almost anything is possible.. the world itself is composed of 5 islands, the eastern being a Feudal Japan setting, the north is of a midievel europe setting, the central is modern day, the southern island is futuristic, and the southern Island is the mysterious Ilse of the Dead. There are Countless actual smaller plots to this game but the major plots include ones very similar to some of the more popular Anime's out there such as Vampire Hunter D, Wicked City, Ronin Warriors, and others. Due to the massive power difference though DBZ characters ARE NOT ALLOWED, this brings for a much more balanced game. Current Plot: Setting-Deep within the recesses of the Central Island Capital, Neo-Tokyo. Current Plot-Children have been dissappearing in the night and it's up to the players to figure out why, who and how to stop it but first they must find out who is the enemy and who is the friend. Character Creation is quite easy, there are the -Normal Skills-(presented with a "+" sign between the skill and the level) and the -Super Abilities-(shown with an X).. Now normal skills in themselve's are exactly what they are, normal. no supernatural abilities, magic, psionics, super powers, or anything of the like though knowledge of such powers may be used. Super abilitie's on the other hand may be just about anything(there will be NO powers that involve INSTANT DEATH as a starting power to another player's character... NO character can kill another without their players permission. to keep the game moving smoothly too please keep characters down to one per person. But back to character Creation... You will get 15 points to distribute among your Skills and 8 points to distribute among your supers(NOTE:Equipment bought as supers will get one enchantment/aspect/hi tech upgrade per point invested). FLAWS!!! You may take up to 3 points worth of flaws, this wil give you one super for each flaw taken. keep in mind flaws are severe. I will give you a Sample character sheet so that you know what to base off of.. Character Sample Name Ashron Szerafenin Age 24 Sex Male Description-about 5'6" buzz cut blonde hair and iced blue eyes. wearing police uniform mainly. a slash across his left cheek gotten when attacked by a reptillian creature when he was a child. Birth Island-Central. Personality-Cocky and Arrogant but nice to his friends. think Kaiba with a heart. Skills Acedemics +2 Law +4 Marksmanship +3 Hand to Hand +2 Lore:Monsters +2 Forensics +2 Supers Gun x2 (Lucy) -Ice Shot -Unbreakable Gun x2 (Estell) Telepathy X3 Fast Healerx2 Deaf X1
Hope you will allow a late sign up to slip through. :D Name: Ratu LeinRosen Age: Unknown Race: Lich(former mystic elf) Class: White Necromancer Height: 6ft Weight: 160lbs Eye color: silver Hair Color white Short Bio: Not much is known about ratu by the masses. he just showed up one day, he doesn't talk about his past or what happened in it(cause it will develop over the story line). But since he showed up in Theode he's helped people with menial tasks for his room. Equiptment: Currently-Soulblade(with 1 soul invested.) a necromantic sword shaped much like a scimitar that has a femur for the handle. Each soul that is drained and placed within the sword increases it's power, increase in power also depends on the strength of the soul placed in the sword. Armor: Full set of nonmagical banded mail with protective cloak. Spells: Summon Returned-Temporarily conjures a half living corpse with the souls assention. This "white" zombie deals less damage than it's unholy counterpart but it's defensive capabilities and available health pick up the slack. Decompose-Speeds up the decomposition of a corpse draw healing power. This power may be used on himself or transfered to another. Also it may be held to be used for another time. Abilities: Undead advantages-with being alive comes the obvious. He no longer needs to eat, sleep, or breath. He's immune to fatigue and fear and he doesn't age. Chameleon-Allows Ratu to disguise his hideous undead form with something more mortal looking. He can hold it indefinetely unless in battle. Weakness: Clerical and Priestly spells and abilities deals double damage plus turning and healing effects harm him. Strong against: White and Classic Necromancy(it cures him)
Hmmm. Maybe i'll play an older person. almost like a mentor type person for super-humans. :P Name: Xander Grey Age: 14 Gender: Male Grade: 8th Nationality: Irish Ability: Gravijokenises. Xander has the ability to manipulate existing(and in time create new) sub atomic gravitational particles called gravitonne's. He can use the particles to increase or decrease gravity around him, in doing so he has acquired a heavy reasistance to gravitational force and his equilibrium is near unbreakable. He may also push the gravitonne's out of his direct personal radius creating a sphere where there is no gravity. This is the means that he has acquired to be able to access a means of travel that is quite remarkable, wingless flight. He does have limited control over his powers and only loose control when enraged or depressed. ((hope you don't mind. it all is really one power it's just got many uses. :P)) Appearance: [url]http://www.memfoundation.org/images/teen_boy.jpg[/url] Personality: He is very quiet for reason's I will explain in the Bio and also very nice once you get him to open up and talk. He usually spends his time though during lunch and after school in The Cubby(a small alcove near the lunch room) strumming his guitar with his friends. He loves music and animals, mainly exotic animals like spiders, snakes, and tropical fish. He doesn't like bully's and Tofu. Bio: Xander was born and raised in ireland but after his parents died in a car accidend 2 years ago he was sent off to this school. His power manifested the night of the accident and he's been working on controlling it with a little success. Since he had been able to control his power and even use it to his advantage to the most basic degree he had started trying to seek out more young people like him so he can teach them to at least keep their power from flying out of control.
