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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. Heartless Me


    Damien entered the town in his car but for some reason it had died just shortly before entering, he'd figured it had to do something with the fog gathered on the motor or something strange. The place just gave him the creeps so he grabbed the crowbar/tire iron from the trunk and a small first aid kit and emptying the clothes from his backpack into the back seat and throwing in the map of Silent Hill he found and the first aid kit in the bag and throwing it on his back.* Damien: Damn, Hopefully I am prepared. Who knows when some wierdo comes crawling out of the mist and tries to mug me. Damien finishes talking to himself then he looks left and looks right and starts walking down the street. The first thing he comes to on his right is a small diner. Hopeing someone will give him directions he walks into the bar, though apon seeing nothing he shortly sighs and takes a slice of pie from under the dish and eats it as he leaves. out of nowhere his dead phone vibrates, though he remembered he set it on that gothic ringing pattern. He picks up the phone and speaks. Damien: Hello? Adrogynous Voice: Geeeeeeeeet ouuuuuuuuuut while you still can. Damien: Who the hell is this?! There is no response but the phone hangs up just in time to hear a growling from behind him. He turns around and steps back wide eyed at the half rotting dog that faces him, it's demonic shrunked eye sockets glowed red slightly through the fog. Damien tightened his grip on the crowbar as he prepared to defend himself when a semi-ruined car flew out of the fog and turned the dog creature into a speed bump. The car squeeled out it's breaks and a door opened. Man: Get in the car if you wanna live. Darmien hurries around and slides into the passenger seat. Damien: Who the hell are you? Man: The name is Rali. Damien: I'm Damien. So, how do we plan on getting out of here? Rali: Simple, we crash through anything that gets in our way. Damien: Sounds like a plan, go... Rali backs up over the dog with a few more thumps and bumps of the car then drives forward over it again heading toward the edge of town. On the way Damien watches out the window when they drive right past the hospital. His eyes widen as he sees a figure walking through the hospital on the second floor, the body almost seems to shuffle there and he remembers hearing clair saying she'd be at the hospital. Damien: We have to stop. Rali: What have you been smoking?
  2. Heartless Me


    Damien was driving down the road silently when his phone rang. He picked it up and smiled. Damien: Clair! Hey, how are you?! Clair: I'm good, are you close to Silent Hill? Damien: Yeah, i'm at mile marker 43. Clair: Good, when you get here I want you to get to get to the Hospital I'm off soon and I need a ride home. Damien:Alright, I'll pick up a map when i get into town. He heard her start to speak but as soon as he drove the car into the dence approaching fog the phone quickly cut dead.... He frowned slightly and continued on towards the town.
  3. Name: Zachary(Zack) Thompson Age: 27 Height: 6'1" Rank: [Your rank in the military] Weaponry: small pistol, a standard army knife, and a Remington M-1100 army shotgun. Bio: Zachary was born to one of the richest families in Raccoon City. When he was five years old he was shipped off to boarding school in europe. Living in england for so long he had actually adopted a bit of a cockney accent. Zack grew up in the school with no friends, noone to talk to and nobody to keep him in line. So with that, he became a trouble maker very quickly. He went through eight boarding schools and three military schools between england, germany, and america from the age of five to the age of eighteen. Finally upon his graduation he enlisted himself in the military which he already had a basic understanding of how it worked from being in military school. But this time he was serious about it. This is what he had chosen for his life career so there was no point in getting kicked out of it. He worked his *** off, his aim with a pistol was second to none in his platoon and he was able to perfect his speaking in german and finnish over the past nine years as well as becoming quite proficient in Aikido and Snake Style Martial Arts. Just recently he was enlisted to form a special ops team to go on a top secret mission to infiltrate and investigate an SOS call back to the united states government. The was just one detail about him. When he was on missions, he would never wear his uniform. It was too restricting. On the job he liked to be comfortable and since he worked so much better, his superiors didn't mind so much. Personality: Zack is a bit of a loose cannon, quite usually doing whatever he wants unless he's directly ordered by a superior officer to do otherwise. He's brash and overconfident but knows how to get the job done so he's usually aloud to get away with it. He doesn't care if you are male or female. he treats all evenly and if you are a woman and you are bad enough to hit a guy then you better be able to take a hit yourself. Description: just like the picture, minus the big arse pole arm.
