Heartless Me
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Everything posted by Heartless Me
First a few short opening rules. 1. There will be 7 slots available total. one being taken up by my character so six applicants will be chosen. 2. This rpg is non combat based. That means there should be little to no combat situations in it. Also no magic, psionics or otherwise. This is a real life type rp. 3. I will be choosing people by description, uniqueness, and grammar/spelling. 4. The actual killer will be one of the main characters chosen by me just before the roleplay actually starts. Now the story... Dear _______; I am very pleased to announced that you have been cordially invited to a midnight mystery contest. The contest will not be easy but the reward will be well worth the effort. Six others have recieved this piece of mail and six others have been offered the chance to reap in the grand prize of five million dollars. The location of the contest is Castle Destro in the middle of the beautiful calm Lake Luna. The Ferry will be leaving at seven late afternoon sharp to land at the castle. I hope to see each one of you there and again.. Congratulations. Sincerely; Count William Destro Character sign ups Name Age Appearance Personality Possessions Background Outstanding Qualities Other Notes
*shakes head.* that's not funny, just stupid. no offense.
This is one i wrote a while ago. please don't laugh... _____________ Dark Eyes Dark Eyes meet, Their hearts connect two bodies become as one souls entwined. Fire is a passion Burning deep within Immolation of impurity love comes concecrated Destiny foregoes itself One entity dividing again. Love now guides the way to another pair of Dark Eyes. Days turn to months A young woman prepares as a new story shall start soon a story of love, happiness and compassion A dark moonless night, bad omens Shots ring through the night one story has ended her tears flow like rivers A bright hospital room She screams his name but he is not there Another tinier cry answers her Tears of joy, he lives through her heart Dark Eyes Reborn.
OOC: It's not much but i dont' have much time. _____________________________________ I looked at everyone watching their reactions as i was basically ignored and sighed slightly. maybe i'd have to find my own path, maybe i had to learn for myself what had happened. I got up while everyone was distracted and simply crawled away into a small room to think to himself for a while with the bottle he was given.
He didn't understand. he was almost positive that this was no ordinary explosion. there was the scent of sulfur from a bomb, there was shrapnel all over the place. He had to find something Daved: Come on, where are you? I need proof that this was not normal. I know this can't be normal. Then he noticed it just out of the corner of his eye, a small sheen from an object partially covered by debris and dirt. He blinked and turned his head looking at it and his eyes went wide. Daved: Could it be? He blinked as he approached shining his flash light directly on it. It was a feather, more so one like a dove. He approached it slowly then quickly his deductive reasoning took over. Not only did dove's not have such large feathers but he didn't think any white bird had feathers so large and perfect. Daved: Yes, exactly what i need! he takes the feather and puts it someplace safe where it will not be damaged or dirtied and nodded muttering something about a beer as he lights another cigarrette and walks out of the warehouse into the dark night.
forever is a long time when you are floating in a pile of dead bodies, I dont' know how many hours, minutes, or even days I was there before I felt a tug on my body and i was dislodged from the mound of cadavers and lifted carried somewhere. I floated in and out of conciousness as i examined where i was and who was carrying me. I blinked once or twice. I didn't recognize the one who called himself flynn but the girl did look very familiar. He tried to call out to ehr but he was to weak. his voice box did not make sound. The last time he was concious he saw he was approaching a semi large craft. He didn't want to go there but he was to weak to protest so he finally let his body lapse into deep slumber. ~through his dreams~ "Randy, this is your story. You have to write it now. It's no longer a program governed by the matrix. You now have the power to control your own destiny. Will you live or die? Will those you love meet their end or will you sacrifice yourself to them out of love or hate? These are all a part of who you are and the choices you must make." My eyes shot open and I instantly rolled over and vomited the contents of my stomach and emptied the fluid from my lungs at once letting out the most god awful gut wrenching sound and cry ever heard before falling over pulling myself into a fetal ball and sobbing helplessly.
In the darkness outside the currently empty Wayen's building there was a short lived red glow then a ring of smoke as Daved takes the last hit off his cigarrette and tosses it to the floor stepping out the cherry coal with the heel of his shoe. he looked at the building before walking forward to the door. Daved: Hmm. Good thing i got the key from the police. He pulled the small key from his pocket and unlocked the door. a smell of dankness and the tinge of sulfur left over from the explosion was in his nose as he walked forward. After a moment he took a deep breath and pulled out his flash light. Daved: Alright, let's see what we can find. He sais to himself flipping the on switch on the flashlight and doing his job.