Thought it'd be interesting to play a villain for this. I need to talk out some details with Arika though. :P Name: Xander Vorath A.K.A. Wraith Age: Nobody quite knows but their estimating him to be in the mid to late 30's based on his appearance. Gender: Male. Ability: Intangibility at will, Undead in nature so lifespan is infinite, life drain(in wraith spirit form), Undead touch, if a mortal dies by his hand they raise as either zombie, skeleton, or poltergheist. Nationality: Appears caucasion Occupation: Head of a secret terrorrist organization. Weapon: whatever he can grab and himself. Appearance: [url]http://www.scarecrowvillage.com/images/wraith.jpg[/url] wraith form (always intangible in this form and usually invisible but unable to physically attack). [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/680000/images/_684344_koresh150.jpg[/url] in mortal form. Location: You won't find him, he'll find you. Bio: Xander opened his eyes as he looked up at the dungeon ceiling. he'd not rested much as long as he had been stuck in this place. the rank stench of death emenating from the walls of the labyrinth. He sighed and clipped his sword sheathe to his hip and traveled deeper into the twisting cavern, ever vigilant in his search to find the relic he had heard was within these ancient halls that was said to grant it's owner eternal life. His hand traced the walls that he had traced day before day before. he sighed and stretched his neck almost loosing hope when his eye was caught not by something on the walls or floor but something on the ceiling. a single strand. upon first inspection he dismissed it as a single thread of an extinguished spiders web. However, when he followed the thread to it's source he seen not a webbing arachnids lair but a thin line almost unnoticable to the untrained eye. His eyes widened at his new discovery. Almost without thinking he grabbed the string to examine it when he felt a single jolt not into him but from him. he felt weaker even though he felt his life force draining away slowly he became aware that the thin line was opening at a rapid rate. Xander had dropped to his knees to find the string came with him. pulling on the string had dropped the staircase that had opened going up. With an excited mind he headed for the staircase. with a dying body, he traveled slowly. The stairs seemed to go up forever taking him hours to finally reach the top where two giant stone doors stood. The poor dying mans eyes watered as he tried and tried to push the door open to no avail. Finally with the last ounce of what he thought was his concious energy he gave one last valiant effort at forcing the door ajar. Though he succeeded in pushing the door far enough to see inside his body had expired due to the already great strain he had put on the weakened frame. The spirit of Xander Vorath started to rise from his body to go to the afterlife he had chosen for himself, but his will was to strong. He broke free from the tracting light and ran into the door turning around to see his body on the floor just as the door slammed shut. Now in this new dark room, the newly "created" ghost let his eyes adjust to his perfect vision. Just about when the darkness seemed as bright as it would get to him, light burst around Xander. Torches luminesced brightly, detailing the small chamber, it was tall and long going back quite a ways. The chamber itself was obviously carved out of an already existant natural cave. The back of the cave had been caved in, possibly by an explosion or a well placed hit with a hammer and chisle. In the back of the den was a small alter lifting about three feet off the ground, two feet wide and two feet long. More of a pedastal it looked like. What looked like a pillow sat atop the uprising and inset the pillow was a medallion and a necklace. This is what brought Xander back from the shock of his sudden death. The artifact that he had searched all his life, and now unlife was finally within his grasp. Slowly he approached it, sheer mental will pushing his spirit on. since he had no more physical form that is all he had to drive him. When he stopped before it he gasped slightly. The medallion looked to be oriental in nature which confused him since he was in the northest regions of South America in the incan ruins. It was covered in an ancient dialect of kanji that he could not decipher and was inscribed with pictures of the animals of the chinese zodiac. Quickly he felt his greed and ambition take hold of him as he reached for the chain to put it on he gasps to find that his hand passes through it. He then realizes that he is infact dead as he thought. He tried to cry but found himself unable. He tried to reach for it again but once more he missed. In a fit of rage he swung his fist and the pillow was flung off the pedastal. His eyes widened by his display of power and anger as he looked down at his achievement. he pushed all his will and ambition into touching the medalllion and when he felt his fingers curl around the metal and pick it up he smiled wickedly. He felt the power of the medallion flow through him almost instantly infusing him with new life. The body that had belonged to him he felt the bond wiht it shatter as it turned to dust. He had a new body. that body was the Medallion. He knew as long as the medallion was safe, that he would never die. so he vowed to keep it and keep it safe. That was the year 1788. The year Xander Vorath died and Wraith was born.