  4. OOC: There are about four more people who signed up for this RPG who have yet to post. If they don't do so, their character will die before they start to play them and I won't allow the one's who haven't posted in any of my rpg's for a while. He was suprisingly quick in gettnig ready. His short hair made for easy preperation all he needed to do was wet it down and put a comb through it. He didn't normally sweat when he slept so he only showered at night. He had his school clothing placed out the night before so he just threw that on with some deoderant and he was out the door within a few minutes. His car revved right up as he turned the key into the ignition and pulled out... It was a nice sunny warm day outside. A good day to go to the beach he thought as he pulled out of the dormitory garage and started down the street. A short time later he found himself in a bit of a traffic jam. Zack: Hmmm this is strange. He picked up his cell phone and dialed, the other end picked up. Jesse: Yo. Zack: Hey man what's up? Where are you? Jesse: Right behind you. Zack: What the? His head turns back to see that P.O.S. corolla sputtering smoke from the exhaust from behind him. Zack: You ***, why didn't you call me before. Jesse: {{laughing}} Because it wouldn't be funny then! Zack: Jerk.... So what's up? Having fun? Jesse: Oh, loads.... hey let me call you back, alright? I had my girl on the other line. Zack: Oh, Gotcha... later. Zack hung up the phone and looked at the clock. 10:04, his heart nearly stopped.
  5. Why did the golfer bring an extra pair of pants to the course? In case he got a whole in one. Do you know how we know god created woman? Cause their still a pain in our side til this day! Why did god creat man? Cause she didn't think that woman needed three boobs or [spoiler]Cause a vibrator can't mow the lawn![/spoiler] *note* Yes I am a guy but oh well... it's still funny.... A blonde calls 911 and yells "help my house is on fire!" the dispatcher replys "calm down, how do we get there?" the woman on the other end makes an annoyed sound and says "Duh! Big red truck!" Do you know why so many blonde jokes are one liners? So brunettes can remember them? Do you know what blondes and brunettes have in common? They both hate rednecks! What do you call a blonde that died her hair another color? Artificial intelligence What do you call a single brown hair on a blondes head? Hope. How do you stop an elephant from charging? Take away his credit card. Guy on phone #1:Hey have you heard of the new click? Guy on phone #2:No what's that? *Guy on phone#1 hangs up.* That's all i can think of for now but i'm sure i'll have more later.
  6. Zach had been studying for nearly six hours now. It was currently three am and he knew he had to go to bed but he wasn't nearly done studying so he tried to keep going, but after the third dozing off he finally decided to go to bed.... he slowly put his books and things away and sluggishly hauled himself off to bed. As he layed there, his eyes closed but not sleeping his brain flashed. ~He was sitting in his car, it was 10:04 and he had class at 10:00. Zach had been waiting in his car for more than a half an hour. His patience wearing thin he watched the other cars as a way of getting by. The car next to him was an older ford tempo.. it was a rusy baige color and the rusy part isn't paint... there was a middle aged woman in the car with her younger son in the car. The boy was playing with several cars bashing them togather.... Suddenly a woman on a motorcycle zoomed inbetween the cars and Zach in his frustration yelled out something to the cycler and just as he did the radio jumped on with dead bodies everywhere by korn. He looked down at the clock again and didn't quite get to see what exactly just happened but he heard a loud noise and the sound of crunching metal, he did see however a dump truck exploding and flipping over landing on the two cars behind it crushing the peopl inside... the motorcycle swirves to avoid it but ends up on its side, going under a car in another lane, the helmet sticks on the cadillace converter under the car, the motor cycle going so fast that it rips the womans head cleanly off. After that a massive string of gruesome deaths occur, Zach manages to get off the road just before a Huge gasoline semi plowed through it, only to explode no more than ten meters further up. and just when he thought he was safe.. he started the car again. He was NOT going to miss an exam because of this, he woudl be back later to put in a statement with the police. The car started up but made a funny noise as the gasoline from the truck had gotten underneath his car... He had just enoughtime to give a look of pure terror and scream out as the car caught a spark and exploded.~ Zach sprang up in his bead in a cold sweat. He looked at the clock.. 9:00, great, the college was a half hour away, he wouldn't have tiem to take a shower... He grumbled something and went off to get ready for school. OOC: Sorry it's so short... I have to get to work maybe I lengthen it later.
