Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
[i]Morning's was not for Randy as he yawned loudly and floated up off his bed. He was happy that he was able to have his own room. the Brotherhoods mansion was barely big enough for the people thay had. He took a big smell of something good and smiled thinking lance must be making breakfast again, thanking god that Toad wasn't doing it. Shivering as he remembered last weeks tragedy of fly pancakes and french fried ants. He yawns again and rubs his eyes walking into his personal bathroom and getting in the shower. He wasn't in there very long after all he hadn't as much to wash as say... the blob. he chuckled thinking that as he got out of the shower and got dressed going downstairs. almost immediately after he stepped out the door he felt a strong breeze fly by him pushing him forward stumbling several feet until he lowered his center of gravity halting his movement. Muttering something about quicksilver and frowning but continues moving down to the kitchen for breakfast but not before stopping and knocking on Papers door to wake her up for breakfast.[/i]
well i just got a job so i'm going to start actually researching things. i think meeting in lansing would probably be the best since everyone knows where lansing is. I'll get back to everyone soon with a list of dates and times that we can choose from. ^_^ don't worry you'll have plenty of time to plan i probably won't do this until spring sometime.
Name: Randy Robertson Code Name: Gravitonne or Grav. Age: 15 Gender: Male Apperance: Randy is tall and very thin. his skinn is pressed tight to his body due to his mutant ability. he kinda looks almost like a flesh covered skeleton. he has thin long red hair and somewhat sunken in green eyes. Though his appearance is somewhat ghastly if you get to know him he is quite a nice guy. Mutation/Powers: Manipulate, Control, and Create gravity and gravitational force/wingless flight. Originally From: Michigan, USA. Affiliation: The brotherhood of mutants. Current Location: The brotherhoods manse. Known Family: Rochell Robertson(mother), Randy Christner(father) Personality: Kind and helpful person to his friends. Cold and vengeful toward enemies. Humans aren't the enemy, hatred for what they don't understand is. Biography: Unknown to anyone but himself. I'll let it unfold a bit as the game progresses.
[i]well now. this isn't something that Ratu expected. he blinked and for a moment panicked. He was falling. not only falling from a very high altitude, but falling toward a black swirling mass of unholy hordes. He did the only thing left to do, the only thing that was natural to him. he closed his eyes and brought his hands togather and began to pray.[/i] Ratu: Lord, merciful savior of mankind come to my aid. Lift me above the plane of mortals so that I may continue to aid thee in protecting your world from the blights of the dark ones and their minions. [i]Ratu shed a tear feeling selfish for praying such a selfish prayer again but he knew that if he were to do gods will he could not be dead. Once again a divine will surged his body. he felt the warmth of gods love along with his omnipotent presense. Kellnines eyes widened with suprise almost as a formless golden awning of power cascaded from his shoulder. He felt the energy gather around him and start to take form on his back. With a singly mighty flap the apparently translucent wings of holy energy felt very solid as it stopped his descent greatly putting him on a glide forward. He blinked in suprise himself as he willd the wings to carry himself back up to kellnine's location. As he approached, she blinked and backed up slightly her voice showing the slightest bit of awe at first but it was quick almost as soon as she made it apparent that a mortal was not supposed to be able to do such things.[/i] Kellnine: How did...? Ratu: God's grace.
max: midland mall? is that in lansing or something? O.o Adahn: Ummmm. I don't go to school i'm 23. but I graduated class of '98 from spring lake high school.
