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Heartless Me

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Everything posted by Heartless Me

  1. When Siren and Sil entered the activity room they would see a girl standing there.... They could tell she were from a latin background, most likely mexican. She was sitting there with a hand held video game and obviously having a hard time with it because every second she stayed on it she got more and more frustrated. Finally she just threw the game into the air and slashed at it with her claws, the game falling to the ground in french fry style pieces. The two girls look at the "bionic woman" and shrug and begin playing their pool game. Frustrated, Selene picked up her math book and started studying.
  2. Arikel looked among them all and smiled slightly, He was still holding the wound in his arm. Though it was still there and all the way through, he was no longer bleeding nearly as badly. Arikel: So what do we do now? Angel: Now...? We rest. Your battle was long and rough and we all need to save our strength. Cador: Yeah.... but it's going to take more than a night to heal our wounds. Xanthia: Yes, The old man's wound would take a month or more by itself to heal right. Angel: Don't worry about your wounds, I shall see to them in the morning. Arikel: Yes, I assumed as much. When I was a child, I have heard of many an angel very knowledgable in healing powers. Angel nodded slightly and then went to curl up and rest, using his wings as a pillow and a blanket and the rest of the group also gathered and layed out to rest for the night.
  3. I guess I"m lucky since I am out of high school but when I was in it, i was a NERD!!!! And proud of it! Now I've graduated to gaming nerd.... I'm so happy for me! :-p
  4. Arikel watched on as the battle raged between Cador, Xanthia and the Bacus. The younger two seemed to be fairing alot better after having being bathed in the light. Places where Xanthia normally would have been hit hard, She would dodge with much greater ease. Hits that would not even phaze a bacus from Cador actually nearly knocks the wind out of the person. Arikel looks on watching the battle, giving out small commands of advice that are crucial to the battle. After sustaining several words due to the duo taking his advice on such, the bacus becomes quite angered by the annoyance of the old man, taking the sword that was on his side and throwing it at Arikel as hard as he could. The old man went to dodge but he was to slow, instead of it piercing his heart it drove into his shoulder piercing out the back of his body imbedding it to the hilt. Arikel screamed in pain and dropped to the ground holding the hilt of the sword as he sobbed in agony.
  5. OOC:Due to inside request I'm instituting a 2 post per day limit so people can keep up easier, thanks.
  6. Arikel had not slept much that night. He had so much on his mind. What purpose did they all have to be there? They all had tattoo's of which none others can see. Each person seemed almost intertwined with another as though guided by fates own hand. He thought back to the things he said earlier. How he had attempted to woo a certain person with a few short words but why? He knew he had no chance. It was hopeless to try, or at least that was what he thought. He replayed the last few years in his head. Meeting with Kiria in dense forest of the far north. Saving her from the pack of wild loup garou. Befriending her and more, then learning that they were only meant to be friends. Traveling togather and working make the world better, seeing all the suffering and death. He wept silently to sleep. An undeterminable amount of time later he was roused by a slight rapping at the door to his room. He wiped the tear streams from his tired eyes and walked to the door opening it. There stood a silent Siren alone looking deep into Arikels eyes. She moved her lips to speak and when she did her voice was quiet, though strong. He could not help but feel his heart flutter when she spoke to him. Siren: Yes. Arikels eyes widen. He had so convinced himself that she would never be with him that all he could do is stand there in disbelief. She let an overconfidant let playful smile slip as she looks at Arikel with a beautiful wonder in her eyes. Siren: Well are you going to invite me in or just sit there and look at me all night? Arikel looked startled for a moment then snapped out of it. He moved to the side and allowed her to enter his room.