  7. Alright..... It's good to go, i didn't get enough sign ups so everyone is in. *nods*
  8. Ok, I got one... Who owns the largest collection of malibu stacey dolls in springfield?
  9. Toshigoku is far from a newbie my dear friend Harlequin. Trust me I've known him over 4 years now. ^_^
  10. There is nothing wrong with that. You are who you are, you can accept it. and if you can accept it and others cannot then the problem is not with you it is with them.
  11. 1.) What thoughts or words come to mind when someone says, "Church"? A congregation. A place of worship. A place where people of like minded views and values gather to respect and follow a religion that has lasted several thousand years. 2.) Give two reasons why you don't go to church... One, I went to church for 11 years and I didn't feel like it had a big effect on my life. Two, I couldn't fit into any church that I went to. 3.) What qualities do you think a church needs to be a "good" church? Open Mindedness and Acceptance of other religions.
  12. So yeah, so i heard this elderly woman was preparing an artichoke somewhere in europe and it spontaneously exploded in her hand. That's some crazy stuff. The police investigated the remains of the vegetable and found no residue of anything that could have been implanted into the artichoke so it wasn't rigged to explode. the lady said she smelled smoke and then saw a spark, then it exploded. What do you think of this people. I thought it was pretty funny. But do you think that spontaneous combustion is possible in anything let alone vegetables and why?
  13. It was night. Xurial, who inhabited the body of a younger farmhand named Derrik was out walking down an old dirt path. He was thinking about where his life was taking him and wondering how he was going to get someplace better than where he is.
  14. Arikel was about to jump another baccus from behind when a large blow from a club throw him back several feet and landed on his but holding his gut and coughing catching his air as he looked to where that came from a tall man with dark skin and red eyes dropped the log and drew his sword. Arikel: S**t! Demon-Blooded! The man runs towards Arikel and starts to slash at him as the monk does everything he can to dodge/deflect the swordblows. Taking several hits to the arms and legs though nothing serious as he finally see's the opening he was looking for, his fingers suddenly shot out, pressing into the mans sword wrist. The demon blooded screams out in pain and anger as his hand opens spasmically dropping the sword and then clenches shut. Arikel smirks slightly and gets into his position. Arikel: Attack me now. Demon-Blooded: Surely. His foot hooked under the sword and he lifted it to his other hand doing a small display of his skill. Demon-Blooded: Oh did I forget to mention i'm not left handed? Arikel: I'm in trouble.
  15. 18 was out training with her husband krillan and their daughter when he felt goku's power. Krillan stopped in his tracks and looked off in the distance towards central city where capsul corps is. krillan: Did you feel that? Goku is back! 18: Yeah? So? Don't stop training, if you have any hope of becoming stronger than me then you cannot give up! krillan: R-r-right... they went back to their training togather.