Original and interesting! i gotta try! lol ~Sign up~ Name: Zanzabar Reese(friend) Age: 16(11th grade) Gender: Male Appearance: Zany, as his friends call him, is five feet and eight inches tall weighing in at about one hundred and seventy-five pounds. He has long white hair all the way around that's pulled into a ponytail down the middle of his shoulderblades and nearly glowing pink eyes. He's usually seen wearing a pair of faded black jeans and a black band shirt most likely slayer or slipknot. When it's colder out he'll put on long john's under the jeans and throw on a black system of a down hoody on. Also a pair of dark sunglasses since he's sensitive to light being albino. Weapons: Marine issue hunting knife sheathed under the fabric of his left pant leg and A long bycicle chain which he had metalworked(most likely welded himself) spikes onto it. Race/Nationality: Albino caucasian Attitude: Somewhat introverted and anti-social but very nice to his friends. To his enemies he's sarcastic and pessimistic because they are likely stupid and ignorant anyway. Bio: Zany had lived in this town his whole life and had made friends with everyone in elementary school but as time went by and friendships went bitter so did he. He turned to books and educational television to keep him company. He even skipped 6th grade and hopped right into middleschool. That's when he really started being alienated. Not only was he a really smart kid, but he was pure white in skin with pink eyes. That would be enough to wierd any young teenager out. They alll picked on him but he just ignored it. In high school it was a bit different except for the fact that some people finally were able to talk him into opening up and standing up for himself(the stereotyped friends), so he did. The next time he was teased by a jock he pulled his bycicle chain from his locker and choked the student until he passed out. of course he was put on probation for several months and given a weeks suspension, but he was never teased again. Until the new calculus teacher came to school. She always had her eye on him and every time he gave a correct answer her eyes narrowed. Finally a day came where she held him after class.. the next thing he knew he woke up in the hospital with 2 slit wrists and a concussion. That's when he knew that she had it coming.
[i]Ratu's eyes widen as he becam cognizant of the third shadow descending upon him. Everything had been happening so fast he hadn't even had time to sort out his memories. His body, mind and soul aligned through the frustration and suddenly a huge surge of stress energy course out his body as his eyes suddenly shifted to a brilliant silver. His body tightened as he put his right hand up in the air and braced the wrist with his left hand speaking in a language unknown to both even Ratu and Kellnine. Though kellnine didn't quite understand the chanting she understood the nature of it as she felt that stress energy shifting into destructive force being drawn into a brightly glowing silver miasma at the end of his hand. this power was not as pure and holy as the rest. It was drawn from his negative emotions yet powered by his faith in God. He took all of his frustration, anger, stress and transformed it. Altering it's existance into something else he glared up at the flying death falling down upon the airborne angel.[/i] Ratu: Dark spirit from the netherealm, enjoy your trip to oblivion! Annihalate! [i]Kellnine's E.S.P. kicks in when he starts talking in english and her eyes widen. She kicks her body into a hard right roll as the cone of annihalation swirls out of his hand like a silver and black tornado. The diving abomination did not have time to get out of the way as it was forcefully brought into the danger zone slowly ripping the creature asunder from the soul out. Ratu could do nothing but hold the cone in place though for he knew if he just let it go wild he could destroy alot more than he wanted to with it. finally the creature emitted it's last unearthly cry to it's demonic masters and the noise cut off. At that cue the ex-priest withdrew the magical energy and concentrated hard on turning it back into negative energy which he then grounded through his shoes on the ground. He then ran up to kellnine to make sure she was fine. Before he could quite speak though she cut him off.[/i] Kellnine: I'm fine but we may be having company soon. Ratu: What do you mean? [i]The woman angel pointed up at the sky as it started to darken. The dark clouds filled with aura's of crimson and just like a madman would, Ratu started laughing.[/i] Ratu: God in heaven!! don't they ever quit?! We must be on to something.
lol well i live in western michigan. more appropriately ottowa county. My aim account is Paradox Wish. if anyone wants details on the "shindig" as you all call it you can send me a message there if i'm online. ^_^
[i]He approached her as she dropped to her knee recovering frmo such an expenditure of energy as to seal a portal made by one of the 3 prime evils. He placed a hand on her shoulder softly and and formed the words like an old friend.[/i] Ratu: Are you alright? Kellnine: I'll be fine. Just a little tired. Ratu: You look a little pale. Kellnine: No worse than what you've seen me before. Ratu: Yes.... I guess your right. [i]At that last word their conversation was cut short by a bellowing from the other side of a set of huge double doors. They both turned and looked at the door sharply just in time to see it burst open and several hulking figures charge through the dust and wood shrapnel. They were things similar to what could be considered ogres if it wasn't for their reddish tint to their skin and lack of actual eyes. He knew instantly they were demons though and wasn't sure if she could fight them in her current state so he stood up and faced the beasts.