  7. Name: Arikel Firebrand Gender: Male Age: 65 Appearance: Pretty wrinkly and stuff, well fed, scarred face of course, slightly hunched back, walks with a cane and blind(having lost his sight just a few years ago which btw he has a seeing eye dog a german shepherd named Ahrimal). Personality: Very kind and intelligent having grown up in a monestary and been learned in many things. Usually quiet and reserved, only talks until spoken to. Occupation: Scholar/Monk History: When Arikel was born he was to an unwanting mother so in the middle of the night she carried the baby away and left at the doorstep of a large monestary where she knew he would be taken care of. And just as she thought, her son was taken in and raised. She saw him many times but he never saw her. He took an interest in arcane knowledges and such at a very early age. He studied many things of angels, demons, and mythical beasts. His knowledge was great but his life was sheltered, he denied his right to learn much of the art of defense in exchange for his scholarly studies. He only took upon himself to learn the absolute necessary for all monks to know. Upon the end of the chaos wars, the monestary was laid seige upon and destroyed, he was the only survivor along with several very old books(which i'll allow you to choose what's in the books). From there he traveled the world over imparting his knowledge to anyone who needed it in exchange for a night's rest and a crust of bread. ___________________________________ Arikel was in awe of the return of his sight, but he was not so stunned as to not pay attention to the battle with Xanthia, Cador and the injured Bacus. He caught the flash of silver in Xanthia's hand and yelled out. Arikel: Go for the wing joint! He was no good at actual fighting due to his age and limited training but he was very knowledgable and had access to a few tidbits on the weaknesses of the bacus back from the chaos wars. The bacus reached her a few seconds later and slashed but she ducked and weaved taking scratches on her shoulder as she swirved her body around the bacus' back and brought the dagger down upon the wing where it meets the demons back...... OOC: I'll let someone else decide if it hits' or not *cough* carren heart *cough* lol
  8. Name: Asmodeus Race: Vampyre Genus: Master Age: 3(since the testing)(originally was a human of 24.) Wpns: Claws, Jaws, Extreme strength, Vibro-Scythe App: Looks like a cross between Magus from CT(cloak and scyth and all) and the description of an average Scav. Bio: Created and engineered from the body of a 24yr old space marine. Somehow his mind survived the genetic alteration of human to Scav and he had escaped and now was trying to return to the humans to warn them of the Scav danger before it was too late. Little did he know how difficult that would be since he was now a genetically altered freak. His wife and two kids would hate him for what he was and the humans would try to kill him on sight if they found him. All this he decided on the way there, so instead of fighting directly with the humans he was going to be a lone gun, fighting and running where he can, weakening the opponants lines so that the Humans had a better chance of success.
  9. Arikel had been following the path for some time, his dog Ahrimal walking ahead of him making various sounds to warn him of larger than necessary obstacles. It was the middle of day when he felt his dog growling menacingly. His blind eyes gazing in the direction of the growl as he hush's his dog so that he would not give away their direction he walked quietly until he reached the scene. He heard Xanthia and the Cador speaking and heard the bet and sighed only silently wishing them good luck.
  10. Arikel let out a full throated laughter and looked at Arogyth nudging him with his arm. Arikel: Hey I never knew you were such a studmuffin. With this Everyone felt the need to laugh as well, well everyone but Arogyth who looked quite smitten. Arogyth: On second thought just let me kill him instead. Kiria walks up putting an arm around Arogyth and smiles widely. Her voice almost seems to be physically soothing to him as she spoke. Kiria: Relax and Have fun. We are just playing, notice how you are the only one not laughing? Remember the past is in the past, there is nothing you can do about it. Just look to the future. Nearly everyone nods in agreement with Kiria's words as they continue south. In time they come in view of a small cottage on the side of the path, the yard is large with many a chicken and a small pig pen behind the house. Surely this is the Abode of Kryas the witch. Arikel slows down and comes level with Siren and nepenthe and leans over and whispers something into siren's ear below nepenthes hearing range. Siren almost appears to blush but quickly regains control of her bodily actions before he smiled widely at her and moved back up to the front of the line leaving Siren to her thoughts, after what he told her, he knew she would have a lot to think about.