I couldn't remember the first time i opened my eyes, or the second. all i remember is waking up in a puddle of sewage and body parts. I was naked, in pain, and alone. i went to feel my body but all i could do was curl up and cry wishing i would wake up from this horrible nightmare.... I don't know how much longer it was before i woke again. My body was cleaned and i was on a hill of junk with a metal bar beside me. obviously someone had pulled me out and cleaned me but at that point I didn't know and didn't care. I reached over, my body still in a dull pain because of having never used my muscles before, and grabbed the steel pipe from beside me. After many hours of walking, who knows how long, I finally came to a stop... a huge dead end infront of me. I sighed and sat down leaning against the wall wondering what has happened and what had become of me. First moment I was messing around infront of my friend mikes computer and then BAM! I wake up and i'm in this nightmare world. I sit down and start to cry in confusion.
I also would like to thank you for accepting my sign up carren. and yes i will make sure he is quite the gumshoe as far as paranormal investigation.
-- Mortal's Need Name: Daved Blayne Age: 27 Appearance: Daved is tall and thin and not overly attractive. He has short brown hair that is already thinning in the back, he hides it with one of his many baseball caps. He has big brown eyes, one of his better aspects though they are covered by glasses which give them a larger than life(almost anime) appearance to them. He is usually seen wearing a pair of khaki's and a button collared pull over or faded blue jeans and a plain grey T-Shirt. He has two scars down the middle of his wrists very slight though almost nonapparent from a time when he was sixteen he attempted to commit suicide... Bio/History: Daved grew up in a simple home, though it were only him and his parents they had never taught him about christianity, religion, or god or angels. His mother was a stressed and mentally ill woman and his father was an abusive alcoholic. when he was ten his father had come home drunk and finally taken the revolver he held in his dresser and ended the misery of his wife and turned the gun on himself while Daved hid in his room asking anyone to help him, to save him quietly... But noone listened. He went through foster homes like a fish breathe's water but never stayed anywhere long, he was too opinionated and started showing violent urges much akin to his fathers. Finally he was adopted at age 15 and he was put on meds and made to see a psychologist. They had discovered that most of his violent tendancies where the result of nearly witnessing his fathers homocide/suicide and the many years of abuse with him. After many years of therapy they had helped him learn to supress his violence and let it ease out in more productive ways than physical and verbal outlashes. he finished high school with a decent grade average and got a scholarship to a university where he majored in journalism and minored in literature and writing. A short time after his graduation from college he hit a rock bottom in his life and attempted suicide though as he felt lifes grip slipping from him he could have sworn he had a vision. An angel appearing from heaven saving his life and healing his wounds to scars. From that moment on he had dedicated his life to the study and attempted proof that supernatural creatures such as angels really did and still do exist. Therefore he went from becoming an author to a sort of paranormal investigator and scientist.
Capernicus shakes his head slightly as he watches the whole thing returning from finishing off the mortals, he on the other hand had sustained some slashing damage but that was nothing that he couldn't fix especially with something nearby he could drain life force from. he focused his magical prowess into his maul as he ran forward. Capernicus: Raven Move! Raven: Huh? S**T! Raven lithely rolled off the dragons head as a few seconds later the maul came crashing down on its' head a loud crunching sound is heard as the dragon ffalls lifelessly to the ground, his maul draining the dragons life force as it leaves it's body but not it's spirit he'd leave that to someone less scrupulous than him. he used that life energy to then heal his own wounds. Capernicus: Damn dragons.
Name: Randy Age: Sorry i'm not between 15 and 21 so i'll put my age. ~23Yrs old~ Height: 6feet or 72inches/182.88cm Eye color: green Hair color: Bald currently but will have reddish hair. Life Bio inside the Matrix: Just your average high school graduate that never really went anywhere. somewhat anti-social. internet addict and proud of it though I only use it for the games and chat. Time of awakening: "Today" Equipment: My birthday suit and a large metal pipe he used to fight off
Suddenly there was a bright light on the back of Cap's eyelids, he had landed face up right underneath a small clearing in the forests canopy the sun's rays shining down on his face. he lifted his hand to his face as he rolled over with a slight groan. It took him a minute to fully gather his thoughts and sit up. He took a deep breathe and stretched his long bulging muscles as he let out a great yawn sounding more like a bear awakening from it's seasonal hibernation than a barbarian magi coming back to conciousness. He took a small survey of everyone around himself giving a slight nod to Raven. He knew the man of course, many in the realm of those who could affect reality to their will knew the one known as Raven. They shared a rocky friendship and an even rockier rivalree considering their polar elements. Then his eyes fell on Elsyan, looking over her lithe almost elven form and smiling. He met an elf.. once, strange creatures they were. Mainly hiding themselves from the mortal realm. He saw Raven near Alastuin and raised an eyebrow his eyes shifting to view mage sight, watching as he examined her aura. It flowed and ebbed like the tide. He muttered something in mage tongue the word for water and continued his examination. Finally resting on the girl by the forest, Sakura. Her aura shimmered with brilliant greens, browns, reds, and yellows and waved like blades of grass in the wind. he smiled slightly watching her calm aura for a moment before walking up to Xavier, staying clear from his wildly turbulent aura, he could tell something was bothering him. Capernicous: What's up Xavier?