[/i] Ratu: Alright, let's dance. [i]The demons let out a roar of their own in response to him and started to charge. He instantly pulled out his uzi's and opened fire on them, the bullets ripped out of the barrel humming with holy energy as they tear into the creatures bodies but it only seemed to slow them down. he blinked as they got just within range to do swing with their massive ham fists when he dove between one of their legs.[/i] Ratu: That all you got?! [i]The holy man did a roll and lept to his feet spinning around as he prepared himself. He drew his hands togather and dipped into his coat drawing his sword and dragging the sharp end of the blade up one of the ogres backs opening it up. Even cutting through the ribs as though they were made of paper spilling the innards of the monster from behind as it fell over dead. It took even a second for the other dumb demon to figure out what was going on in which gave him just enough time to start chanting. He knew the spell was easier if he used his own sword and since there were no other demons he could use it safely.[/i] Ratu: Divine source give me power. Take my sword and place it to it's end. C'Tans Sword! [i]The blade in his hand flickered then faded but even as it flickered out when the ogre feind started to turn around the blade started to appear in his head as it finally dissappeared it appeared fully placed inside the ogre feinds head. The best roars in rage and starts to run forward not even aware of the fact that it's dead yet until it stops and blinks, the blood runnign from the now open wound as it falls face first pushing the blade up by the blade the hilt sticking out of th e back of it's head. He looked over at the angel as she got up and looked at him.[/i] Kellnine: Good one. Ratu: All in a days work. Kellnine: Now maybe we should get out of here before mommy and daddy get back. Ratu: (eyes widen) There are bigger ones? Kellnine: You have no idea child. No clue at all. [i]Ratu simply nodded and picked up his blade walking towards her and let her take him in her arms as she walked over to the cliff and fell off the edge taking flight.[/i]
I would like to organize a gathering of otaku's in michigan. if you life in michigan, can get to michigan and want to either attend teh gathering, assist in the planning or have ideas that you want to send me then please be my guest!
OOC: Sorry it's gonna be short cause i gotta work in the morning. [i]Ratu looked up at the angel as he sheathed his sword and placed his weapons back into their holsters and nodded slightly biting his lip. As he searched for the words to say he smiled slightly and opened his mouth. The words formed in english but with a slight french tone to it.[/i] Ratu: Father Thomas always said I had impeccable timing. Kellnine: He sounds like a wise man. So where were you headed? Ratu: (with a firm nod) That tower. I heard there was a portal there and i was looking for a way to close it. Kellnine: Well I may be able to help. Lead the way. [i]He nods and headed toward the obsidian spiral.[/i]
[i]It was well into the afternoon before he saw any form of activity. A few forms moving around in the distance to far to tell if they were civilized or undead. But he knew for a fact they were definetely not demonic. He could close his eyes and practically sense a demon from a football fields length as long as they aren't hidden. As he got closer his expression grew quite grimmer. He noticed that his morbid suspicions were true. He could tell by the way they moved that the bodies of men were no longer living. The shambling cadavers smelled Ratu's living flesh and turned in his direction groaning as they shuffled limply towards him.[/i] Ratu: Poor souls. I just pray that their souls have found piece before their bodies were defiled. [i]He pulled out his handguns and started picking them off one by one. Bullet after bullet they dropped but they were too many and he was slowly running out of bullets. He started moving back when suddenly he heard a sound he dreaded quite possibly more than a horde of eternally flesh hungry zombies. The sound of two empty handguns clicking while being surrounded by eternally flesh hungry zombies. He put his guns away and drew the sword as he started to cut into the walking corpses. then the first swipe landed on him, gouging flesh from his arm, blood slowly oozing down his forearm. He yelled in pain and jumped back calling out to god in desperation instead of prayer for the first time. he was actually faced with death and he was afraid.[/i] Ratu: Lord! If you hear my cry come to my aid! Nothing have i ever asked for myself but this one thing I beg. Assist me so that I may continue to serve you on this earth! [i]He cried out the words in a desperate prayer begging for something to answer...... And it did. A brilliant light descending from the sky. Wings outspread as the holy miasma descended upon the hoards causing them to scatter lest they burst into flames of purification. many not escaping the light as the angelic being landed. She turned to face the young man as he held his sword his eyes shut his cry simply reduced to a fevered whisper as he prayed for help over and over. Even that though eventually faded as he basked in the holy light of the angel still not quite realizing that he's no longer alone... until his eyes open. The angel takes a step forward and smiles at him as the words form at her lips. Words that existed as much more than just simple sounds. Words that were as beautiful as an orchard of the finest flowers and smelling just as sweet. Words that he felt wash over his body soothing him to his very soul. Words that were as much meaning as emotion, and idea. He took a deep breath as he simply let himself fall to his knees.[/i] Kellnine: You should be more careful where you walk.