  16. Death. It's everywhere yes. But what is it? A natural occuring event that cannot be stopped, only avoided? Or is it a sentient omnipresent force with a grand scheme of creation, deciding the fat of every living thing? Whatever death may be, it has a plan and when it comes down to it everything dies. but what happens when death is avoided? It creates a rift in deaths design. A rift that forms into a ripple, flawing the scheme. Others are allowed to notice and escape death's claws until it becomes to much. That is when death takes a more active part in the game of life, going back and t rying to work the rift backwards to the beginning of it all to seal it forever. Welcome to the Final Destination. Don't expect to live through this entire RP but it's not guaranteed you will die. It all depends on how well you write and roleplay your character. If you have seen either/both of the movies, then you will know well what this RPG is about. I will be choosing the 8 best sign ups to participate in the RPG. Character Sign Up Name Age Description(include starting clothing wearing) Personality History Vehicle(if any) Anything else of note Here is mine Name: Zachary Age: 26 Description: About six foot and three inches tall and 190lbs, short curly dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Wearing a pair of tan slacks, dress shoes, and a collar shirt. Personality: Kind of stuck up but nice to the people he knows well. A bit of a ladies man. Very strong in heart and stomach(after all he's in med. school.) History-He was born to a long line of doctors, it's basically a family practice. Growing up he took part in alot of extra curricular activities and sports like soccar and basketball. In high school he graduated with highest honors and a letter in basketball where he went to college at an ivy league university on a full ride for free. After getting his bacheleors in medicine he continued on to work on his masters in which he is in his last year. Vehicle-2003Mustang GT Convertable colored jet black. Anything else of note: Always carries around a pocket knife with him.
  17. Wow, I had no idea I would make such a popular thread! Thank you all for your opinions and views. I'm glad I was able to put up a thread that got so many replies. It's not often that I'm able to get a really good subject going.
  18. In my personal opinion it's our constitutional right as americans to wear what we want, it's our freedom of expression and nothing should change that, not schools and not other people. That is an oppression of freedom. I personally wouldn't wear the shirt no matter how much I dislike Bush(and I do dislike him), but she shouldn't have been oppressed by expressing her views and opinions, that isn't right.
  19. A few days ago, a student wore a tshirt to school with a picture of president bush on it. Below the picture it said "International Terrorist." the school staff didn't like it very much and they told her to go turn it inside out or go home. She went home. Do you think that they had a right to do that? Tell me why you feel that way.
  20. Name: (Human name-Derrik)Xurial Demonic Features: When he ascends to his demon form he looks more like a horrifying angel than a demon. With a golden halo that drips with blood, black eyes that if you look into them it seems you are looking into the depths of space, his skin is almost purple in demonic form and he holds a visible aura of dominance about himself. Apperence: He basically looks like the guy that plays lestat in The Queen Of The Damned Alignment: Neutral Twists: He hates other demons and feels it's their fault that this happened to him. years in the abyss also made him a very bitter person, draining all but the most necessary of emotions from him. Personalidy/Short story: Before the fall he was part of the angels who helped create the universe by Gods will. God had spread his will to all the angels and given them a purpose and Xurial was good at his purpose. After the fall he instead of becoming a scion of creation he became a tool of destruction. He was the second angel to ever truely destroy a another of his kind. Speical Powers: He needs the faith of creation to fuel his power so his main ability is to effect the minds of living things mainly with illusions but other things as well. also he wields a sword that once glowed with holy brightness but the eons in the abyss had diminished the sword to a darkened unholy husk of what it once was, though not nearly as powerful as it once had been, doesn't mean that it's not still a weapon powerful enough to erase a careless angel or demon off the face of the earth.
  21. Spawn, having lulled the demon Etrigan walked over to ice man and held out his hands. Iceman blinked kinda freaked and then relaxed ash e felt a blue glow overcome him and his wounds start to heal.* Spawn: Just a small thing i can do but it's very draining. Iceman: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Etrigan: So now that we are all friends, how do we put this worlds downward spiral to an end? Spawn: i'm not exactly sure, but i know it has something to do with malbogia. Etrigan: Who is this malbogia of whom you speak, surely a challenge and not someone weak. Spawn: He is the lord of devils. He is who made me what I am.