  11. Wow, I've read through this entire thread and My name does not pop up a single time! I feel unloved!!!! *cries.* Anyway, here's my list. Harlequin Ravenstorture Jesus Chicken Juuthena Raiha Raquel Final Flash Yoda Medra Dark_Apocolypse Darkorderknight lady asphyxia The Vampire: Ed Crazy White Boy Bremma And the other people, you know who you are! ^_^ And that's about it!
  12. OOC: In case none of you have seen Chrono Trigger this is kinda what Arikel looks like.... Ears aren't as pointy and skin isn't as pale though. [url]http://pacolyn.org./FF/Chrono_Trigger/people/magus2.jpg[/url] ___________________________________________ Arikel was roused by the rustling of foliage and Damien bursting out from the cover of the forest. Damien: Everyone up, we have to go. Arikel: Huh? What's going on? Siren: Almost as if sniffing the air. Greenskins in the air. Mostly likely ogres. We can't take them all we have to run. Arikel: Ogres?! Let's get the hell outa here! Arogyth: Walking up to the rest of them with Kiria. What's going on? you said something about Ogres? Arikel nods slightly and starts gathering his things along with the rest of the group. Nepenth: Their getting close, I can sense their tainted souls. Hurry up and get out of here, me and Siren will hold them off while you escape and catch up with you later. They nod and get their things togather quickly, hurrying to the south as they hear the sounds of battle beginning behind them.
  13. Heartless Me


    What can anyone tell me about the new Terminator movie coming out? I need info people!
  14. *decides.* maybe I'll play a female character.... *thinks.* ____________________________________________________________ Name: Selene Rodriguez Age: 15 Gender: Female Nationality: Mexican Powers: Lady Deathstrike Weapons: Katana History: Selene grew up in the heart of mexico city. When she was a child she loved to go to the stores and read the comics off the shelf, reading stories of superheroes and villains duking it out over the fate of mankind. Such stories always excited her. She wanted to be just like the heroes in the book, little did she know later on when actual super people started surfacing, her dream came true turned into a nightmare in the making. They were hated for being different and people who were kind to the mutants were hated by them as well. She kept her dreams to herself at that point for fear of being hated herself but still kept an ever vigilant eye out for her secret admirers. One day when she was out with her parents shopping she had unknowningly strayed from them. She searched for her mother, father and sister for over an hour but to no avail she found noone. Despaired she left the shopping mall and sat outside crying. She was so far from home and didn't know what was going on. As she sat wallowing, she was approached by two men that looked american and said they were sent by her parents to pick her up and take her home. Not thinking, only being glad she was found she got up and into the car. That was the last thing she remembers. The 3 agents(there was one in the care.) drove back across into the united states where they took her to a small unknown military installation. Now based on what Yoda allows, one of two things things will happen. either A.) They will give her a full cybernetic conversion turning her into a cyborg or Description: See link. (Add semi appropriate features to make her look kinda like a latina lady deathstrike, i.e. Long claws and cybernetic enhancements.) [url]http://www.outdoorgirl.net/Images/Models/Michellehead.jpg[/url] Personality: Scared and alone, very nice once she opens up, loves to talk and is incredibly intelligent but lacks common sense sometimes. Sweet Craig! I'll do my best to make your rpg a successful one on my part! :D
  15. OOC: PPL mind going just a little slower here? Making it hard for me to keep up with you guys. lol It was about this time that the mage had landed, having flewn from the lords house to the top of the hill where stood Siren, Nepenthe and Damien. He looked at each person in turn ending in the tall pale man. A slight intake of breathe resounds as he witnesses the wonder of the mark of the crow. He had heard of the rumors and legends of a man who claimed to bear the mark of the dead that only the spirits could see, whom death and misfortune followed behind his very footsteps. His stood there for a few moments speechless as the name came to his mind from places unknown. It was said that his true name was lost to all, minus the spirits of the dead for any whom he told his name to were surely doomed. Some how though his mind registered his name almost immediately as if he had known the man his