[i]Ratu awoken in the back pew of a delapidated catholic church. though no more priests live there he could still fell the safety of God in the ground and walls of the building. He stretched and yawned slightly pulling his leather jacket tighter about his body to try to hold out london's brisk morning breeze. Silently the young man consumed what litle food he had on him and got ready to go. As he walked out the door he stopped at the cross and said a short prayer.[/i] Ratu: Lord, As I leave your house once more I search for a light. A single path of hope left behind for me. For my kind. I pray to you ever vigilant lead me to revelation and help me bring salvation back to the Earth. Amen. [i]He dipped his middle finger into the holy water and dabbed a drop on his forhead and chest in the traditional catholic cross pattern before stepping back and taking a deep breath. He looked at the chipped and nearly broken doors before he stepped out into the streets looking both left and right before continuing into the early day light.[/i]
Name: Anje Deju Age: 332 (endless life span) Race: Mystic(looks like human with blue blood, ki enhanced blood and increased physical attributes) Character your Replacing: Master Roshi Signature Technique: Kamehameha Wave(aka turtle crusher). History: An ancient and wise master of martial arts, Anje has accumulated great power and knowledge. Because he has lived for countless years on a deserted island with only a turtle for a companion, he is also called the "Hermit Turtle". His home, the Kame house, continues to serve as a gathering place for the good guys. Although he may appear strange, frail and harmless, Master Anje is indeed a great warrior. He originally trained Kakarot and Gaul when they were young boys and taught them the "Kamehameha", a power which is channeled through the hands, creating a wave of tremendous power that can destroy mountains. The first earthling to ever understand how to nurture and control the Power of Light, Anje trained Kakarot and Gaul in its use. Master Roshi also trained Ox-King (Chi-Chi's dad) and Grandpa Gohan (Kakarot's adoptive grandfather) years ago. Appearance: He is very old, completely bald and has a long, white beard. Personality: Men: Always cool and calm, judging them by their power and their personality..... | Women: If they are beautiful he ogles them and constantly flirts even if they say to his face they aren't interested. Powerlevel: 139
I stand corrected. thank you all and good night! i'll be here all week! *doesn't wait for standing ovation.*
I just have one short message to say. Someone on this board said that jesus was the parachute on this crashing plane of a planet. Well there have been people that have survived sky diving at 20,000 feet after the chutes didn't work. It's all about faith........ Or fear.
If you had supernatural powers what would they be?
Heartless Me replied to Max's topic in General Discussion
Well i'd have to say my most favored ability would be that of complete and total biomanipulation. kind of like carnage only even extending to other people instead of simply ones own body. -
Actually it's not GAKUTO It's Gackt(it's pronounced gakuto) and it's not just a celebrity it's a very popular J-Rock band. ^_^
Race: Human Name: Ratu Leinrosen Age: 24 Sex: Male Appearance: Tall, semi average looking but has brilliant silver eyes and long jet black hair. his skin is somewhat pale and his body is thin yet highly toned. Location: Weapons: 2 9mm's, 2 uzi's, 1 long sword, and A Chackram, All of which have been blessed by a priest and cleansed with holy water. Skills: Dead Eye-Uncanny Accuracy with ranged weapons. Powers: C'Tans Sword-The power to materialize a sword into a targets head. Only one way 2 ways to prevent. The first is if the target doesn't have a head. Spells: Heal Self-Pretty self explanatory there, also restores tissue and bone... Annihalate-Creates a cone of purely non elemental destructive magical force that renders from reality anything in it's path. the only ones who have been known to resist this have been the engels in heaven or the prime evils. Short Bio: Ratu was dropped off one night infront of a church just outside of paris france. There he was raised by a convent orphanage becoming quite the fanatical priest. He was often visited by "angels" and had "Divine inspiration" like prophesies. Others thought him to be just a little insane, but the day the sky ran red with blood and the prime evils walked the earth, they believed him. even until their last breath they believed him. Now he is the last of his convent. To this day he hunts the demons. Honing his skill and thinning the ranks of the undead and demons until he is ready to face the lords of evil themselves.