  22. Arikel was silent much of the way to the city. also eyes closed on the horse, almost as if he were meditating. He had been thinking of his life's events. It was almost night when Arikel spoke for the first time since they left the cave. Arikel: Do you believe in fate? both of the other humans look back at him for a moment not really knowing what to say but Orin speaks up. Orin: Why do you ask? Arikel: I've been thinking about the first battle with that baccus. Cador: Me too actually. Arikel: You know that scar on it's shoulder? I gave that scar to him in my younger days. He was in the squad of demons that destroyed my monestary. I've always despised demons since then. OOC: Sorry about such a small post. :(
  23. Name - Damien Geros Age - 26 Description - Damien is a large man, though not very muscular. Just kind of pudgey. He stands about six foot and three inches tall and has short brown thinning hair with a part down the middle and beautifully rich green eyes, one of the few good physical features about him. his face has small imperfections in it since he had bad acne as a teenager but it quickly cleared about the age of nineteen for some reason. His hands are strong and large and the palms are covered with callouses from his job of operating heavy construction equipment. When not working he normally wears a pair of slightly loose faded blue jeans and a blue button up dress type shirt. He'll also wear an old faded michigan state hat on his head. Personality - Damien is a pretty nice guy for the most part when people are nice to him, but he generally keeps to himself. He loves scarey movies so is never normally scared. He is a huge horror flick guru and can point out alot of things in real life that could relate to a movie that he's seen. He always carries his swiss army knife with him ever since he was mugged in NYC. He grew up to a single mother in Albany, New York. He never knew his dad, his mother told him that she had died. He never really had any friends in school because he was overweight and people basically singled him out, but the few friends he had he cherished. After graduating high school, barely, he applied for college but never went, immediately going into construction to work for his father. within a few years he had worked himself to a supervisor position and had his own house. Recently one night he was on the internet when he got an instant message from a random person saying her name was Clair. They talked for several months and had gotten very close. Finally one night he asked if he could see her and she obliged. They made plans to meet in her home town of Silent Hill since she was returning to see her parents for a week he could meet her there. He quickly agreed and when the time came he left for the small town in the middle of nowhere.
  24. Spawns green eyes narrowed as they pulsed with energy looking at etrigan. He didn't realize however that supermans form hand quickly ran around him and wrapped his arms around the hellspawns torso locking his arms down. Spawn struggled to break free but superman was just to strong. He felt Kel El's grip tighten and his ribs begin to strain when he had just rememberd a trick he used against the violator in a similar position. His eyes narrow as his body glows slightly. Supermans grip loosens just a little as he looks in confusement then suddenly he cries out in pain as huge spikes rip out of the spawns body and impale supermans arms right through also coming out of his back and shoulders driving deep into the former heroes body. blood and flesh fly outward as superman releases his grip and falls off of spawn, the spikes sliding out of him as he falls unconcious and maybe dieing. His eyes travel to etrigan battling it out with iceman and suddenly get's an idea. Maybe he will speak it's language and they can come to an agreement. Spawn: Demon, we don't have to fight. Is there a way to make this right? Etrigan: When you attack a man that fights for right, you reap what you so of Etrigans might. Spawn: No good has come from this man, He has taken grip of insanity's hand. Etrigan: But if a madman superman has become, then this whole world may become undone. Spawn thinks about this for a minute and raises an eyebrow though it's not easily seen. Spawn: If this world is going to be saved, this mad man must be slain. He is now a harbringer of powers dark and we all know his bite is worse than his bark.
  25. Name: 18 Appearance: tall and muscular with short blonde evenly chopped hair and piercing eyes. Bio: A creation of Dr. Gero but became freelance after the destruction of cell. Attacks: field goal kick, melt down Weapons: her hands and feet Other: vast reserves of ki and great fortitude.
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