entire life. The letters of the mans name cam from flowing out of his lips before he could stop it. Arikel: Damien... All three of them had looked, but only Damien stared at him so intensely before. Almost as if Arikels soul were being pierced by the emerald fires of hell, Damien stared through Arikels form. Damien: You speak my name with such imformality. Have we met before. Arikel: No, I don't think so. I just felt like your name was "given" to me. His eyes went wide as he noticed the tattoo of the crow thinking "so it is true!" You bear the mark of the crow. Damien: So you see it too? His eyes narrow slightly Arikel gives a slight nod and turns his back to the group parting his robes to show the grand design of the dragon on his back. Arikel: Tell me then, do you see the mark upon my back? Damien: I do... Spoken with the slightest bit of awe hidden by his mainly emotionless demeaner. Siren: Simultaneously with Nepenthe As do I. Arikel places his robes back about his body and lets out a long sigh then leans against the tree for a moment. He ponders a few things then when he notices eyes still upon him he opens his mouth to speak once more. Arikel: This is obviously a fated moment, when those who have markings that none other can see meet in one place. I think we were meant for greater things than what we are doing now. He stands and walks up to the group and simply looks on as he thinks in the deepest way, almost loosing himself into the endless ocean of possibilities before shaking himself awaiting words from the other people.
  16. Once Arikel knew that Kiria could take care of herself he turned to the fallen Arogyth. with a slight brush of magical release he urged the mans neurons to flare and him to wake up immediately. Arogyth intook a sharp breath of air and nodded a grateful thank you to Arikel as he turned to attend to other wounded using more non-magical needs.*
  17. Well I apologize, I should have been more specific. I guess it's my fault. sorry again. :(
  18. I was not stating I already had it, but that it would have come to him over time. I tried to express that there.... he never had it the entire time.
  19. Four star lady bug of ressurection. Lvl. 4 atk 800 def 800 attribute: Light Type: Insect Description: Flip: Return all monsters in all graveyards with 4 stars in it into the defensive face down position in play. If all slots are taken then the rest of the cards fill up the hand and overflow to the top of the library.
  20. He let the name play over in his head before his eyes widened with suprise. He looked at this woman and crossed his arms. Arikel: So you are the one fated to carry on her legacy. She only gives a short solemn nod and turned to have a quiet conversation with Siren. Arikel gives a slight sigh at this knowledge, almost sounding of pity as he turned to go aid Kiria with her injuries.
  21. Name: Ratu Leinrosen Race: Black Dragon-Kin(Can Morph Human) Age: 150 First Desired Item: The necklace of Darkness Second Desired Item: The sword of Longevity Bio: As far back as Ratu could remember he was born and raised a human by a human mother. He never knew his father but was told that he was a great and powerful man, strong in the ways of magic and sword play. He always looked up to his ghostly image of his super-dad but was always plagued by some unknown darkness that tugged at his soul. He tried to resist it with many years of martial arts training and swordsmanship tutoring but in the end he gave in to the darkness. His body ripped open showing his true dragon nature as he grew hellish black wings and his body became a mass of black scales and spikes. His eyes flared with a red that were matched only by the fires of hell itself. In his anger, rage, and confusion he laid waste to his village killing every person and reducing the landscape to cinders. When he came to he realized what he did and wept for many days. Upon the third day he finally came to realize that he held a necklace upon his neck, this necklace feeding him with it's dark power. He tried to discard the weapon but was unable to for every time he cast it aside it would amphoricate right back onto his neck again, the item was bonded to him. With a heavy heart he set about the world looking for a way to redeem himself. Since then he's learned to master his form and shift into either human or half dragon at anytime he wishes and may hold either on indefinetely. Unique Characteristics: Only son of a human and an evil black dragon concieved from true love. Has the inherent darkness of the black dragon but also has the spark of true love that was with his parents when he was concieved which helps him hold back his evil nature better.