Sign Up Masters of the universe: Free the soul
Heartless Me replied to Mighty kai's topic in Theater
Name: Crandall Davidson gender: Male description: [url]http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/theoriginalprs/images/billy_surprised.jpg[/url] occupation: Gadget Man. home: Earth weapon: Ray Guns(later mecha). Releation to any of the masters: none. -
It's be a thousand years since Seig had defeated Delecroix, Selia, and the spirit of purification, Azrial. Their battles and powers had become little more than myth to the masses. After the fall of the Order the Chaos Legion Crests that summon the legions had seemingly dissappeared and were forgotten almost entirely. But now a new Order had surfaced, one that's attempting to take over the world with a new power, they had discovered a crest. and no simple crest, the one they had found almost by accident was none other than the ultimate crest, Thanatos. It quickly grew in power in their hands and they learned more than just it's powerful assists, they learned secret and ancient magics from it. This is the story about 7 individuals who are about to awaken the power within their tiny family heirlooms, what actually is all that is left of the original crests. With their newfound power they will go against the New Order and the dreaded ultimate power, Thanatos. Alright well since there are only 7 crests in the game i will only be choosing 6 people to participate in this rpg cause i get a crest heh I'll just take the one that's left over. Now onto some specifics. Legions-Supernatural forces, Spirits that have been bound to the crests that can be summoned to fight for/with their master. Only 8 Legions are documented to exist. The following are the legions that have been documented. Guilt-This legion attacks by sword, and its symbol is a sword. It cannot attack from the air, but it is useful in wiping out many enemies at once, especially in the earlier levels of the game. Effective against organic enemies. Malice-This legion attacks with crossbows, and its symbol is a crossbow. Weak attack power is compensated by long-range attacks. Effective against metallic/stone enemies. Arrogance-This legion's symbol is a shield. It is effective in providing a defensive wall for Sieg that can absorb enemy attacks. Initially, it has no attack power. But, if used properly, it can be deadly. Flawed-his legion attacks from the air with its claws, so the Claw is its symbol. It is effective against non-organic enemies and can also attack airborne adversaries. Blasphemy-The legion is a bomb. It's symbol is a target of sorts. It consumes Soul Energy when it explodes, but it take the enemy with it. Effective against ALL types of enemies. Use it properly, and it will be good to you. Hatred-This legion attacks by brute force. Its symbol is a fist. Slow but powerful, and effective against both organic and inorganic beings. Get out of it's way! Legion Traits-Each Legion has 3 special traits, a Forced Attack, an Assisted Attack, and an Enchantment. Below I will list a description of what each trait is and each legions trait. 1. Forced Attack-Summon the legion without consuming Soul Energy. The legion will then fight by your side, using it's own unique attacks and abilities. Each level increases the number of Legionnaires by 1. 2. Assisted Attack-These are attacks that can only be used when the legions are not summoned. When Assisted Attack is activated the Legion appears for a short time does a special attack, this does take soul energy. 3. Enchantment-These are abilities that you can use without consuming any Soul Energy. You can even use these abilities when the Legion Crest is shattered(which I'll explain more about later). Different equipped Legions give Sieg different abilities. Increase the Legion to Enchant Level 4 to gain the "Spirit Trancer"ability for that legion which allows you to use some special abilities of the legion WITHOUT equipping the legion. Guilt Legion- 1. Force Attack- Lvl. 1 Summon 3 Guilt legionnaires. Lvl. 2 Summon 4 Guilt legionnaires. Lvl. 3 Summon 5 Guilt legionnaires. Lvl. 4 Summon 6 Guilt legionnaires. 