We begin this game by watching a movie of the view of Lake Turkana Kenya in 20xx A.D. In the campsite... Dr. Masuda: ...Thanks. Concentrate on the northern cliff tomorrow. The ground there is hard, so be careful when you dig. Citizen 1: Yes, sir. Citizen 2: Doctor! Dr. Masuda! Dr. Masuda: What is it? Did you find something? Citizen 2: Yeah. We followed the corridor from the lakeside. It matches the location described in the research paper... Dr. Masuda: That must be it! Good, show us where it is. Dr. Masuda and the two citizen proceeds to the area where one of the citizens told Dr. Masuda what he wants to show him. Citizen 2: It's different from the others. Dr. Masuda: I knew it! In that spot... Citizen 2: It's over there. Dr. Masuda saw some strange glyph on the ground. Dr. Masuda examines it. Dr. Masuda: This must be...! Dr. Masuda places the tile in the empty slot on the glyph and suddenly, futuristic industrial things appeared out of the water. The area is shaking as everyone panics. Then the Zohar appeared and a beam of light was shown above the Zohar. Dr. Masuda: That light... 4000 years later, the actual game begins here in outer space as the intro credit appears. In the Woglinde, the people are using their computer to work on KOS-MOS. Shion Uzuki sits in the red virtual memory seat with the virtual view near her eyes. The monitor shows Shion being examined. The Zohar is floating in space out of nowhere. Shion looking into the virtual vision scope is preparing her task. This is not the story of shion and her companions however. this is a story of the history of what happened to the earth. Noone knows what happened in that 4000 year gap. Until now. See these are the ones who lived that time and this is the story of their quest almost doomed to failure. Note: You can play Dr. Masuda, but pm me first with reasons why you should be allowed. Here is what you need to sign up. Name: Age: Race: (human, cyborg, android) Class: Mech: (may only have if your human) Appearance: Personality: Bio: There are six slots available besides myself. i hope i get alot of sign ups.
Name: Ratu LeinRosen Appearance: 6ft 2in tall, very thin, wearing all black almost noble-like archaic looking clothing with a long black cloak and a pointed black wide brimmed hat. Age: Unknown. Weapons: Twin Katana's enchanted to steal the souls of those it kills to add to it's power. Spells: instinctive combat mantra, and sword activation spell. Bio: Very little is really known about the being known as ratu. Some thought him to be a nobleman, others a tyrant. the truth had been long lost in time and his own amnesia. The facts are he was originally a cruel and wicked man and also a master of the dark arts of necromancy. He was eventually defeated by a group of heroes but though they tried they could not simply kill Ratu so they all used their most powerful magics and other powers to wipe the mind of ratu leinrosen. Even though however his memory was lost to him, his soul was still tainted by the power of necromancy making him forever sensitive to the presense of the udnead.
It wasn't before long that a voice was heard echoing through every room in the house, that would dictate to an extensive P.A. system with a speaker in every room and hallway in the house. the voice was calm and collective. very polite and proper. "would all contestants please come to the dining room. dinner is served." when they got there they would notice a middle aged man sitting there behind a plate and a glass of sparkling wine. the table was filled witha feast of food and there were enough plates, glasses, and chairs for everyone times a few. A warm smile came over his face as he looked at the rag tag of people. "Good evening my friends." Dig in. and in the morning i will clue you in to the contest.
The ferry sat awaiting the sixth and final member of the contest for an extra hour, when she didn't show, the boatman finally pushed off and headed toward the castle in the middle of the lake. It was quite late in the afternoon and they believed it would be near dark by the time they had actually reached the castle. It was visible from the shore, but barely. A distance only a marathon swimmer would want to trek and they wouldn't want to if they knew what swam in those waters. OOC: There it's not much of an opening but it puts all the players isn one spot for social interaction before they reach the castle.
it's up check it out!!!
Alright after much consideration I have decided to invite the following applicants to my RPG. If your name has not been chosen I apologize there were quite a few good ones and the choice between some of you was very difficult. Those chosen are: Wolf Maximas(Aorashi Fuku) Avalon(Isiona Ley) KCC(Taini Malcoll) KnightoftheRose(Corey Roos) Raiha(Dr. Luyii "Trance" Megelani) Shinkoru(Namida Amano) Congratulations to those whose sign up's were chosen and watch for the adventure forum for the start of the RPG!