  22. Little by little the numbers were dwindling, of course the heroes were sustaining damage but none that couldn't be ignored until after the battle. Arikel had scratch marks up and down his arms from being clawed at by the flesh eating corpses. Just when he thought he were actually getting somewhere in the battle, his sword extinquished. Muttering a short curse he grabbed his staff and moved through the croud of undead using it more as a defense than attack since he was a mage and used much of his energy with that sword, he was kind of vulnerable at that time for he knew for some reason he'd have to save his energy. As Kiria, Arogyth and himself all worked towards the center of town he became aware of Three other living presenses within the town. A man with a bow and what seemed like an endless array of arrows firing through myriads of zombies with a single arrow, and two women nearby one seemingly in control of a conglomerate construction made of shadow and the other he wouldn't have been able to tell if she was humanoid or not if it weren't for his mage sight for in the form she was in was not natural to his knowledge. He sent a wizard message out to all of the living people nearby, hoping that the overflux of undead energies will not disrupt the message and ruin his plan. He focused inward using Kiria and Arogyth to cover him as he gathered energy to cast the spell. A hush filled the air around him then a slight breeze encircled his body as he gathered teh wind that would carry the message. Then he carefully placed the message on each of the three winds he had gathered. AFter successfully achieving that goal he pushed the wind outward towards the three potential allies. Each person recieving theirs at the same time as the others, each hearing the same message. Arikel:(speaking into their minds.) Be thee friend or foe, fight your way to the center of town, I have a plan. After that shall we discuss our situations here. with that he put his concentration back into fighting off the undead that broke through his companions defenses as they fought their way to the center of the town where the hall of the nobleman lives. Arikel was quite proficient at the staff despite his magical prowess because the power of his magic comes to him almost like a second nature, he'd been able to use it since birth and yet he'd not gained much in power, he'd increased his knowledge and recourcefulness of magic quite a bit.
  23. Name: Yuugi Li Age: N/A Race: Biodroid(Kind of like Cell.) Height: 6ft 3in Description: Actually quite thin and lithe, but not to be decieved because he harbors a hidden strength that suprises many. He has short spiked black hair and slightly slanted ebon eyes and wears black tshirt and black leather pants. He has two holes in his hands where he uses them to absorb an opponants ki power temporarily. He has one blue eye and one red eye, the red eye allows him to see on the infrared and uv spectrums and the blue eye lets him see things happening at up to 50% more than his speed is. Personality: Very cold and calculated, not very emotional at all but does have a soft spot for children. History: Yuugi was made by a very secrective scientist looking for a way to keep the spirit of fighting alive but an earthquake sealed his cave so he was unable to escape. many years later during a meteor shower, a large rock from space came down and crashed into the mountain freing Yuugi from his natural prison. After travelling the world a time over he heard of "The Sanctum" and decided to see what it was about. Strength: 10 Defense: 15 Speed: 70 Ki (Energy): 5 Dorm V
  24. Name: Yuugi Li Nationality: Asian American Specialties: Martial Arts, Infiltration age: 29 weight: 190 height: 6ft physical description: Short black hair, ebon eyes, tan skin, toned body. Mainly wears all black clothing.. bio: Born in San Francisco to a japanese mother and an American father, mother was deported for being illegal alien and he grew up in Japan where he learned a myriad of fighting styles including 5 animal shaolin style and ninjutsu. After his schooling and martial arts training he joined the japanese military, after a few short years he was inducted into a secret service type area of the military for his extensive skills only to learn that it is a international branch of IEA. After getting promoted he was immediately shipped to england to the headquarters for further training. equipment: Katana, Wakisashi, Swordbreaker, reinforced 9mm with black talon slugs in the clip. languages: Okanawan(japanese dialect), English, Spanish
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