2. Assist Attack- Midnight Punisher Lvl. 1 Guilt Legion appears to assist you temporarily. Lvl. 2 Guilt Legion stays longer and attack power is increased. Lvl. 3 Same as Lvl. 2 just increased further Lvl. 4 Same as Lvl. 3 Just increased further 3. Enchantment- Lvl. 1 Dark Ripper-Allows you to hit 6 times in a combo instead of 5 Lvl. 2 Rising Pheonix-Send enemies into the air defenseless. Lvl. 3 Ground Zero-Increases strength slightly and grants a spinning slice infused with flames to incinerate the enemy. Lvl. 4 Infusion- Infuse your life force with that of your legionn to create a truely formidable force, you look more like the legion you fused with. Malice Legion- 1. Force Attack- See Guilt Legion 2. Assist Attack-Great Depression Lvl. 1 A single Malice legionnaire appears and attacks an enemy with a barrage attack. Lvl. 2 Same as Lvl. 1 but duration and attack are increased. Lvl. 3 Two Malic legionnaires appear and attack an enemy with a barrage attack. Lvl. 4 Same as Lvl. 3 but duration and attack are increased. Enchantment Lvl. 1 Prisoner-Throw a bolt of lightning to stun an enemy locking them in place leaving them open for attack. (this does no damage itself however) Lvl. 2 Long Distance Lock On-Use the prisoner ability at doubled reange. Lvl. 3 Spartan-Strike and damage an enemy you have locked onto from a distance. Lvl. 4 Infusion- See Above Arrogance- Forced Attack- See Guilt Legion Assist Attack-Rampage Lvl. 1 Rampage- Makes You invincible for a very limited time. Lvl. 2 Rampage- Protects vs. stunning attacks. Lvl. 3 Rampage- Increased duration. Lvl. 4 Rampage- Longest duration. Enchantment- Lvl. 1 Def Up- Slight boost to defense. Lvl. 2 Avenger- Counter Attack. Lvl. 3 Avenger lvl. 2- More powerful counter attack. Lvl. 4 Infusion-See Guilt Legion Flawed Forced Attack-See Guilt Legion Assisted Attack-Laughing Stock Lvl. 1 Set a booby trap for enemies, when it is hit, Flawed emerges to do a drill attack to them Lvl. 2 Same thing, only more attacks, and stronger hits Lvl. 3 Even more, and stronger attacks. Lvl. 4 The most attacks with the highest strength. Enchantment- Lvl. 1 High Jump (1.5x jump height) Lvl. 2 Double Jump Lvl. 3 Night Raid (stun attack) Lvl. 4 Infusion- See Guilt Legion Blasphemy Forced Attack- See Guilt Legion Assisted attack-Crimson Carnage Lvl. 1 Kick a Blasphemy at a group of enemies. Lvl. 2 Larger blast radius, and stronger attack. Lvl. 3 Same thing as Lvl 2. Lvl. 4 Large Blast radius with high strength. Enchantment- Lvl. 1 Increased soul energy which is needed since though they may have the most powerful attacks they do use quite a bit of soul energy. Lvl. 2 Volitile Attack- Causes a small forward propelling explosion when striking with your weapon. Lvl. 3 Eruption- End a combo attack with an explosion of power coming up from the ground. Lvl. 4 Infusion-See Guilt Legion. Hatred Forced Attack-(the only reason they get one less is due to their already very high attack and defense, though their movement is slowed it's still an unfair advantage i'm leveling out.) Lvl. 1 Two Legionnaires Lvl. 2 Three Legionnaires Lvl. 3 Four Legionnaires Lvl. 4 Five Legionnaires Assist Attack- Bad Karma Lvl. 1 Hatred hold off enemies while you attack Lvl. 2 Hatred holds off enemy and damages at same time Lvl. 3 Hatred holds of and damages enemy for longer period of time Lvl. 4 Same as level 3, only extended period of time Enchantment- Lvl. 1 Breakdown- Increased Strength Lvl. 2 Breakdown- Increased Health Lvl. 3 Breakdown- Incinerating attack with kick back, also further increased health. Lvl. 4 Infusion- See Guilt Legion Now that the most tedious is finished. I can explain What happens when you use all of your Soul Energy. Broken Crest-If Sieg's Soul Meter depletes to zero when a Legion is summoned, the legion crest will shatter, rendering the legion unusable. (However, you can still use it's Enchant abilities.) In order to restore a shattered crest, you must fill your Soul Meter to a certain point that varies for every legion, either by attacking enemies and collecting Phantom Soul or using Soul Recovery Gems. I think That's all about the Game Mechanics and Story that I need to say. Onto the Character sign up sheet. Name Age Gender Appearance Personality Background Weapon of Choice Secondary Weapons-(up to 3) Spells-(3 basic only) Crest-(Note that all crests start at all lvl one and that you'll be keeping track of your character on this thread as the game progresses and you upgrade your legions levels.) Forced Lvl.-1 Assist Lvl.-1 Enchantment Lvl.-1