Ummm they already have 2 kids. He's 18 and she's 19. And she's getting her tubes tied.
Red: we have to smoke through all this pot to get to one eyed willies ship to get the motherload. Yellow: Hey you guys! Green:(off the screen yelling from another room.) are you guys getting high and watching the goonies again?!
And now the newest member of Josie and the ***** Cats! hairball!!!!
my brothers girlfriend miscarried their child at 5 months. they named him Eric James. He will be cremated and there will be a small service for them. thank you for listening. you are all very good friends to me. Randy
Name-Capernicous Lund Element-Life Appearance-Six feet tall, Red hair that falls below his ears, Slightly inset deep green eyes, mildly broad face, arched nose, thin lips and a squared chin. His body is broad making it easier for him to carry large objects. His upperbody is large and muscular with prominant pectoral muscles and tightly chisled abs. His legs are thick and muscular right down to his ankle's with large feet at the bottom. He wears a pair of brown trousers and a white half shirt that is slit up the middle exposing part of his hairy chest. He also has a long scar going down the left side of his face as a memory of a past battle with an old enemy. Equipment-General travelling gear, A large maul spelled with an unbreakable cantrip and a lightweight enchantment. Bio-Capernicous grew up in a small village with not much education... There was very little opportunity or variety for career moves and his body was already tempered for a combat related lifestyle so he just became a barbarian so to speak. One day in a fight with a large garou it swung around taking off his arm with its massive jaws and something happened, his mind snapped and when he came to his arm was back on and there were werewolf pieces everywhere, since then he has striven to master his new ability. Strengths-Strength 2, Maul Proficiency 1, Intimidation 1 Weaknesses -Short temper 1, Appearance 1(looks rogue-ish)
Jesse put his briefcase on the table. It had been a long day. He tought in one of those inner city schools and though he loved teaching and enjoyed most of his students a few of them were making it very difficult for him. He had his life/health threatened and been propositioned for sexual favors for better grades. Of course he didn't bend or break. But he was wearing thin. He sat in his computer desk and looked at teh black screen reaching out with the slightest touch the screen saver flicked off and the blue background appeared with hordes of anime characters covering it.. he smiled at the screen and grabbed his headset. putting it on his head he relaxed and leaned back in the chair and moving the mouse over a small button saying "Enter the Azure Sea" and double clicking. the screen flickered blaack again and he closed his eyes letting himself enter The World.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]I agree with you WinterMute. It happened to me once in a tournement. I had played the kid several times that year and he told me after our close battle (I came out the victor by 2 life points) that he had built that deck to beat my deck and it center around going against my usual strategies. It was awesome to know that you were recognized for your playing abilities. Anyways my favorite deck of all time I let some one borrow and they've had it for aobut a month now. Its a combination of a sliver/sorcery/counter deck. I'm not sure how but I mixed that all in a 60 card deck. It is un-beaten so far.... 48-0 (Tourney games only) Alright sorry enough bragging.... And by the way attacking is a strategy in its own. You must figure out when to attack...when to use the creature's abilities. And there are many Green decks (mainly) that are centered plainly on attacking. No enchantments nor any other kinds of tricks. Although these style decks are normally thought of as newbie decks, but can actaully prove to be very powerful.. [/B][/QUOTE] Get ahold of me on aim ok? let's chat about magic i'd like to trade strategies with you!
Name: Maria Sanchez Character Base/Type: Little Hat Weapon/s: Black Powder Sling, Huge Wrench Appearance: short pretty mexican woman, looks to be in her early 20's, long very very thick black hair and dark skin, nearly black eyes. Sex: Female Category Two: Your Real Life Character Name: Jesse Baez Age: 23 Occupation: Computer Applications Teacher Location: Pheonix, Arizona Biography: He was born in Tijuana mexico and raised there until he was ten then moved with his family to Arizona. He picked up on the english language quickly and soon found a great deal of interest in computers. he was very good at it. So good that he got a scholarship to a very good tech school and graduated with honors, shortly after getting his teachers degree he landed a job at a local high school teaching computer applications. On his spare time he usually travels into The World and makes things happen. He was just recently introduced intot he world so his level is actually quite low. Personality: He's a nice guy in real life but his character is seemingly the opposite, rash and loud mouthed but it's just his way of releasing his pent up frustrations. Interests: He enjoys mainly computers and The World and teachign his students, nothing much more than that.
You go site James, your the man!~ ^_^
Does anyone know if pump it up is out for ps2 or even if they plan on making/releasing it ever? i like it alot better than DDR.
Ummm, Anime freak, no offense but there is a 75% chance that my sliver deck would tear your direct damage deck into the ground.... With my strategies you wouldn't get very far.
I play slivers! *jumps up and down drawing attention to myself.* There is to much stuff to coutner against it nowadays. You need to throw in counter spells and other creature protection shtuff to keep your slivers in the game.