Deliverance and Godly Gifts(Rated C for Christian)
Heartless Me posted a topic in General Discussion
Well this is big for me and i had to share it with someone so it might as well be a bunch of people i really don't know. I have been wiccan for nearly 6 years now but recently something wasn't right, something i could feel in the depth's of my very being. I felt a calling, a feeling that i had not since before i had given up the gift of salvation that god gave. So a few weeks ago i searched for the source of this calling and found myself back at the steps of my old church the sunday before Christmas Eve. I sat near the back of the church and listened to the sermon the praise and the worship. I felt a warmth rise up within me that i had not felt in a long time, the warmth of Gods love which i had been blinded from. The next day God gifted me with a very special christmas angel, her name is holly go figure. ::laugh:: But anyway she makes me so happy and to top it off she is a christian as well and it makes me very happy i now have someone that i can actually share Jesus with instead of following the hard trail with only the Son to guide my path. But that's only a small detail of what god has given me, the true gift happened today. Now none of you really know this about me but before I was a wiccan, I had been a member of a Pentacostal church from the ages of 9 until I was about 18 years of age. When I graduated from high school I had stopped going to church for reasons i'm not quite so sure of. But today when I was at church I was swept away into the worship and the warmth and felt God enter my body and start to work through me, it was the most amazing thing i've ever felt in my life. I felt such serenity and grace I cannot describe. For those who are not knowledgable of some Christian denominations, Pentacostal believe highly in the holy spirit of the trinity working gods will through the body of man, mainly in the aspect of speaking in tongues and the gifts of prophesy. But back on track, when i felt him work through me I spoke in the language of the spirit, His power was so vast and overwhelming I could no longer stand. When I fell and finally opened myself to him, all i could do is weep and lay there infront of the entire congregation, but was I self concious about being viewed by so many people? No. Normally I would but I knew that God was there with me too and he was giving me strength, I was delivered from the sin I had let myself fall into once again. Anyway I really just needed to tell someone that and I thank you all whoever reads this and responds and if you don't have something to respond to positively, please do not respond at all. Much love and God bless Randy -
name-Xander Grey mentor-Eros or Cupid god of passionate and physical love, also that of fertility. appearance-Xander is the epitome of attractiveness for males. at least as far as the most common of females would believe. He has short spiked hair that is the color of ashen oak and eyes that seem to flow like the deepest seas sharing it's color. His skin is a milky color that seems to absorb the sun as it touches his body but never taints his flesh tone. His body appears to hold a perfect balance between muscle and tone with the bare minimum of body hair to achieve maximum attractiveness while not diminishing his masculinity. Other than that about five foot ten inches tall and approximately one hundred and ninety pounds. personality-Xander is a very open person both socially and physically having no problem really with showing affection to male or female, friend or family. He is always open to helping hook his friends up too and is far from shy when it comes to talking to the opposite sex, almost as if he's overconfident about it. background-If I told you that Xander was not spoiled I would be lying. He was raised the son of the CEO of one of the richest softward companie's. He was always given what he wanted as long as it was able to be purchased so he kinda let it go to his head but not so much as to make him shallow or greedy. now he's a senior at the local public high school because he refused to go to any private schools.
She didn't know how long she had been out when she awoken only that she was now awake. and hungry. Her body felt stiff slightly so she stretched and yawned, her tongue sliding out slightly dragging across her fangs... fangs? her eyes widened and she let out a slight shreik panicking. Suddenly a strong hand touched her shoulder and it seemed as though a soothing energy flowed through it calming the uprising beast inside her. "First thing is first. If you don't control your beast, you will loose yourself to it." Alriy looked down at the girl as she focused her vision finally letting it land on the tall man. Suddenly as if she were a started woodland animal she darted back, scrambling on her hands and knees in a crab walk like maneuver. "What is going on?" She screamed frantically at him. she kept backing up until she reached the wall and started climbing up it. he raised an eyebrow almost astonished at what she's doing. "Incredible, never seen such potential." He whispered in awe. Eve however wasn't as impressed, more terrified when she saw that she was gripped to the corner of a wall on the ceiling coming out of the fear again and falling to the ground as she let go, her body whipping around and landing on her hands and knees eyes glowing red as she growled at him. "Must I do this, Eve? I will not hold back." As he spoke one inch talons protruced from the edge of his hands, taking more of a defensive position. OOC: OK Danni, here it is round one of our side rp within the rp. her beast has taken over and he has to beat it into submission while trying not to harm her too much in the process. lets see what you got. Only use vampiric abilities as that is the only thing her beast will utilize.
The figure chuckled looking down at eve. he towered over her chuckling. He could smell the blood that flowed in her veins and smirked slightly, the eyes glowing a slight shade of red. "Stay your hand miss. Not that you would be able to land a touch wiht the blade anyway." Her eyes narrowed defiantly as she started to draw her blade. the steel of her sword catching the moonlight and a 'sheen' sound was made as the side of the blade drew across the scabbard. "Do not underestimate me life stealer, I may make you bite off more than you can chew." He let out a quiet laugh as to not draw attention. his voice was as smooth as silk yet menacing like a silent cobras warning. he took a step closer and waved his hand as he spoke, her hand lazes letting the sword drop back into the scabbard and falling to her side. "You are challenging the authority of the vampire Alriy. Not to mention I have just fed. Do you realize the folly of your way?" Eve's eyes widened glaring at the man in slight fear, awe and respect. She's heard of the man before. She stepped back, or at least tried to but his vampiric mesmerism was a little stronger than her tired condition and willpower could handle at the moment. OOC: OK, it's up to you to build story from here. Danni, use him for what you will... teacher, sparring, whatever you wish for now.
Name- Todashi Hozuka Age-19 Appearance-Todashi is a tall charming young man wuth short spiked up brown hair and thick wonderful brown eyes. He is slightly pale but that's only from not going outside enough. He normally wears his school outfit because he never really has time to change from it between work, school and teaching his chobit that he's had for two days. Personality-He's basically the equivilant of hideke almost right down tot he talking to himself. Bio-Todashi grew up in a small town on the outskirts of okinawa. he got all a's in school and was pretty muich to himself even though those who got close to him became great friends and he was very loyal to them. however he got his hopes up too high when he applied for the biggest, best college in tokyo and failed. heartbroken he was determined to succeed so he moved to tokyo to start cram school. his third day in school on his way home one of the students finally convinced him to buy a lottery ticket. just off the top of his mind he used his grandparents birthday as his numbers. That night watching the lottery of 116million yen(approximatly 1million dollars) he nearly had a heart attack when the numbers came up and they were his. 3 weeks later he had a persocon of his own one that he'd always dreamed of that was able to do everything he wanted or at least had the capability of doing. He purchased her bare even without an OS but he didn't know that slight part. he just simply started teaching her. Which takes us to the present with him and his Persocon he named Rei. Occupation-Student/movie theatre attendant.
In Japan there are robots known as Persocons, walking computers in the shape of humans which preform many mundane tasks. They seem to be incredibly expensive, if a student saved up enough money he might be able to buy a little one. This is a story off beat of the original chobits manga. Motosuwa Hideki Is not involved and neither are any other of the Canon characters. THis will be an entirely original story. Enough of the backdrop here is where the story is currently going. With the emergence of the chobits(Persocoms who can and do act upon their own free will.) there have been many political and theological debates about persocon rights. The largest portion of the "persocon republic" as the chobits call themselve's as a whole have been trying to gain equal rights as japanese citizens due to the fact that they are self sustaining and intelligent. This puts them of a sentient creatures of free will and this is what they argue in court. Unfortunately the japanese government dissagrees. Though the majority of the chobits act on a political level, there are a select few that work on darker terms to achieve their goal of equality even going so far as to commit acts of terrrorism such as kidnapping, roberry, vandalism and even murder. This is the story of man and persocon in a battle for rights, and possibly even supremecy. Playing a persocon- You may be either male or female appearance and even anatomically correct. you may be a basic, mass produced, custom built persocon or even a chobit. The possibilities are limited by your imagination but keep it feasable for a starting character. there is plenty of room to grow. Sign-Ups -Human- Name Age Appearance Personality Bio Occupation -Persocon- Name Serial # Purpose Appearance Personality Note: I will select 8 people for this rp. i prefer 4 humans and 4 persocon's but that is not required.
Darkness was falling in a small settled town outside a silver mine. in a dank inn room the man known as Alriy was about to awaken but currently something had him locked in slumber. ---------------------------------------------- Sparks flew into the air as his blood red blade sank into the stone beneath the floor slowing his backflown motion. He stared at the cloaked figure infront of him with the outstretched hand and was about to speak to it but was again thrusted back by a gust of magical force of some sort he could not discern. the last thing he saw before he awoken was a soulsteel blade and a pair of silvery eyes. "Gyah!" He sat straight up in his bed looking around wiping the minimal crimson sweat from his forhead and sighs heavily realizing it was only a dream. He stretched and yawned standing and walking to the window where he watched the last rays of sun retreat under cover of the horizon. It was at this time where he was the most powerful. when the night had finally won the battle for dominancy and day had submitted for the following hours. His vampiric prowess and talents were at this peak in the first two hours and he knew it. A slightly malevolent smirk crossed his face as he bowed to the moon, his only lover and turned his back walking to the door. On his way out he strapped the sword to his side and donned his cape. he took one last gaze over the room and sighed slightly. they would be here the next night and he would keep moving. He had of course earned his share of enemies and friends but there was one he wanted to keep as much distance as possible. He pulled his cloaked around himself and moved away into the night. OOC: Just for people to know. my character has a morbid personality and an introverted attitude. i think the only person that could possibly play him just as good as me if not better is good ole' flynn. LOL!
Name: Alriy Age: Unknown Race: Human Dhampir(by birth) Decription: Alriy is a tall and strangely handsome man for his palor skin and lithe looking form. though he looked thin he is quite dense in mass weighing about 210lbs looking only about 150lbs. He has long white hair pulled intoa poney tail that goes over half down his back and brillian crimson colored eyes. His clothing consists of all black average quality travelling clothes slightly worn through and frayed and a long black cloak and hood. An unusual clasp holds the cloak around his neck. it's made of obsidian and has a gem that resembles a crimson skull in it. Bio: Days before Alriy was born his mother was bitten by a vampire, As she died in childbirth her curse was partially passed on to her child. His father sensed the curse upon him and fled leaving him to be raised in an orphanage. He had to escape from there at the age of 7 because of an incident where he frenzied and drained one of the other children of their blood. From there he grew up on the streets learning much about the things that go bump in the night. THis is the transition in which he will be learing of such things as the black market and darker magics which he hasn't learned yet. currently his "class" would be considered vampiric warrior. Weapons and or belongings: Silver long sword masterwork quality, padded leather armor, skull clasp(slight fear invocation enchantment), everlasting torch.
Name: Randy Robertson(His true name is impossible to pronounce in human tongue.) Code Name: Gravitonne or Grav. Age: 15 Gender: Male Apperance: Randy is tall and very thin. his skinn is pressed tight to his body due to his mutant ability. he kinda looks almost like a flesh covered skeleton. he has thin long red hair and somewhat sunken in green eyes. Though his appearance is somewhat ghastly if you get to know him he is quite a nice guy. Mutation/Powers: Manipulate, Control, and Create gravity and gravitational force/wingless flight. Originally From: Somewhere in the horsehead Nebulae Affiliation: Independant. Current Location: Saucer ship in cloaking in new yorks central park. The ship itself no longer functions except for the cloaked device. Known Family: Unknown. Personality: Kind and helpful person to his friends. Cold and vengeful toward enemies. Humans aren't the enemy, hatred for what they don't understand is. Biography: Randy was a scout passing through the solar system when he botched on his ship piloting and crashed into a satellite causing him to fall down to earth landing with a large crash into central park. he'd been there several years learning about humans and such finding out they weren't much different from his kind. He learned mainly what he needed too their general customs and government then entered their society. he told people he had a metabolism problem and they seemed to accept that. Not much is known about his child hood or about his home since he's an alien he doesn't like to talk about it to earthlings.
alrigth listen to me i'm most likely older than anyone that's posted on this thread. speaking from 23years of experience with dealing with peoples problems and such. It matters not if he thought you were asleep or not, or what you did the night before. he had no reason to think that he had any chance with you just because you were warming your hands on his neck. now if you were warming your hands in his pockets that would be a different story. You need to tell him how you feel right away before it gets to far. if he doesn't listen then you need to tell an adult. it doesn't matter what other people think of you. would you rather be safe and teased or violated and left alone? That's something to think about. PS-I mean no disrespect to any other person who's given advice to her on the boards. it's all very good words of wisdom to follow! ^_^
Name: Agent Smith Allegiance: Smith Clones Weapons: whatever he pulls out of the information base and a broadly extensive array of martial arts styles and kata's. Position: Renegade Program/Virus Bio: The leader of the trio of agents that include Brown and Jones, Smith has a hatred for human life and sees the human race as a virus. Smith makes a deal with Cypher in order to get to Morpheus. After Morpheus is in his custody, he attempts to get codes to the Zion Mainframe, hoping that the destruction of Zion would mean that he would no longer have to be a part of the Matrix. Smith kills Neo after his rescue of Morpheus, but Neo rises again as the One and destroys Smith. He is then supposed to return to the source to be deleted, but in a phenomenon resulting from Neo's jump into Smith's body having something to do with their code getting mixed, Smith no longer felt the need to obey orders. He now multiplies as a virus, taking over more and more hosts inside the Matrix, with one purpose in mind: To destroy Neo. One of his host bodies was that of the rebel Bane, who he sent back into the real world with Smith's mind.
Randy looks at Serna and smiles slightly leaning in and giving a whisper. "Hey serna. how about you and me catch a movie today if your not doing anything?" He stops and leans back looking at her reaction and smiling when her eyes light up and he thought that the statement alone might flatten her. "Of course i'd love to go!" she replies and smiles at him as he stands putting his things away and nodding at her. "Great! I'll go to the computer room to go look at movie times..." he gets up and leaves the room whistling a happier tune than when he woke up this morning.
[i]Randy blinked and smiled at Paper and nodded remembering something as he blushed.[/i] Grav: Ummm. I just remembered it's saturday you can go back to bed if you want. Paper: (laughing) I'm awake now. there ain't no going back to sleep for me. *smiles.* [i]She gives him a playful pat on the shoulder and they walk down into the kitchen when lance is currently cooking breakfast. he went to the fridge and poured himself a glass of milk then turns around to address the younger people.[/i] Avalanche: Good morning kids. Paper and Grav: Good morning Lance. Avalanche: I hope you slept well. Paper: That we did, even if i did get woke up early. Grav: Come on! you would have slept all day! Paper: So what. Grav: Oi... oh well. so Lance, what's on the schedule for today? Avalanche: oh nothing much really, just make sure your homework is done for school and possibly do some one on one training or small groups. Grav: Sounds like fun. Avalanche: Good. [i]Lance smiles at them as he places the food at their table. the two immediately begin to eat.[/i]
Name: aisukyuubu(Aisu for short) Age: Unknown. thought to be several hundred though. Race: Ice-Jin Character your Replacing: Freiza Signature Technique: Death Ball, Transformation. History: As the strongest being in the universe during his time, Frieza is solely responsible for the destruction of Planet Vegeta along with almost all of the Saiya-jin race. After he hears about the dragonballs, he travels to Planet Namek in order to wish for imortality. Appearance: Short non intimidating creature wiht horns sticking out of the side of his head. a few purple patches around his chalk white form on shoulders, chest and head as well as arms and legs. Also a very strong prehensile tail. Personality: He basically created the god complex. Nobody is better, stronger, smarter, faster, and over all more superior to him than anyone else. which is why he reacted so violently when he realized that the saiyins if allowed to live would some day overcome him. Powerlevel: 530,000 in his first form.